Ejemplo n.º 1
        static IEnumerable <(PlaneCoordinate Coordinate, int MapIndex)> ExtendPattern
            (IList <int> decodePattern, int width, int height, short plane, int planePatternSize, int patternSize)
            int imageSize  = width * height;
            int pixelIndex = 0;
            int repeat     = 0;

            while (pixelIndex < width * height)
                int extendSize = Math.Min(planePatternSize, imageSize);
                for (int i = 0; i < extendSize; i++)
                    var   bitIndex = decodePattern[pixelIndex % planePatternSize];
                    short x        = (short)(pixelIndex % width);
                    short y        = (short)(pixelIndex / width);
                    var   coord    = new PlaneCoordinate(x, y, plane);
                    var   index    = bitIndex + repeat * patternSize;

                    yield return(coord, index);


Ejemplo n.º 2
 public int GetEncodeIndex(PlaneCoordinate coordinate)
     if (_encodePattern.TryGetValue(coordinate, out var bitIndex))
     throw new KeyNotFoundException($"{nameof(GetEncodeIndex)} argument {nameof(coordinate)} ({coordinate.X}, {coordinate.Y}, {coordinate.P}) was found in the encoder remapping");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate> DivideConquerClosestPair(PlaneCoordinate[] coordinates)
            // sort by x and y
            Sorter<double> mergeSort = new MergeSort<double>();
            double[] px = mergeSort.Sort(coordinates.Select(p => p.X).ToArray());
            double[] py = mergeSort.Sort(coordinates.Select(p => p.Y).ToArray());

            return FindClosestPair(px, py);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void FindClosestPair_TwoPoints_ReturnsExpected()
            // arrange
            PlaneCoordinate x = new PlaneCoordinate(0, 0);
            PlaneCoordinate y = new PlaneCoordinate(0, 1);
            ClosestPair algorithm = new ClosestPair();

            // act
            Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate> closestPair = algorithm.FindClosestPair(new[] { x, y });

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(closestPair.Item1, x);
            Assert.AreEqual(closestPair.Item2, y);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void FindClosestPair_AllAxesDifferent_ReturnsExpected()
            // arrange
            PlaneCoordinate x = new PlaneCoordinate(0, 1);
            PlaneCoordinate y = new PlaneCoordinate(1, 5);
            PlaneCoordinate z = new PlaneCoordinate(4, -10);
            ClosestPair algorithm = new ClosestPair();

            // act
            Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate> closestPair = algorithm.FindClosestPair(new[] { x, y, z });

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(closestPair.Item1, x);
            Assert.AreEqual(closestPair.Item2, y);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Brute-force closest pair implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinates">The coordinates.</param>
        /// <returns>Closest pair.</returns>
        private static Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate> BruteForceClosestPair(PlaneCoordinate[] coordinates)
            if (coordinates == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("coordinates");

            if (coordinates.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("At least two points must be passed.", "coordinates");

            double minDistance = double.MaxValue;
            int minI = -1, minJ = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.Length; i++)
                for (int j = i; j < coordinates.Length; j++)
                    if (i == j)

                    double distance = coordinates[i].Distance(coordinates[j]);
                    if (distance < minDistance)
                        minI = i;
                        minJ = j;
                        minDistance = distance;

            return new Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate>(
                coordinates[minI], coordinates[minJ]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate> FindClosestPair(double[] px, double[] py)
            if (px.Length == 2)
                return new Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate>(new PlaneCoordinate(px[0], py[0]),
                    new PlaneCoordinate(px[1], py[1]));

            double minDistance;

            if (px.Length == 3)
                PlaneCoordinate a = new PlaneCoordinate(px[0], py[0]);
                PlaneCoordinate b = new PlaneCoordinate(px[1], py[1]);
                PlaneCoordinate c = new PlaneCoordinate(px[2], py[2]);

                double ab = a.Distance(b);
                double ac = a.Distance(c);
                double bc = b.Distance(c);

                minDistance = Math.Min(ab, Math.Min(ac, bc));

                if (minDistance == ab)
                    return new Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate>(a, b);

                if (minDistance == ac)
                    return new Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate>(a, c);

                return new Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate>(b, c);

            // divide
            int middle = px.Length / 2;

            // left
            double[] qpx = new double[middle];
            Array.Copy(px, qpx, qpx.Length);
            double[] qpy = new double[middle];
            Array.Copy(py, qpy, qpy.Length);

            // right
            double[] rpx = new double[px.Length - middle];
            Array.Copy(px, middle, rpx, 0, rpx.Length);
            double[] rpy = new double[px.Length - middle];
            Array.Copy(py, middle, rpy, 0, rpy.Length);

            // conquer
            Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate> p1q1 = FindClosestPair(qpx, qpy);
            double dist1 = p1q1.Item1.Distance(p1q1.Item2);
            Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate> p2q2 = FindClosestPair(rpx, rpy);
            double dist2 = p2q2.Item1.Distance(p2q2.Item2);

            minDistance = Math.Min(dist1, dist2);
            Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate> p3q3 = ClosestPairSplit(px, py, minDistance);
            double dist3 = p3q3.Item1.Distance(p3q3.Item2);

            minDistance = Math.Min(minDistance, dist3);

            if (minDistance == dist1)
                return p1q1;

            if (minDistance == dist2)
                return p2q2;

            return p3q3;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the closest pair in a set of coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinates">The coordinates.</param>
        /// <returns>Closest pair.</returns>
        public Tuple<PlaneCoordinate, PlaneCoordinate> FindClosestPair(
			PlaneCoordinate[] coordinates)
            return BruteForceClosestPair(coordinates);