Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void sparseLogistic(Sparse <double>[] inputs, double[] doubleOutputs)
            // The dataset has output labels as 4 and 2. We have to convert them
            // into negative and positive labels so they can be properly processed.
            bool[] outputs = doubleOutputs.Apply(x => x == 2.0 ? false : true);

            // Create a probabilistic SVM that can output probabilities besides a decision
            var teacher = new ProbabilisticDualCoordinateDescent <Linear, Sparse <double> >()
                Complexity = 1000,
                Tolerance  = 1e-5

            // Use the learning algorithm to Learn
            var svm = teacher.Learn(inputs, outputs);

            // Transform the machine into a dense logistic regression:
            var lr = LogisticRegression.FromWeights(svm.ToWeights());

            // Compute the machine's answers
            bool[] svmAnswers = svm.Decide(inputs);

            // Compute the machine probability estimates:
            double[] svmProbability = svm.Probability(inputs);

            // Compute the logistic regression's answers:
            bool[] lrAnswers = lr.Decide(inputs.ToDense());

            // Compute the logistic regression probability estimates:
            double[] lrProbability = lr.Probability(inputs.ToDense());

            // They should be equal for both the SVM and the LR
        public void logistic_regression_test()
            Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

            #region doc_logreg
            // Declare some training data. This is exactly the same
            // data used in the LogisticRegression documentation page

            // Suppose we have the following data about some patients.
            // The first variable is continuous and represent patient
            // age. The second variable is dichotomic and give whether
            // they smoke or not (This is completely fictional data).

            // We also know if they have had lung cancer or not, and
            // we would like to know whether smoking has any connection
            // with lung cancer (This is completely fictional data).

            double[][] input =
            {                           // age, smokes?, had cancer?
                new double[] { 55, 0 }, // false - no cancer
                new double[] { 28, 0 }, // false
                new double[] { 65, 1 }, // false
                new double[] { 46, 0 }, // true  - had cancer
                new double[] { 86, 1 }, // true
                new double[] { 56, 1 }, // true
                new double[] { 85, 0 }, // false
                new double[] { 33, 0 }, // false
                new double[] { 21, 1 }, // false
                new double[] { 42, 1 }, // true

            double[] output = // Whether each patient had lung cancer or not
                0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1

            // Create the probabilistic-SVM learning algorithm
            var teacher = new ProbabilisticDualCoordinateDescent()
                Tolerance  = 1e-10,
                Complexity = 1e+10, // learn a hard-margin model

            // Learn the support vector machine
            var svm = teacher.Learn(input, output);

            // Convert the svm to logistic regression
            var regression = (LogisticRegression)svm;

            // Compute the predicted outcome for inputs
            bool[] predicted = regression.Decide(input);

            // Compute probability scores for the outputs
            double[] scores = regression.Score(input);

            // Compute odds-ratio as in the LogisticRegression example
            double ageOdds   = regression.GetOddsRatio(1); // 1.0430443799578411
            double smokeOdds = regression.GetOddsRatio(2); // 7.2414593749145508

            // Compute the classification error as in SVM example
            double error = new ZeroOneLoss(output).Loss(predicted);

            var rsvm = (SupportVectorMachine)regression;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, rsvm.NumberOfInputs);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, rsvm.NumberOfOutputs);
            double[] svmpred = svm.Probability(input);
            Assert.IsTrue(scores.IsEqual(svmpred, 1e-10));

            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, error);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0430443799578411, ageOdds, 1e-4);
            Assert.AreEqual(7.2414593749145508, smokeOdds, 1e-4);

            Assert.AreEqual(-21.4120677536517, regression.Intercept, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-21.4120677536517, regression.Coefficients[0], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.042143725408546939, regression.Coefficients[1], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.9798227572056906, regression.Coefficients[2], 1e-8);