Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create the first node
            MySinglyLinkedList node = new MySinglyLinkedList(1);
            MySinglyLinkedList head = node; // Head - 1st node in the list

            //Add 9 more consecutive nodes 2-9
            for (int i = 2; i <= 10; i++)
                //Add your code here
                node.InsertNode(node, i); // Insert new node
                node = node.next;         // Update current node location

            //Traverse the linked list from head to tail
            //Add your code here

            //Delete 3rd node and then traverse
            //Add your code here
            node.DeleteNextNode(head.next); // Start from the second node, then delete the next - which is the 3rd node in this case
            node.TraverseList(head);        // Re-print out the list again to show changes

            //Insert 100 after the node value 7 and then traverse
            //Add your code here
            node.InsertNode(head.next.next.next.next.next, 100); // inserts a node after the 7th node which is marked with the value 7
Ejemplo n.º 2
 // Prints all of the node values within a given linked list
 public void TraverseList(MySinglyLinkedList node)
     //Print the values stored at the each node in the list from head to tail
     Console.WriteLine("Traversing in forward direction...");
     while (node != null)//Traverse from the current node
         // Print current value of the node
         Console.WriteLine(node.val); // print current node's value
         node = node.next;            // move to the next node and repeat
Ejemplo n.º 3
 // Deletes the next node from the currently specified node
 public void DeleteNextNode(MySinglyLinkedList current)
     if (current.next == null)//there is no next node, we have already reached the end
         // - current is the temporary node in this case
         current.next = current.next.next; // Reassign pointer to the next node's next
         next         = null;              // nullify / delete the next node that is to be deleted
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //Insert a new node with a value after the current node
        public void InsertNode(MySinglyLinkedList current, int value)
            MySinglyLinkedList node = new MySinglyLinkedList(value);

            if (current.next == null)
                current.next = node; // Inserts the next node after the current node if there currently is none
                // - current is the temporary node in this case
                // - node is the new node to be allocated

                node.next    = current.next; // assigns the new node's next pointer to the current node's next
                current.next = node;         // re-assigns the current node's next to point to the new node
Ejemplo n.º 5
 //Constructor with parameter
 public MySinglyLinkedList(int value)
     val  = value;
     next = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 //Default Constructor
 public MySinglyLinkedList()
     val  = 0;
     next = null;