Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal void ExcludeFiles(ICollection <IPackageFile> packageFiles)
            // Always exclude the nuspec file
            // Review: This exclusion should be done by the package builder because it knows which file would collide with the auto-generated
            // manifest file.
            var wildCards = _excludes.Concat(new[] { @"**\*" + NuGetConstants.ManifestExtension });

            if (!_packArgs.NoDefaultExcludes)
                // The user has not explicitly disabled default filtering.
                var excludedFiles = PathResolver.GetFilteredPackageFiles(packageFiles, ResolvePath, _defaultExcludes);
                if (excludedFiles != null)
                    foreach (var file in excludedFiles)
                        if (file is PhysicalPackageFile)
                            var physicalPackageFile = file as PhysicalPackageFile;
                                                     string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.Warning_FileExcludedByDefault, physicalPackageFile.SourcePath),
            wildCards = wildCards.Concat(_packArgs.Exclude);

            PathResolver.FilterPackageFiles(packageFiles, ResolvePath, wildCards);