Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected override Vector3 UpdateTarget(RichFunnel fn)
        Matrix4x4 matrix  = this.graph.GetMatrix();
        Matrix4x4 inverse = matrix.inverse;

        Debug.DrawRay(matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(this.tr.position), Vector3.up * 2f, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawRay(inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(this.tr.position), Vector3.up * 2f, Color.green);
        Vector3 vector  = this.tr.position;
        Vector3 vector2 = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vector);
        bool    flag;

        vector2 = fn.Update(vector2, this.buffer, 2, out this.lastCorner, out flag);
        vector  = inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(vector2);
        Debug.DrawRay(vector, Vector3.up * 3f, Color.black);
        for (int i = 0; i < this.buffer.Count; i++)
            this.buffer[i] = inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(this.buffer[i]);
            Debug.DrawRay(this.buffer[i], Vector3.up * 3f, Color.yellow);
        if (flag && !this.waitingForPathCalc)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected override Vector3 UpdateTarget(RichFunnel fn)
        Matrix4x4 m  = graph.GetMatrix();
        Matrix4x4 mi = m.inverse;

        Debug.DrawRay(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(tr.position), Vector3.up * 2, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawRay(mi.MultiplyPoint3x4(tr.position), Vector3.up * 2, Color.green);


        /* Current position. We read and write to tr.position as few times as possible since doing so
         * is much slower than to read and write from/to a local variable
        Vector3 position = tr.position;
        bool    requiresRepath;

        // Update, but first convert our position to graph space, then convert the result back to world space
        var positionInGraphSpace = m.MultiplyPoint3x4(position);

        positionInGraphSpace = fn.Update(positionInGraphSpace, buffer, 2, out lastCorner, out requiresRepath);
        position             = mi.MultiplyPoint3x4(positionInGraphSpace);

        Debug.DrawRay(position, Vector3.up * 3, Color.black);

        // convert the result to world space from graph space
        for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Count; i++)
            buffer[i] = mi.MultiplyPoint3x4(buffer[i]);
            Debug.DrawRay(buffer[i], Vector3.up * 3, Color.yellow);

        if (requiresRepath && !waitingForPathCalc)

 // Token: 0x0600276A RID: 10090 RVA: 0x001AE518 File Offset: 0x001AC718
 protected override void Update()
     LegacyRichAI.deltaTime = Mathf.Min(Time.smoothDeltaTime * 2f, Time.deltaTime);
     if (this.richPath != null)
         RichPathPart currentPart = this.richPath.GetCurrentPart();
         RichFunnel   richFunnel  = currentPart as RichFunnel;
         if (richFunnel != null)
             Vector3 vector = this.UpdateTarget(richFunnel);
             if (Time.frameCount % 5 == 0 && this.wallForce > 0f && this.wallDist > 0f)
                 richFunnel.FindWalls(this.wallBuffer, this.wallDist);
             int     num     = 0;
             Vector3 vector2 = this.nextCorners[num];
             Vector3 vector3 = vector2 - vector;
             vector3.y = 0f;
             if (Vector3.Dot(vector3, this.currentTargetDirection) < 0f && this.nextCorners.Count - num > 1)
                 vector2 = this.nextCorners[num];
             if (vector2 != this.lastTargetPoint)
                 this.currentTargetDirection   = vector2 - vector;
                 this.currentTargetDirection.y = 0f;
                 this.lastTargetPoint = vector2;
             vector3   = vector2 - vector;
             vector3.y = 0f;
             float magnitude = vector3.magnitude;
             this.distanceToSteeringTarget = magnitude;
             vector3 = ((magnitude == 0f) ? Vector3.zero : (vector3 / magnitude));
             Vector3 lhs = vector3;
             Vector3 a   = Vector3.zero;
             if (this.wallForce > 0f && this.wallDist > 0f)
                 float num2 = 0f;
                 float num3 = 0f;
                 for (int i = 0; i < this.wallBuffer.Count; i += 2)
                     float sqrMagnitude = (VectorMath.ClosestPointOnSegment(this.wallBuffer[i], this.wallBuffer[i + 1], this.tr.position) - vector).sqrMagnitude;
                     if (sqrMagnitude <= this.wallDist * this.wallDist)
                         Vector3 normalized = (this.wallBuffer[i + 1] - this.wallBuffer[i]).normalized;
                         float   num4       = Vector3.Dot(vector3, normalized) * (1f - Math.Max(0f, 2f * (sqrMagnitude / (this.wallDist * this.wallDist)) - 1f));
                         if (num4 > 0f)
                             num3 = Math.Max(num3, num4);
                             num2 = Math.Max(num2, -num4);
                 a = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, vector3) * (num3 - num2);
             bool flag = this.lastCorner && this.nextCorners.Count - num == 1;
             if (flag)
                 if (this.slowdownTime < 0.001f)
                     this.slowdownTime = 0.001f;
                 Vector3 a2 = vector2 - vector;
                 a2.y = 0f;
                 if (this.preciseSlowdown)
                     vector3 = (6f * a2 - 4f * this.slowdownTime * this.velocity) / (this.slowdownTime * this.slowdownTime);
                     vector3 = 2f * (a2 - this.slowdownTime * this.velocity) / (this.slowdownTime * this.slowdownTime);
                 vector3 = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(vector3, this.acceleration);
                 a      *= Math.Min(magnitude / 0.5f, 1f);
                 if (magnitude < this.endReachedDistance)
                 vector3 *= this.acceleration;
             this.velocity += (vector3 + a * this.wallForce) * LegacyRichAI.deltaTime;
             if (this.slowWhenNotFacingTarget)
                 float a3 = (Vector3.Dot(lhs, this.tr.forward) + 0.5f) * 0.6666667f;
                 float a4 = Mathf.Sqrt(this.velocity.x * this.velocity.x + this.velocity.z * this.velocity.z);
                 float y  = this.velocity.y;
                 this.velocity.y = 0f;
                 float d = Mathf.Min(a4, this.maxSpeed * Mathf.Max(a3, 0.2f));
                 this.velocity   = Vector3.Lerp(this.tr.forward * d, this.velocity.normalized * d, Mathf.Clamp(flag ? (magnitude * 2f) : 0f, 0.5f, 1f));
                 this.velocity.y = y;
                 float num5 = Mathf.Sqrt(this.velocity.x * this.velocity.x + this.velocity.z * this.velocity.z);
                 num5 = this.maxSpeed / num5;
                 if (num5 < 1f)
                     this.velocity.x = this.velocity.x * num5;
                     this.velocity.z = this.velocity.z * num5;
             if (flag)
                 Vector3 trotdir = Vector3.Lerp(this.velocity, this.currentTargetDirection, Math.Max(1f - magnitude * 2f, 0f));
             this.velocity += LegacyRichAI.deltaTime * this.gravity;
             if (this.rvoController != null && this.rvoController.enabled)
                 this.tr.position = vector;
             else if (this.controller != null && this.controller.enabled)
                 this.tr.position = vector;
                 this.controller.Move(this.velocity * LegacyRichAI.deltaTime);
                 float y2 = vector.y;
                 vector          += this.velocity * LegacyRichAI.deltaTime;
                 vector           = this.RaycastPosition(vector, y2);
                 this.tr.position = vector;
         else if (this.rvoController != null && this.rvoController.enabled)
         if (currentPart is RichSpecial && !base.traversingOffMeshLink)
             base.StartCoroutine(this.TraverseSpecial(currentPart as RichSpecial));
     else if (this.rvoController != null && this.rvoController.enabled)
     else if (!(this.controller != null) || !this.controller.enabled)
         this.tr.position = this.RaycastPosition(this.tr.position, this.tr.position.y);
     this.lastDeltaTime = Time.deltaTime;