Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// GET: /Home/GetDistrictByCity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cityId">City ID</param>
        /// <returns>Task[ActionResult] with JSON contains list of Districts</returns>
        public async Task <ActionResult> GetDistrictByCity(string cityId)
                int tempCityId = 0;
                // Check if city ID is null or not
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cityId) && Int32.TryParse(cityId, out tempCityId))
                    districtList = await LocationUtil.LoadDistrictInCityAsync(tempCityId);

                    var result = (from d in districtList
                                  select new
                        id = d.District_ID,
                        name = d.Type + Constants.WhiteSpace + d.District_Name
                    return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    // Return default value
                    districtList = new List <District>();
                    return(Json(districtList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception exception)
                return(RedirectToAction(Constants.SystemFailureHomeAction, Constants.ErrorController));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <ActionResult> SearchResult(HomeModel model, int page = 1)
            List <HospitalEntity>       hospitalList      = null;
            IPagedList <HospitalEntity> pagedHospitalList = null;

                // Indicate which button is clicked
                string button = Request[Constants.Button];

                #region Normal Search
                // Normal search form
                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(button)) || Constants.NormalSearchForm.Equals(button))
                    ViewBag.SearchValue = model.SearchValue;
                    // Check if input search query is null or empty
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SearchValue))
                        // Check if input search value is understandable
                        string[] suggestSentence = StringUtil.CheckVocabulary(model.SearchValue);
                        if (Constants.False.Equals(suggestSentence[0]))
                            ViewBag.SuggestionSentence = suggestSentence[1];
                        // Analyze to GIR query
                        await model.GIRQueryAnalyzerAsync(model.SearchValue);

                        // Search hospitals
                        hospitalList = await model.NormalSearchHospital();

                        pagedHospitalList = hospitalList.ToPagedList(page, Constants.PageSize);
                        // Search Query Statistic
                        DataModel.StoreSearchQuery(model.SearchValue, hospitalList.Count);

                #region Advanced Search
                // Load list of cities
                cityList = await LocationUtil.LoadCityAsync();

                ViewBag.CityList = new SelectList(cityList, Constants.CityID, Constants.CityName);
                // Load list of districts
                districtList = await LocationUtil.LoadDistrictInCityAsync(model.CityID);

                ViewBag.DistrictList = new SelectList(districtList, Constants.DistrictID, Constants.DistrictName);
                // Load list of specialities
                specialityList = await SpecialityUtil.LoadSpecialityAsync();

                ViewBag.SpecialityList = new SelectList(specialityList, Constants.SpecialityID, Constants.SpecialityName);
                // Load list of disease
                diseaseList         = new List <Disease>();
                ViewBag.DiseaseList = new SelectList(diseaseList, Constants.DiseaseID, Constants.DiseaseName);
                // Advanced search form
                if (Constants.AdvancedSearchForm.Equals(button))
                    ViewBag.DiseaseName = model.DiseaseName;
                    hospitalList        = await model.AdvancedSearchHospital(model.CityID, model.DistrictID,
                                                                             model.SpecialityID, model.DiseaseName);

                    pagedHospitalList = hospitalList.ToPagedList(page, Constants.PageSize);

                    ViewBag.SearchType = Constants.AdvancedSearchForm;

                #region Location Search
                List <SelectListItem> locationTypeListItem = new List <SelectListItem>()
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "2", Text = "Nhập vị trí"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "1", Text = "Vị trí hiện tại"
                ViewBag.LocationTypeList = new SelectList(locationTypeListItem, "Value", "Text", 2);
                List <SelectListItem> radiusListItem = new List <SelectListItem>()
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "0.3", Text = "300 mét"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "0.5", Text = "500 mét"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "1", Text = "1 km"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "3", Text = "3 km"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "5", Text = "5 km"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "10", Text = "10 km"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "15", Text = "15 km"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "20", Text = "20 km"
                ViewBag.RadiusList = new SelectList(radiusListItem, "Value", "Text", 0.3);
                // Location search form
                if (Constants.LocationSearchForm.Equals(button))
                    ViewBag.SearchType = Constants.LocationSearchForm;

                    // Search hospitals
                    double    lat        = 0;
                    double    lng        = 0;
                    WebClient client     = new WebClient();
                    string    coordinate = model.Coordinate;
                    string    position   = model.Position;

                    if (!(0 < model.Radius && model.Radius <= 20))
                        model.Radius = 10;

                    double radius = model.Radius;

                    if (model.LocationType == 1)
                        if (coordinate != null)
                            if (coordinate.Split(',').Length > 1)
                                double.TryParse(coordinate.Split(',')[0], out lat);
                                double.TryParse(coordinate.Split(',')[1], out lng);
                    else if (model.LocationType == 2)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(position))
                            string geoJsonResult = client.DownloadString(string.Concat(Constants.GeoCodeJsonQuery, position));
                            // Json.Net is really helpful if you have to deal
                            // with Json from .Net http://json.codeplex.com/
                            JObject geoJsonObject = JObject.Parse(geoJsonResult);
                            if (geoJsonObject.Value <string>("status").Equals("OK"))
                                lat = geoJsonObject["results"].First["geometry"]["location"].Value <double>("lat");
                                lng = geoJsonObject["results"].First["geometry"]["location"].Value <double>("lng");
                    hospitalList = await HomeModel.LocationSearchHospital(lat, lng, radius * 1000);

                    pagedHospitalList = hospitalList.ToPagedList(page, Constants.PageSize);
                    string distanceMatrixUrl = string.Concat("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?origins=", lat, ",", lng, "&destinations=");
                    int    index             = 0;
                    foreach (HospitalEntity hospital in pagedHospitalList)
                        distanceMatrixUrl += (index == 0 ? string.Empty : "|") + hospital.Coordinate.Split(',')[0].Trim() + "," + hospital.Coordinate.Split(',')[1].Trim();
                        index              = -1;
                    string  dMatrixJsonResult = client.DownloadString(distanceMatrixUrl);
                    JObject dMatrixJsonObject = JObject.Parse(dMatrixJsonResult);
                    if (dMatrixJsonObject.Value <string>("status").Equals("OK"))
                        index = 0;
                        foreach (HospitalEntity hospital in pagedHospitalList)
                            hospital.Distance = dMatrixJsonObject["rows"].First["elements"].ElementAt(index++)["distance"].Value <double>("value");

                        model.Coordinate = lat + ", " + lng;

                // Transfer list of hospitals to Search Result page

                ViewBag.HospitalList     = pagedHospitalList;
                ViewBag.JsonHospitalList = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pagedHospitalList).Replace("\r\n", string.Empty);

                NameValueCollection queryString = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.Url.Query);
                ViewBag.Query = queryString.ToString();

                if (hospitalList.Count == 0)
                    ViewBag.SearchValue = model.SearchValue;

                ViewBag.FeedbackStatus  = TempData["FeedbackStatus"];
                ViewBag.FeedbackMessage = TempData["FeedbackMessage"];
            catch (Exception exception)
                return(RedirectToAction(Constants.SystemFailureHomeAction, Constants.ErrorController));

            // Move to result page