Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected virtual void CheckOffMeshLinks()
            if (Agent.isOnOffMeshLink && !EnterOFFMESH)                         //Check if the Agent is on a OFF MESH LINK
                EnterOFFMESH = true;                                            //Just to avoid entering here again while we are on a OFF MESH LINK
                OffMeshLinkData OMLData = Agent.currentOffMeshLinkData;

                if (OMLData.linkType == OffMeshLinkType.LinkTypeManual)              //Means that it has a OffMesh Link component
                    OffMeshLink CurrentOML = OMLData.offMeshLink;                    //Check if the OffMeshLink is a Manually placed  Link

                    Zone IsOffMeshZone =
                        CurrentOML.GetComponentInParent <Zone>();                    //Search if the OFFMESH IS An ACTION ZONE (EXAMPLE CRAWL)

                    if (IsOffMeshZone)                                               //if the OffmeshLink is a zone and is not making an action
                        IsOffMeshZone.ActivateZone(true);                            //Activate the Zone

                    var DistanceEnd   = (transform.position - CurrentOML.endTransform.position).sqrMagnitude;
                    var DistanceStart = (transform.position - CurrentOML.startTransform.position).sqrMagnitude;

                    //Debug.Log("OMMESH FLY");

                    if (CurrentOML.CompareTag("Fly"))
                        var FarTransform = DistanceEnd > DistanceStart ? CurrentOML.endTransform : CurrentOML.startTransform;
                        //Debug.Log("OMMESH FLY");

                    if (CurrentOML.area == 2)  //2 is Off mesh Jump
                        var NearTransform = DistanceEnd < DistanceStart ? CurrentOML.endTransform : CurrentOML.startTransform;
                        StartCoroutine(MalbersTools.AlignTransform_Rotation(transform, NearTransform.rotation, 0.15f)); //Aling the Animal to the Link Position
                        animal.State_Activate(StateEnum.Jump);                                                          //2 is Jump State                                                              //if the OffMesh Link is a Jump type
                else if (OMLData.linkType == OffMeshLinkType.LinkTypeJumpAcross) //Means that it has a OffMesh Link component
                    animal.State_Activate(StateEnum.Jump);                       //2 is Jump State
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Manage all Off Mesh Links
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void CheckOffMeshLinks()
            if (Agent.isOnOffMeshLink && !EnterOFFMESH)                         //Check if the Agent is on a OFF MESH LINK
                EnterOFFMESH = true;                                            //Just to avoid entering here again while we are on a OFF MESH LINK
                OffMeshLinkData OMLData = Agent.currentOffMeshLinkData;

                if (OMLData.linkType == OffMeshLinkType.LinkTypeManual)                 //Means that it has a OffMesh Link component
                    OffMeshLink CurrentOML = OMLData.offMeshLink;                       //Check if the OffMeshLink is a Manually placed  Link

                    ActionZone Is_a_OffMeshZone =
                        CurrentOML.GetComponentInParent <ActionZone>();                 //Search if the OFFMESH IS An ACTION ZONE (EXAMPLE CRAWL)

                    if (Is_a_OffMeshZone && !DoingAnAction)                             //if the OffmeshLink is a zone and is not making an action
                        animal.Action = DoingAnAction = true;                           //Activate the Action on the Animal

                    var DistanceEnd   = (transform.position - CurrentOML.endTransform.position).sqrMagnitude;
                    var DistanceStart = (transform.position - CurrentOML.startTransform.position).sqrMagnitude;

                    var NearTransform = DistanceEnd < DistanceStart ? CurrentOML.endTransform : CurrentOML.startTransform;
                    var FarTransform  = DistanceEnd > DistanceStart ? CurrentOML.endTransform : CurrentOML.startTransform;
                    StartCoroutine(MalbersTools.AlignTransform_Rotation(transform, NearTransform.rotation, 0.15f)); //Aling the Animal to the Link Position

                    if (animal.canFly && CurrentOML.CompareTag("Fly"))
                        Debuging(name + ": Fly OffMesh");
                    else if (CurrentOML.area == 2)
                        animal.SetJump();                         //if the OffMesh Link is a Jump type
                else if (OMLData.linkType == OffMeshLinkType.LinkTypeJumpAcross)             //Means that it has a OffMesh Link component
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Used for checking if the animal enables the action
        /// </summary>
        private void OnActionListener()
            if (!oldAnimal)
                return;                                            //Skip if there's no animal
            StartCoroutine(OnActionDelay(ActionDelay, oldAnimal)); //Invoke the Event OnAction

            if (Align && AlingPoint)
                IEnumerator ICo = null;

                Vector3 AlingPosition = AlingPoint.position;

                if (AlingPoint2)                //In case there's
                    AlingPosition = MalbersTools.ClosestPointOnLine(AlingPoint.position, AlingPoint2.position, oldAnimal.transform.position);

                if (AlignLookAt)
                    ICo = MalbersTools.AlignLookAtTransform(oldAnimal.transform, AlingPoint, AlignTime, AlignCurve);                //Align Look At the Zone
                    if (AlignPos)
                        StartCoroutine(MalbersTools.AlignTransform_Position(oldAnimal.transform, AlingPosition, AlignTime, AlignCurve));
                    if (AlignRot)
                        StartCoroutine(MalbersTools.AlignTransform_Rotation(oldAnimal.transform, AlingPoint.rotation, AlignTime, AlignCurve));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Aligns the Animal to the Align points of the Zone</summary>
        public virtual void AlignAnimal()
            if (Align && AlingPoint && CurrentAnimal != null)
                IEnumerator ICo = null;

                if (AlignLookAt)
                    ICo = MalbersTools.AlignLookAtTransform(CurrentAnimal.transform, AlingPoint, AlignTime, AlignCurve);                //Align Look At the Zone
                    if (AlignPos)
                        Vector3 AlingPosition = AlingPoint.position;

                        if (AlingPoint2)                //In case there's a line ... move to the closest point between the two transforms
                            AlingPosition = MalbersTools.ClosestPointOnLine(AlingPoint.position, AlingPoint2.position, CurrentAnimal.transform.position);

                        if (DoubleSided)
                            Vector3 AlingPosOpposite = transform.InverseTransformPoint(AlingPosition);
                            AlingPosOpposite.z *= -1;
                            AlingPosOpposite    = transform.TransformPoint(AlingPosOpposite);

                            var Distance1 = Vector3.Distance(CurrentAnimal.transform.position, AlingPosition);
                            var Distance2 = Vector3.Distance(CurrentAnimal.transform.position, AlingPosOpposite);

                            if (Distance2 < Distance1)
                                StartCoroutine(MalbersTools.AlignTransform_Position(CurrentAnimal.transform, AlingPosOpposite, AlignTime, AlignCurve));
                                StartCoroutine(MalbersTools.AlignTransform_Position(CurrentAnimal.transform, AlingPosition, AlignTime, AlignCurve));
                            StartCoroutine(MalbersTools.AlignTransform_Position(CurrentAnimal.transform, AlingPosition, AlignTime, AlignCurve));
                    if (AlignRot)
                        Quaternion Side1     = AlingPoint.rotation;
                        Quaternion AnimalRot = CurrentAnimal.transform.rotation;

                        if (DoubleSided)
                            Quaternion Side2 = AlingPoint.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0);

                            var Side1Angle = Quaternion.Angle(AnimalRot, Side1);
                            var Side2Angle = Quaternion.Angle(AnimalRot, Side2);

                            StartCoroutine(MalbersTools.AlignTransform_Rotation(CurrentAnimal.transform, Side1Angle < Side2Angle ? Side1 : Side2, AlignTime, AlignCurve));
                            StartCoroutine(MalbersTools.AlignTransform_Rotation(CurrentAnimal.transform, Side1, AlignTime, AlignCurve));