Ejemplo n.º 1
 public MortgageSteps()
     //Instantiate your page objects
     _theMortgagePage                = new MortgagePage();
     _theMortgageCalcResultPage      = new MortgageCalcResultPage();
     _theFindMortgageCalcResultsPage = new FindMortgageCalcResultPage();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestMethod1()
            // 2. Click LOANS
            // 3. Click the Mortgages link
            IndividualsPage individualsPage = new IndividualsPage(driver);
            MortgagePage    mortgagePage    = individualsPage.ClickOnTheMortgagesLink();

            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Clicked on the Mortgages link");

            // 4. Click the Calculate Your Payments button
            MortgagePaymentCalculatorPage mortgagePaymentCalculatorPage = mortgagePage.ClickOnCalculateYourPaymentsBtn();

            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Clicked Calculate Your Payments button.");

            // 5. Move the Purchase Price Slider to the right
            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Moved the Purchase Price Slider to the right.");
            Logger.Log.Error("IaTests:  Testing error log!");

            // 6. Validate that the Purchase Price Slider movement works
            StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase("1763766", mortgagePaymentCalculatorPage.GetPurchasePriceValue());
            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Validated that the Purchase Price Slider movement works.");

            // 7. Change the Purchase Price to 500 000 using the + button of the slider
            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Changed the Purchase Price to 500 000.");

            // 8. Change the Down Payment to 40 000 using the + button of the slider
            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Changed the Down Payment to 40 000.");

            // 9. Select 15 years for Amortization
            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Selected 15 years for Amortization.");

            // 10. Select Weekly for Payment Frequency
            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Selected Weekly for Payment Frequency.");

            // 11. Change the Interest Rate to 5%
            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Changed the Interest Rate to 5%");

            // 12. Click the Calculate button
            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Clicked the Calculate button.");

            // Verify that the weekly payments value is 181.59
            StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase("181.59", mortgagePaymentCalculatorPage.getPaiementResult());
            Logger.Log.Info("IaTests:  Verified that the weekly payments value is 181.59.");