Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void AttachEditorComponents(Entity entity, string name, ListProperty <Entity.Handle> target)
            entity.Add(name, target);
            if (entity.EditorSelected != null)
                Transform transform = entity.Get <Transform>("Transform");

                LineDrawer connectionLines = new LineDrawer {
                    Serialize = false
                connectionLines.Add(new Binding <bool>(connectionLines.Enabled, entity.EditorSelected));

                ListBinding <LineDrawer.Line, Entity.Handle> connectionBinding = new ListBinding <LineDrawer.Line, Entity.Handle>(connectionLines.Lines, target, delegate(Entity.Handle other)
                    return(new LineDrawer.Line
                        A = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionColor(transform.Position, connectionLineColor),
                        B = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionColor(other.Target.Get <Transform>("Transform").Position, connectionLineColor)
                }, x => x.Target != null && x.Target.Active);
                entity.Add(new NotifyBinding(delegate() { connectionBinding.OnChanged(null); }, entity.EditorSelected));
                entity.Add(new NotifyBinding(delegate() { connectionBinding.OnChanged(null); }, () => entity.EditorSelected, transform.Position));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void AttachEditorComponents(Entity entity, string name, Property <Entity.Handle> target)
            entity.Add(name, target);
            if (entity.EditorSelected != null)
                Transform transform = entity.Get <Transform>("Transform");

                LineDrawer connectionLines = new LineDrawer {
                    Serialize = false
                connectionLines.Add(new Binding <bool>(connectionLines.Enabled, entity.EditorSelected));

                connectionLines.Add(new NotifyBinding(delegate()
                    Entity targetEntity = target.Value.Target;
                    if (targetEntity != null)
                            new LineDrawer.Line
                            A = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionColor(transform.Position, connectionLineColor),
                            B = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionColor(targetEntity.Get <Transform>("Transform").Position, connectionLineColor)
                }, transform.Position, target, entity.EditorSelected));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages the switch to a new physics engine simulation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sim">Index of the simulation to switch to.</param>
        public void SwitchSimulation(int sim)
            currentSimulationIndex = sim;

            //Clear out any old rendering stuff.

            //Tell the previous simulation it's done.
            if (currentSimulation != null)
            //Create the new demo.
            Type demoType = demoTypes[currentSimulationIndex - 1];

            currentSimulation = (Demo)demoType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(DemosGame) }).Invoke(new object[] { this });
            currentSimulation = (Demo)Activator.CreateInstance(demoType, new object[] { this });
            #region DisplayObject creation

            foreach (Entity e in currentSimulation.Space.Entities)
                if ((string)e.Tag != "noDisplayObject")
                else //Remove the now unnecessary tag.
                    e.Tag = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < currentSimulation.Space.Solver.SolverUpdateables.Count; i++)
                //Add the solver updateable and match up the activity setting.
                LineDisplayObjectBase objectAdded = ConstraintDrawer.Add(currentSimulation.Space.Solver.SolverUpdateables[i]);
                if (objectAdded != null)
                    objectAdded.IsDrawing = currentSimulation.Space.Solver.SolverUpdateables[i].IsActive;


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Bind(Entity entity, Main main, bool creating = false)
            SpotLight light = entity.Create <SpotLight>();

            light.Enabled.Value = !main.EditorEnabled;

            light.FieldOfView.Value = 1.0f;
            light.Attenuation.Value = 75.0f;

            Transform transform = entity.GetOrCreate <Transform>("Transform");

            light.Add(new Binding <Vector3>(light.Position, transform.Position));

            Turret turret = entity.GetOrCreate <Turret>("Turret");

            Command die = new Command
                Action = delegate()
                    AkSoundEngine.PostEvent(AK.EVENTS.PLAY_TURRET_DEATH, entity);
                    ParticleSystem shatter = ParticleSystem.Get(main, "InfectedShatter");
                    Random         random  = new Random();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        Vector3 offset = new Vector3((float)random.NextDouble() - 0.5f, (float)random.NextDouble() - 0.5f, (float)random.NextDouble() - 0.5f);
                        shatter.AddParticle(transform.Position + offset, offset);
            VoxelAttachable attachable = VoxelAttachable.MakeAttachable(entity, main, true, true, die);

            attachable.Enabled.Value = true;
            attachable.Offset.Value  = 2;

            PointLight pointLight = entity.GetOrCreate <PointLight>();

            pointLight.Serialize = false;
            pointLight.Add(new Binding <Vector3>(pointLight.Position, transform.Position));

            LineDrawer laser = new LineDrawer {
                Serialize = false

            laser.DrawOrder.Value = 0;

            AI ai = entity.GetOrCreate <AI>("AI");

            ModelAlpha model = entity.Create <ModelAlpha>();

            model.Add(new Binding <Matrix>(model.Transform, transform.Matrix));
            model.Filename.Value = "AlphaModels\\pyramid";

            const float defaultModelScale = 0.75f;

            model.Scale.Value = new Vector3(defaultModelScale);

            const float sightDistance     = 80.0f;
            const float hearingDistance   = 0.0f;
            const float operationalRadius = 100.0f;

            model.Add(new Binding <Vector3, string>(model.Color, delegate(string state)
                switch (state)
                case "Alert":
                    return(new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f));

                case "Aggressive":
                    return(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.25f));

                case "Firing":
                    return(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

                case "Disabled":
                    return(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

                    return(new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
            }, ai.CurrentState));
            laser.Add(new Binding <bool, string>(laser.Enabled, x => x != "Disabled" && x != "Suspended", ai.CurrentState));

            light.Add(new Binding <Vector3>(light.Color, model.Color));
            pointLight.Add(new Binding <Vector3>(pointLight.Color, model.Color));

            Voxel.GlobalRaycastResult rayHit = new Voxel.GlobalRaycastResult();
            Vector3 toReticle = Vector3.Zero;

            AI.Task checkOperationalRadius = new AI.Task
                Interval = 2.0f,
                Action   = delegate()
                    bool shouldBeActive = (transform.Position.Value - main.Camera.Position).Length() < operationalRadius && Water.Get(transform.Position) == null;
                    if (shouldBeActive && ai.CurrentState == "Suspended")
                        ai.CurrentState.Value = "Idle";
                    else if (!shouldBeActive && ai.CurrentState != "Suspended")
                        ai.CurrentState.Value = "Suspended";

            turret.Add(new CommandBinding(turret.PowerOn, delegate()
                if (ai.CurrentState == "Disabled")
                    ai.CurrentState.Value = "Suspended";

            turret.Add(new CommandBinding(turret.PowerOff, delegate()
                ai.CurrentState.Value = "Disabled";

            light.Add(new Binding <Quaternion>(light.Orientation, delegate()
                return(Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(-(float)Math.Atan2(toReticle.Z, toReticle.X) - (float)Math.PI * 0.5f, (float)Math.Asin(toReticle.Y), 0));
            }, transform.Position, turret.Reticle));

            AI.Task updateRay = new AI.Task
                Action = delegate()
                    toReticle = Vector3.Normalize(turret.Reticle.Value - transform.Position.Value);
                    rayHit    = Voxel.GlobalRaycast(transform.Position, toReticle, operationalRadius);

                    Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(model.Color);
                    laser.Lines.Add(new LineDrawer.Line
                        A = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionColor(transform.Position, color),
                        B = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionColor(rayHit.Position, color),

            ai.Add(new AI.AIState
                Name  = "Disabled",
                Tasks = new AI.Task[] { },

            ai.Add(new AI.AIState
                Name  = "Suspended",
                Tasks = new[] { checkOperationalRadius, },

            ai.Add(new AI.AIState
                Name  = "Idle",
                Tasks = new[]
                    new AI.Task
                        Interval = 1.0f,
                        Action   = delegate()
                            Agent a = Agent.Query(transform.Position, sightDistance, hearingDistance, x => x.Entity.Type == "Player");
                            if (a != null)
                                ai.CurrentState.Value = "Alert";

            ai.Add(new AI.AIState
                Name  = "Alert",
                Tasks = new[]
                    new AI.Task
                        Interval = 1.0f,
                        Action   = delegate()
                            if (ai.TimeInCurrentState > 3.0f)
                                ai.CurrentState.Value = "Idle";
                                Agent a = Agent.Query(transform.Position, sightDistance, hearingDistance, x => x.Entity.Type == "Player");
                                if (a != null)
                                    ai.TargetAgent.Value  = a.Entity;
                                    ai.CurrentState.Value = "Aggressive";

            AI.Task checkTargetAgent = new AI.Task
                Action = delegate()
                    Entity target = ai.TargetAgent.Value.Target;
                    if (target == null || !target.Active)
                        ai.TargetAgent.Value  = null;
                        ai.CurrentState.Value = "Idle";

            float lastSpotted = 0.0f;

            ai.Add(new AI.AIState
                Name  = "Aggressive",
                Tasks = new[]
                    new AI.Task
                        Action = delegate()
                            Entity target         = ai.TargetAgent.Value.Target;
                            turret.Reticle.Value += (target.Get <Transform>().Position - turret.Reticle.Value) * Math.Min(3.0f * main.ElapsedTime, 1.0f);
                    new AI.Task
                        Interval = 0.1f,
                        Action   = delegate()
                            if (Agent.Query(transform.Position, sightDistance, hearingDistance, ai.TargetAgent.Value.Target.Get <Agent>()))
                                lastSpotted = main.TotalTime;

                            if (ai.TimeInCurrentState.Value > 1.5f)
                                if (lastSpotted < main.TotalTime - 2.0f)
                                    ai.CurrentState.Value = "Alert";
                                    Vector3 targetPos = ai.TargetAgent.Value.Target.Get <Transform>().Position.Value;
                                    Vector3 toTarget  = Vector3.Normalize(targetPos - transform.Position.Value);
                                    if (Vector3.Dot(toReticle, toTarget) > 0.95f)
                                        ai.CurrentState.Value = "Firing";

            ai.Add(new AI.AIState
                Name  = "Firing",
                Enter = delegate(AI.AIState last)
                    AkSoundEngine.PostEvent(AK.EVENTS.PLAY_TURRET_CHARGE, entity);
                Exit = delegate(AI.AIState next)
                    Voxel.State attachedState = attachable.AttachedVoxel.Value.Target.Get <Voxel>()[attachable.Coord];
                    if (!attachedState.Permanent && rayHit.Voxel != null && (rayHit.Position - transform.Position).Length() < 8.0f)
                        return;                         // Danger close, cease fire!
                    AkSoundEngine.PostEvent(AK.EVENTS.PLAY_TURRET_FIRE, entity);

                    bool hitVoxel = true;

                    Entity target = ai.TargetAgent.Value.Target;
                    if (target != null && target.Active)
                        Vector3 targetPos = target.Get <Transform>().Position;
                        Vector3 toTarget  = targetPos - transform.Position.Value;
                        if (Vector3.Dot(toReticle, Vector3.Normalize(toTarget)) > 0.2f)
                            float distance = toTarget.Length();
                            if (distance < rayHit.Distance)
                                Sound.PostEvent(AK.EVENTS.PLAY_TURRET_MISS, transform.Position + toReticle * distance);

                        BEPUutilities.RayHit physicsHit;
                        if (target.Get <Player>().Character.Body.CollisionInformation.RayCast(new Ray(transform.Position, toReticle), rayHit.Voxel == null ? float.MaxValue : rayHit.Distance, out physicsHit))
                            Explosion.Explode(main, targetPos, 6, 8.0f);
                            hitVoxel = false;

                    if (hitVoxel && rayHit.Voxel != null)
                        Explosion.Explode(main, rayHit.Position + rayHit.Voxel.GetAbsoluteVector(rayHit.Normal.GetVector()) * 0.5f, 6, 8.0f);

                    Vector3 splashPos;
                    Water w = Water.Raycast(transform.Position, toReticle, rayHit.Distance, out splashPos);
                    if (w != null)
                        Sound.PostEvent(AK.EVENTS.PLAY_WATER_SPLASH, splashPos);
                        Water.SplashParticles(main, splashPos, 3.0f);
                Tasks = new[]
                    new AI.Task
                        Action = delegate()
                            if (ai.TimeInCurrentState.Value > 0.75f)
                                ai.CurrentState.Value = "Aggressive";                                 // This actually fires (in the Exit function)

            this.SetMain(entity, main);

            entity.Add("On", turret.On);
            entity.Add("PowerOn", turret.PowerOn);
            entity.Add("PowerOff", turret.PowerOff);