Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override object[] GetRowData(long row)
            List <object> rowData = new List <object>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mdata.ColumnCount; i++)
                rowData.Add(NumUtils.RoundSignificantDigits(mdata.Values.Get((int)row, i), 6));
            for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryColumnCount; i++)
                rowData.Add(StringUtils.Concat(";", mdata.GetCategoryColumnEntryAt(i, (int)row) ?? new string[0]));
            for (int i = 0; i < mdata.NumericColumnCount; i++)
                rowData.Add(NumUtils.RoundSignificantDigits(mdata.NumericColumns[i][row], 6));
            for (int i = 0; i < mdata.StringColumnCount; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < mdata.MultiNumericColumnCount; i++)
                rowData.Add(StringUtils.Concat(";", mdata.MultiNumericColumns[i][row] ?? new double[0]));
Ejemplo n.º 2
     *  You might expect that pressing one of the edges of the SteamVR controller touchpad could
     *  be detected with a call to device.GetPress( EVRButtonId.k_EButton_DPad_* ), but currently this always returns false.
     *  Not sure whether this is SteamVR's design intent, not yet implemented, or a bug.
     *  The expected behaviour can be achieved by detecting overall Touchpad press, with Touch-Axis comparison to an edge threshold.

    public static NVRButtons?GetDPadPress(NVRHand hand)
        if (hand.Inputs[NVRButtons.Touchpad].PressDown)
            var touchpad_axis = hand.Inputs[NVRButtons.Touchpad].Axis;
            var angle         = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(touchpad_axis.y, touchpad_axis.x);

            if (NumUtils.DistanceInModulo(angle, 0, 360) < 45)
            if (NumUtils.DistanceInModulo(angle, 90, 360) < 45)
            if (NumUtils.DistanceInModulo(angle, 180, 360) < 45)
            if (NumUtils.DistanceInModulo(angle, 270, 360) < 45)
            Debug.LogError("Error: DPAD Press Math is wrong. Angle did not register with any specified direction.");

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static double[] CalcSignificanceB(BaseVector ratios, BaseVector intens, TestSide side)
            double[] result = new double[ratios.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                result[i] = 1;
            List <double> lRatio     = new List <double>();
            List <double> lIntensity = new List <double>();
            List <int>    indices    = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ratios.Length; i++)
                if (!double.IsNaN(ratios[i]) && !double.IsInfinity(ratios[i]) && !double.IsNaN(intens[i]) &&
            double[] ratioSignificanceB = NumUtils.MovingBoxPlot(lRatio.ToArray(), lIntensity.ToArray(), -1, side);
            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
                result[indices[i]] = ratioSignificanceB[i];
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static double[][] GetIsotopeDistribution(int n, double[] masses, double[] composition)
            int len = masses.Length;

            int[][]  partitions = NumUtils.GetPartitions(n, len);
            double[] ms         = new double[partitions.Length];
            double[] weights    = new double[partitions.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < partitions.Length; i++)
                weights[i] = 1;
                int[] partition = partitions[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                    ms[i] += partition[j] * masses[j];
                    for (int k = 0; k < partition[j]; k++)
                        weights[i] *= composition[j];
                weights[i] *= Factorial.Multinomial(n, partition);
            int[] o = ArrayUtils.Order(ms);
            ms      = ArrayUtils.SubArray(ms, o);
            weights = ArrayUtils.SubArray(weights, o);
            double[][] x = FilterWeights(ms, weights, 1e-6);
            ms      = x[0];
            weights = x[1];
            x       = FilterMasses(ms, weights, 0.2);
            ms      = x[0];
            weights = x[1];
            return(new[] { ms, weights });
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static Dictionary <string, List <string> > GetPeptideCompositions(double maxMass)
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > result = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            double mg   = glycine.MonoIsotopicMass;
            int    maxN = (int)((maxMass - Molecule.massWater) / mg);
            string aas  = StandardSingleLetterAas;

            double[] masses = AaMonoMasses;
            NumUtils.GetPartitions(maxN, 21, i1 => {
                double m1 = Molecule.massWater;
                for (int i = 0; i < i1.Length; i++)
                    if (i < 20)
                        m1 += i1[i] * masses[aas[i]];
                return(m1 <= maxMass);
            }, i2 => {
                string seq     = GetSequence(i2, aas);
                Molecule m     = GetPeptideMolecule(seq);
                string formula = m.GetEmpiricalFormula();
                if (!result.ContainsKey(formula))
                    result.Add(formula, new List <string>());
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private string GetTicLabel(double ticval, int decade, double max)
     if (IsLogarithmic)
         return("10" + ToSuperscript((int)Math.Round(ticval / Math.Log(10.0))));
     return(NumUtils.RoundSignificantDigits2(ticval / Math.Pow(10.0, decade), 7, max / Math.Pow(10.0, decade)));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public WeatherReport(double lat, double lon, DateTime date)
     HiTempperature = NumUtils.getRandom(0, 36);
     LowTemperature = NumUtils.getRandom(((HiTempperature - 15) < 0 ? 0: HiTempperature - 15), HiTempperature);
     WindSpeed      = NumUtils.getRandom(0, 80);
     Condition      = EnumUtils.GetRandomEnum <WeatherCondition>();
     Date           = date;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Encode(ImageBase imageBase, Stream stream)
            if (imageBase == null || stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            Image2 image = (Image2)imageBase;

            if (Quantizer == null)
                Quantizer = new OctreeQuantizer {
                    Threshold = Threshold

            // Do not use IDisposable pattern here as we want to preserve the stream.
            EndianBinaryWriter writer = new EndianBinaryWriter(EndianBitConverter.Little, stream);

            // Ensure that quality can be set but has a fallback.
            int quality = Quality > 0 ? Quality : imageBase.Quality;

            Quality = quality > 0 ? NumUtils.Clamp(quality, 1, 256) : 256;

            // Get the number of bits.
            bitDepth = GetBitsNeededForColorDepth(Quality);

            // Quantize the image returning a palette.
            QuantizedImage quantized = Quantizer.Quantize(image, Quality);

            // Write the header.

            // Write the LSD. We'll use local color tables for now.
            WriteLogicalScreenDescriptor(image, writer, quantized.TransparentIndex);

            // Write the first frame.
            WriteGraphicalControlExtension(imageBase, writer, quantized.TransparentIndex);
            WriteImageDescriptor(image, writer);
            WriteColorTable(quantized, writer);
            WriteImageData(quantized, writer);

            // Write additional frames.
            if (image.Frames.Any())
                WriteApplicationExtension(writer, image.RepeatCount, image.Frames.Count);
                foreach (ImageFrame frame in image.Frames)
                    QuantizedImage quantizedFrame = Quantizer.Quantize(frame, Quality);
                    WriteGraphicalControlExtension(frame, writer, quantizedFrame.TransparentIndex);
                    WriteImageDescriptor(frame, writer);
                    WriteColorTable(quantizedFrame, writer);
                    WriteImageData(quantizedFrame, writer);

            // TODO: Write Comments extension etc
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override QuantizedImage Quantize(ImageBase image, int maxColors)
     colors = NumUtils.Clamp(maxColors, 1, 255);
     if (octree == null)
         octree = new Octree(GetBitsNeededForColorDepth(maxColors));
     return(base.Quantize(image, maxColors));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static double GetLogFisherP(int q00, int q01, int q10, int q11)
            int rowSum0 = q00 + q01;
            int rowSum1 = q10 + q11;
            int colSum0 = q00 + q10;
            int colSum1 = q01 + q11;
            int total   = rowSum0 + rowSum1;

            return(NumUtils.Factln(rowSum0) + NumUtils.Factln(rowSum1) + NumUtils.Factln(colSum0) + NumUtils.Factln(colSum1) -
                   NumUtils.Factln(q00) - NumUtils.Factln(q01) - NumUtils.Factln(q10) - NumUtils.Factln(q11) - NumUtils.Factln(total));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static double EstimateDensity(double x, double y, double[,] data, double[,] hinv)
            double result = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < data.GetLength(0); i++)
                double[] w = { x - data[i, 0], y - data[i, 1] };
                double[] b = NumUtils.MatrixTimesVector(hinv, w);
                result += StandardGaussian(b);
            result *= NumUtils.Determinant2X2(hinv) / data.Length;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static double EstimateDensity(double x, double[] data, double hinv)
            double result = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < data.GetLength(0); i++)
                double   w = x - data[i];
                double[] b = new[] { hinv *w };
                result += NumUtils.StandardGaussian(b);
            result *= hinv / data.Length;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void Encode(ImageBase image, Stream stream)
            if (image == null || stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            stream.Write(new byte[] {
                0x89,                // Set the high bit.
                0x50,                // P
                0x4E,                // N
                0x47,                // G
                0x0D,                // Line ending CRLF
                0x0A,                // Line ending CRLF
                0x1A,                // EOF
                0x0A                 // LF
            }, 0, 8);
            int quality = Quality > 0 ? Quality : image.Quality;

            Quality  = quality > 0 ? NumUtils.Clamp(quality, 1, int.MaxValue) : int.MaxValue;
            bitDepth = Quality <= 256
                                ? (byte)NumUtils.Clamp(GifEncoderCore.GetBitsNeededForColorDepth(Quality), 1, 8)
                                : (byte)8;
            if (bitDepth == 3)
                bitDepth = 4;
            else if (bitDepth >= 5 || bitDepth <= 7)
                bitDepth = 8;
            PngHeader header = new PngHeader {
                Width             = image.Width,
                Height            = image.Height,
                ColorType         = (byte)(Quality <= 256 ? 3 : 6),
                BitDepth          = bitDepth,
                FilterMethod      = 0,            // None
                CompressionMethod = 0,
                InterlaceMethod   = 0

            WriteHeaderChunk(stream, header);
            QuantizedImage quantized = WritePaletteChunk(stream, header, image);

            WritePhysicalChunk(stream, image);
            using (IPixelAccessor pixels = image.Lock()){
                WriteDataChunks(stream, pixels, quantized);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static float[,] GetValuesOnGrid(IList <float> xvals, double minx, double xStep, int xCount, IList <float> yvals,
                                               double miny, double yStep, int yCount)
            float[,] vals = new float[xCount, yCount];
            if (xvals == null || yvals == null)
            int n = xvals.Count;

            double[,] cov = NumUtils.CalcCovariance(new[] { xvals, yvals });
            double fact = Math.Pow(n, 1.0 / 6.0);

            double[,] hinv = NumUtils.ApplyFunction(cov, w => fact / Math.Sqrt(w));
            hinv[0, 0]    *= xStep;
            hinv[1, 0]    *= xStep;
            hinv[0, 1]    *= yStep;
            hinv[1, 1]    *= yStep;
            int dx = (int)(1.0 / hinv[0, 0] * 5);
            int dy = (int)(1.0 / hinv[1, 1] * 5);

            for (int i = 0; i < xvals.Count; i++)
                double xval = xvals[i];
                if (double.IsNaN(xval))
                int    xind = (int)Math.Floor((xval - minx) / xStep);
                double yval = yvals[i];
                if (double.IsNaN(yval))
                int yind = (int)Math.Floor((yval - miny) / yStep);
                for (int ii = Math.Max(xind - dx, 0); ii <= Math.Min(xind + dx, xCount - 1); ii++)
                    for (int jj = Math.Max(yind - dy, 0); jj <= Math.Min(yind + dy, yCount - 1); jj++)
                        double[] w = { ii - xind, jj - yind };
                        double[] b = NumUtils.MatrixTimesVector(hinv, w);
                        vals[ii, jj] += (float)NumUtils.StandardGaussian(b);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public QuantizedImage Quantize(ImageBase image, int maxColors)
            if (image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            int colorCount = NumUtils.Clamp(maxColors, 1, 256);

            using (IPixelAccessor imagePixels = image.Lock()){
                Box[] cube;
                BuildCube(out cube, ref colorCount);
                return(GenerateResult(imagePixels, colorCount, cube));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Kruskal Wallis test is the extention of the Wilcoxon U test to more than two group
        /// Another words it is designed to test the equakity of medians of multiple sample
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Value of the first dimension is number of groups, second - size of the group</param>
        /// <param name="stat">H-statistic of the test</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double TestImpl(double[][] data, out double stat)
            int i, j, counter = 0;

            int[]         arrN = new int[data.Length];
            List <double> x    = new List <double>();

            for (i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                arrN[i] = data[i].Length;
                for (j = 0; j < arrN[i]; j++)
            int           n             = arrN.Sum();
            List <double> dataRank      = ArrayUtils.Rank(x, true).ToList();
            List <int>    numDuplicates = new List <int>();

            double[] dataRankSorted = dataRank.OrderBy(a => a).ToArray();
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if ((i == n - 1) || (dataRankSorted[i] != dataRankSorted[i + 1]))
                    if (counter > 1)
                    counter = 0;
            j = 0;
            double[] s = new double[data.Length];
            for (i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                s[i] = Math.Pow(dataRank.Skip(j).Take(arrN[i]).Select(d => d + 1).Sum(), 2) / arrN[i];
                j   += arrN[i];
            stat = (12 * s.Sum() / (n * (n + 1)) - 3 * (n + 1)) / (1 - numDuplicates.Select(d => d * (d * d - 1)).Sum() / (Math.Pow(n, 3) - n));
            int df = data.Length - 1;

            return(1 - NumUtils.Gammq(stat * 0.5, df * 0.5));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static double Betai(double a, double b, double x)
            double bt;

            if (x < 0.0 || x > 1.0)
                throw new Exception("Bad x in routine betai");
            if (x == 0.0 || x == 1.0)
                bt = 0.0;
                bt = Math.Exp(NumUtils.Gammln(a + b) - NumUtils.Gammln(a) - NumUtils.Gammln(b) + a * Math.Log(x) + b * Math.Log(1.0 - x));
            if (x < (a + 1.0) / (a + b + 2.0))
                return(bt * Betacf(a, b, x) / a);
            return(1.0 - bt * Betacf(b, a, 1.0 - x) / b);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override ClassificationModel Train(BaseVector[] x, int[][] y, int ngroups, Parameters param, int nthreads,
                                                  Action <double> reportProgress)
            int n = x.Length;
            int p = x[0].Length;

            int[] groupCounts = new int[ngroups];
            int   totalCount  = 0;

            double[,] groupMeans = new double[ngroups, p];
            double[] totalMean = new double[p];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                int groupIndex = y[i][0];
                for (int j = 0; j < p; j++)
                    groupMeans[groupIndex, j] += x[i][j];
                    totalMean[j] += x[i][j];
            for (int i = 0; i < ngroups; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < p; j++)
                    groupMeans[i, j] /= groupCounts[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < p; j++)
                totalMean[j] /= totalCount;
            double[,] b = new double[p, p];
            for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < p; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < ngroups; k++)
                        b[i, j] += groupCounts[k] * (groupMeans[k, i] - totalMean[i]) * (groupMeans[k, j] - totalMean[j]);
            double[,] w = new double[p, p];
            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                int groupIndex = y[k][0];
                for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < p; j++)
                        w[i, j] += (x[k][i] - groupMeans[groupIndex, i]) * (x[k][j] - groupMeans[groupIndex, j]);
            double[,] x1;
            double[] e       = NumUtils.GeneralizedEigenproblem(b, w, out x1);
            int[]    order   = ArrayUtils.Order(e);
            int[]    indices = new int[ngroups - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < ngroups - 1; i++)
                indices[i] = order[order.Length - 1 - i];
            e = ArrayUtils.SubArray(e, indices);
            double[,] projection = ExtractColumns(x1, indices);
            double[][] projectedGroupMeans = MatrixTimesMatrix(groupMeans, projection);
            return(new FisherLdaClassificationModel(projection, projectedGroupMeans, ngroups));
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public static Vector4F Clamp(Vector4F x, Vector4F min, Vector4F max)
     return(new Vector4F(NumUtils.Clamp(x.X, min.X, max.X), NumUtils.Clamp(x.Y, min.Y, max.Y),
                         NumUtils.Clamp(x.Z, min.Z, max.Z), NumUtils.Clamp(x.W, min.W, max.W)));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public static Vector3F Clamp(Vector3F x, Vector3F min, Vector3F max)
     return(new Vector3F(NumUtils.Clamp(x.x, min.x, max.x), NumUtils.Clamp(x.y, min.y, max.y),
                         NumUtils.Clamp(x.z, min.z, max.z)));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// This method generates a pseudo random number drawn from a normal distribution
 /// with zero mean and unit variance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns> The Gaussian random number.</returns>
 public double NextGaussian()
     return(NumUtils.Gasdev(ref iset, ref gset, this));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// This method generates a pseudo random number drawn from a normal distribution
        /// with the given mean and standard deviation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> The Gaussian random number.</returns>
        public double NextGaussian(double mean, double stddev)
            double x = NumUtils.Gasdev(ref iset, ref gset, this);

            return(x * stddev + mean);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private static byte ToByte(int value)
     return((byte)NumUtils.Clamp(value, 0, 255));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
                                ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            int[] colIndx = param.GetParam <int[]>("x").Value;
            int[] colIndy = param.GetParam <int[]>("y").Value;
            if (colIndx.Length == 0)
                processInfo.ErrString = "Please select some columns";
            if (colIndx.Length != colIndy.Length)
                processInfo.ErrString = "Please select the same number of columns in the boxes for the first and second columns.";
            int typeInd = param.GetParam <int>("Distribution type").Value;
            int points  = param.GetParam <int>("Number of points").Value;

            for (int k = 0; k < colIndx.Length; k++)
                float[] xvals = GetColumn(mdata, colIndx[k]);
                float[] yvals = GetColumn(mdata, colIndy[k]);
                float[] xvals1;
                float[] yvals1;
                NumUtils.GetValidPairs(xvals, yvals, out xvals1, out yvals1);
                double xmin;
                double xmax;
                double ymin;
                double ymax;
                DensityEstimation.CalcRanges(xvals1, yvals1, out xmin, out xmax, out ymin, out ymax);
                float[,] values = DensityEstimation.GetValuesOnGrid(xvals1, xmin, (xmax - xmin) / points, points, yvals1, ymin,
                                                                    (ymax - ymin) / points, points);
                if (typeInd == 1)
                if (typeInd == 2)
                if (typeInd == 3)
                double[] xmat = new double[points];
                for (int i = 0; i < points; i++)
                    xmat[i] = xmin + i * (xmax - xmin) / points;
                double[] ymat = new double[points];
                for (int i = 0; i < points; i++)
                    ymat[i] = ymin + i * (ymax - ymin) / points;
                float[,] percvalues = CalcExcludedPercentage(values);
                double[] dvals = new double[xvals.Length];
                double[] pvals = new double[xvals.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < dvals.Length; i++)
                    double xx = xvals[i];
                    double yy = yvals[i];
                    if (!double.IsNaN(xx) && !double.IsNaN(yy))
                        int xind = ArrayUtils.ClosestIndex(xmat, xx);
                        int yind = ArrayUtils.ClosestIndex(ymat, yy);
                        dvals[i] = values[xind, yind];
                        pvals[i] = percvalues[xind, yind];
                        dvals[i] = double.NaN;
                        pvals[i] = double.NaN;
                string xname = GetColumnName(mdata, colIndx[k]);
                string yname = GetColumnName(mdata, colIndy[k]);
                mdata.AddNumericColumn("Density_" + xname + "_" + yname,
                                       "Density of data points in the plane spanned by the columns " + xname + " and " + yname + ".", dvals);
                mdata.AddNumericColumn("Excluded fraction_" + xname + "_" + yname,
                                       "Percentage of points with a point density smaller than at this point in the plane spanned by the columns " + xname +
                                       " and " + yname + ".", pvals);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
                                ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            int[] rcols = param.GetParam <int[]>("Ratio columns").Value;
            int[] icols = param.GetParam <int[]>("Intensity columns").Value;
            if (rcols.Length == 0)
                processInfo.ErrString = "Please specify some ratio columns.";
            if (rcols.Length != icols.Length)
                processInfo.ErrString = "The number of ratio and intensity columns have to be equal.";
            int            truncIndex = param.GetParam <int>("Use for truncation").Value;
            TestTruncation truncation = truncIndex == 0
                                ? TestTruncation.Pvalue
                                : (truncIndex == 1 ? TestTruncation.BenjaminiHochberg : TestTruncation.PermutationBased);
            double   threshold = param.GetParam <double>("Threshold value").Value;
            int      sideInd   = param.GetParam <int>("Side").Value;
            TestSide side;

            switch (sideInd)
            case 0:
                side = TestSide.Both;

            case 1:
                side = TestSide.Left;

            case 2:
                side = TestSide.Right;

                throw new Exception("Never get here.");
            for (int i = 0; i < rcols.Length; i++)
                BaseVector r      = mdata.Values.GetColumn(rcols[i]);
                BaseVector intens = icols[i] < mdata.ColumnCount
                                        ? mdata.Values.GetColumn(icols[i])
                                        : new DoubleArrayVector(mdata.NumericColumns[icols[i] - mdata.ColumnCount]);
                double[]   pvals = NumUtils.CalcSignificanceB(r.ToArray(), intens.ToArray(), side);
                string[][] fdr;
                switch (truncation)
                case TestTruncation.Pvalue:
                    fdr = PerseusPluginUtils.CalcPvalueSignificance(pvals, threshold);

                case TestTruncation.BenjaminiHochberg:
                    fdr = PerseusPluginUtils.CalcBenjaminiHochbergFdr(pvals, threshold, out double[] _);

                    throw new Exception("Never get here.");
                mdata.AddNumericColumn(mdata.ColumnNames[rcols[i]] + " Significance B", "", pvals);
                mdata.AddCategoryColumn(mdata.ColumnNames[rcols[i]] + " B significant", "", fdr);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static void Mrqmin(double[] x, double[] y, double[] sig, int ndata, double[] a, double[] amin, double[] amax,
                                  double[,] covar, double[,] alpha, out double chisq, Func <double, double[], double[], int, double> func,
                                  ref double alamda, ref double ochisq, ref double[,] oneda, ref int mfit, ref double[] atry, ref double[] beta,
                                  ref double[] da, int nthreads)
            if (amin == null)
                amin = new double[a.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < amin.Length; i++)
                    amin[i] = double.MinValue;
            if (amax == null)
                amax = new double[a.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < amax.Length; i++)
                    amax[i] = double.MaxValue;
            int ma = a.Length;

            if (alamda < 0.0)
                atry   = new double[ma];
                beta   = new double[ma];
                da     = new double[ma];
                mfit   = ma;
                oneda  = new double[mfit, 1];
                alamda = 0.001;
                if (nthreads > 1)
                    MrqcofMulti(x, y, sig, ndata, a, alpha, beta, out chisq, func, nthreads);
                    Mrqcof(x, y, sig, ndata, a, alpha, beta, out chisq, func);
                ochisq = chisq;
                for (int j = 0; j < ma; j++)
                    atry[j] = a[j];
            for (int j = 0; j < ma; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < ma; k++)
                    covar[j, k] = alpha[j, k];
                covar[j, j] = alpha[j, j] * (1.0 + (alamda));
                oneda[j, 0] = beta[j];
            NumUtils.Gaussj(covar, mfit, oneda, 1);
            for (int j = 0; j < mfit; j++)
                da[j] = oneda[j, 0];
            if (alamda == 0.0)
                chisq = ochisq;
            for (int j = 0; j < ma; j++)
                double ax = a[j] + da[j];
                if (ax >= amin[j] && ax <= amax[j])
                    atry[j] = ax;
            if (nthreads > 1)
                MrqcofMulti(x, y, sig, ndata, atry, covar, da, out chisq, func, nthreads);
                Mrqcof(x, y, sig, ndata, atry, covar, da, out chisq, func);
            if (chisq < ochisq)
                alamda *= 0.1;
                ochisq  = chisq;
                for (int j = 0; j < ma; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < ma; k++)
                        alpha[j, k] = covar[j, k];
                    beta[j] = da[j];
                    a[j]    = atry[j];
                alamda *= 10.0;
                chisq   = ochisq;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private static void Invert(double[,] falseData, double[,] trueData, out double[] xRes, out double[] yRes,
                                   out double[,] zRes, out double[,] forwardOut, out double[,] reverseOut, int nthreads, int ndata, double[,] covIn,
                                   bool debug)
            double xmin = double.MaxValue;
            double xmax = double.MinValue;
            double ymin = double.MaxValue;
            double ymax = double.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < falseData.GetLength(0); i++)
                double xx = falseData[i, 0];
                double yy = falseData[i, 1];
                if (xx < xmin)
                    xmin = xx;
                if (xx > xmax)
                    xmax = xx;
                if (yy < ymin)
                    ymin = yy;
                if (yy > ymax)
                    ymax = yy;
            for (int i = 0; i < trueData.GetLength(0); i++)
                double xx = trueData[i, 0];
                double yy = trueData[i, 1];
                if (xx < xmin)
                    xmin = xx;
                if (xx > xmax)
                    xmax = xx;
                if (yy < ymin)
                    ymin = yy;
                if (yy > ymax)
                    ymax = yy;
            double dx = xmax - xmin;

            xmin -= 0.1 * dx;
            xmax += 0.1 * dx;
            double dy = ymax - ymin;

            ymin -= 0.1 * dy;
            ymax += 0.1 * dy;
            double[] falseX;
            double[] falseY;
            double[,] falseZ;
            double[,] cov = covIn ?? NumUtils.CalcCovariance(trueData);
            double fact = Math.Pow(ndata, 1.0 / 6.0);

            double[,] hinv = null;
            try {
                hinv = NumUtils.ApplyFunction(cov, w => fact / Math.Sqrt(w));
            } catch { }
            if (hinv == null || !IsValidMatrix(hinv))
                xRes       = null;
                yRes       = null;
                zRes       = null;
                forwardOut = null;
                reverseOut = null;
            try {
                EstimateBivariateDensity(falseData, out falseX, out falseY, out falseZ, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, hinv, nthreads);
            } catch (Exception) {
                xRes       = null;
                yRes       = null;
                zRes       = null;
                forwardOut = null;
                reverseOut = null;
            double[] trueX;
            double[] trueY;
            double[,] trueZ;
            try {
                EstimateBivariateDensity(trueData, out trueX, out trueY, out trueZ, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, hinv, nthreads);
            } catch (Exception) {
                xRes       = null;
                yRes       = null;
                zRes       = null;
                forwardOut = null;
                reverseOut = null;
            double[] x = UnifySupport(falseX, trueX);
            double[] y = UnifySupport(falseY, trueY);
            falseZ            = Interpolate(x, y, falseX, falseY, falseZ);
            trueZ             = Interpolate(x, y, trueX, trueY, trueZ);
            double[,] inverse = new double[x.Length, y.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < y.Length; j++)
                    inverse[i, j] = falseZ[i, j] <= 0 ? double.Epsilon : Math.Max((falseZ[i, j] * 0.5) / trueZ[i, j], double.Epsilon);
            for (int j = 0; j < y.Length; j++)
                double maxVal = double.MinValue;
                int    maxInd = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                    if (inverse[i, j] > maxVal)
                        maxVal = inverse[i, j];
                        maxInd = i;
                for (int i = 0; i < maxInd; i++)
                    inverse[i, j] = maxVal;
            xRes = x;
            yRes = y;
            zRes = inverse;
            if (debug)
                forwardOut = trueZ;
                reverseOut = falseZ;
                forwardOut = null;
                reverseOut = null;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public override QuantizedImage Quantize(ImageBase image, int maxColors)
     Array.Resize(ref colors, NumUtils.Clamp(maxColors, 1, 256));
     return(base.Quantize(image, maxColors));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 internal override double NumEvaluateDouble(double x)