Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void StopPlayRail()
     if (Rail.isPlaying)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    Tile FindNextTile()
        Tile       nextTile    = null;
        Vector2Int inDirection = lastTile.coords - currentTile.coords;

        Vector2Int[] currentRailDirections = Rail.RailDirections(currentTile.rail.type);
        Vector2Int   outDirection          = Vector2Int.zero;

        if (Math.Parallell(new Vector3(currentRailDirections[0].x, 0, currentRailDirections[0].y), new Vector3(inDirection.x, 0, inDirection.y)))
            outDirection = currentRailDirections[1];
        else if (Math.Parallell(new Vector3(currentRailDirections[1].x, 0, currentRailDirections[1].y), new Vector3(inDirection.x, 0, inDirection.y)))
            outDirection = currentRailDirections[0];
            Debug.LogWarning("!!!! ");

        Vector2Int nextTileCoords = currentTile.coords + outDirection;

        nextTile = grid.tiles[nextTileCoords.x, nextTileCoords.y];
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void StartPlayRail()
     if (!Rail.isPlaying)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    bool InitPlayerPosition()
        int index = 0;

        foreach (var rail in mRails)
            if (rail.Index == "0.5")
                mActualRail = rail;
        if (mActualRail == null)
        mActualIndexRail = index;
        mNextRail        = mActualRail;
        if (!Player)
            Player = Camera.main.gameObject;
        Player.transform.position = mActualRail.Points[0].position;
        mActualIndexPoint = mActualRail.Points[0];
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void BeginRailMotion()
     _railIndex         = 0;
     currentRail        = rails[_railIndex];
     transform.position = currentRail.BakedPoints[0];
    void CreateNewWagon(Rail rail)
        const float wagonCost = 10f;

        if (Player.score < wagonCost)           // check if enough money
            ScoreText.color          = Color.red;
            UserInformationText.text = "You do not have enough money to place a train wagon.";

        if (rail.CurrentNumberOfWagons() >= rail.MaxNrOfWagons())           // also check if rail still has room for more trains
        // Debug.Log("Too many wagons already on this track, I'm not gonna put any more");
            UserInformationText.text = "Reached the maximum number of wagons on this track.";
            // have some player information here that its not possible

        Player.score -= wagonCost;

        UserInformationText.text = "You placed a train wagon. This cost you " + (int)wagonCost + ".- CHF.";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void SetPathStrokeToRailPath(Rail rail, Path path)
            path.Stroke = SetStrokeColorForRail(rail);

            double thickness = 1.0;

            if (rail.TopRankedEdgeInfoOfTheRail != null)
                thickness = Math.Max(5 - Math.Log(rail.MinPassingEdgeZoomLevel, 2), 1);

            path.StrokeThickness = thickness * PathStrokeThickness / 2; // todo : figure out a way to do it nicer than dividing by 2

            foreach (var style in Edge.Attr.Styles)
                if (style == Drawing.Style.Dotted)
                    path.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection {
                        1, 1
                else if (style == Drawing.Style.Dashed)
                    var f = DashSize();
                    path.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection {
                        f, f
                    //CurvePath.StrokeDashOffset = f;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    bool RailIsConnected(Rail rail, bool atRailExit)
        Tile railTile = rail.GetComponent <Tile>();

        // Find the adjacent tile in the specified direction
        int connectionDirection = atRailExit ? rail.exitDirection : rail.entryDirection;

        connectionDirection += railTile.direction;
        connectionDirection %= 4;
        Vector2Int adjacentTileCoords = railTile.tileCoords + DirectionToVector(connectionDirection);

        if (!tileManager.IsWithinArray(adjacentTileCoords))
        Tile adjacentTile = tileManager.GetTile(adjacentTileCoords);

        // Check if it has a connecting rail
        Rail[] adjacentRails = adjacentTile.GetComponents <Rail>();
        int    adjacentConnectionDirection = (connectionDirection + 2 - adjacentTile.direction + 4) % 4;

        foreach (Rail adjacentRail in adjacentRails)
            if (adjacentRail.entryDirection == adjacentConnectionDirection || adjacentRail.exitDirection == adjacentConnectionDirection)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void TrackRail(Rail rail)
     if (!rails.Contains(rail))
Ejemplo n.º 10
        HitTestResultBehavior NodeOrRailHitTestSelOnlyOneNodeCallback(HitTestResult result)
            var frameworkElement = result.VisualHit as FrameworkElement;

            if (!(frameworkElement is Path))
            object tag = frameworkElement.Tag;

            if (tag != null)
                GraphmapsNode graphmapsNode = tag as GraphmapsNode;
                if (graphmapsNode != null)
                    _nodeUnderMouse = graphmapsNode;
                    var rail = frameworkElement.Tag as Rail;
                    if (rail != null)
                        _railUnderMouse = rail;

Ejemplo n.º 11
    //When the scene draws
    void OnSceneGUI()
        //Get the rail
        m_Rail = target as Rail;
        if (m_Rail == null)
        m_Points          = m_Rail.points;
        m_HandleTransform = m_Rail.transform;
        m_HandleRotation  = Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Local ? m_HandleTransform.rotation : Quaternion.identity;

        //Draw the points, and allow the editor to move these points
        if (m_Points.Length > 3)
            Vector3 point0 = ShowPoint(0);
            for (int i = 1; i < m_Points.Length; i += 3)
                Vector3 point1 = ShowPoint(i);
                Vector3 point2 = ShowPoint(i + 1);
                Vector3 point3 = ShowPoint(i + 2);
                Handles.DrawBezier(point0, point3, point1, point2, Color.cyan, null, 2f);
                point0 = point3;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    //Add buttons to grow or shrink the rail
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        m_Rail = target as Rail;
        if (m_Rail == null)
        m_Points = m_Rail.points;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Add Curve to Beginning"))
            Undo.RecordObject(m_Rail, "Add Curve to Beginning");
        else if (GUILayout.Button("Add Curve To End"))
            Undo.RecordObject(m_Rail, "Add Curve To End");
        else if (GUILayout.Button("Remove Curve From Beginning"))
            Undo.RecordObject(m_Rail, "Remove Curve From Beginning");
        else if (GUILayout.Button("Remove Curve From End"))
            Undo.RecordObject(m_Rail, "Remove Curve From End");
Ejemplo n.º 13
    private void OnSelectionChange()
        var obj = Selection.activeGameObject;

        if (obj == null)

        if (obj.layer != LayerMask.NameToLayer(Layers.CameraConstraint))

        _cameraConstraint = obj.GetComponent <Rail>();
        if (_cameraConstraint == null)

        _zoomConstraint = obj.GetComponent <CameraZoomConstraint>();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private Rail GetFastestRail(int index)
            var totalRails = (int)Math.Ceiling(((decimal)this.Count / 5000));

            if (rails.Count < totalRails)
                rails.Add(new Rail(first, last, count));
            if (lastUsedRail == null)
                lastUsedRail = rails[0];

            int  minDistance = Math.Abs(lastUsedRail.ClusterStartIndex - index);
            Rail fastestRail = lastUsedRail;

            foreach (var rail in rails)
                if (minDistance <= Cluster.StorageSize * 2)
                int distance = Math.Abs(rail.ClusterStartIndex - index);
                if (distance < minDistance)
                    minDistance = distance;
                    fastestRail = rail;
            lastUsedRail = fastestRail;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public virtual void DisconnectFromRail()
     AttachedRail.NodesRemoved -= RailRemovedNodes;
     AttachedRail = null;
     //RailSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(RailSpeed, Speed * 0.5f, Speed * 1.5f);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static Path CreateEdgeRail(Rail rail, byte edgeTransparency, double pathStrokeThickness)
            var railGeometryCurve = rail.Geometry as ICurve;

            Path edgeRailPath;

            if (railGeometryCurve is null)
                var arrowhead = rail.Geometry as Arrowhead;
                if (arrowhead != null)
                    edgeRailPath = CreateEdgeRailArrowhead(rail, arrowhead, rail.CurveAttachmentPoint, edgeTransparency, pathStrokeThickness);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
                edgeRailPath = CreateFrameworkElementForRailCurve(rail, railGeometryCurve, edgeTransparency);
            edgeRailPath.Tag = rail;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void CreateRails()
            FVec3 worldOffset =
                this._maze.LocalPointToGlobalPoint(new FVec3(this._maze.startPointPlace[0] * Fix64.Half, Fix64.Zero,
                                                             this._maze.startPointPlace[1] * Fix64.Half));
            FVec3 center = this._maze.centerOfStartRange;

            FVec3[] positions = new FVec3[4];
            positions[0] = new FVec3(center.x, center.y, center.z + worldOffset.z);
            positions[1] = new FVec3(center.x + worldOffset.x, center.y, center.z);
            positions[2] = new FVec3(center.x, center.y, center.z - worldOffset.z);
            positions[3] = new FVec3(center.x - worldOffset.x, center.y, center.z);

            FVec3[] offset = new FVec3[4];
            offset[0] = new FVec3(0, 0, 0.5f);
            offset[1] = new FVec3(0.5f, 0, 0);
            offset[2] = new FVec3(0, 0, -0.5f);
            offset[3] = new FVec3(-0.5f, 0, 0);

            FVec3[] directions = new FVec3[4];
            directions[0] = FVec3.backward;
            directions[1] = FVec3.left;
            directions[2] = FVec3.forward;
            directions[3] = FVec3.right;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                EntityParam param = new EntityParam();
                param.rid       = (i % 2 == 0 ? "_c0@" : "_c0_1@") + i;
                param.position  = positions[i];
                param.direction = directions[i];
                Rail rail = this._entityManager.Create <Rail>(param);
                rail.position += offset[i] * rail.bounds.size;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        void WriteRail(Rail rail, int railId)
            WriteAttribute(GeometryToken.Id, railId);
            WriteAttribute(GeometryToken.Zoomlevel, rail.ZoomLevel);
            if (rail.MinPassingEdgeZoomLevel != Double.MaxValue)
                WriteAttribute(GeometryToken.MinPassingEdgeZoomLevel, rail.MinPassingEdgeZoomLevel);
            Arrowhead ah = rail.Geometry as Arrowhead;

            if (ah != null)
                WriteAttribute(GeometryToken.ArrowheadPosition, ah.TipPosition);
                WriteAttribute(GeometryToken.CurveAttachmentPoint, rail.CurveAttachmentPoint);
                ICurve curve = rail.Geometry as ICurve;
                if (curve != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
Ejemplo n.º 19
    private void LateUpdate()
        if (speed == 0)
        _time += Time.deltaTime * speed;
        if (_time > 1f)
            _time = 1f;
        Vector3 nextPosition = currentRail.GetPointAtTime(_time);
        Vector3 nextPoint    = _time == 0 ? currentRail.BakedPoints[1] : currentRail.GetPointAtTime(_time + Time.deltaTime * speed);

        transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, nextPosition, _time);
        //Quaternion lookRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(nextPoint, );
        //transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, lookRot, Time.deltaTime * 1000f);
        if (_time >= 1f)
            if (_railIndex + 1 < rails.Length)
                _time = 0f;
            currentRail = rails[_railIndex];
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private void Disconnect(float proposedGravity, float speed)
     Gravity      = proposedGravity;
     GravitySpeed = speed;
     lastRail     = AttachedRail;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     music       = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     currentRail = FindObjectOfType <LevelSettings>().startRail;
     // gather all level objects
Ejemplo n.º 22
    private void GetRailGridFromFile(TextAsset level)
        string[] lines      = SplitOnNewline(level.text);
        int      gridHeight = lines.Length;
        int      gridWidth  = lines[0].Length;

        railGrid = new Rail[gridHeight, gridWidth];

        for (int y = 0; y < gridHeight; y++)
            string line = lines[y];

            for (int x = 0; x < gridWidth; x++)
                Vector3 pos      = new Vector3(x * cellSize, 0, y * cellSize);
                char    railChar = line[x];
                Rail    rail     = GetRail(railChar, pos);
                railGrid[y, x] = rail;
                if (rail != null)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Create framework element for rail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rail">Rail for which to create element.</param>
        /// <param name="edgeTransparency">Edge transparency.</param>
        /// <returns>Framework element.</returns>
        public FrameworkElement CreateFrameworkElementForRail(Rail rail, byte edgeTransparency)
            var  curve = rail.Geometry as ICurve;
            Path fe;

            if (curve != null)
                fe = (Path)this.CreateFrameworkElementForRailCurve(rail, curve, edgeTransparency);
                var arrowhead = rail.Geometry as Arrowhead;
                if (arrowhead != null)
                    fe = (Path)this.CreateFrameworkElementForRailArrowhead(rail, arrowhead, rail.CurveAttachmentPoint, edgeTransparency);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            fe.Tag = rail;
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public void FireWeapon(Destroyable target, Weapon weapon)
        if (weapon == Weapon.Missile && CanMissileFire)
            Missile missile1 = (Missile)MissileScene.Instance();
            missile1.Homing         = MissileHoming;
            missile1.Target         = target;
            missile1.GlobalRotation = GlobalRotation;
            missile1.Position       = GlobalPosition;
            missile1.Position      += new Vector2(MissileOffset, 0).Rotated(GlobalRotation + Mathf.Deg2Rad(90));
            missile1.Velocity       = Velocity;
            missile1.AddForce(new Vector2(1, 0).Rotated(GlobalRotation + Mathf.Deg2Rad(90)), ProjectileEjectionForce);

            Missile missile2 = (Missile)MissileScene.Instance();
            missile2.Homing         = MissileHoming;
            missile2.Target         = target;
            missile2.GlobalRotation = GlobalRotation;
            missile2.Position       = GlobalPosition;
            missile2.Position      += new Vector2(MissileOffset, 0).Rotated(GlobalRotation + Mathf.Deg2Rad(-90));
            missile2.Velocity       = Velocity;
            missile2.AddForce(new Vector2(1, 0).Rotated(GlobalRotation + Mathf.Deg2Rad(-90)), ProjectileEjectionForce);

            CanMissileFire = false;
        else if (weapon == Weapon.Laser && CanLaserFire)
            if (target is SpaceDamagable damagable)
                beam.AddPoint(target.GlobalPosition - GlobalPosition);
                CanLaserFire = false;
        else if (weapon == Weapon.Railgun && CanRailgunFire)
            Rail rail = (Rail)RailScene.Instance();
            rail.PartialHoming = RailHoming;
            rail.Velocity      = Velocity;
            if (target != null)
                rail.Target         = target;
                rail.GlobalRotation = GlobalRotation + GetAngleTo(GetGlobalMousePosition());
                rail.AddForce(new Vector2(1, 0).Rotated(GlobalRotation + GetAngleTo(GetGlobalMousePosition())), RailEjectionForce);
                rail.GlobalRotation = GlobalRotation + GetAngleTo(GetGlobalMousePosition());
                rail.AddForce(new Vector2(1, 0).Rotated(GlobalRotation + GetAngleTo(GetGlobalMousePosition())), RailEjectionForce);
            rail.Position = GlobalPosition;

            CanRailgunFire = false;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public IOHandler()
            this.I2C            = new I2CBusPi();
            this.SPI            = new SPIBusPi(0);
            this.PWMGenHighFreq = new PCA9685(this.I2C, 0x4C, -1, PCA9685.OutputInvert.Inverted, PCA9685.OutputDriverMode.OpenDrain);
            this.PWMGenLowFreq  = new PCA9685(this.I2C, 0x74, -1, PCA9685.OutputInvert.Inverted, PCA9685.OutputDriverMode.OpenDrain);

            this.RailController = new Rail(this.PWMGenHighFreq.Outputs[0], new DigitalInPi(11), this.SPI, new DigitalOutPi(29), this.I2C, null)
                TraceLogging = true
            this.DrillController  = new Drill(this.PWMGenHighFreq.Outputs[1], this.PWMGenLowFreq.Outputs[0]);
            this.SampleController = new Sample(this.PWMGenLowFreq.Outputs[1]);
            this.LEDController    = new LEDs(this.PWMGenLowFreq.Outputs, this.PWMGenHighFreq.Outputs);
            this.AuxSensors       = new AuxSensors(this.SPI, this.I2C)
                TraceLogging = false
            this.SysSensors = new SysSensors();
            this.Music      = new MusicPlayer();

            this.InitProcedure   = new ISubsystem[] { this.RailController, this.DrillController, this.LEDController, this.AuxSensors, this.SysSensors, this.Music };
            this.EStopProcedure  = new ISubsystem[] { this.Music, this.RailController, this.DrillController, this.LEDController, this.AuxSensors, this.SysSensors };
            this.UpdateProcedure = new ISubsystem[] { this.RailController, this.DrillController, this.LEDController /*, this.AuxSensors, this.SysSensors*/ };
            if (this.EStopProcedure.Length < this.InitProcedure.Length || this.EStopProcedure.Length < this.UpdateProcedure.Length)
                throw new Exception("A system is registered for init or updates, but not for emergency stop. For safety reasons, this is not permitted.");
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private void ChaikinSplit(Rail OldPath, ref Rail NewPath, int Index)//lol
            KeyFrame NewNode      = NewPath.frames[Index].DeepCopy();
            int      NewNodeIndex = NewPath.frames.Length;

            NewPath.InsertFrame(NewNode, NewPath.frames.Length);//Add node at the end to not change the indicies
            KeyFrame MiddleKeyFrame = OldPath.frames[Index];
            KeyFrame FirstKeyframe  = OldPath.frames[MiddleKeyFrame.connections[0]];
            KeyFrame LastKeyFrame   = OldPath.frames[MiddleKeyFrame.connections[1]];

            NewPath.frames[Index].x = (short)(0.25 * FirstKeyframe.x + 0.75 * MiddleKeyFrame.x);
            NewPath.frames[Index].y = (short)(0.25 * FirstKeyframe.y + 0.75 * MiddleKeyFrame.y);
            NewPath.frames[Index].z = (short)(0.25 * FirstKeyframe.z + 0.75 * MiddleKeyFrame.z);

            NewPath.frames[NewNodeIndex].x = (short)(0.25 * LastKeyFrame.x + 0.75 * MiddleKeyFrame.x);
            NewPath.frames[NewNodeIndex].y = (short)(0.25 * LastKeyFrame.y + 0.75 * MiddleKeyFrame.y);
            NewPath.frames[NewNodeIndex].z = (short)(0.25 * LastKeyFrame.z + 0.75 * MiddleKeyFrame.z);

            NewPath.frames[Index].connections[1]        = (short)NewNodeIndex;
            NewPath.frames[NewNodeIndex].connections[0] = (short)Index;
            int ConnectToMiddleIndexOfIndex = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < LastKeyFrame.connections.Length; i++)
                if (LastKeyFrame.connections[i] == (short)Index)
                    ConnectToMiddleIndexOfIndex = i;
            if (ConnectToMiddleIndexOfIndex != -1)
                NewPath.frames[MiddleKeyFrame.connections[1]].connections[ConnectToMiddleIndexOfIndex] = (short)NewNodeIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 27
    // This should only be done if RailIsConnected check returns true
    void TransferToNextRail(bool atRailExit)
        Tile railTile = currentRail.GetComponent <Tile>();

        // Find the adjacent tile in the specified direction
        int connectionDirection = atRailExit ? currentRail.exitDirection : currentRail.entryDirection;

        connectionDirection += railTile.direction;
        connectionDirection %= 4;
        Vector2Int adjacentTileCoords = railTile.tileCoords + DirectionToVector(connectionDirection);
        Tile       adjacentTile       = tileManager.GetTile(adjacentTileCoords);

        // Transfer to the connecting rail
        Rail[] adjacentRails = adjacentTile.GetComponents <Rail>();
        int    adjacentConnectionDirection = (connectionDirection + 2 - adjacentTile.direction + 4) % 4;

        foreach (Rail adjacentRail in adjacentRails)
            if (adjacentRail.entryDirection == adjacentConnectionDirection || adjacentRail.exitDirection == adjacentConnectionDirection)
                bool atAdjacentRailExit = (adjacentConnectionDirection == adjacentRail.exitDirection);

                float overshoot = atRailExit ? railDistance - currentRail.trackLength : -railDistance;
                currentRail  = adjacentRail;
                railDistance = atAdjacentRailExit ? adjacentRail.trackLength - overshoot : overshoot;
                if (atRailExit == atAdjacentRailExit)
                    alignedWithRail = !alignedWithRail;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 private void ConnectMeToListOfNodes(List <NodeAndDistance> closestNodes)
     for (int i = 0; i < closestNodes.Count; i++)
         Rail newRail = RailGeneratorManager.GetNewRail();
         newRail.initialize(this, closestNodes[i].node);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     TryGetComponent <AudioSource>(out pressedSound);
     TryGetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(out spriteRenderer);
     thisRail = GetComponentInParent <Rail>();
     gmCtrl   = FindObjectOfType <GameController>();
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public Rail GetOneRailInsideRect(RectangleGeometry rect)
     _railUnderMouse = null;
     VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(_graphCanvas, null,
                              new GeometryHitTestParameters(rect));
Ejemplo n.º 31
    public void InitAsSender(Rail rail)
        isMoving = false;
        startingRail = rail;
        currentRail = rail;
        startingPosition = rail.transform.position;
        minecartAnimator = GetComponent<Animator>();

        currentStep = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 32
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        soundIsPlaying = false;

        railConnector = GetComponent<RailConnection>();
        railPoint = GetComponent<Rail>();

Ejemplo n.º 33
    void Move(float verticalAxis)
        // Decide which way rail we are moving towards (Towards Next or Previous rail)
        Rail railMoveTowards = null;    // Hopefully not null afterwards
        if (currentStep > 0)
            railMoveTowards = currentRail.next;
        else if (currentStep < 0)
            railMoveTowards = currentRail.prev;
        else if (currentStep == 0 && verticalAxis > 0)
            railMoveTowards = currentRail.next;
        else if (currentStep == 0 && verticalAxis < 0)
            railMoveTowards = currentRail.prev;
            Debug.LogError("Movement went terrible wrong, this should not be possible!");

        if(railMoveTowards != null) {
            // Find distance between Current Rail and the Next Rail for Normalize amount of movement
            float length = Vector3.Distance(currentRail.transform.position, railMoveTowards.transform.position);

            // Set the currentStep (t) to move towards verticalAxis with normalize distance of the two rails, times acceleration and animationSpeed.
            currentStep += (1 / length) * verticalAxis * movementSpeed * 0.0075f * (Time.deltaTime * 1000) * (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R) ? 10f:1f);

            // Set new position using the currentStep and move that position just a tad up
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(currentRail.transform.position, railMoveTowards.transform.position, Mathf.Abs(currentStep)) + (currentRail.transform.up / 4)*2;
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(currentRail.transform.rotation, railMoveTowards.transform.rotation, Mathf.Abs(currentStep));

            // Check if the cart have reached a rail and set that rail to the current rail.
            if (currentStep >= 1)
                currentRail = currentRail.next;
                currentStep = 0;

            else if(currentStep <= -1)
                currentRail = currentRail.prev;
                currentStep = 0;
            // Check if the cart have move beyond the starting point (In opposite direction) and save it
            else if(currentStep <= 0 && currentRail.Equals(startingRail))
                currentStep = 0;
            //TODO Might be some issue with last rail point, haven't tested yet!

            // Set minecart animation speed
            minecartAnimator.speed = (movementSpeed) * verticalAxis;

            isMoving = true;
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public static Block GetBlockById(byte blockId)
            Block block = null;

            if (CustomBlockFactory != null)
                block = CustomBlockFactory.GetBlockById(blockId);

            if (block != null) return block;

            if (blockId == 0) block = new Air();
            else if (blockId == 1) block = new Stone();
            else if (blockId == 2) block = new Grass();
            else if (blockId == 3) block = new Dirt();
            else if (blockId == 4) block = new Cobblestone();
            else if (blockId == 5) block = new Planks();
            else if (blockId == 6) block = new Sapling();
            else if (blockId == 7) block = new Bedrock();
            else if (blockId == 8) block = new FlowingWater();
            else if (blockId == 9) block = new StationaryWater();
            else if (blockId == 10) block = new FlowingLava();
            else if (blockId == 11) block = new StationaryLava();
            else if (blockId == 12) block = new Sand();
            else if (blockId == 13) block = new Gravel();
            else if (blockId == 14) block = new GoldOre();
            else if (blockId == 15) block = new IronOre();
            else if (blockId == 16) block = new CoalOre();
            else if (blockId == 17) block = new Log();
            else if (blockId == 18) block = new Leaves();
            else if (blockId == 19) block = new Sponge();
            else if (blockId == 20) block = new Glass();
            else if (blockId == 21) block = new LapisOre();
            else if (blockId == 22) block = new LapisBlock();
            else if (blockId == 23) block = new Dispenser();
            else if (blockId == 24) block = new Sandstone();
            else if (blockId == 25) block = new NoteBlock();
            else if (blockId == 26) block = new Bed();
            else if (blockId == 27) block = new GoldenRail();
            else if (blockId == 28) block = new DetectorRail();
            else if (blockId == 30) block = new Cobweb();
            else if (blockId == 31) block = new TallGrass();
            else if (blockId == 32) block = new DeadBush();
            else if (blockId == 35) block = new Wool();
            else if (blockId == 37) block = new YellowFlower();
            else if (blockId == 38) block = new Flower();
            else if (blockId == 39) block = new BrownMushroom();
            else if (blockId == 40) block = new RedMushroom();
            else if (blockId == 41) block = new GoldBlock();
            else if (blockId == 42) block = new IronBlock();
            else if (blockId == 43) block = new DoubleStoneSlab();
            else if (blockId == 44) block = new StoneSlab();
            else if (blockId == 45) block = new Bricks();
            else if (blockId == 46) block = new Tnt();
            else if (blockId == 47) block = new Bookshelf();
            else if (blockId == 48) block = new MossStone();
            else if (blockId == 49) block = new Obsidian();
            else if (blockId == 50) block = new Torch();
            else if (blockId == 51) block = new Fire();
            else if (blockId == 52) block = new MonsterSpawner();
            else if (blockId == 53) block = new OakWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 54) block = new Chest();
            else if (blockId == 55) block = new RedstoneWire();
            else if (blockId == 56) block = new DiamondOre();
            else if (blockId == 57) block = new DiamondBlock();
            else if (blockId == 58) block = new CraftingTable();
            else if (blockId == 59) block = new Wheat();
            else if (blockId == 60) block = new Farmland();
            else if (blockId == 61) block = new Furnace();
            else if (blockId == 62) block = new LitFurnace();
            else if (blockId == 63) block = new StandingSign();
            else if (blockId == 64) block = new WoodenDoor();
            else if (blockId == 65) block = new Ladder();
            else if (blockId == 66) block = new Rail();
            else if (blockId == 67) block = new CobblestoneStairs();
            else if (blockId == 68) block = new WallSign();
            else if (blockId == 69) block = new Lever();
            else if (blockId == 70) block = new StonePressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 71) block = new IronDoor();
            else if (blockId == 72) block = new WoodenPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 73) block = new RedstoneOre();
            else if (blockId == 74) block = new LitRedstoneOre();
            else if (blockId == 75) block = new UnlitRedstoneTorch();
            else if (blockId == 76) block = new RedstoneTorch();
            else if (blockId == 77) block = new StoneButton();
            else if (blockId == 78) block = new SnowLayer();
            else if (blockId == 79) block = new Ice();
            else if (blockId == 80) block = new Snow();
            else if (blockId == 81) block = new Cactus();
            else if (blockId == 82) block = new Clay();
            else if (blockId == 83) block = new Reeds();
            else if (blockId == 85) block = new Fence();
            else if (blockId == 86) block = new Pumpkin();
            else if (blockId == 87) block = new Netherrack();
            else if (blockId == 88) block = new SoulSand();
            else if (blockId == 89) block = new Glowstone();
            else if (blockId == 90) block = new Portal();
            else if (blockId == 91) block = new LitPumpkin();
            else if (blockId == 92) block = new Cake();
            else if (blockId == 93) block = new UnpoweredRepeater();
            else if (blockId == 94) block = new PoweredRepeater();
            else if (blockId == 95) block = new InvisibleBedrock();
            else if (blockId == 96) block = new Trapdoor();
            else if (blockId == 97) block = new MonsterEgg();
            else if (blockId == 98) block = new StoneBrick();
            else if (blockId == 99) block = new BrownMushroomBlock();
            else if (blockId == 100) block = new RedMushroomBlock();
            else if (blockId == 101) block = new IronBars();
            else if (blockId == 102) block = new GlassPane();
            else if (blockId == 103) block = new Melon();
            else if (blockId == 106) block = new Vine();
            else if (blockId == 107) block = new FenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 108) block = new BrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 109) block = new StoneBrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 110) block = new Mycelium();
            else if (blockId == 111) block = new Waterlily();
            else if (blockId == 112) block = new NetherBrick();
            else if (blockId == 113) block = new NetherBrickFence();
            else if (blockId == 114) block = new NetherBrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 115) block = new NetherWart();
            else if (blockId == 116) block = new EnchantingTable();
            else if (blockId == 117) block = new BrewingStand();
            else if (blockId == 120) block = new EndPortalFrame();
            else if (blockId == 121) block = new EndStone();
            else if (blockId == 122) block = new LitRedstoneLamp();
            else if (blockId == 123) block = new RedstoneLamp();
            else if (blockId == 126) block = new ActivatorRail();
            else if (blockId == 127) block = new Cocoa();
            else if (blockId == 128) block = new SandStoneStairs();
            else if (blockId == 129) block = new EmeraldOre();
            else if (blockId == 131) block = new TripwireHook();
            else if (blockId == 132) block = new Tripwire();
            else if (blockId == 133) block = new EmeraldBlock();
            else if (blockId == 134) block = new SpruceWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 135) block = new BirchWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 136) block = new JungleWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 139) block = new CobblestoneWall();
            else if (blockId == 140) block = new FlowerPot();
            else if (blockId == 141) block = new Carrots();
            else if (blockId == 142) block = new Potatoes();
            else if (blockId == 143) block = new WoodenButton();
            else if (blockId == 144) block = new Skull();
            else if (blockId == 145) block = new Anvil();
            else if (blockId == 146) block = new TrappedChest();
            else if (blockId == 147) block = new LightWeightedPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 148) block = new HeavyWeightedPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 151) block = new DaylightDetector();
            else if (blockId == 152) block = new RedstoneBlock();
            else if (blockId == 153) block = new QuartzOre();
            else if (blockId == 155) block = new QuartzBlock();
            else if (blockId == 156) block = new QuartzStairs();
            else if (blockId == 157) block = new DoubleWoodSlab();
            else if (blockId == 158) block = new WoodSlab();
            else if (blockId == 159) block = new StainedHardenedClay();
            else if (blockId == 161) block = new AcaciaLeaves();
            else if (blockId == 162) block = new AcaciaLog();
            else if (blockId == 163) block = new AcaciaStairs();
            else if (blockId == 164) block = new DarkOakStairs();
            else if (blockId == 167) block = new IronTrapdoor();
            else if (blockId == 170) block = new HayBlock();
            else if (blockId == 171) block = new Carpet();
            else if (blockId == 172) block = new HardenedClay();
            else if (blockId == 173) block = new CoalBlock();
            else if (blockId == 174) block = new PackedIce();
            else if (blockId == 175) block = new Sunflower();
            else if (blockId == 178) block = new DaylightDetectorInverted();
            else if (blockId == 183) block = new SpruceFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 184) block = new BirchFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 185) block = new JungleFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 186) block = new DarkOakFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 187) block = new AcaciaFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 198) block = new GrassPath();
            else if (blockId == 199) block = new ItemFrame();
            else if (blockId == 243) block = new Podzol();
            else if (blockId == 244) block = new Beetroot();
            else if (blockId == 245) block = new Stonecutter();
            else if (blockId == 246) block = new GlowingObsidian();
            else if (blockId == 247) block = new NetherReactorCore();
                //				Log.DebugFormat(@"
                //	// Add this missing block to the BlockFactory
                //	else if (blockId == {1}) block = new {0}();
                //	public class {0} : Block
                //	{{
                //		internal {0}() : base({1})
                //		{{
                //		}}
                //	}}
                //", "Missing", blockId);
                block = new Block(blockId);

            return block;
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public void ResetPosition()
     transform.position = startingPosition;
     currentRail = startingRail;
Ejemplo n.º 36
 public void SetStartingRail(Rail rail)
     startingRail = rail;
 private void CreateRails()
     _lanes = lanes;
     var laneHeight = (UIHelper.MaxY - UIHelper.MinY)/(float) _lanes;
     _rails = new Rail[_lanes];
     for (int r = 0; r < _lanes; r++)
         _rails[r] = new Rail {Start = UIHelper.MaxY - (laneHeight*r)};
         _rails[r].End = _rails[r].Start - laneHeight;
         _rails[r].Center = _rails[r].Start - (laneHeight/2);
         _rails[r].DamageTaken = 0;
         _rails[r].AllowedDamage = allowedRailDamage;
Ejemplo n.º 38
    public void Start()
        gameObject.layer = transform.position.x < 0 ? LayerMask.NameToLayer("PlatformP1")
                                                    : LayerMask.NameToLayer("PlatformP2");

        LEDRenderers =
            (from renderer in (transform.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>() as MeshRenderer[])
             where ((from material in renderer.materials
                    where material.name.Contains( "LED" )
                    select material).Any<Material>() )
        select renderer).ToArray();

        GameObject particles = Instantiate(EZGrabber.instance.GetLinkedItem("PARTICLES") as GameObject,
                                           transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;
        particles.transform.parent = transform;

        foreach( Transform child in particles.transform )
            particleSystems.Add( child );
            child.GetChild(0).transform.localPosition *= (collider as BoxCollider).size.x;
            child.GetChild(1).transform.localPosition *= (collider as BoxCollider).size.x;

        platSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();

        particleSystems = particleSystems.OrderBy(x => x.name ).ToList();

        //		foreach( MeshRenderer rend in (transform.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>() as MeshRenderer[]) )
        //		{
        //			for( int i = 0; i < rend.sharedMaterials.Length; i++ )
        //			{
        //				if( rend.sharedMaterials[i].name.Contains( "LED" ) )
        //				{
        //					if( LEDMaterial == null )
        //					{
        //						Material newMaterial = new Material(rend.sharedMaterials[i]);
        //						newMaterial.name = "LED Custom Instance";
        //						LEDMaterial = newMaterial;
        //					}
        //					rend.sharedMaterial = LEDMaterial;
        //					print (LEDMaterial.name);
        //					print (rend.sharedMaterial.name);
        //				}
        //			}
        //		}

        rail = transform.GetComponentInChildren<Rail>();
        if(rail != null){
            rail.transform.parent = transform.parent;
            rail.platform = this;
            pt = PlatformType.PT_EZLINE;

        //		if(pt == PlatformType.PT_PINNED){
        //			Transform _pin = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder).transform;
        //			_pin.transform.position = transform.position + offset;
        //			_pin.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 0f);
        //			_pin.renderer.material = EZGrabber.instance.GetLinkedItem("StaticMaterial") as Material;
        //			_pin.parent = transform;
        //		}

        if(pt == PlatformType.PT_ORAIL ||
            pt == PlatformType.PT_ORAILPINNED ||
            pt == PlatformType.PT_VRAIL ||
            pt == PlatformType.PT_VRAILPINNED ||
            pt == PlatformType.PT_EVERYTHING){
            rail = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Rail>();
            rail.transform.parent = transform.parent;
Ejemplo n.º 39
 internal Rail(Rail previous)
     this.Index = previous.Index;
     this.Status = previous.Status;
     this.Updated = false;
     this.StartX = previous.EndX;
     this.StartY = previous.EndY;
     this.EndX = previous.EndX;
     this.EndY = previous.EndY;
     this.Type = previous.Type;
     this.WallType = previous.WallType;
     this.WallSide = previous.WallSide;
     this.DikeType = previous.DikeType;
     this.DikeSide = previous.DikeSide;
     this.Pole = previous.Pole;
     this.Forms = null;
     this.FormCount = 0;
     this.Cracks = null;
     this.CrackCount = 0;
     this.FreeObjs = null;
     this.FreeObjCount = 0;
     this.Beacons = null;
     this.BeaconCount = 0;
     this.Stops = null;
     this.StopCount = 0;
     this.Limits = null;
     this.LimitCount = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 40
    private void UpdateCollisionMesh( Rail rail )
        MeshCollider mc = rail.GetComponent<Collider>() as MeshCollider;

        List<Vector3> verts = new List<Vector3>();
        List<int> tris = new List<int>();

        for( int i = 0; i < rail.nodes.Count; i++ )
            Vector3 lookDir;
            if( i <= 0 )
                lookDir = rail.nodes[1] - rail.nodes[0];
            else if( i > 0 && i < rail.nodes.Count - 1 )
                lookDir = ( rail.nodes[i + 1] - rail.nodes[i] ).normalized + ( rail.nodes[i] - rail.nodes[i - 1] ).normalized / 2f;
                lookDir =  rail.nodes[rail.nodes.Count - 1] - rail.nodes[rail.nodes.Count - 2];

            Quaternion lootRot = Quaternion.LookRotation( lookDir );

            //Create vert triangle
            verts.Add( new Vector3( -0.1f, 0.05f, 0f ) );
            verts.Add( new Vector3( 0.1f, 0.05f, 0f ) );
            verts.Add( new Vector3( 0f, -0.05f, 0f ) );

            //Move vert triangle to node
            for( int j = verts.Count - 3; j < verts.Count; j++ )
                verts[j] = verts[j] + rail.nodes[i];

            //Point first triangle to next node
            for( int j = verts.Count - 3; j < verts.Count; j++ )
                Vector3 vertDir = verts[j] - rail.nodes[i];
                vertDir = lootRot * vertDir;
                verts[j] = vertDir + rail.nodes[i];

        //Build the triangles

        //Add first node end triangle
        tris.Add( 0 );
        tris.Add( 1 );
        tris.Add( 2 );
        for( int i = 0; i < rail.nodes.Count - 1; i++ )
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 3 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 1 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 0 );

            tris.Add( 3 * i + 4 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 1 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 3 );

            tris.Add( 3 * i + 4 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 5 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 1 );

            tris.Add( 3 * i + 1 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 5 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 2 );

            tris.Add( 3 * i + 3 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 0 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 5 );

            tris.Add( 3 * i + 5 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 0 );
            tris.Add( 3 * i + 2 );

        //Add last node end triangle
        tris.Add( verts.Count - 1 );
        tris.Add( verts.Count - 2 );
        tris.Add( verts.Count - 3 );

        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh.vertices = verts.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = tris.ToArray();

        mc.sharedMesh = mesh;