Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        Application.targetFrameRate = 60;

        airID       = Animator.StringToHash("Airborne");
        standID     = Animator.StringToHash("Standing");
        crouchID    = Animator.StringToHash("Crouch");
        dizzyID     = Animator.StringToHash("Dizzy");
        lowGuardID  = Animator.StringToHash("LowGuard");
        highGuardID = Animator.StringToHash("HighGuard");
        airGuardID  = Animator.StringToHash("AirGuard");
        runID       = Animator.StringToHash("Run");
        landLagID   = Animator.StringToHash("LandingLag");
        zPos        = transform.position.z;

        sprite       = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        opponentMove = Move.opponent.GetComponent <MovementHandler>();
        MaxInput     = GameObject.Find("MaxInput").GetComponent <MaxInput>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void PlayGameVsAI()
     GameObject.Find("TransitionCanvas").transform.GetComponentInChildren <SceneTransitions>().LoadScene(1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void Start()
     MaxInput = GetComponent <MaxInput>();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    // Registering the values' initial states
    void Start()
        // Player data
        pIsBlocking     = false;
        pIsAirborne     = false;
        pIsCrouching    = false;
        pIsAttacking    = false;
        pIsActive       = false;
        pIsRecovering   = false;
        pIsHitstun      = false;
        pIsBlockstun    = false;
        pIsSupering     = false;
        pAttackingGuard = "";
        pCharacter      = "";
        pGuard          = "";

        // AI data
        faceLeft   = true;
        isAirborne = false;
        //isCrouching = false;
        isAttacking  = false;
        isRecovering = false;
        isHitstun    = false;
        //finishMove = false;
        //finishDash = false;
        pauseAI     = false;
        keepInput   = false;
        keepAction  = "";
        aiCharacter = "";

        // Command inputs
        doingQCF = 0;
        doingQCB = 0;
        doingHCF = 0;
        doingHCB = 0;
        doingDP  = 0;

        // Combos
        doing5L_1 = 0;
        doing2H_1 = 0;

        // Distance between players
        distanceBetweenX = 0;
        distanceBetweenY = 0;

        // Timers
        pastryTimer   = 0;
        circleTimer   = 0;
        squareTimer   = 0;
        triangleTimer = 0;
        crossTimer    = 0;
        breakTimer    = 0;
        noBreakTimer  = 0;
        delayTimer    = 0;

        MaxInput = GetComponent <MaxInput>();
        if (!MaxInput.AI)
            //Debug.Log("AI disabled");
            enabled = false;
        PlayerProp       = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterProperties>();
        AIProp           = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterProperties>();
        playerInput      = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject;
        playerHit        = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(2).gameObject;
        aiInput          = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject;
        aiHit            = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(2).gameObject;
        characterManager = GameObject.Find("PlayerData").GetComponent <SelectedCharacterManager>();

        states.Add("Attack", 0);
        states.Add("Defend", 0);
        states.Add("Approach", 0);
        states.Add("Recover", 0);

        attackStates.Add("Zone", 0);
        attackStates.Add("Overhead", 0);
        attackStates.Add("Mid", 0);
        attackStates.Add("Low", 0);
        attackStates.Add("Grab", 0);
        attackStates.Add("Setup", 0);       // Figure out how to see if the player is down on the floor