Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode)
            _mode = mode;

            // Don't start in asset and map editor
            if (_mode != LoadMode.LoadGame && _mode != LoadMode.NewGame)

                ModLogger.Debug("Starting WorkshopAssetMonitor");
                ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopAssetMonitor started");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModLogger.Error("An error occured while starting the WorkshopAssetMonitor");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //TODO : Convert to transpiler
        public static void Postfix(ThingDef thingDef, int nestLevel, Listing_ResourceReadout __instance)
            ModLogger l = MainMod.logger;

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 0)
                    Traverse tr   = Traverse.Create(__instance);
                    Rect     rect = new Rect(0f, tr.Field("curY").GetValue <float>() - 24f, tr.Property("LabelWidth").GetValue <float>(), tr.Field("lineHeight").GetValue <float>())
                        xMin = tr.Method("XAtIndentLevel", new Type[] { typeof(int) }).GetValue <float>(nestLevel) + 18f
                    if (!Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                catch (Exception e) { l.ReportException(e); return; }
                MainMod.SelectThisInStorage(thingDef, Find.CurrentMap);
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public ModEntry(ModInfo info, string path)
                Info           = info;
                Path           = path;
                Logger         = new ModLogger(Info.Id);
                Version        = ParseVersion(info.Version);
                ManagerVersion = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.ManagerVersion)
                    ? ParseVersion(info.ManagerVersion) : !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.MinimalManagerVersion) ? ParseVersion(Config.MinimalManagerVersion)
                        : new Version();
                GameVersion = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.GameVersion) ? ParseVersion(info.GameVersion) : new Version();

                if (info.Requirements == null || info.Requirements.Length <= 0)

                var regex = new Regex(@"(.*)-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*");

                foreach (var id in info.Requirements)
                    var match = regex.Match(id);
                    if (match.Success)
                        Requirements.Add(match.Groups[1].Value, ParseVersion(match.Groups[2].Value));
                    if (!Requirements.ContainsKey(id))
                        Requirements.Add(id, null);

                if (info.LoadAfter != null && info.LoadAfter.Length > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static IEnumerator PatchContent(Scene scene)
     lock (_PatchLock) {
         ModLogger.Log("content", $"Patching scene content: {scene.name}");
         Scene scenePrev = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
         if (scenePrev != scene)
             yield return(null);
         GameObject[] objs = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <GameObject>();
         if (scenePrev != scene)
             yield return(null);
         for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
             if (objs[i] != null)
                 if (objs[i].scene != scene)
                 if (PatchContent(objs[i].transform))
                 if (_PatchedThisFrame >= _PatchesPerFrame || i % _MaxObjectsPerFrame == 0)
                     _PatchedThisFrame = 0;
                     yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Method that runs when the game starts so it can fix things then
        internal static void FixAtGameLoad()
            // Fixes to the scales
            if (QOL.FixScales)
                // Gilded Ginger Fix
                ScaleFix(Identifiable.Id.GINGER_VEGGIE, Vector3.one * 1.2f, "model_parsnip");
                ObjectFix(Identifiable.Id.GINGER_VEGGIE, (obj) =>
                    // TODO: Fix this later
                    float perc = 1.2f / 2.1f;

                    CapsuleCollider col = obj.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
                    SphereCollider sCol = obj.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();

                    GameObject launch           = obj.FindChild("DelaunchTrigger");
                    launch.transform.localScale = launch.transform.localScale * perc;

                    col.radius *= perc;
                    col.height *= perc;

                    sCol.radius *= perc;

            if (QOL.ImpCollisions)
                ObjectFix(SRObjects.Get <GameObject>("ranchPorch"), (obj) =>
                    foreach (MeshCollider col in obj.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshCollider>())
                        col.sharedMesh = col.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static bool OnEnable()
                int   num             = Singleton <ConfigManager> .instance["albums"].Count - 2;
                int[] freeAlbumIndexs = Singleton <WeekFreeManager> .instance.freeAlbumIndexs;
                Dictionary <int, Transform> dictionary = new Dictionary <int, Transform>();
                for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
                    Transform value = GameObject.Find(string.Format("ImgAlbum{0}", i)).transform;
                    int       key   = num - i + 2;
                    dictionary.Add(key, value);
                dictionary = (from d in dictionary
                              orderby d.Key descending
                              select d).ToDictionary((KeyValuePair <int, Transform> d) => d.Key, (KeyValuePair <int, Transform> d) => d.Value);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Transform> keyValuePair in dictionary)
                if (freeAlbumIndexs != null && freeAlbumIndexs.Length > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < freeAlbumIndexs.Length; j++)
                        int       num2      = freeAlbumIndexs[j];
                        Transform transform = GameObject.Find(string.Format("ImgAlbum{0}", num2)).transform;
                        transform.SetSiblingIndex(j + 3);
            catch (Exception ex)

Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void Activate()
        if (_modActive)
        ModLogger.WriteLine("Activating Break HP/MP Limit");

        // No check (yet)
        GameMemory.Assembly.Inject(_offsetHPCheck, "and eax,7FFFFFFF");
        GameMemory.Assembly.Inject(_offsetMPLimit, "mov eax,7FFFFFFF");
        GameMemory.Assembly.Inject(_offsetMPCheck, "push 7fffffff");
        GameMemory.Assembly.Inject(_offsetHPCheck, new[]
            "and eax, 7FFFFFFF",

        _modActive = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static ConfigurationContainer LoadConfiguration(string filename)
            ModLogger.Debug("Loading configuration from '{0}'", filename);

            ConfigurationContainer result = null;

            // Check if the file exists. If so, deserialize it to a new instance. If not so, create a new empty instance
            if (File.Exists(filename))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename))
                    result = (ConfigurationContainer) new XmlSerializer(typeof(ConfigurationContainer)).Deserialize(sr);
                result = new ConfigurationContainer();

            // Assign the filename to the result. This is used later on when saving the configuration.
            result._filename = filename;

            ModLogger.Debug("Configuration loaded from '{0}'", filename);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void OnUpdate(float realTimeDelta, float simulationTimeDelta)
            // Exit if the monitor was terminated because of an error occured when updating overwatch data
            if (_terminated)

            // Exit if the monitor has not been loaded yet by the overwatch loader when a game is loaded (prevents issues when the loader is not started yet but the monitor is)
            if (!OverwatchControl.Instance.GameLoaded)

                // Initialize the monitor if it wasn't initialized yet
                if (!_initialized)
                // Run an update cycle if the simulation is not currently paused
                else if (!SimulationManager.instance.SimulationPaused)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModLogger.Error(string.Format("An unexpected error occured while updating the {0}", _monitorType));
                _terminated = true;

            base.OnUpdate(realTimeDelta, simulationTimeDelta);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void RebuildChildren(FancyScrollView __instance)
            if (__instance.name == "FancyScrollAlbum")
                string activeOption = SingletonScriptableObject <LocalizationSettings> .instance.GetActiveOption("Language");

                if (GameObject.Find($"ImgAlbumCustom") == null)
                    // Add new tab gameobject
                    var        gameobject = GameObject.Find("ImgAlbumCollection");
                    GameObject customTab  = GameObject.Instantiate(gameobject, gameobject.transform.parent);
                    customTab.name = $"ImgAlbumCustom";

                    // CompTrack(gameobject.transform.parent.gameObject);
                    var a = customTab.GetComponent <VariableBehaviour>();
                    if (a != null)
                        ModLogger.Debug($"{a.result}:{a.variable.result}  {a.variable}");
                    var b = customTab.transform.Find("TxtAlbumTitle");
                    if (b != null)
                        b.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = language[activeOption];
                        var l18n = b.GetComponent <Localization>();
                        foreach (var opt in l18n.optionPairs)
                            ((TextOption)opt.option).value = language[opt.optionEntry.name];
                            ModLogger.Debug($" opt:{opt.optionEntry.name}  val:{((TextOption)opt.option).value.ToString()}");
                    ModLogger.Debug("Add custom map tab");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public override void Initialize()
     StoredLogger = Logger;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static void Init(ModLogger logger)
     modLogger = logger;
     _logger   = new LoggingService(modLogger);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public override void OnCreated(ILoading loading)
     ModLogger.Debug("UILoader created");
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public ModLoggerTest()
     innerLogger = Substitute.For <IBasicLogger>();
     logger      = new ModLogger("MyMod", innerLogger);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public override void OnReleased()
     ModLogger.Debug("UILoader Released");
 public void StartGame()
     _gameLoaded = true;
     ModLogger.Debug("Game is marked as loaded by overwatch control");
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public LoggingService(ModLogger logger)
     _logger = logger;
        public void Start()
                ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopAssetMonitor is loading workshop assets");

                // The package manager monitors the list of workshop assets, so retrieve the packageid from each item
                var workshopIds = PackageManager
                                  .Where(a => a.isWorkshopAsset)
                                  .Select(a => new { Asset = a, Metadata = a.Instantiate <CustomAssetMetaData>() })
                                  .Select(a => ulong.Parse(a.Asset.package.packageName))

                // The PrefabCollections monitor the list of all prefabs available in the game, which includes the default CS prefabs and the custom prefabs from workshop assets
                // Try to match the prefabs with the workshop packageid list to make sure only workshopassets are loaded.

                for (int i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++)
                    PropInfo propPrefab = PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)i);

                    if (propPrefab != null)
                        var workshopPropMatch = Regex.Match(propPrefab.name, RegexExpression.BuildingName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (workshopPropMatch.Success)
                            var workshopPropId = ulong.Parse(workshopPropMatch.Groups["packageid"].Value);
                            if (workshopIds.Any(id => id == workshopPropId))
                                _workshopAssets.Add(new WorkshopProp(workshopPropId, workshopPropMatch.Groups["prefabname"].Value, propPrefab.name));

                for (int i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <TreeInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++)
                    TreeInfo treePrefab = PrefabCollection <TreeInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)i);

                    if (treePrefab != null)
                        var workshopTreeMatch = Regex.Match(treePrefab.name, RegexExpression.BuildingName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (workshopTreeMatch.Success)
                            var workshopPropId = ulong.Parse(workshopTreeMatch.Groups["packageid"].Value);
                            if (workshopIds.Any(id => id == workshopPropId))
                                _workshopAssets.Add(new WorkshopTree(workshopPropId, workshopTreeMatch.Groups["prefabname"].Value, treePrefab.name));

                for (int i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++)
                    BuildingInfo buildingPrefab = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)i);

                    if (buildingPrefab != null)
                        var workshopBuildingMatch = Regex.Match(buildingPrefab.name, RegexExpression.BuildingName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (workshopBuildingMatch.Success)
                            var workshopBuildingId = ulong.Parse(workshopBuildingMatch.Groups["packageid"].Value);
                            if (workshopIds.Any(id => id == workshopBuildingId))
                                _workshopAssets.Add(new WorkshopBuilding(workshopBuildingId, workshopBuildingMatch.Groups["prefabname"].Value, buildingPrefab.name, buildingPrefab.GetService().ToAssetType()));

                ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopAssetMonitor loaded {0} workshop assets", GetWorkshopAssetCount());
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModLogger.Error("An error occured while starting the workshop monitor, no workshop assets where loaded");
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void SetCommand(ICommand command)
     ModLogger.Debug("Setting command '{0}' to '{1}' button", command.GetType().Name, this.name);
     _command = command;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public override void OnReleased()
     ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopAssetMonitorLoader Released");
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public override void OnCreated(ILoading loading)
     ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopAssetMonitorLoader created");
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public void Update()
        if (!_modActive)

        // Read battle pointer from memory
        var battlePointer = GameMemory.Read <IntPtr>(_offsetEnemyPointer);

        // Check if we need to reset battle
        if (battlePointer == IntPtr.Zero && changedCreature != null)
            changedThisBattle = false;
            changedCreature   = null;

        if (battlePointer != IntPtr.Zero && !changedThisBattle)
            ModLogger.WriteLine("Battle detected, modifying enemies");
            changedCreature = new bool[8];

            // Loop until all creatures are modified or limit is hit
            var loopLimit = 2000; // maximum times to attempt modification before giving up

            while (changedCreature.Contains(false) && loopLimit > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if (changedCreature[i])
                        continue;                     // Enemy already modified
                    var entityData   = Battle.GetEnemyEntity(i);
                    var entityName   = StringConverter.ToString(entityData.text_name);
                    int entityOffset = (int)battlePointer + _sizeBattleEntity * i;

                    if (entityData.guid == 0) // No enemy in this slot

                    ModLogger.WriteLine("Modifying creature: {0}", entityName);

                    var newHP = entityData.hp_max * m_HpMpMultiplier;
                    newHP = newHP > int.MaxValue ? int.MaxValue : newHP;

                    var newMP = entityData.mp_max * m_HpMpMultiplier;
                    newMP = newMP > int.MaxValue ? int.MaxValue : newMP;

                    var newStrength = entityData.strength * m_StatMultiplier;
                    newStrength = newStrength > byte.MaxValue ? byte.MaxValue : newStrength;
                    var newDefense = entityData.defense * m_StatMultiplier;
                    newDefense = newDefense > byte.MaxValue ? byte.MaxValue : newDefense;
                    var newMagic = entityData.magic * m_StatMultiplier;
                    newMagic = newMagic > byte.MaxValue ? byte.MaxValue : newMagic;
                    var newMagicDef = entityData.magic_defense * m_StatMultiplier;
                    newMagicDef = newMagicDef > byte.MaxValue ? byte.MaxValue : newMagicDef;
                    var newAgility = entityData.agility * m_StatMultiplier;
                    newAgility = newAgility > byte.MaxValue ? byte.MaxValue : newAgility;
                    var newLuck = entityData.luck * m_StatMultiplier;
                    newLuck = newLuck > byte.MaxValue ? byte.MaxValue : newLuck;
                    var newAccuracy = entityData.accuracy * m_StatMultiplier;
                    newAccuracy = newAccuracy > byte.MaxValue ? byte.MaxValue : newAccuracy;
                    var newEvasion = entityData.evasion * m_StatMultiplier;
                    newEvasion = newEvasion > byte.MaxValue ? byte.MaxValue : newEvasion;

                    // update entity values
                    GameMemory.Write <int>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("hp_current"),
                                           newHP, false);

                    GameMemory.Write <int>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("hp_max"),
                                           newHP, false);

                    GameMemory.Write <int>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("hp_max2"),
                                           newHP, false);

                    GameMemory.Write <int>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("mp_current"),
                                           newMP, false);

                    GameMemory.Write <int>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("mp_max"),
                                           newMP, false);

                    GameMemory.Write <int>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("mp_max2"),
                                           newMP, false);

                    GameMemory.Write <byte>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("strength"),
                                            (byte)newStrength, false);
                    GameMemory.Write <byte>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("defense"),
                                            (byte)newDefense, false);
                    GameMemory.Write <byte>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("magic"),
                                            (byte)newMagic, false);
                    GameMemory.Write <byte>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("magic_defense"),
                                            (byte)newMagicDef, false);
                    GameMemory.Write <byte>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("agility"),
                                            (byte)newAgility, false);
                    GameMemory.Write <byte>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("luck"),
                                            (byte)newLuck, false);
                    GameMemory.Write <byte>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("accuracy"),
                                            (byte)newAccuracy, false);
                    GameMemory.Write <byte>(entityOffset + StructHelper.GetFieldOffset <BattleEntityData>("evasion"),
                                            (byte)newEvasion, false);

                    changedCreature[i] = true;
            changedThisBattle = true;
 public void StopGame()
     _gameLoaded = false;
     ModLogger.Debug("Game is marked as unloaded by overwatch control");
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public static void GetJsonPostfix(string name, bool localization, ref Dictionary <string, JArray> ___m_Dictionary, ref JArray __result)
                string activeOption = SingletonScriptableObject <LocalizationSettings> .instance.GetActiveOption("Language");

                // Load localization album title
                if (localization && name.StartsWith("albums_"))
                    string albums_lang = $"albums_{activeOption}";
                    var    found       = false;
                    foreach (var obj in ___m_Dictionary[albums_lang])
                        if (obj.Value <string>("title") == language[activeOption])
                            found = true;
                    if (!found)
                        // add custom title
                        ModLogger.Debug($"Add Custom Title: {language[activeOption]}");
                        var @object = new JObject();
                        @object.Add("title", language[activeOption]);
                        // return new result
                        __result = ___m_Dictionary[albums_lang];
                // Load album info
                if (!localization && name == "albums")
                    var found = false;
                    foreach (var obj in ___m_Dictionary[name])
                        if (obj.Value <string>("uid") == "custom")
                            found = true;
                    if (!found)
                        // add custom title
                        ModLogger.Debug($"Add Custom Info");
                        var jobj = new JObject();
                        jobj.Add("uid", "custom");
                        jobj.Add("title", "Custom Maps");
                        jobj.Add("prefabsName", "AlbumCollection");
                        jobj.Add("price", "Free");
                        jobj.Add("jsonName", "ALBUMCUSTOM");
                        jobj.Add("needPurchase", false);
                        jobj.Add("free", true);

                        // return new result
                        __result = ___m_Dictionary[name];
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public override void Initialize()
     ShipInteriorMod.instLogger = this.Logger;
     instance = this;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public IkenFelineMod(ModManifest manifest)
     Manifest = manifest;
     Logger   = new ModLogger(this);
     Version  = new Version(Manifest.Version);
Ejemplo n.º 27
    public void Update()
        if (ModInput.GetButtonDown("FreeCam Toggle"))
            IsEnabled = !IsEnabled;

            if (!IsEnabled)
                Time.timeScale = 1f;

                FreeCamera.enabled = false;
                if (PrevCamera != null)
                    PrevCamera.enabled = true;
                QualitySettings.lodBias         = 1f;
                QualitySettings.maximumLODLevel = 0;

                PrevCamera = Camera.main;
                if (PrevCamera != null)
                    FreeCamera.transform.position    = PrevCamera.transform.position;
                    FreeCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, PrevCamera.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0f);
                    MouseLook.targetDirection        = PrevCamera.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                    MouseLook.mouseAbsolute          = Vector2.zero;
                    FreeCamera.fieldOfView           = PrevCamera.fieldOfView;
                    if (FreeCamera.fieldOfView < 10f)
                        FreeCamera.fieldOfView = 75f;
                    PrevCamera.enabled = false;
                FreeCamera.enabled = true;

                if (CameraManager.Instance != null)

            ModLogger.Log("freecam", $"{(IsEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")} MAGIC CAMERA™ mode.");

        if (IsEnabled && ModInput.GetButtonDown("FreeCam Light Toggle"))
            IsFullBright = !IsFullBright;
        if (!WasFullBright && IsFullBright)
            OriginalAmbienceColor       = RenderSettings.ambientLight;
            RenderSettings.ambientLight = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
        else if (WasFullBright && !IsFullBright)
            RenderSettings.ambientLight = OriginalAmbienceColor;
        WasFullBright = IsFullBright;

        if (CameraManager.Instance != null)
            CameraManager.Instance.enabled = !IsEnabled;

        GUIInfoGroup.Visible = IsEnabled && IsGUIVisible;

        if (_FreeCamera != null)
            MouseLook.enabled = IsEnabled;

        if (!IsEnabled)

        MouseLook.enabled = !ModGUI.MainGroup.Visible;

        if (ModInput.GetButtonDown("FreeCam GUI Toggle"))
            IsGUIVisible = !IsGUIVisible;
        if (ModInput.GetButtonDown("FreeCam Game GUI Toggle Ext"))

         * if (CameraManager.Instance != null) {
         *  FreeCamera.enabled = true;
         *  if (Camera.main != null && Camera.main != FreeCamera)
         *      ApplyDOFToFreeCam();
         * }

        FreeCamera.enabled = true;

        Transform camt = FreeCamera.transform;

        Speed = Mathf.Max(0.01f, Speed + 0.01f * ModInput.GetAxis("FreeCam Move Speed"));
        if (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Move Speed Reset"))
            Speed = DefaultSpeed;

        float speed = Speed;

        if (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Run"))
            speed *= 4f;

        Vector3 dir = Vector3.zero;

        dir += camt.forward * ModInput.GetAxis("Vertical");

        float angleY = camt.rotation.eulerAngles.y;

        angleY = (angleY + 90f) / 180f * Mathf.PI;
        if (camt.rotation.eulerAngles.z == 180f)
            angleY += Mathf.PI;
        dir += new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(angleY), 0f, Mathf.Cos(angleY)) * ModInput.GetAxis("Horizontal");

        if (dir != Vector3.zero)
            camt.position += dir * speed * SpeedF;

        camt.position += Vector3.up * ModInput.GetAxis("FreeCam Y Movement") * speed * SpeedF;

        float timeScalePrev = Time.timeScale;

        Time.timeScale = Mathf.Clamp(Time.timeScale + ModInput.GetAxis("FreeCam Game Speed") * (
                                         Time.timeScale < 0.24999f ? 0.01f :
                                         Time.timeScale < 1.99999f ? 0.05f :
                                         Time.timeScale < 7.99999f ? 0.5f :
                                         Time.timeScale < 15.99999f ? 1f :
                                         ), 0f, 100f);

        if (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Game Speed Reset"))
            Time.timeScale = 1f;

        if (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Game Speed Freeze"))
            Time.timeScale = 0f;

        int scaleRound = Mathf.FloorToInt(Time.timeScale * 100f);

        if (Time.timeScale >= 0.25f && scaleRound % 10 == 9)
            Time.timeScale = (scaleRound + 1) / 100f;

        GUIInfoGameSpeed.Text = $"Game speed: {Mathf.FloorToInt(Time.timeScale * 100f)}%";
        GUIInfoMoveSpeed.Text = $"Movement speed: {(speed / DefaultSpeed * 100f).ToString("N0")}%";
        GUIInfoSceneName.Text = $"Scene (level): {SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name}";
        Vector3 pos = camt.position;
        Vector3 rot = camt.eulerAngles;

        GUIInfoPosition.Text = $"Position: {pos.x.ToString("0000.00")}, {pos.y.ToString("0000.00")}, {pos.z.ToString("0000.00")}";
        GUIInfoRotation.Text = $"Rotation: {rot.x.ToString("0000.00")}, {rot.y.ToString("0000.00")}, {rot.z.ToString("0000.00")}";
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public override void Initialize()
     Log = Logger;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public void ClearCommand()
     ModLogger.Debug("Clearing command '{0}' from '{1}' button", _command.GetType().Name, this.name);
     _command = null;
Ejemplo n.º 30
            public static void AnnounceSelection(Selector __instance)
                ModLogger log = new ModLogger("MultiRim");

                log.Message("Something was selected");
                List <Thing>          things     = new List <Thing>();
                List <Zone_Stockpile> stockpiles = new List <Zone_Stockpile>();
                string output = "";

                foreach (object obj in __instance.SelectedObjects)
                    if (obj is Thing)
                    if (obj is Zone_Stockpile)

                 * if(things.Count != 0)
                 * {
                 *  foreach(Thing thing in things)
                 *  {
                 *      thing.TryAttachFire(3f);
                 *      output = output + thing.Label + ", ";
                 *  }
                 *  log.Message("Tried to light {0} things on fire, those things were: {1}", things.Count, output);
                 * }
                if (stockpiles.Count != 0)
                    Dictionary <string, int> contents = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                    foreach (Zone_Stockpile stockpile in stockpiles)
                        foreach (Thing thing in stockpile.AllContainedThings)
                            if (!thing.def.IsCorpse)
                                if (contents.ContainsKey(thing.LabelNoCount))
                                    contents[thing.LabelNoCount] = contents.GetValueSafe(thing.LabelNoCount) + thing.stackCount;
                                    //contents.Add(thing.LabelNoCount, contents.GetValueSafe(thing.LabelNoCount) + thing.stackCount);
                                    contents.Add(thing.LabelNoCount, thing.stackCount);

                        //output = output + stockpile.label + ", ";
                    log.Message("You selected a stockpile!!!");
                    if (contents.Count != 0)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in contents)
                            output = output + kvp.Key + " (" + kvp.Value + ")\n";
                        log.Message("It contains: " + output);
                        Dialog_MessageBox msgBox = new Dialog_MessageBox("It contains: " + output, "OK");