public static void PerformMechAssemblyStorePopup(SimGameState s, MechDef d, Action onClose)
            WwiseManager.PostEvent(AudioEventList_ui.ui_sim_popup_newChassis, WwiseManager.GlobalAudioObject, null, null);
            MechDef toAdd = PerformMechAssembly(s, d);
            int     mechbay;

            if (toAdd.IsVehicle())
                mechbay = CUIntegration.GetFirstFreeMechBay(s, d); // vehicle bay, +100 or something similar
                mechbay = s.GetFirstFreeMechBay();
            GenericPopupBuilder pop = GenericPopupBuilder.Create($"{d.GetMechOmniVehicle()} Assembled", $"Yang: [[DM.MechDefs[{d.Description.Id}],{d.Chassis.Description.UIName} {d.Chassis.VariantName}]] finished!\n{d.Chassis.YangsThoughts}\n\n");

            pop.AddButton("storage", delegate
                StoreMech(s, toAdd);
                CallMessages(s, toAdd);
                Log.Log("direct storage");
            }, true, null);
            if (mechbay < 0) // no space - direct storage
                pop.Body += $"We have no space for a new {d.GetMechOmniVehicle()}, so it goes into storage.";
                pop.Body += "Should I put it into storage or ready it for combat?";
                pop.AddButton("ready it", delegate
                    if (Settings.AssembledMechsNeedReadying)
                        ReadyMech(s, toAdd, mechbay);
                        CallMessages(s, toAdd);
                        s.AddMech(mechbay, toAdd, true, false, false);
                        CallMessages(s, toAdd);
                    Log.Log("added to bay " + mechbay);
                }, true, null);
            if (s.IsSellingAllowed())
                int cost = toAdd.GetMechSellCost(s);
                pop.Body += $"\n\nDarius: We could also sell it for {SimGameState.GetCBillString(cost)}, although Yang would certanly not like it.";
                pop.AddButton("sell it", delegate
                    s.AddFunds(cost, "Store", true, true);
                    Log.Log("sold for " + cost);
                    s.CompanyStats.ModifyStat("Mission", 0, "COMPANY_MechsAdded", StatCollection.StatOperation.Int_Add, 1, -1, true);
                    CallMessages(s, toAdd);
                }, true, null);
            pop.AddFader(new UIColorRef?(LazySingletonBehavior <UIManager> .Instance.UILookAndColorConstants.PopupBackfill), 0f, true);