Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void LaunchExample(Context ctx, PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder configuration)
            Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => {
                AndHUD.Shared.Show(ctx, $"Downloading file....", cancelCallback: client.CancelPendingRequests);
                var docUrl  = "https://pspdfkit.com/downloads/case-study-box.pdf";
                var docPath = Path.Combine(ctx.CacheDir.ToString(), AssetPath);

                using (var file = new FileStream(docPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                    await client.DownloadDataAsync(docUrl, file);


                var jfile  = new Java.IO.File(docPath);
                var docUri = Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(jfile);

                // Start the PSPDFKitAppCompat activity by passing it the Uri of the file.
                if (PSPDFKitGlobal.IsOpenableUri(ctx, docUri))
                    PdfActivity.ShowDocument(ctx, docUri, configuration.Build());
                    AndHUD.Shared.ShowError(ctx, $"This document uri cannot be opened:\n{docUri}", MaskType.Black, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
        public override void LaunchExample(Context ctx, PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder configuration)
            // In this example we use a custom activity to build an intent that allows the user to
            // select a document.
            var intent = new Intent(ctx, typeof(ExternalExampleActivity));

            intent.PutExtra(ExternalExampleActivity.ExtraConfiguration, configuration.Build());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void LaunchExample(Context ctx, PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder configuration)
            // Instant example starts with a simple login/connection screen.
            var intent = new Intent(ctx, typeof(InstantExampleConnectionActivity));

            // Pass the configuration to the connection activity. This configuration will
            // be passed to created InstantPdfActivity with downloaded Instant document.
            intent.PutExtra(InstantExampleConnectionActivity.ConfigurationArg, configuration.Build());

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void LaunchExample(Context ctx, PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder configuration)
            // Create an instance of the custom data provider. See the implementation details below.
            var dataProvider = new RawResourceDataProvider(Resource.Raw.guide);

            // Start the activity using our data provider.
            var intent = PdfActivityIntentBuilder.FromDataProvider(ctx, dataProvider)

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void LaunchExample(Context ctx, PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder configuration)

            // Extract the pdf from assets if not already extracted
            var docUri = Utils.ExtractAsset(ctx, AssetPath);

            var intent = PdfActivityIntentBuilder.FromUri(ctx, docUri)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public virtual void LaunchExample(Context ctx, PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder configuration)
            // Extract the pdf from assets if not already extracted
            var docUri = Utils.ExtractAsset(ctx, AssetPath);


            // Start the PSPDFKitAppCompat activity by passing it the Uri of the file.
            if (PSPDFKitGlobal.IsOpenableUri(ctx, docUri))
                PdfActivity.ShowDocument(ctx, docUri, configuration.Build());
                AndHUD.Shared.ShowError(ctx, $"This document uri cannot be opened:\n{docUri}", MaskType.Black, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void LaunchExample(Context ctx, PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder configuration)
            // Our test certificate is self-signed, so we need to add it to trusted certificate store for it to validate. Otherwise
            // the new signature won't validate. Since PSPDFKit and other readers (like Acrobat) will warn when using self-signed certificates
            // your app should use a CA issued certificate instead.

            // The signer is a named entity holding a certificate (usually a person) and has a display name shown in the app. Registration of the Signer instance
            // has to happen using a unique string identifier. The signer can be associated with a signature for signing the document.
            var johnAppleseed = new Pkcs12Signer("John Appleseed", Android.Net.Uri.Parse("file:///android_asset/JohnAppleseed.p12"));

            SignatureManager.AddSigner("john_appleseed", johnAppleseed);

            // Load and show the signature example PDF.
            // Extract the pdf from assets if not already extracted
            var docUri = Utils.ExtractAsset(ctx, AssetPath);

            var intent = PdfActivityIntentBuilder.FromUri(ctx, docUri)
