Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void PrintStats()
        NeatAlgorithmStats stats = contentEA.Statistics;

        Debug.Log("************* NEAT STATS **************");
        Debug.Log("Generation = " + stats._generation + ", Total Evaluation = " + stats._totalEvaluationCount
                  + ", Max Fitness = " + stats._maxFitness + ", MeanFitness = " + stats._meanFitness);

        IGenomeDecoder <NeatGenome, IBlackBox> decoder = experiment.CreateGenomeDecoder();
        IBlackBox          box      = decoder.Decode(contentEA.CurrentChampGenome);
        FastAcyclicNetwork concrete = (FastAcyclicNetwork)box;

        Debug.Log("Champ:Num hidden nodes = " + concrete.hiddenNodeCount + ", num connections = " + concrete.connectionCount);

        // Get highlevel features
        PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures featureCounts = new PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures();

        PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE lastRoomType = PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE.NoPreviousRoom;
        for (int i = 0; i < (experiment as PCGNeatExperiment).geomNodeList.Count; i++)
            // Get cppn output for each node
            box.InputSignalArray[0] = (experiment as PCGNeatExperiment).geomNodeList[i].normDepth;
            box.InputSignalArray[1] = (experiment as PCGNeatExperiment).geomNodeList[i].normSiblingIndex;


            string   outputString = box.OutputSignalArray[0].ToString();
            double[] outputs      = new double[box.OutputCount];
            outputs[0] = box.OutputSignalArray[0];
            for (int j = 1; j < box.OutputCount; j++)
                outputString = outputString + "," + box.OutputSignalArray[j];
                outputs[j]   = box.OutputSignalArray[j];

            Debug.Log("(" + (experiment as PCGNeatExperiment).geomNodeList[i].normDepth + ","
                      + (experiment as PCGNeatExperiment).geomNodeList[i].normSiblingIndex + ") -> (" + outputString + ")");

            // Convert each nodes cppn output into a contentId
            int combinedContentID = featureCounts.CPPNOutputToSettingsId(outputs);
            lastRoomType = featureCounts.UpdateFeatures(combinedContentID, lastRoomType);

        // Pass the highlevel features into the player model to get the fitness
        if ((experiment as PCGNeatExperiment).playerModel != null)
            double[] distributions = (experiment as PCGNeatExperiment).playerModel.ClassifyNewData(featureCounts.ToDoubleArray());
            Debug.Log("Classifier: Champ Distributions: Dislike = " + distributions[0] + ", Like = " + distributions[1]);
            (experiment as PCGNeatExperiment).playerModel.PrintClassifierTestReport();

        Debug.Log("**************END NEAT STATS**************");
    /// <summary>
    /// Evaluate the provided phenome and return its fitness score.
    /// This takes a blackbox (pretty much the decoded neuralnetwork (the phenome)) that input can be passed to
    /// and output processed in the domain. Makes it very easy, we dont have to wory about the genome (genelist) or phenome (network) at all
    /// </summary>
    public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
        // Set a maximum number of evaluations
        double      fitness     = 0.5;
        FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(fitness, fitness);

        if (_evalCount > _nextEvalStop)
            _nextEvalStop          += _evalBlockSize;
            _stopConditionSatisfied = true;

        // Only use player model if it has been initialized. Otherwise, all fitness is 0.5
        if (_experiment.playerModel != null)
            // Get highlevel features
            PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures featureCounts = new PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures();
            PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE lastRoomType = PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE.NoPreviousRoom;
            for (int i = 0; i < _experiment.geomNodeList.Count; i++)
                // Get cppn output for each node
                box.InputSignalArray[0] = _experiment.geomNodeList[i].normDepth;
                box.InputSignalArray[1] = _experiment.geomNodeList[i].normSiblingIndex;


                double[] outputs = new double[box.OutputCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < box.OutputCount; j++)
                    outputs[j] = box.OutputSignalArray[j];

                // Convert each nodes cppn output into a contentId
                int combinedContentID = featureCounts.CPPNOutputToSettingsId(outputs);
                lastRoomType = featureCounts.UpdateFeatures(combinedContentID, lastRoomType);

            // Pass the highlevel features into the player model to get the fitness
            double[] distributions = _experiment.playerModel.ClassifyNewData(featureCounts.ToDoubleArray());
            // Fitness is the membership to the "Like" class (positive class)
            fitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(distributions[1], distributions[1]);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void TestSharpHighLevelFeatures()
        IGenomeDecoder <NeatGenome, IBlackBox> decoder = experiment.CreateGenomeDecoder();
        IBlackBox box = decoder.Decode(contentEA.CurrentChampGenome);

        PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures featureCounts = new PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures();

        for (int i = 0; i < ((PCGNeatExperiment)experiment).geomNodeList.Count; i++)
            // Get cppn output for each node
            PCGNeatNodeData currentNode = ((PCGNeatExperiment)experiment).geomNodeList[i];
            box.InputSignalArray[0] = currentNode.normDepth;
            box.InputSignalArray[1] = currentNode.normSiblingIndex;


            double[] outputs = new double[box.OutputCount];
            for (int j = 0; j < box.OutputCount; j++)
                outputs[j] = box.OutputSignalArray[j];

            // Convert each nodes cppn output into a contentId
            int combinedContentID = featureCounts.CPPNOutputToSettingsId(outputs);

            // Get high level features from contentID and lastRoomType
            PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE lastRoomType = PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE.NoPreviousRoom;
            if (i > 0)           // Only the first room should hav NoPreviousRomm
                lastRoomType = currentNode.parentNode.roomType;
            currentNode.roomType = featureCounts.UpdateFeatures(combinedContentID, lastRoomType);

Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// Evaluate the provided phenome and return its fitness score.
    /// This takes a blackbox (pretty much the decoded neuralnetwork (the phenome)) that input can be passed to
    /// and output processed in the domain. Makes it very easy, we dont have to wory about the genome (genelist) or phenome (network) at all
    /// </summary>
    public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
        // Set a maximum number of evaluations
        double      fitness     = 0;
        FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(fitness, fitness);

        if (_evalCount > _nextEvalStop)
            _nextEvalStop += _evalBlockSize;
            Debug.Log("Eval Count = " + _evalCount);
            if (_evalCount >= 500000)
                _stopConditionSatisfied = true;

        // Only use player model if it has been initialized. Otherwise, all fitness is 0.5
        if (_experiment.geomNodeList != null)
            // Get highlevel features
            PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures featureCounts = new PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures();
            PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE lastRoomType = PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE.NoPreviousRoom;
            if (_experiment == null)
                Debug.Log("Experiment null");
            if (_experiment.geomNodeList == null)
                Debug.Log("Geom node list null");
            for (int i = 0; i < _experiment.geomNodeList.Count; i++)
                // Get cppn output for each node
                box.InputSignalArray[0] = _experiment.geomNodeList[i].normDepth;
                box.InputSignalArray[1] = _experiment.geomNodeList[i].normSiblingIndex;


                double[] outputs = new double[box.OutputCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < box.OutputCount; j++)
                    outputs[j] = box.OutputSignalArray[j];

                // Convert each nodes cppn output into a contentId
                int combinedContentID = featureCounts.CPPNOutputToSettingsId(outputs);
                lastRoomType = featureCounts.UpdateFeatures(combinedContentID, lastRoomType);

            // Compare to the features of existing map
            double difference = featureCounts.CompareToOther(_originalFeatures);
            if (difference == 0)
                _stopConditionSatisfied = true;

            difference = 1000 + difference;

            // Fitness is the membership to the "Like" class (positive class)
            fitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(difference, difference);
            _stopConditionSatisfied = true;
