Ejemplo n.º 1
        public AppModel()
            CubeTransform = InitializeCubeTransform();

            FrontHand = LeapManager.FrameArrived
                        .Select(f => f.Hands.Frontmost)
                        .Select(h => h?.IsValid == true ? h : null)
            InnerProduct = FrontHand
                           .Select(h => h != null ? h.Direction.Dot(h.PalmNormal) : double.NaN)

            EulerAngles_org = FrontHand
                              .Select(h => h != null ? h.GetEulerAngles_org() : new EulerAngles())
            EulerAngles = FrontHand
                          .Select(h => h != null ? h.GetEulerAngles() : new EulerAngles())

            //Rotation = EulerAngles_org
            Rotation = EulerAngles

            .Subscribe(m => matrixTransform.Matrix = m);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public AppModel()
            CubeTransform = InitializeCubeTransform();

            var inclinometer = Inclinometer.GetDefault();

            if (inclinometer != null)
                inclinometer.ReportInterval  = 200;
                inclinometer.ReadingChanged += (o, e) => InclinationData.Value = e.Reading;

            var orientationSensor = OrientationSensor.GetDefault();

            if (orientationSensor != null)
                orientationSensor.ReportInterval  = 200;
                orientationSensor.ReadingChanged += (o, e) => OrientationData.Value = e.Reading;

            RotationQuaternion       = OrientationData.Select(d => d.Quaternion.ToQuaternion()).ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty();
            RotationQuaternionString = RotationQuaternion.Select(q => $"{q.W:F2}; ({q.X:F2}, {q.Y:F2}, {q.Z:F2})").ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty();

            // Rotation is represented by a matrix, a quaternion or Euler angles (roll, pitch and yaw).
            RotationMatrix = OrientationData.Select(d => d.RotationMatrix.ToMatrix3D()).ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty();
            //RotationMatrix = RotationQuaternion.Select(q => q.ToMatrix3D()).ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty();
            //RotationMatrix = InclinationData.Select(i => i.ToMatrix3D()).ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty();

            // An inverse matrix represents the inverse rotation.
            //.Subscribe(m => matrixTransform.Matrix = m);
            .Subscribe(m => { m.Invert(); matrixTransform.Matrix = m; });