public override void Init(Irony.Parsing.ParsingContext context, Irony.Parsing.ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            if (treeNode.ChildNodes.Count == 1)
                Value = new IntegerAstNode()
                    Value = 1
                PeriodicType = PeriodicTypeAst.Day;

                Value = AddChild("value", treeNode.FirstChild) as ExpressionAstNode;
                string periodType = treeNode.ChildNodes[1].FindTokenAndGetText().ToLower();
                switch (periodType)
                    case "month":
                    case "months": PeriodicType = PeriodicTypeAst.Month; break;
                    case "days":
                    case "day": PeriodicType = PeriodicTypeAst.Day; break;
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unregconized period type:" + periodType);
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert periodic type in ast node to the type in model
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="periodicTypeAst"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private PeriodicType PeriodicTypeConvert(PeriodicTypeAst periodicTypeAst)
     switch (periodicTypeAst)
         case  PeriodicTypeAst.Day:
             return PeriodicType.Day;
         case PeriodicTypeAst.Week:
             return PeriodicType.Week;
         case PeriodicTypeAst.Month:
             return PeriodicType.Month;
             throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected periodic type from AST node: " + periodicTypeAst.ToString());