Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List<PropertySummary> FullSearchV1(List<SearchParameter> searchParameters, Ordering order, Filtering filter)

                _searchRepository.Search(searchParameters, order, filter).Select(SearchResultFactory.BuildPropertySummary).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public List<SearchResult> Search(List<SearchParameter> searchParameters, Ordering order, Filtering filter)

                _searchRepository.Search(searchParameters, order, filter).Select(SearchResultFactory.BuildSearchResult).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void ResolveFieldPaths(Ordering[] orderings)
     for (var fieldPathIndex = 0; fieldPathIndex < orderings.Length; ++fieldPathIndex)
         var fieldPath = orderings[fieldPathIndex];
         fieldPath._resolvedPath = ResolveFieldPath(fieldPath.FieldPath());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public SodaQueryComparator(LocalObjectContainer container, ClassMetadata extent,
     Ordering[] orderings)
     _container = container;
     _transaction = ((LocalTransaction) _container.Transaction);
     _extentType = extent;
     _orderings = orderings;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public MockTransport(string name, Dictionary<string, string> cap, Reliability reliability,
            Ordering ordering, uint maxPacketSize)
            State = RunningState.Started;

            Name = name;
            Capabilities = cap;
            Reliability = reliability;
            Ordering = ordering;
            MaximumPacketSize = maxPacketSize;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public List<SearchResult> Search(List<SearchParameter> searchParameters, Ordering order, Filtering filter)

            var applications = _searchRepository.Search(searchParameters, order, filter);

                applications.GenerateStatuses(_statusGeneratorFactory, _pipelinePositionGenerator)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public List<Property> Search(List<SearchParameter> searchParameters, Ordering order, Filtering filter)
            var properties = from property in
                .Include(x => x.Landlord)
                .Include(x => x.PropertyDetails)
                .Include(x => x.PropertyPhotos)
                select property;

            properties = _searchQueryFactory.GetQueries()
                .Aggregate(properties, (current, query) => query.BuildSearchQuery(searchParameters, current));

            return properties.OrderProperties(order).Filter(filter).ToList().FilterByArea(searchParameters.AreaOrDefault()).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public Guid AddOrdering(AddOrderingCommand command)
   string orderCode = _keyGenerationReportService.GetCode(KeyTypeObjects.Order).CodeNew;
   var ordering = new Ordering()
     OrderingId = Guid.NewGuid(),
     Address = command.Address,
     Phone = command.Phone,
     ExchangeRateId = command.ExchangeRateId,
     Note = command.Note,
     TotalDiscuss = command.TotalDiscuss,
     PersonId = command.PersonId,
     CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
     Status = (int)StatusOrderingEnum.New,
     OrderingCode = orderCode,
     IsDelivered = false,
     IsDeposit = false,
     IsPaid = false,
     IsDownPayment = false,
     IsPayAtHome = false,
     NoteApproved = "",
     NoteCustomer = "",
     CreatedByName = "",
     CreatedBy = command.PersonId,
     Type = 0,
     TotalAmount = 0,
     TotalCount = 0,
     TotalCustomFees = 0,
     TotalDomesticCharges = 0,
     TotalDownPayment = 0,
     TotalQuantity = 0,
     TotalPrice = 0,
     TotalShipAbroad = 0,
     TotalShipInternal = 0,
     TotalVat = 0,
     TotalWage = 0,
     TransportFee = 0,
     WeightFee = 0
   return ordering.OrderingId;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public List<Application> Search(List<SearchParameter> searchParameters, Ordering order, Filtering filter)
            var applications =
                from application in
                        .Include(x => x.Customers)
                        .Include(x => x.Customers.Select(c => c.Addresses))
                        .Include(x => x.Customers.Select(c => c.Emails))
                        .Include(x => x.Customers.Select(c => c.Names))
                        .Include(x => x.Customers.Select(c => c.TelephoneNumbers))
                        .Include(x => x.Properties)
                        .Include(x => x.Requirements)
                select application;

            applications = _searchQueryFactory.GetQueries()
                .Aggregate(applications, (current, query) => query.BuildSearchQuery(searchParameters, current));

            return applications.OrderApplications(order).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance for handling UDP connections providing
        /// specified ordering requirements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ordering"></param>
        public UdpConnector(Ordering ordering)
            log = LogManager.GetLogger(GetType());

            switch (ordering)
                case Ordering.Unordered:
                    factory = new TransportFactory<UdpClient>(
                        h => new UdpClientTransport(h),
                        t => t is UdpClientTransport);
                case Ordering.Sequenced:
                    factory = new TransportFactory<UdpClient>(
                        h => new UdpSequencedClientTransport(h),
                        t => t is UdpSequencedClientTransport);
                default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported ordering type: " + ordering);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private IEnumerable<Property> GetPropertyForAreaAndStatus(List<string> areas, PipelinePosition pipelinePosition, Ordering order, Page page)

            var properties = _propertyRepository.GetPropertiesByAreas(areas, Ordering.Newest).ToList();

            if (properties.IsNull() || properties.IsEmpty())
                return new List<Property>();

            foreach (var property in properties)
                property.PipelinePosition = property.PropertyStatus == Status.Let
                    ? PipelinePosition.Let
                    : PipelinePosition.Available;

            return properties
                .Where(p => p.PipelinePosition == pipelinePosition)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public List<CaselistEntry> GetApplicationsForAreaAndStatus(List<string> areas, PipelinePosition pipelinePosition, Ordering order, Page page)

            var applications = _applicationRepository.GetApplicationsForAreas(areas, order);

            if (applications.IsNull() || applications.IsEmpty())
                return new List<CaselistEntry>();

            foreach (var application in applications)

            return applications.FilterUnknownApplications()
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void SetGraphProperties(
            RankDir value = RankDir.TopToBottom,
            Style style = Style.Default,
            string label = null,
            Ordering ordering = Ordering.None)
            string text = null;
            switch (value)
                case RankDir.BottomToTop: text = "BT"; break;
                case RankDir.TopToBottom: text = "TB"; break;
                case RankDir.RightToLeft: text = "RL"; break;
                case RankDir.LeftToRight: text = "LR"; break;

            if (text != null)
                writer.WriteLine("graph [rankdir={0}]", text);

            if (label != null)
                writer.WriteLine("graph [label=\"{0}\"]", Escape(label));

            if (style != Style.Default)
                writer.WriteLine("graph [style={0}]", StyleToText(style));

            if (ordering != Ordering.None)
                writer.WriteLine("graph [ordering={0}]", OrderingToText(ordering));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void GetPagedResultsByQuery_FirstPage()
            var provider = TestObjects.GetScopeProvider(Logger);

            using (var scope = provider.CreateScope())
                var repository = CreateRepository((IScopeAccessor)provider, out _);

                var query = scope.SqlContext.Query <IContent>().Where(x => x.Level == 2);

                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlTrace = true;
                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlCount = true;

                    var result = repository.GetPage(query, 0, 1, out var totalRecords, null, Ordering.By("Name"));

                    Assert.That(totalRecords, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(2));
                    Assert.That(result.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
                    Assert.That(result.First().Name, Is.EqualTo("Text Page 1"));
                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlTrace = false;
                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlCount = false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void GetPagedResultsByQuery_With_Variant_Names()
            // one invariant content type named "umbInvariantTextPage"
            var invariantCt = MockedContentTypes.CreateSimpleContentType("umbInvariantTextpage", "Invariant Textpage");

            invariantCt.Variations = ContentVariation.Nothing;
            foreach (var p in invariantCt.PropertyTypes)
                p.Variations = ContentVariation.Nothing;
            ServiceContext.FileService.SaveTemplate(invariantCt.DefaultTemplate); // else, FK violation on contentType!

            // one variant (by culture) content type named "umbVariantTextPage"
            // with properties, every 2nd one being variant (by culture), the other being invariant
            var variantCt = MockedContentTypes.CreateSimpleContentType("umbVariantTextpage", "Variant Textpage");

            variantCt.Variations = ContentVariation.Culture;
            var propTypes = variantCt.PropertyTypes.ToList();

            for (var i = 0; i < propTypes.Count; i++)
                var p = propTypes[i];
                p.Variations = i % 2 == 0 ? ContentVariation.Culture : ContentVariation.Nothing;
            ServiceContext.FileService.SaveTemplate(variantCt.DefaultTemplate); // else, FK violation on contentType!

            invariantCt.AllowedContentTypes = new[] { new ContentTypeSort(invariantCt.Id, 0), new ContentTypeSort(variantCt.Id, 1) };

            //create content

            var root = MockedContent.CreateSimpleContent(invariantCt);


            var children = new List <IContent>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                var isInvariant = i % 2 == 0;
                var name        = (isInvariant ? "INV" : "VAR") + "_" + Guid.NewGuid();
                var culture     = isInvariant ? null : "en-US";

                var child = MockedContent.CreateSimpleContent(
                    isInvariant ? invariantCt : variantCt,
                    name, root,
                    setPropertyValues: isInvariant);

                if (!isInvariant)
                    //manually set the property values since we have mixed variant/invariant property types
                    child.SetValue("title", name + " Subpage", culture: culture);
                    child.SetValue("bodyText", "This is a subpage", culture: null); //this one is invariant
                    child.SetValue("author", "John Doe", culture: culture);


            var child1 = children[1];


            var provider = TestObjects.GetScopeProvider(Logger);

            using (var scope = provider.CreateScope())
                var repository = CreateRepository((IScopeAccessor)provider, out _);

                var child = repository.Get(children[1].Id); // 1 is variant

                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlTrace = true;
                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlCount = true;

                    var query  = scope.SqlContext.Query <IContent>().Where(x => x.ParentId == root.Id);
                    var result = repository.GetPage(query, 0, 20, out var totalRecords, null, Ordering.By("UpdateDate"));

                    Assert.AreEqual(25, totalRecords);
                    foreach (var r in result)
                        var isInvariant = r.ContentType.Alias == "umbInvariantTextpage";
                        var name        = isInvariant ? r.Name : r.CultureInfos["en-US"].Name;
                        var namePrefix  = isInvariant ? "INV" : "VAR";

                        //ensure the correct name (invariant vs variant) is in the result

                        foreach (var p in r.Properties)
                            //ensure there is a value for the correct variant/invariant property
                            var value = p.GetValue(p.PropertyType.Variations.VariesByNothing() ? null : "en-US");
                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlTrace = false;
                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlCount = false;
 private Auftrag GetAuftrag(Ordering ordering, OrderItem orderItem)
         ? GetAuftragForOrderItemWithVeId(ordering, orderItem)
         : GetAuftragFormularbestellung(ordering, orderItem));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static extern CurandStatus curandSetGeneratorOrdering(CurandGenerator generator, Ordering order);
Ejemplo n.º 18
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the ordering of results of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
		/// <para/>
		/// Legal values of order for pseudorandom generators are:<para/>
		/// - <see cref="Ordering.PseudoDefault"/><para/>
		/// - <see cref="Ordering.PseudoBest"/><para/>
		/// - <see cref="Ordering.PseudoSeeded"/><para/>
		/// <para/>
		/// Legal values of order for quasirandom generators are:<para/>
		/// - <see cref="Ordering.QuasiDefault"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="order"></param>
		public void SetGeneratorOrdering(Ordering order)
			_status = CudaRandNativeMethods.curandSetGeneratorOrdering(_generator, order);
			Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:G}, {1}: {2}", DateTime.Now, "curandSetGeneratorOrdering", _status));
			if (_status != CurandStatus.Success) throw new CudaRandException(_status);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void Reset(string[] args, string optstring, Option[] longopts)
            if (args == null || optstring == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            this.args = args;
            this.optstring = optstring;
            this.longopts = longopts;

            done = false;
            opt = -1;
            optarg = null;
            optind = 0;
            optopt = '?';
            longIndex = -1;

            nextchar = null;
            firstNonopt = lastNonopt = 0;

            if (optstring.StartsWith("-"))
                ordering = Ordering.ReturnInOrder;
                optstring = optstring.Substring(1);
            else if (optstring.StartsWith("+"))
                ordering = Ordering.RequireOrder;
                optstring = optstring.Substring(1);
            else if (posixlyCorrect)
                ordering = Ordering.RequireOrder;
                ordering = Ordering.Permute;
 public List<Application> GetApplicationsForAreas(List<string> areas, Ordering order)
             .Include(a => a.Requirements)
             .Include(a => a.Customers)
             .Include(a => a.Properties)
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static IQueryable<Property> OrderProperties(this IQueryable<Property> source, Ordering order)

            switch (order)
                case Ordering.Newest:
                    return source.OrderByDescending(p => p.StartDate);
                case Ordering.Oldest:
                    return source.OrderBy(p => p.StartDate);
                case Ordering.LeastExpensive:
                    return source.OrderBy(p => p.MonthlyPrice);
                    return source.OrderByDescending(p => p.MonthlyPrice);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// A constructor for specifying the most common requirements.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="d">the minimum reliability requirement</param>
 /// <param name="a">the minimum aggregation requirement</param>
 /// <param name="o">the minimum ordering requirement</param>
 public MessageDeliveryRequirements(Reliability d, MessageAggregation a, Ordering o)
     Reliability = d;
     Aggregation = a;
     Ordering = o;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor to set the 3 most common value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="d">the required reliability</param>
 /// <param name="a">the desired aggregation</param>
 /// <param name="o">the required ordered</param>
 public ChannelDeliveryRequirements(Reliability d, MessageAggregation a, Ordering o)
     Reliability = d;
     Aggregation = a;
     Ordering = o;
     Freshness = Freshness.IncludeAll;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public ConfigurationData( LoggingLevel logging = LoggingLevel.Light, RoutingPolicy routing = RoutingPolicy.Flooding, Ordering ordering = Ordering.Fifo, string pupIP = "localhost")
     this.logging = logging;
     this.routing = routing;
     this.ordering = ordering;
     this.PuppetMasterIP = pupIP;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public static extern CurandStatus curandSetGeneratorOrdering(CurandGenerator generator, Ordering order);
Ejemplo n.º 26
            /// <summary>Yield all subdirectories of the supplied path as a text outline.</summary>
            /// <param name="rootPath">Topmost directory.</param>
            /// <param name="fileFilter">Search pattern or *null* for all.</param>
            /// <param name="drawWith">Outline characters.</param>
            /// <param name="order">Output sorting.</param>
            /// <param name="tab">Number of characters to indent per level.</param>
            /// <returns>All subdirectories of the supplied path as a text outline.</returns>
            public static IEnumerable <string> GenerateTextTree(string rootPath, string fileFilter, DrawWith drawWith = DrawWith.Graphic, Ordering order = Ordering.None, int tab = 4)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();

                for (var dv = new DirNode.Vector(rootPath, null, order, drawWith, tab); dv.Advance(); sb.Length = 0)
                    sb.AppendIndent(dv, false);
                    sb.Append(dv.Depth == 0 ? dv.Top.Path : dv.Top.Name);
                    yield return(sb.ToString());

                    if (fileFilter != null)
                        if (dv.Top.FileInfos.Count > 0)
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            sb.AppendIndent(dv, true);
                            int indentLength = sb.Length;
                            foreach (var fInfo in dv.Top.FileInfos)
                                yield return(sb.ToString());

                                sb.Length = indentLength;
                            yield return(sb.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 27
		public OrderingClause(Position p, Expression/*!*/ expression, Ordering ordering)
			: base(p)
			Debug.Assert(expression != null);

			this.expression = expression;
			this.ordering = ordering;
Ejemplo n.º 28
			public OrderBy(DirectVarUse keyVar, DirectVarUse valueVar, Expression expression,
				Ordering ordering, LinqOp next, bool isThenBy)
				this.keyVar = keyVar;
				this.valueVar = valueVar;
				this.expression = expression;
				this.ordering = ordering;
				this.next = next;
				this.isThenBy = isThenBy;
        public PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> > GetChildren(int id,
                                                                                  int pageNumber           = 0,
                                                                                  int pageSize             = 0,
                                                                                  string orderBy           = "SortOrder",
                                                                                  Direction orderDirection = Direction.Ascending,
                                                                                  bool orderBySystemField  = true,
                                                                                  string filter            = "")
            //if a request is made for the root node data but the user's start node is not the default, then
            // we need to return their start nodes
            if (id == Constants.System.Root && UserStartNodes.Length > 0 && UserStartNodes.Contains(Constants.System.Root) == false)
                if (pageNumber > 0)
                    return(new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(0, 0, 0));
                var nodes = _mediaService.GetByIds(UserStartNodes).ToArray();
                if (nodes.Length == 0)
                    return(new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(0, 0, 0));
                if (pageSize < nodes.Length)
                    pageSize = nodes.Length; // bah
                var pr = new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(nodes.Length, pageNumber, pageSize)
                    Items = nodes.Select(_umbracoMapper.Map <IMedia, ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >)

            // else proceed as usual

            long          totalChildren;
            List <IMedia> children;

            if (pageNumber > 0 && pageSize > 0)
                IQuery <IMedia> queryFilter = null;
                if (filter.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false)
                    //add the default text filter
                    queryFilter = _sqlContext.Query <IMedia>()
                                  .Where(x => x.Name.Contains(filter));

                children = _mediaService
                    id, (pageNumber - 1), pageSize,
                    out totalChildren,
                    Ordering.By(orderBy, orderDirection, isCustomField: !orderBySystemField)).ToList();
                //better to not use this without paging where possible, currently only the sort dialog does
                children      = _mediaService.GetPagedChildren(id, 0, int.MaxValue, out var total).ToList();
                totalChildren = children.Count;

            if (totalChildren == 0)
                return(new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(0, 0, 0));

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(totalChildren, pageNumber, pageSize);

            pagedResult.Items = children
                                .Select(_umbracoMapper.Map <IMedia, ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >);

Ejemplo n.º 30
 public NullTransport(Reliability reliability, Ordering ordering, int delay, uint maxPacketSize)
     Active = true;
     Reliability = reliability;
     Ordering = ordering;
     Delay = delay;
     MaximumPacketSize = maxPacketSize;
        public static IQueryable<Application> OrderApplications(this IQueryable<Application> source, Ordering order)

            switch (order)
                case Ordering.DateCreated:
                    return source.OrderByDescending(a => a.DateCreated);
                    return source.OrderByDescending(a => a.DateUpdated);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public void GetPagedResultsByQuery_FilterMatchingAll()
            var provider = TestObjects.GetScopeProvider(Logger);

            using (var scope = provider.CreateScope())
                var repository = CreateRepository((IScopeAccessor)provider, out _);

                var query = scope.SqlContext.Query <IContent>().Where(x => x.Level == 2);

                var filterQuery = scope.SqlContext.Query <IContent>().Where(x => x.Name.Contains("text"));
                var result      = repository.GetPage(query, 0, 1, out var totalRecords, filterQuery, Ordering.By("Name"));

                Assert.That(totalRecords, Is.EqualTo(2));
                Assert.That(result.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
                Assert.That(result.First().Name, Is.EqualTo("Text Page 1"));
 public IDataBuilder AddAuftrag(Ordering ordering, OrderItem item)
     AddValue("Auftrag", GetAuftrag(ordering, item));
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the ordering.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ordering">The ordering.</param>
 /// <param name="queryModel">The query model.</param>
 /// <param name="orderByClause">The order by clause.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index.</param>
 public override void VisitOrdering(Ordering ordering, QueryModel queryModel, OrderByClause orderByClause, int index)
     var memberMapPath = MemberMapPathBuilder.BuildFrom(this.mongoSession.MappingStore, ordering.Expression);
     this.querySpec.OrderBy[memberMapPath.Key] = ordering.OrderingDirection == OrderingDirection.Asc ? 1 : -1;
 public IDataBuilder AddBestellung(Ordering ordering)
     expando.Bestellung = new Bestellung(ordering);
 public IQueryable<SalesOrderHeader> OrdersByValue(Ordering ordering)
     return ordering == Ordering.Descending ? Instances<SalesOrderHeader>().OrderByDescending(obj => obj.TotalDue) :
                                              Instances<SalesOrderHeader>().OrderBy(obj => obj.TotalDue);
Ejemplo n.º 37
        public void GetPagedResultsByQuery_CustomPropertySort()
            var provider = TestObjects.GetScopeProvider(Logger);

            using (var scope = provider.CreateScope())
                var repository = CreateRepository((IScopeAccessor)provider, out _);

                var query = scope.SqlContext.Query <IContent>().Where(x => x.Name.Contains("Text"));

                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlTrace = true;
                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlCount = true;

                    var result = repository.GetPage(query, 0, 2, out var totalRecords, null, Ordering.By("title", isCustomField: true));

                    Assert.AreEqual(3, totalRecords);
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count());

                    result = repository.GetPage(query, 1, 2, out totalRecords, null, Ordering.By("title", isCustomField: true));

                    Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count());
                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlTrace = false;
                    scope.Database.AsUmbracoDatabase().EnableSqlCount = false;
Ejemplo n.º 38
 /// <summary>Yield all subdirectories of the supplied path.</summary>
 /// <param name="rootPath">Topmost directory.</param>
 /// <param name="filter">Search pattern or *null* for all.</param>
 /// <param name="order">Output sorting.</param>
 /// <returns>All subdirectories of the supplied path as text.</returns>
 public static IEnumerable <string> EnumerateDirectories(string rootPath, string filter = null, Ordering order = Ordering.None)
     for (var dv = new DirNode.Vector(rootPath, filter, order); dv.Advance();)
         yield return(dv.Top.Path);
Ejemplo n.º 39
        public void GetPagedResultsByQuery_DescendingOrder()
            var provider = TestObjects.GetScopeProvider(Logger);

            using (var scope = provider.CreateScope())
                var repository = CreateRepository((IScopeAccessor)provider, out _);

                var query  = scope.SqlContext.Query <IContent>().Where(x => x.Level == 2);
                var result = repository.GetPage(query, 0, 1, out var totalRecords, null, Ordering.By("Name", Direction.Descending));

                Assert.That(totalRecords, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(2));
                Assert.That(result.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
                Assert.That(result.First().Name, Is.EqualTo("Text Page 2"));
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public string OrderingToText(Ordering value)
     switch (value)
         case Ordering.Out: return "out";
         case Ordering.In: return "in";
         case Ordering.None:
             return null;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        private static Ordering Compare(IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <Node, long> > i1, IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <Node, long> > i2, Ordering requestedOrder)
            //TODO: Tail recursion issues?
            Func <KeyValuePair <Node, long>, KeyValuePair <Node, long>, Ordering, Ordering> compareNext = null;

            compareNext =
                (nt1, nt2, currentOrder) =>
                if (requestedOrder != Ordering.FullOrder && currentOrder != Ordering.Same &&
                    currentOrder != requestedOrder)
                if (nt1.Equals(CmpEndMarker) && nt2.Equals(CmpEndMarker))
                // i1 is empty but i2 is not, so i1 can only be Before
                if (nt1.Equals(CmpEndMarker))
                    return(currentOrder == Ordering.After ? Ordering.Concurrent : Ordering.Before);
                // i2 is empty but i1 is not, so i1 can only be After
                if (nt2.Equals(CmpEndMarker))
                    return(currentOrder == Ordering.Before ? Ordering.Concurrent : Ordering.After);
                // compare the nodes
                var nc = nt1.Key.CompareTo(nt2.Key);
                if (nc == 0)
                    // both nodes exist compare the timestamps
                    // same timestamp so just continue with the next nodes
                    if (nt1.Value == nt2.Value)
                        return(compareNext(NextOrElse(i1, CmpEndMarker), NextOrElse(i2, CmpEndMarker), currentOrder));
                    if (nt1.Value < nt2.Value)
                        // t1 is less than t2, so i1 can only be Before
                        if (currentOrder == Ordering.After)
                        return(compareNext(NextOrElse(i1, CmpEndMarker), NextOrElse(i2, CmpEndMarker),
                    if (currentOrder == Ordering.Before)
                    return(compareNext(NextOrElse(i1, CmpEndMarker), NextOrElse(i2, CmpEndMarker), Ordering.After));
                if (nc < 0)
                    // this node only exists in i1 so i1 can only be After
                    if (currentOrder == Ordering.Before)
                    return(compareNext(NextOrElse(i1, CmpEndMarker), nt2, Ordering.After));
                // this node only exists in i2 so i1 can only be Before
                if (currentOrder == Ordering.After)
                return(compareNext(nt1, NextOrElse(i2, CmpEndMarker), Ordering.Before));

            return(compareNext(NextOrElse(i1, CmpEndMarker), NextOrElse(i2, CmpEndMarker), Ordering.Same));
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public SodaQueryComparator(LocalObjectContainer container, Type extentType, Ordering
     [] orderings) : this(container, container.ProduceClassMetadata(container.Reflector
         ().ForClass(extentType)), orderings)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public override void VisitOrdering(Ordering ordering, QueryModel queryModel, OrderByClause orderByClause, int index)
Ejemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates indexes based on content changes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void ContentCacheRefresherUpdated(ContentCacheRefresher sender, CacheRefresherEventArgs args)
            if (Suspendable.ExamineEvents.CanIndex == false)

            if (args.MessageType != MessageType.RefreshByPayload)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            var contentService = _services.ContentService;

            foreach (var payload in (ContentCacheRefresher.JsonPayload[])args.MessageObject)
                if (payload.ChangeTypes.HasType(TreeChangeTypes.Remove))
                    // delete content entirely (with descendants)
                    //  false: remove entirely from all indexes
                    DeleteIndexForEntity(payload.Id, false);
                else if (payload.ChangeTypes.HasType(TreeChangeTypes.RefreshAll))
                    // ExamineEvents does not support RefreshAll
                    // just ignore that payload
                    // so what?!

                    // TODO: Rebuild the index at this point?
                else // RefreshNode or RefreshBranch (maybe trashed)
                    // don't try to be too clever - refresh entirely
                    // there has to be race conditions in there ;-(

                    var content = contentService.GetById(payload.Id);
                    if (content == null)
                        // gone fishing, remove entirely from all indexes (with descendants)
                        DeleteIndexForEntity(payload.Id, false);

                    IContent published = null;
                    if (content.Published && contentService.IsPathPublished(content))
                        published = content;

                    if (published == null)
                        DeleteIndexForEntity(payload.Id, true);

                    // just that content
                    ReIndexForContent(content, published != null);

                    // branch
                    if (payload.ChangeTypes.HasType(TreeChangeTypes.RefreshBranch))
                        var       masked   = published == null ? null : new List <int>();
                        const int pageSize = 500;
                        var       page     = 0;
                        var       total    = long.MaxValue;
                        while (page * pageSize < total)
                            var descendants = contentService.GetPagedDescendants(content.Id, page++, pageSize, out total,
                                                                                 //order by shallowest to deepest, this allows us to check it's published state without checking every item
                                                                                 ordering: Ordering.By("Path", Direction.Ascending));

                            foreach (var descendant in descendants)
                                published = null;
                                if (masked != null) // else everything is masked
                                    if (masked.Contains(descendant.ParentId) || !descendant.Published)
                                        published = descendant;

                                ReIndexForContent(descendant, published != null);

                // NOTE
                // DeleteIndexForEntity is handled by UmbracoContentIndexer.DeleteFromIndex() which takes
                //  care of also deleting the descendants
                // ReIndexForContent is NOT taking care of descendants so we have to reload everything
                //  again in order to process the branch - we COULD improve that by just reloading the
                //  XML from database instead of reloading content & re-serializing!
                // BUT ... pretty sure it is! see test "Index_Delete_Index_Item_Ensure_Heirarchy_Removed"
Ejemplo n.º 45
            /// <summary>Yield all subdirectories of the supplied path.</summary>
            /// <param name="rootPath">Topmost directory.</param>
            /// <param name="fileFilter">Search pattern or *null* for all.</param>
            /// <param name="order">Output sorting.</param>
            /// <returns>All subdirectories of the supplied path as text.</returns>
            public static IEnumerable <string> EnumerateFiles(string rootPath, string fileFilter = null, Ordering order = Ordering.None)
                if (fileFilter == null)
                    fileFilter = "*";

                for (var dv = new DirNode.Vector(rootPath, null, order); dv.Advance();)
                    foreach (var fInfo in dv.Top.FileInfos)
                        yield return(fInfo.FullName);
Ejemplo n.º 46
        private Ordering Compare(IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <UniqueAddress, long> > i1,
                                 IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <UniqueAddress, long> > i2, Ordering requestedOrder)
            var nt1          = NextOrElse(i1, EndMarker);
            var nt2          = NextOrElse(i2, EndMarker);
            var currentOrder = Ordering.Same;

            while (true)
                if (requestedOrder != Ordering.FullOrder && currentOrder != Ordering.Same && currentOrder != requestedOrder)
                else if (Equals(nt1, EndMarker) && Equals(nt2, EndMarker))
                else if (Equals(nt1, EndMarker))
                    return(currentOrder == Ordering.After ? Ordering.Concurrent : Ordering.Before);
                else if (Equals(nt2, EndMarker))
                    return(currentOrder == Ordering.Before ? Ordering.Concurrent : Ordering.After);
                    var nc = nt1.Key.CompareTo(nt2.Key);
                    if (nc == 0)
                        if (nt1.Value < nt2.Value)
                            if (currentOrder == Ordering.After)
                            currentOrder = Ordering.Before;
                        else if (nt1.Value > nt2.Value)
                            if (currentOrder == Ordering.Before)
                            currentOrder = Ordering.After;

                        nt1 = NextOrElse(i1, EndMarker);
                        nt2 = NextOrElse(i2, EndMarker);
                    else if (nc < 0)
                        if (currentOrder == Ordering.Before)
                        currentOrder = Ordering.After;
                        nt1          = NextOrElse(i1, EndMarker);
                        if (currentOrder == Ordering.After)
                        currentOrder = Ordering.Before;
                        nt2          = NextOrElse(i2, EndMarker);
Ejemplo n.º 47
 /// <summary>Yield all subdirectories of the supplied path.</summary>
 /// <param name="rootPath">Topmost directory.</param>
 /// <param name="filter">Search pattern or *null* for all.</param>
 /// <param name="order">Output sorting.</param>
 /// <returns>All subdirectories of the supplied path as <see cref="DirectoryInfo"/> instances.</returns>
 public static IEnumerable <DirectoryInfo> EnumerateDirectoriesForInfo(string rootPath, string filter = null, Ordering order = Ordering.None)
     for (var dv = new DirNode.Vector(rootPath, filter, order); dv.Advance();)
         yield return(dv.Top.dirInfos[dv.Top.Index]);
            public override void VisitOrdering(Ordering ordering, QueryModel queryModel, OrderByClause orderByClause, int index)
                base.VisitOrdering(ordering, queryModel, orderByClause, index);

                TransformingVisitor.StringBuilder.Append($" {ordering.OrderingDirection.ToString().ToLower()}");
Ejemplo n.º 49
        public IEnumerable <Post> GetPostsForUser(Guid userId, bool selfPosts, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 1, Ordering <Post> ordering = null, Guid?interestId = null)
            IEnumerable <Post> posts = null;

            if (interestId != null)
                posts = Posts.GetPostsForInterest((Guid)interestId, pageIndex, pageSize);
                posts = Posts.Get(userId, selfPosts, pageIndex, pageSize, ordering);

Ejemplo n.º 50
 public IEnumerable<Property> GetPropertiesByAreas(List<string> areas, Ordering order)
             .Include(x => x.PropertyDetails)
             .Include(x => x.PropertyPhotos)
Ejemplo n.º 51
 public virtual void VisitOrdering(Ordering ordering, QueryModel queryModel, OrderByClause orderByClause, int index)
 public override void VisitOrdering(Ordering ordering, QueryModel queryModel, OrderByClause orderByClause, int index)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 internal void Parse(Ordering ordering)
     direction = ordering.OrderingDirection;
Ejemplo n.º 54
        // get a page of entities
        public IEnumerable <IEntitySlim> GetPagedResultsByQuery(IQuery <IUmbracoEntity> query, Guid objectType, long pageIndex, int pageSize, out long totalRecords,
                                                                IQuery <IUmbracoEntity> filter, Ordering ordering)
            var isContent = objectType == Constants.ObjectTypes.Document || objectType == Constants.ObjectTypes.DocumentBlueprint;
            var isMedia   = objectType == Constants.ObjectTypes.Media;

            var sql = GetBaseWhere(isContent, isMedia, false, x =>
                if (filter == null)
                foreach (var filterClause in filter.GetWhereClauses())
                    x.Where(filterClause.Item1, filterClause.Item2);
            }, objectType);

            ordering = ordering ?? Ordering.ByDefault();

            var translator = new SqlTranslator <IUmbracoEntity>(sql, query);

            sql = translator.Translate();
            sql = AddGroupBy(isContent, isMedia, sql, ordering.IsEmpty);

            if (!ordering.IsEmpty)
                // apply ordering
                ApplyOrdering(ref sql, ordering);

            // TODO: we should be able to do sql = sql.OrderBy(x => Alias(x.NodeId, "NodeId")); but we can't because the OrderBy extension don't support Alias currently
            //no matter what we always must have node id ordered at the end
            sql = ordering.Direction == Direction.Ascending ? sql.OrderBy("NodeId") : sql.OrderByDescending("NodeId");

            // for content we must query for ContentEntityDto entities to produce the correct culture variant entity names
            var pageIndexToFetch = pageIndex + 1;
            IEnumerable <BaseDto> dtos;

            if (isContent)
                var page = Database.Page <ContentEntityDto>(pageIndexToFetch, pageSize, sql);
                dtos         = page.Items;
                totalRecords = page.TotalItems;
            else if (isMedia)
                var page = Database.Page <MediaEntityDto>(pageIndexToFetch, pageSize, sql);
                dtos         = page.Items;
                totalRecords = page.TotalItems;
                var page = Database.Page <BaseDto>(pageIndexToFetch, pageSize, sql);
                dtos         = page.Items;
                totalRecords = page.TotalItems;

            var entities = dtos.Select(x => BuildEntity(isContent, isMedia, x)).ToArray();

            if (isContent)
                BuildVariants(entities.Cast <DocumentEntitySlim>());

        //protected IMemoryCache _memoryCache
        //    get { } set { }
        public ResultDto <ResultProductForSiteDto> Execute(string SearchKey, int?CatId, int Page, int PageSize, Ordering ordering)
            //Memorycache -------
            var cacheKey = "allproducts";

            //List<Product> List_CachedProducts;
            //string serializedProducts;
            //var Redis_encodedProducts = _distributedCache.Get(cacheKey);
            //    serializedProducts = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Redis_encodedProducts);
            //    List_CachedProducts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Product>>(serializedProducts);
            if (!_memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out List <Product> List_CachedProducts))
                List_CachedProducts = _context.Products
                                      .Include(p => p.Category)
                                      .Include(p => p.SellerProducts)
                                      .Include(p => p.ProductImages).ToList();
                var cacheExpirationOption = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions
                    AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddHours(5),
                    Priority           = CacheItemPriority.Normal,
                    SlidingExpiration  = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(4),
                    Size = 1024,

                _memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, List_CachedProducts, cacheExpirationOption);

                //serializedProducts =
                //JsonConvert.SerializeObject(List_CachedProducts, Formatting.None,
                //        new JsonSerializerSettings()
                //        {
                //            ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
                //        });
                //Redis_encodedProducts = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedProducts);

                //_distributedCache.Set(cacheKey, Redis_encodedProducts, cacheExpirationOption);

            //if (!_memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey,out List<Product> List_CachedProduct))
            //    List_CachedProduct = _context.Products
            //    .Include(p => p.SellerProducts)
            //    .Include(p => p.ProductImages).ToList();

            //    var cacheExpirationOption = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
            //    {
            //        AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
            //        Priority = CacheItemPriority.Normal,
            //        SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1),
            //        Size = 10258,
            //    };
            //    _memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, List_CachedProduct,cacheExpirationOption);

            int TotalRows    = 0;
            var productQuery = List_CachedProducts

            if (CatId != null)
                productQuery = productQuery.Include(p => p.SellerProducts).Where(p => p.CategoryId == CatId || p.Category.ParentCategoryId == CatId).AsQueryable();
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchKey))
                productQuery = productQuery.Include(p => p.SellerProducts).Where(p => p.Name.Contains(SearchKey) || p.Brand.Contains(SearchKey));

            switch (ordering)
            case Ordering.NotOrder:
                productQuery = productQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).AsQueryable();

            case Ordering.MostVisited:
                productQuery = productQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.ViewCount).AsQueryable();

            case Ordering.Bestselling:
                productQuery = productQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).AsQueryable();

            case Ordering.MostPopular:


            case Ordering.theNewest:
                productQuery = productQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).AsQueryable();

            case Ordering.Cheapest:
                productQuery = productQuery.OrderBy(p => p.Price).AsQueryable();

            case Ordering.theMostExpensive:
                productQuery = productQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price).AsQueryable();

            //if (productQuery.ToList().Count == 0)
            //    productQuery = _context.Products
            //    .Include(p => p.ProductImages).Where(p => p.Name.Contains(SearchKey) || p.Brand.Contains(SearchKey));
            var products = productQuery.ToPaged(Page, PageSize, out TotalRows);

            //var products2 = _context.Products.FromSqlRaw("SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS").ToList();

            Random rd = new Random();

            return(new ResultDto <ResultProductForSiteDto>()
                Data = new ResultProductForSiteDto()
                    Products = products.Select(p => new ProductForSiteDto
                        Id = p.Id,
                        Star = rd.Next(1, 5),
                        Title = p.Name,
                        Price = p.SellerProducts.Count > 0 && p.SellerProducts.Count(s => s.Inventory > 0) > 0 ? p.SellerProducts.OrderBy(s => s.SellerPrice).FirstOrDefault().SellerPrice : 0,
                        ImageSrc = p.ProductImages.FirstOrDefault().Src,
                    TotalRows = TotalRows
                IsSuccess = true,
                Message = "",
Ejemplo n.º 56
 public SortItem(object sortKey, Ordering ordering, NullOrdering nullOrdering) : this(null, sortKey, ordering, nullOrdering)
Ejemplo n.º 57
 public int CompareTo(Member other)
     return(Ordering.Compare(this, other));
Ejemplo n.º 58
 public SortItem(NodeLocation location, object sortKey, Ordering ordering, NullOrdering nullOrdering) : base(location)
     this.Ordering     = ordering;
     this.NullOrdering = nullOrdering;
     this.SortKey      = sortKey;
Ejemplo n.º 59
        public void GetPagedResultsByQuery_FirstPage()
            // Arrange
            var provider = TestObjects.GetScopeProvider(Logger);

            using (var scope = provider.CreateScope())
                var repository = CreateRepository(provider, out MediaTypeRepository mediaTypeRepository);

                // Act
                var  query = scope.SqlContext.Query <IMedia>().Where(x => x.Level == 2);
                long totalRecords;
                var  result = repository.GetPage(query, 0, 1, out totalRecords, null, Ordering.By("SortOrder"));

                // Assert
                Assert.That(totalRecords, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(2));
                Assert.That(result.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
                Assert.That(result.First().Name, Is.EqualTo("Test Image"));
Ejemplo n.º 60
 /// <summary>
 ///     This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used
 ///     directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases.
 /// </summary>
 public override void VisitOrdering(Ordering ordering, QueryModel queryModel, OrderByClause orderByClause, int index)
 => ordering.TransformExpressions(TransformingVisitor.Visit);