public System.IO.Stream WriteToScs(Endianness endian = Endianness.BigEndian, Bitness bits = Bitness.B32, GameTextEncoding encoding = GameTextEncoding.ShiftJIS) { System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); uint entryCount = (uint)Entries.Count; stream.WriteUInt32(entryCount.ToEndian(endian)); for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i) { stream.WriteUInt32(0); // reserve space } List <long> positions = new List <long>(); for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i) { string s = Entries[(int)i]; if (s != null) { positions.Add(stream.Position); stream.WriteNulltermString(s, encoding); } else { positions.Add(0); } } stream.Position = 4; for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i) { stream.WriteUInt32(((uint)positions[(int)i]).ToEndian(endian)); } stream.Position = 0; return(stream); }
private static void CreateAssembly(string assembly, Bitness bitness, Action <ModuleDefMD> modifyAction = null) { var creationOptions = new ModuleCreationOptions { Context = ModuleDef.CreateModuleContext(), TryToLoadPdbFromDisk = true }; using var module = ModuleDefMD.Load(assembly, creationOptions); ChangeBitness(module, bitness); modifyAction?.Invoke(module); DisableEditAndContinueForModule(module); var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(module.Location); var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(module.Location); var extension = Path.GetExtension(module.Location); var saveFilename = $"{filename}.{bitness}{extension}"; module.Name = saveFilename; var moduleWriterOptions = new ModuleWriterOptions(module) { AddCheckSum = true, WritePdb = true }; var moduleWriter = new ModuleWriter(module, moduleWriterOptions); ReplaceMSCOREEReferenceWithIJWHostForNetCoreApp(module, moduleWriter); moduleWriter.Write(Path.Combine(path, saveFilename)); }
public RegistryEntry(string key, string name, string value, RegistryValueKind type, Bitness bitness, FileMap fileMap) { Key = key; Name = name; Value = fileMap.Replace(value); Type = type; Bitness = bitness; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the <see cref="HawkeyeApplication"/> class. /// </summary> static HawkeyeApplication() { applicationInfo = new HawkeyeApplicationInfo(); var clrVersion = typeof(int).Assembly.GetName().Version; currentClr = clrVersion.Major == 4 ? Clr.Net4 : Clr.Net2; currentBitness = IntPtr.Size == 8 ? Bitness.x64 : Bitness.x86; Shell = new Shell(); }
public bool TryFindExcelBitness(string excelExePath, out Bitness bitness) { bitness = Bitness.Unknown; if (!File.Exists(excelExePath)) { throw new Exception("Excel path specified in Registry not found on disk: " + excelExePath); } using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(excelExePath)) { using (var reader = new BinaryReader(fileStream)) { // See // Offset to PE header is always at 0x3C. // The PE header starts with "PE\0\0" = 0x50 0x45 0x00 0x00, // followed by a 2-byte machine type field (see the document above for the enum). fileStream.Seek(0x3c, SeekOrigin.Begin); var peOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); fileStream.Seek(peOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var peHead = reader.ReadUInt32(); if (peHead != 0x00004550) // "PE\0\0", little-endian { throw new Exception("Unable to find PE header in file"); } var machineType = (MachineType)reader.ReadUInt16(); switch (machineType) { case MachineType.ImageFileMachineI386: { bitness = Bitness.Bit32; return(true); } case MachineType.ImageFileMachineAmd64: case MachineType.ImageFileMachineIa64: { bitness = Bitness.Bit64; return(true); } default: { bitness = Bitness.Unknown; return(false); } } } } }
public static HashSet <string> GetHostAbis(OS osType = OS.Any, Bitness bitness = Bitness.Any, bool includeAllHostOSes = true) { IEnumerable <string> abis = KnownAbis.Where (a => a.Type == AbiType.HostJit && OSMatches(a, osType) && BitnessMatches(a, bitness) && (includeAllHostOSes || IsCurrentHostOS(a))).Select(a => a.Name); return(MakeHashSet(abis)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a value indicating if the bitness is supported /// </summary> /// <param name="bitness">The bitness.</param> /// <returns>True if supported.</returns> public override bool SupportsProjectBitness(Bitness bitness) { SafeDebug.Assume(bitness != Bitness.Unsupported, "bitness != Bitness.Unsupported"); if (Net2process) { return(bitness == Bitness.AnyCpu || bitness == Bitness.x86); } else { return(true); } }
private static string GetBootstrap(Clr clr, Bitness bitness) { string bitnessVersion; switch (bitness) { case Bitness.x86: bitnessVersion = "x86"; break; case Bitness.x64: bitnessVersion = "x64"; break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Bitness Value {bitness} is invalid.", nameof(bitness)); } string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); // Very special case: Hawkeye is x86 and the spied process is x64: we can't know for sure // whether the process is .NET 2 or 4 or none. // So, we must simply re-run Hawkeye.exe (which is compiled as Any Cpu and therefore // will run as x64 in a x64 environment) passing it the handle of the spied window so that another // detection is achieved, this time from a x64 process. // Note that because we run Hawkeye.exe, we won't inject anything. if (clr == Clr.Undefined && HawkeyeApplication.CurrentBitness == Bitness.x86 && bitness == Bitness.x64) { return(Path.Combine(directory, "Hawkeye.exe")); } string clrVersion = string.Empty; switch (clr) { case Clr.Net2: clrVersion = "N2"; break; case Clr.Net4: clrVersion = "N4"; break; default: throw new ArgumentException( $"Clr Value {clr} is invalid.", nameof(clr)); } string exe = $"HawkeyeBootstrap{clrVersion}{bitnessVersion}.exe"; return(Path.Combine(directory, exe)); }
static bool BitnessMatches(Abi abi, Bitness bitness) { if (bitness == Bitness.Any) { return(true); } if (bitness == Bitness.ThirtyTwo) { return(!abi.Is64Bit); } return(abi.Is64Bit); }
public static long PeekInt(this Stream s, Bitness bits, Endianness endian) { switch (bits) { case Bitness.B8: return(s.PeekInt8()); case Bitness.B16: return(s.PeekInt16().FromEndian(endian)); case Bitness.B32: return(s.PeekInt32().FromEndian(endian)); case Bitness.B64: return(s.PeekInt64().FromEndian(endian)); } throw new Exception("Peeking int not implemented for bitness " + bits.ToString()); }
public static uint NumberOfBytes(this Bitness bits) { switch (bits) { case Bitness.B8: return(1); case Bitness.B16: return(2); case Bitness.B32: return(4); case Bitness.B64: return(8); } throw new Exception("Number of bits not implemented for bitness " + bits.ToString()); }
public string To_XML() { var ret = "<os>"; ret += "<type arch='" + Bitness.ToString() + "' machine='" + machine + "'>" + type.ToString() + "</type>";//is everything a pc? I dont know.. foreach (var item in BootOrder) { ret += "<boot dev='" + item.ToString() + "'/>"; } if (ShowBootMenu) { ret += "<bootmenu enable='yes' timeout='3000'/>"; } ret += "</os>"; return(ret); }
private string ReplacePlaceholder(string value, Bitness bitness) { switch (value) { case PlaceHolders.InstallPath: return(InstallPathVariable); case PlaceHolders.DllPath: return(string.Format(DllPathVariable, _dllName)); case PlaceHolders.TlbPath: return(bitness == Bitness.Is64Bit ? string.Format(Tlb64PathVariable, _tlb64Name) : string.Format(Tlb32PathVariable, _tlb32Name)); default: return(value); } }
private string ReplacePlaceholder(string value, Bitness bitness) { switch (value) { case PlaceHolders.InstallPath: return(InstallPathVariable); case PlaceHolders.DllPath: return(DllPathVariable); case PlaceHolders.TlbPath: return(bitness == Bitness.Is64Bit ? Tlb64PathVariable : Tlb32PathVariable); default: return(value); } }
private string ReplacePlaceholder(string value, Bitness bitness) { Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentPath)); switch (value) { case PlaceHolders.InstallPath: return(CurrentPath); case PlaceHolders.DllPath: return(Path.Combine(CurrentPath, _dllName)); case PlaceHolders.TlbPath: return(Path.Combine(CurrentPath, bitness == Bitness.Is64Bit ? _tlb64Name : _tlb32Name)); default: return(value); } }
private static void ChangeBitness(ModuleDefMD module, Bitness bitness) { switch (bitness) { case Bitness.x86: module.Machine = dnlib.PE.Machine.I386; module.Cor20HeaderFlags &= ~ComImageFlags.ILOnly; module.Cor20HeaderFlags &= ~ComImageFlags.Bit32Preferred; module.Cor20HeaderFlags |= ComImageFlags.Bit32Required; break; case Bitness.x64: module.Machine = dnlib.PE.Machine.AMD64; module.Cor20HeaderFlags &= ~ComImageFlags.ILOnly; module.Cor20HeaderFlags &= ~ComImageFlags.Bit32Preferred; module.Cor20HeaderFlags &= ~ComImageFlags.Bit32Required; break; } }
private string ReplacePlaceholder(string value, Bitness bitness) { if (_currentPath == null) { _currentPath = AssemblyDirectory; } switch (value) { case PlaceHolders.InstallPath: return(_currentPath); case PlaceHolders.DllPath: return(Path.Combine(_currentPath, "Rubberduck.dll")); case PlaceHolders.TlbPath: return(Path.Combine(_currentPath, bitness == Bitness.Is64Bit ? "Rubberduck.x64.tlb" : "Rubberduck.x32.tlb")); default: return(value); } }
private string ReplacePlaceholder(string value, Bitness bitness) { if (_currentPath == null) { _currentPath = AssemblyDirectory; } switch (value) { case PlaceHolders.InstallPath: return(_currentPath); case PlaceHolders.DllPath: return(Path.Combine(_currentPath, _dllName)); case PlaceHolders.TlbPath: return(Path.Combine(_currentPath, bitness == Bitness.Is64Bit ? _tlb64Name : _tlb32Name)); default: return(value); } }
private static void GetBinaryData(XmlReader reader, ScanAndTempProperties <TScan, TRun> scan) { string base64 = string.Empty; Bitness bitness = Bitness.NotSet; bool isIntensityArray = false; bool isMzArray = false; bool binaryDataArrayRead = false; Compression compression = Compression.Uncompressed; while (reader.Read() && !binaryDataArrayRead) { if (reader.IsStartElement()) { if ("cvParam".Equals(reader.LocalName)) { switch (reader.GetAttribute("accession")) { case "MS:1000574": if ("zlib compression".Equals(reader.GetAttribute("name"))) { compression = Compression.Zlib; } break; case "MS:1000521": //32 bit float bitness = Bitness.IEEE754FloatLittleEndian; break; case "MS:1000523": //64 bit float bitness = Bitness.IEEE754DoubleLittleEndian; break; case "MS:1000515": //intensity array isIntensityArray = true; break; case "MS:1000514": //mz array isMzArray = true; break; } } else if ("binary".Equals(reader.LocalName)) { reader.ReadStartElement(); base64 = reader.ReadContentAsString(); } } else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && "binaryDataArray".Equals(reader.LocalName)) { binaryDataArrayRead = true; Base64StringAndDecodingHints base64StringAndDecodingHints = new Base64StringAndDecodingHints(base64, compression, bitness); if (isIntensityArray) { scan.Intensities = base64StringAndDecodingHints; } else if (isMzArray) { scan.Mzs = base64StringAndDecodingHints; } } } }
// NOTE: Construction of this thing is quite inefficient-- it // has several nested loops that could probably be // improved. Such optimizations have been left for when // it turns out to be a performance problem, for the // sake of simplicity. // public ServiceInfo(Guid clsid, ServiceElement service, ComCatalogObject application, ComCatalogObject classObject, HostingMode hostingMode) { // Simple things... // this.service = service; this.clsid = clsid; this.appid = Fx.CreateGuid((string)application.GetValue("ID")); this.partitionId = Fx.CreateGuid((string)application.GetValue("AppPartitionID")); this.bitness = (Bitness)classObject.GetValue("Bitness"); this.transactionOption = (TransactionOption)classObject.GetValue("Transaction"); this.hostingMode = hostingMode; this.managedType = TypeCacheManager.ResolveClsidToType(clsid); this.serviceName = application.Name + "." + classObject.Name; this.udts = new Dictionary<Guid, List<Type>>(); // Isolation Level COMAdminIsolationLevel adminIsolationLevel; adminIsolationLevel = (COMAdminIsolationLevel)classObject.GetValue("TxIsolationLevel"); switch (adminIsolationLevel) { case COMAdminIsolationLevel.Any: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Unspecified; break; case COMAdminIsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted; break; case COMAdminIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; break; case COMAdminIsolationLevel.RepeatableRead: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead; break; case COMAdminIsolationLevel.Serializable: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Serializable; break; default: throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(Error.ListenerInitFailed( SR.GetString(SR.InvalidIsolationLevelValue, this.clsid, adminIsolationLevel))); } // Threading Model // COMAdminThreadingModel adminThreadingModel; adminThreadingModel = (COMAdminThreadingModel)classObject.GetValue("ThreadingModel"); switch (adminThreadingModel) { case COMAdminThreadingModel.Apartment: case COMAdminThreadingModel.Main: this.threadingModel = ThreadingModel.STA; objectPoolingEnabled = false; break; default: this.threadingModel = ThreadingModel.MTA; objectPoolingEnabled = (bool)classObject.GetValue("ObjectPoolingEnabled"); break; } // Object Pool settings // if (objectPoolingEnabled) { maxPoolSize = (int)classObject.GetValue("MaxPoolSize"); } else maxPoolSize = 0; // Security Settings // bool appSecurityEnabled; appSecurityEnabled = (bool)application.GetValue( "ApplicationAccessChecksEnabled"); if (appSecurityEnabled) { bool classSecurityEnabled; classSecurityEnabled = (bool)classObject.GetValue( "ComponentAccessChecksEnabled"); if (classSecurityEnabled) { this.checkRoles = true; } } // Component Roles // ComCatalogCollection roles; roles = classObject.GetCollection("RolesForComponent"); this.componentRoleMembers = CatalogUtil.GetRoleMembers(application, roles); // Contracts // One ContractInfo per unique IID exposed, so we need to // filter duplicates. // this.contracts = new List<ContractInfo>(); ComCatalogCollection interfaces; interfaces = classObject.GetCollection("InterfacesForComponent"); foreach (ServiceEndpointElement endpoint in service.Endpoints) { ContractInfo contract = null; if (endpoint.Contract == ServiceMetadataBehavior.MexContractName) continue; Guid iid; if (DiagnosticUtility.Utility.TryCreateGuid(endpoint.Contract, out iid)) { // (Filter duplicates.) bool duplicate = false; foreach (ContractInfo otherContract in this.contracts) { if (iid == otherContract.IID) { duplicate = true; break; } } if (duplicate) continue; foreach (ComCatalogObject interfaceObject in interfaces) { Guid otherInterfaceID; if (DiagnosticUtility.Utility.TryCreateGuid((string)interfaceObject.GetValue("IID"), out otherInterfaceID)) { if (otherInterfaceID == iid) { contract = new ContractInfo(iid, endpoint, interfaceObject, application); break; } } } } if (contract == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(Error.ListenerInitFailed( SR.GetString(SR.EndpointNotAnIID, clsid.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant(), endpoint.Contract))); } this.contracts.Add(contract); } }
public static HashSet <string> GetTargetJitAbis(Bitness bitness = Bitness.Any) { return(MakeHashSet(KnownAbis.Where(a => a.Type == AbiType.TargetJit && BitnessMatches(a, bitness)).Select(a => a.Name))); }
private static string GetBootstrap(Clr clr, Bitness bitness) { var bitnessVersion = string.Empty; switch (bitness) { case Bitness.x86: bitnessVersion = "x86"; break; case Bitness.x64: bitnessVersion = "x64"; break; default: throw new ArgumentException(string.Format( "Bitness Value {0} is invalid.", bitness), "bitness"); } var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); // Very special case: Hawkeye is x86 and the spied process is x64: we can't know for sure // whether the process is .NET 2 or 4 or none. // So, we must simply re-run Hawkeye.exe (which is compiled as Any Cpu and therefore // will run as x64 in a x64 environment) passing it the handle of the spied window so that another // detection is achieved, this time from a x64 process. // Note that because we run Hawkeye.exe, we won't inject anything. if (clr == Clr.Undefined && HawkeyeApplication.CurrentBitness == Bitness.x86 && bitness == Bitness.x64) return Path.Combine(directory, "Hawkeye.exe"); var clrVersion = string.Empty; switch (clr) { case Clr.Net2: clrVersion = "N2"; break; case Clr.Net4: clrVersion = "N4"; break; default: throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Clr Value {0} is invalid.", clr), "clr"); } var exe = string.Format("HawkeyeBootstrap{0}{1}.exe", clrVersion, bitnessVersion); return Path.Combine(directory, exe); }
public JitBinary(Bitness bitness) { bness = bitness; }
/// <summary> /// The supports project bitness. /// </summary> /// <param name="bitness"> /// The bitness. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool"/>. /// </returns> public override bool SupportsProjectBitness(Bitness bitness) { SafeDebug.Assume(bitness != Bitness.Unsupported, "bitness != Bitness.Unsupported"); return(true); }
public static HashSet <string> GetCrossAbis(OS osType = OS.Any, Bitness bitness = Bitness.Any) { return(MakeHashSet(KnownAbis.Where(a => a.Type == AbiType.CrossAot && OSMatches(a, osType) && BitnessMatches(a, bitness)).Select(a => a.Name))); }
/// <summary> /// The supports project bitness. /// </summary> /// <param name="bitness"> /// The bitness. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool"/>. /// </returns> public override bool SupportsProjectBitness(Bitness bitness) { SafeDebug.Assume(bitness != Bitness.Unsupported, "bitness != Bitness.Unsupported"); return true; }
// NOTE: Construction of this thing is quite inefficient-- it // has several nested loops that could probably be // improved. Such optimizations have been left for when // it turns out to be a performance problem, for the // sake of simplicity. // public ServiceInfo(Guid clsid, ServiceElement service, ComCatalogObject application, ComCatalogObject classObject, HostingMode hostingMode) { // Simple things... // this.service = service; this.clsid = clsid; this.appid = Fx.CreateGuid((string)application.GetValue("ID")); this.partitionId = Fx.CreateGuid((string)application.GetValue("AppPartitionID")); this.bitness = (Bitness)classObject.GetValue("Bitness"); this.transactionOption = (TransactionOption)classObject.GetValue("Transaction"); this.hostingMode = hostingMode; this.managedType = TypeCacheManager.ResolveClsidToType(clsid); this.serviceName = application.Name + "." + classObject.Name; this.udts = new Dictionary <Guid, List <Type> >(); // Isolation Level COMAdminIsolationLevel adminIsolationLevel; adminIsolationLevel = (COMAdminIsolationLevel)classObject.GetValue("TxIsolationLevel"); switch (adminIsolationLevel) { case COMAdminIsolationLevel.Any: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Unspecified; break; case COMAdminIsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted; break; case COMAdminIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; break; case COMAdminIsolationLevel.RepeatableRead: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead; break; case COMAdminIsolationLevel.Serializable: this.isolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Serializable; break; default: throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(Error.ListenerInitFailed( SR.GetString(SR.InvalidIsolationLevelValue, this.clsid, adminIsolationLevel))); } // Threading Model // COMAdminThreadingModel adminThreadingModel; adminThreadingModel = (COMAdminThreadingModel)classObject.GetValue("ThreadingModel"); switch (adminThreadingModel) { case COMAdminThreadingModel.Apartment: case COMAdminThreadingModel.Main: this.threadingModel = ThreadingModel.STA; objectPoolingEnabled = false; break; default: this.threadingModel = ThreadingModel.MTA; objectPoolingEnabled = (bool)classObject.GetValue("ObjectPoolingEnabled"); break; } // Object Pool settings // if (objectPoolingEnabled) { maxPoolSize = (int)classObject.GetValue("MaxPoolSize"); } else { maxPoolSize = 0; } // Security Settings // bool appSecurityEnabled; appSecurityEnabled = (bool)application.GetValue( "ApplicationAccessChecksEnabled"); if (appSecurityEnabled) { bool classSecurityEnabled; classSecurityEnabled = (bool)classObject.GetValue( "ComponentAccessChecksEnabled"); if (classSecurityEnabled) { this.checkRoles = true; } } // Component Roles // ComCatalogCollection roles; roles = classObject.GetCollection("RolesForComponent"); this.componentRoleMembers = CatalogUtil.GetRoleMembers(application, roles); // Contracts // One ContractInfo per unique IID exposed, so we need to // filter duplicates. // this.contracts = new List <ContractInfo>(); ComCatalogCollection interfaces; interfaces = classObject.GetCollection("InterfacesForComponent"); foreach (ServiceEndpointElement endpoint in service.Endpoints) { ContractInfo contract = null; if (endpoint.Contract == ServiceMetadataBehavior.MexContractName) { continue; } Guid iid; if (DiagnosticUtility.Utility.TryCreateGuid(endpoint.Contract, out iid)) { // (Filter duplicates.) bool duplicate = false; foreach (ContractInfo otherContract in this.contracts) { if (iid == otherContract.IID) { duplicate = true; break; } } if (duplicate) { continue; } foreach (ComCatalogObject interfaceObject in interfaces) { Guid otherInterfaceID; if (DiagnosticUtility.Utility.TryCreateGuid((string)interfaceObject.GetValue("IID"), out otherInterfaceID)) { if (otherInterfaceID == iid) { contract = new ContractInfo(iid, endpoint, interfaceObject, application); break; } } } } if (contract == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(Error.ListenerInitFailed( SR.GetString(SR.EndpointNotAnIID, clsid.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant(), endpoint.Contract))); } this.contracts.Add(contract); } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override bool SupportsProjectBitness(Bitness bitness) { return true; }
public Base64StringAndDecodingHints(string base64Data, Compression compression, Bitness bitness) { Base64Data = base64Data; Compression = compression; Bitness = bitness; }
/// <summary> /// Ctor. /// </summary> /// <param name="platform">Binary platform.</param> /// <param name="bitness">Binary bitness.</param> /// <param name="files">A collection of files for this bitness and platform.</param> public LibraryItem(Platform platform, Bitness bitness, params LibraryFile[] files) { Platform = platform; Bitness = bitness; Files = files; }
public SCS(DuplicatableStream stream, Endianness endian = Endianness.BigEndian, Bitness bits = Bitness.B32, GameTextEncoding encoding = GameTextEncoding.ShiftJIS) { ulong entryCount = stream.ReadUInt(bits, endian); Entries = new List <string>((int)entryCount); for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i) { ulong offset = stream.ReadUInt(bits, endian); if (offset != 0) { Entries.Add(stream.ReadNulltermStringFromLocationAndReset(offset, encoding)); } else { Entries.Add(null); } } }
public SCS(string filename, Endianness endian = Endianness.BigEndian, Bitness bits = Bitness.B32, GameTextEncoding encoding = GameTextEncoding.ShiftJIS) : this(new DuplicatableFileStream(filename), endian, bits, encoding) { }
public BitInstance(string data, Bitness bitness) { Data = data; Bitness = Bitness; }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override bool SupportsProjectBitness(Bitness bitness) { return(true); }