Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async void UpdateDevicesAsync()
            for (; ;)
                var updatedZWayDevices = await GetDeviceDataAsync(_lastDeviceUpdate);

                var updatedZWaveDevices = new List <IDevice>();

                foreach (var device in updatedZWayDevices.devices)
                    if (!_zWayDeviceDictonary.ContainsKey(device.id))
                        _logger.LogWarning($"Cannot update ZWayDevice with id '{device.id}' since it is not found in device dictionary");

                    var storedDevice = _zWayDeviceDictonary[device.id];

                    // Only trigger update if device has a parent device
                    if (storedDevice.ParentDevice != null && storedDevice.UpdateMetrics(device.metrics) && !updatedZWaveDevices.Contains(storedDevice.ParentDevice))
                        storedDevice.ParentDevice.LastChanged = DateTime.Now;

                if (updatedZWaveDevices.Count > 0 && OnDevicesUpdated != null)
                    OnDevicesUpdated.Invoke(this, new DevicesUpdatedEventArgs(updatedZWaveDevices.ToArray()));

                await Task.Delay(1000);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IntPtr HwndHandler(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam, ref bool handled)
            // Only checking changed event since it gets called when devices are added and removed
            // while remove notifications don't always get called.
            if (msg == WmDevicechange)
                if ((int)wparam == DbtDeviceArrival || (int)wparam == DbtDeviceRemoveComplete)
                    if (lparam != IntPtr.Zero)
                        //Get Device name
                        DevBroadcastDeviceInterface deviceInterface = (DevBroadcastDeviceInterface)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lparam, typeof(DevBroadcastDeviceInterface));
                        string deviceName = "";
                        deviceName = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(deviceInterface.Name); //convert byte array into unicode
                        deviceName = deviceName.Replace("\0", string.Empty);                       //removes all unicode null "\0" charecters

                        if (deviceName.Contains("057e"))                                           // nintendo VID = 057e

            handled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private IntPtr HwndHandler(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam, ref bool handled)
            // Only checking changed event since it gets called when devices are added and removed
            // while remove notifications don't always get called.
            if (msg == WmDevicechange && (int)wparam == DbtDevNodesChanged)

            handled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SetAutomated(string deviceId, bool automated)
            if (!_devices.ContainsKey(deviceId))
                throw new ArgumentException($"No device with id '{deviceId}'");

            var device = _devices[deviceId];

            device.Automated   = automated;
            device.LastChanged = DateTime.Now;

            OnDevicesUpdated?.Invoke(this, new DevicesUpdatedEventArgs(new IDevice[] { device }));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// When a new device is added to the watcher, add it to the collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="deviceInfo"></param>
        private static async void Watcher_Added(DeviceWatcher sender, DeviceInformation deviceInfo)
            // We must update the collection on the UI thread
            await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                // Protect against race condition if the task runs after the app stopped the deviceWatcher.
                if (sender == watcher)
                    // if the entry doesnt already exist in the dictionary,
                    if (!InformationCollection.ContainsKey(deviceInfo.Id))
                        InformationCollection.Add(deviceInfo.Id, new GattInformation(deviceInfo));

            OnDevicesUpdated?.Invoke(InformationCollection, DeviceUpdate.Added);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void SetAutomated(string deviceId, bool automated)
            if (!_zWaveDeviceDictonary.ContainsKey(deviceId))
                throw new ArgumentException($"No device found with id '{deviceId}'");

            var device = _zWaveDeviceDictonary[deviceId] as ZWavePowerPlugDevice;

            if (device == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Device must be of type IToggleDevice");

            device.Automated   = automated;
            device.LastChanged = DateTime.Now;

            OnDevicesUpdated?.Invoke(this, new DevicesUpdatedEventArgs(new IDevice[] { device }));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void OnChildDeviceChanged(DeviceGroup deviceGroup)
            var aggregatedToggleState = 0;

            // Calculate if the devices in the group is primarly toggled or untoggled
            foreach (var device in deviceGroup.Devices)
                aggregatedToggleState += device.Toggled ? 1 : -1;

            var newToggleState = aggregatedToggleState >= 0;

            if (newToggleState != deviceGroup.Toggled)
                deviceGroup.Toggled     = newToggleState;
                deviceGroup.LastChanged = DateTime.Now;

                OnDevicesUpdated?.Invoke(this, new DevicesUpdatedEventArgs(new IDevice[] { deviceGroup }));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private IntPtr HwndHandler(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam, ref bool handled)
            // Only checking changed event since it gets called when devices are added and removed
            // while remove notifications don't always get called.
            if (msg == WmDevicechange)
                if (lparam != IntPtr.Zero)
                    DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE dbh = (DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lparam, typeof(DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE));
                    if (dbh.dbch_eventguid == GUID_BLUETOOTH_HCI_EVENT)
                        // BTH_HCI_EVENT_INFO
                    else if (dbh.dbch_eventguid == GUID_BLUETOOTH_L2CAP_EVENT)
                        // BTH_L2CAP_EVENT_INFO (not needed as controller connection triggers both HCI & L2CAP EVENTS)

            handled = false;