void HandleBoneDecayOnCollision(float collisionMagnitude2, RagdollBone bone, bool isCrushed, Collision collision)
            if (isCrushed)
                //Debug.LogWarning(bone + " / " + collision.transform.name + " CrUSHED");
                ragdollController.SetBoneDecay(bone.bone, 1, neighborDecayMultiplier);
            // if the magnitude is above the minimum threshold for adding decay
            else if (collisionMagnitude2 >= decayMagnitudeRange.x * decayMagnitudeRange.x)
                float magnitude = Mathf.Sqrt(collisionMagnitude2);

                //linearly interpolate decay between 0 and 1 base on collision magnitude
                float linearDecay = (magnitude - decayMagnitudeRange.x) / (decayMagnitudeRange.y - decayMagnitudeRange.x);
                //Debug.Log(bone + " / " + collision.transform.name + " mag: " + magnitude + " decay " + linearDecay);
                ragdollController.SetBoneDecay(bone.bone, linearDecay, neighborDecayMultiplier);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        IEnumerator ShootBullet(Ray ray)
            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            RaycastHit hit;

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100f, shootMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                //check if we hit a ragdoll bone
                RagdollBone ragdollBone = hit.transform.GetComponent <RagdollBone>();

                if (ragdollBone)
                    // check if the ragdoll has a controller
                    if (ragdollBone.ragdoll.hasController)
                        RagdollController controller = ragdollBone.ragdoll.controller;

                        // set bone decay for the hit bone, so the physics will affect it
                        // slightly lower for neighbor bones

                        float mainDecay          = 1;
                        float neighborMultiplier = .75f;
                        controller.SetBoneDecay(ragdollBone.bone, mainDecay, neighborMultiplier);

                        //make it go ragdoll

                // shoot normally

                Rigidbody rb = hit.transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

                if (rb)
                    rb.AddForceAtPosition(ray.direction.normalized * modifiedBulletForce, hit.point, ForceMode.VelocityChange);