/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// /// We'll instantiate our stuff, load character definitions. /// /// /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { Rand.random = new Random(); map = new Map(); netPlay = new NetPlay(); screenSize.X = 800f; screenSize.Y = 600f; charDef[(int)CharacterDefinitions.Guy] = new CharDef("chars/guy", CharacterDefinitions.Guy); charDef[(int)CharacterDefinitions.Zombie] = new CharDef("chars/zombie", CharacterDefinitions.Zombie); charDef[(int)CharacterDefinitions.Wraith] = new CharDef("chars/wraith", CharacterDefinitions.Wraith); charDef[(int)CharacterDefinitions.Carlos] = new CharDef("chars/carlos", CharacterDefinitions.Carlos); Sound.Initialize(); Music.Initialize(); QuakeManager.Init(); base.Initialize(); store = new Store(); settings = new Settings(); store.GetDevice(); }
public override void Process(int whoAmI, byte[] readBuffer, int length, int num) { var slot = NetPlay.slots[whoAmI]; byte tileAction = readBuffer[num++]; int x = BitConverter.ToInt32(readBuffer, num); num += 4; int y = BitConverter.ToInt32(readBuffer, num); num += 4; byte tileType = readBuffer[num++]; byte style = readBuffer[num]; bool failFlag = (tileType == 1); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= Main.maxTilesX || y >= Main.maxTilesY) { slot.Kick("Out of range tile received from client."); return; } if (!NetPlay.slots[whoAmI].tileSection[NetPlay.GetSectionX(x), NetPlay.GetSectionY(y)]) { ProgramLog.Debug.Log("{0} @ {1}: {2} attempted to alter world in unloaded tile."); return; } var editor = staticEditor; //new SandboxEditor<PlayerSandbox> (); var sandbox = editor.Sandbox; lock (WorldModify.playerEditLock) { sandbox.Initialize(); var player = Main.players[whoAmI]; switch (tileAction) { case 0: editor.KillTile(x, y, failFlag); //[TODO] Get block modifications outside the x,y axis to update on Client end //WorldModify.KillTile(null, x, y, failFlag); break; case 1: if (editor.PlaceTile(x, y, (int)tileType, false, true, whoAmI, style)) { if (tileType == 15 && player.direction == 1) { sandbox.SetFrameXAt(x, y, (short)(sandbox.FrameXAt(x, y) + 18)); sandbox.SetFrameXAt(x, y - 1, (short)(sandbox.FrameXAt(x, y - 1) + 18)); } else if (tileType == 106) { editor.SquareTileFrame(x, y, true); } } break; case 2: editor.KillWall(x, y, failFlag); break; case 3: editor.PlaceWall(x, y, (int)tileType, false); break; case 4: editor.KillTile(x, y, failFlag, false, true); break; case 5: editor.PlaceWire(x, y); break; case 6: editor.KillWire(x, y); break; } // if (sandbox.ChangedTileCount == 0) // return; var ctx = new HookContext { Connection = NetPlay.slots[whoAmI].conn, Sender = player, Player = player, }; var args = new HookArgs.PlayerWorldAlteration { X = x, Y = y, Action = tileAction, Type = tileType, Style = style, Sandbox = sandbox, }; HookPoints.PlayerWorldAlteration.Invoke(ref ctx, ref args); if (ctx.CheckForKick()) { return; } if (ctx.Result == HookResult.IGNORE) { return; } if (ctx.Result != HookResult.RECTIFY) { if (!args.TypeChecked) { switch (tileAction) { case 1: case 4: if (tileType >= Main.MAX_TILE_SETS) { slot.Kick("Invalid tile type received from client."); return; } break; case 3: if (tileType >= Main.MAX_WALL_SETS) { slot.Kick("Invalid wall type received from client."); return; } break; } } if (!failFlag) { if (tileAction == 0 || tileAction == 2 || tileAction == 4) { NetPlay.slots[whoAmI].spamDelBlock += 1f; } else if (tileAction == 1 || tileAction == 3) { NetPlay.slots[whoAmI].spamAddBlock += 1f; } } NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, whoAmI, "", (int)tileAction, (float)x, (float)y, (float)tileType, style); sandbox.Apply(Main.players[whoAmI]); return; } if (player.rowsToRectify.Count > 0 || sandbox.changedRows.Count > 0) { lock (player.rowsToRectify) { foreach (var kv in sandbox.changedRows) { int y0 = kv.Key; var x1 = kv.Value.Min; var x2 = kv.Value.Max; uint row; if (player.rowsToRectify.TryGetValue((ushort)y0, out row)) { player.rowsToRectify[(ushort)y0] = (uint)(Math.Min(x1, row >> 16) << 16) | (uint)(Math.Max(x2, row & 0xffff)); } else { player.rowsToRectify[(ushort)y0] = (uint)(x1 << 16) | (uint)x2; } } } } } //if (tileAction == 1 && tileType == 53) //{ // NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, x, y, 1); //} }
public override void Process(int whoAmI, byte[] readBuffer, int length, int num) { int num8 = BitConverter.ToInt32(readBuffer, num); num += 4; int num9 = BitConverter.ToInt32(readBuffer, num); num += 4; bool flag3 = !(num8 == -1 || num8 <10 || num8> Main.maxTilesX - 10 || num9 == -1 || num9 <10 || num9> Main.maxTilesY - 10); int num10 = 1350; if (flag3) { num10 *= 2; } ServerSlot serverSock = NetPlay.slots[whoAmI]; if (serverSock.state == SlotState.SENDING_WORLD) { serverSock.state = SlotState.SENDING_TILES; } else { serverSock.Kick("Invalid operation at this state."); } NetMessage.SendData(9, whoAmI, -1, "Receiving tile data", num10); serverSock.statusText2 = "is receiving tile data"; serverSock.statusMax += num10; int sectionX = NetPlay.GetSectionX(Main.spawnTileX); int sectionY = NetPlay.GetSectionY(Main.spawnTileY); for (int x = sectionX - 1; x < sectionX + 2; x++) { for (int y = sectionY - 1; y < sectionY + 2; y++) { NetMessage.SendSection(whoAmI, x, y); } } if (flag3) { num8 = NetPlay.GetSectionX(num8); num9 = NetPlay.GetSectionY(num9); for (int num11 = num8 - 1; num11 < num8 + 2; num11++) { for (int num12 = num9 - 1; num12 < num9 + 2; num12++) { NetMessage.SendSection(whoAmI, num11, num12); } } NetMessage.SendData(11, whoAmI, -1, "", num8 - 1, (float)(num9 - 1), (float)(num8 + 1), (float)(num9 + 1)); } NetMessage.SendData(11, whoAmI, -1, "", sectionX - 1, (float)(sectionY - 1), (float)(sectionX + 1), (float)(sectionY + 1)); //Can't switch to a for each because there are 201 items. for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < 200; itemIndex++) { if (Main.item[itemIndex].Active) { NetMessage.SendData(21, whoAmI, -1, "", itemIndex); NetMessage.SendData(22, whoAmI, -1, "", itemIndex); } } //Can't switch to a for each because there are 1001 NPCs. for (int npcIndex = 0; npcIndex < NPC.MAX_NPCS; npcIndex++) { if (Main.npcs[npcIndex].Active) { NetMessage.SendData(23, whoAmI, -1, "", npcIndex); } } NetMessage.SendData(49, whoAmI); NetMessage.SendData(57, whoAmI); //Send NPC Names... foreach (var npcId in new int[] { 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 38, 54, 107, 108, 124 }) { NetMessage.SendData(56, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, npcId); } }