Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        //connect with level controller and script
        levelController       = GameObject.Find("LevelController");
        levelControllerScript = levelController.GetComponent <LevelControllerScript> ();

        //find the rows and columns in of the level grid
        mapRows = levelControllerScript.GetMapRows();
        mapCols = levelControllerScript.GetMapCols();

        //calculate maximum camera zoom //Orthographic size = ((Vert Resolution)/(PPUScale * PPU)) * 0.5
        cameraCurrentZoom            = ((Screen.height) / (ppuScale * 32)) * 0.5000f;
        cameraZoomMax                = cameraCurrentZoom;
        Camera.main.orthographicSize = cameraCurrentZoom;

        //make the camera less sensitive as we zoom in
        cameraSpeedCutBy = originalCameraSpeedCutBy * (cameraCurrentZoom / cameraZoomMax);

        //czm is for viewing only
        czm = cameraCurrentZoom;

        //get the dimensions of the camera (screen resolution), save values in max variables
        camHeight    = 2f * cam.orthographicSize;
        camWidth     = camHeight * cam.aspect;
        maxCamWidth  = camWidth;
        maxCamHeight = camHeight;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //load prefabs
        corridor = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/Corridor") as GameObject;
        floor    = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/Floor") as GameObject;
        wall     = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/Wall") as GameObject;
        door     = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/Door") as GameObject;
        unused   = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/Unused") as GameObject;

        //grab enemies from prefabs
        vagrant = Resources.Load("Prefabs/NPCs/Vagrant") as GameObject;

        //find levelController
        levelControllerScript = GameObject.Find("LevelController").GetComponent <LevelControllerScript> ();

        myX = levelControllerScript.GetMapCols();
        myY = levelControllerScript.GetMapRows();

        ChangeLevel(0, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            int x = Random.Range(0, _width);
            int y = Random.Range(0, _height);
            Debug.Log(x + ", " + y);
            if (levelControllerScript.GetLevelGrid()[x, y].GetComponent <TileScript> ().IsGround())
                levelControllerScript.SpawnLivingThing(vagrant, x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 // Use this for initialization
 protected void Start()
     levelControllerScript = GameObject.Find("LevelController").GetComponent <LevelControllerScript>();
     levelGrid             = levelControllerScript.GetLevelGrid();
     mapCols = levelControllerScript.GetMapCols();
     mapRows = levelControllerScript.GetMapRows();
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        woodTile = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/WoodWall") as GameObject;
        item     = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Items/Item") as GameObject;

        levelController       = GameObject.Find("LevelController") as GameObject;
        levelControllerScript = levelController.GetComponent <LevelControllerScript>();
        mapRows = levelControllerScript.GetMapRows();
        mapCols = levelControllerScript.GetMapCols();
        levelControllerScript.ReplaceTile(0, 0, woodTile);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
		if (xmax % 2 == 0) {oddColAdjustment = -.5f;}
		if (ymax % 2 == 0) {oddRowAdjustment = -.5f;}

		levelControllerScript = GameObject.Find ("LevelController").GetComponent<LevelControllerScript> ();
		ymax = levelControllerScript.GetMapCols ();
		xmax = levelControllerScript.GetMapRows ();
		_levelGrid = levelControllerScript.GetLevelGrid ();

		corridorTile = Resources.Load ("Prefabs/Environment/Corridor") as GameObject;
        floorTile = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/Floor") as GameObject;
        wallTile = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/Wall") as GameObject;
        doorTile = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/Door") as GameObject;
        unusedTile = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/Unused") as GameObject;
        woodWallTile = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Environment/WoodWall") as GameObject;
        //GameObject sut = Instantiate(unusedTile, new Vector3(0, 0, -1), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        //levelControllerScript.ReplaceTile(0, 0, unusedTile);

        CreateDungeon(xmax, ymax, 100);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public bool CreateDungeon(int inx, int iny, int inobj)
        this._objects = inobj < 1 ? 10 : inobj;

        // adjust the size of the map, if it's smaller or bigger than the limits
        if (inx < 3) this._xsize = 3;
        else if (inx >= xmax) this._xsize = xmax;
        else this._xsize = inx;

        if (iny < 3) this._ysize = 3;
        else if (iny >= ymax) this._ysize = ymax;
        else this._ysize = iny;

        //Console.WriteLine(MsgXSize + this._xsize);
        //Console.WriteLine(MsgYSize + this._ysize);
        //Console.WriteLine(MsgMaxObjects + this._objects);

        // redefine the map var, so it's adjusted to our new map size
        //this._dungeonMap = new Tile[this._xsize * this._ysize];
        this._levelGrid = new GameObject[levelControllerScript.GetMapCols(), levelControllerScript.GetMapRows()];

        // start with making the "standard stuff" on the map

        And now the code of the random-map-generation-algorithm begins!

        // start with making a room in the middle, which we can start building upon
        this.MakeRoom(this._xsize / 2, this._ysize / 2, 8, 6, RandomDirection()); // getrand saken f????r att slumpa fram riktning p?? rummet

        // keep count of the number of "objects" we've made
        int currentFeatures = 1; // +1 for the first room we just made

        // then we sart the main loop
        for (int countingTries = 0; countingTries < 1000; countingTries++)
            //Debug.Log("try counted"); --we made it here

            // check if we've reached our quota
            if (currentFeatures == this._objects)
				//Debug.Log ("enough features, breaking out");

            // start with a random wall
            int newx = 0;
            int xmod = 0;
            int newy = 0;
            int ymod = 0;
            Direction? validTile = null;

            // 1000 chances to find a suitable object (room or corridor)..
            for (int testing = 0; testing < 1000; testing++)
                //Debug.Log("testing counted"); -made it here
                newx = this.GetRand(1, this._xsize - 1);
                newy = this.GetRand(1, this._ysize - 1);

				//Debug.Log ("testing tile at" + newx + " " + newy);
				if (GetCellType (newx, newy).GetType() == unusedTile.GetType()) {
				//	Debug.Log ("found unused");
				}else if(GetCellType (newx, newy).GetType() == floorTile.GetType() || GetCellType (newx, newy).GetType() == corridorTile.GetType()){
					Debug.Log ("found floor");
				}else {
					Debug.Log ("wall");
				//GetCellType (newx, newy).GetType ();

				if (GetCellType(newx, newy).GetType() == wallTile.GetType() || GetCellType(newx, newy).GetType() == corridorTile.GetType())
					//HERE WE ARE

                    //Debug.Log("wall or corr"); //!!!
                    List<PointI> surroundings = this.GetSurroundings(new PointI() { X = newx, Y = newy });

                    // check if we can reach the place
                    //var canReach = surroundings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Item3 == Tile.Corridor || s.Item3 == Tile.DirtFloor);

                    PointI canReach = new PointI { };
                    List<PointI> validSurroundings = new List<PointI>();
                    foreach(PointI p in surroundings)
						if(p.pointTile.GetType() == corridorTile.GetType() || p.pointTile.GetType() == floorTile.GetType() || p.pointTile.GetType() ==unusedTile.GetType())
                    canReach = validSurroundings[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, validSurroundings.Count)];

                    if (canReach == null)
						//Debug.Log ("found no canReach");
                    validTile = canReach.direction;

                        switch (validTile)
                        case Direction.NORTH:
							//Debug.Log ("n");
                            xmod = 0;
                            ymod = -1;
                        case Direction.EAST:
							//Debug.Log ("e");
                            xmod = 1;
                            ymod = 0;
                        case Direction.SOUTH:
							//Debug.Log ("s");
                            xmod = 0;
                            ymod = 1;
						case Direction.WEST:
							//Debug.Log ("w");
                            xmod = -1;
                            ymod = 0;
                            throw new InvalidOperationException();

					if (validTile.HasValue) {
						//Debug.Log ("WORKS HERE-----------");

                    // check that we haven't got another door nearby, so we won't get alot of openings besides
                    // each other
					if (GetCellType (newx, newy + 1).GetType () == doorTile.GetType ()) { // north
						//Debug.Log ("Found a north door");
					    validTile = null;
					} else if (GetCellType (newx - 1, newy).GetType () == doorTile.GetType ()) { // east
						validTile = null;
						//Debug.Log ("Found an east door");
					} else if (GetCellType (newx, newy - 1).GetType () == doorTile.GetType ()) { // south
						//Debug.Log ("Found a south door");
						validTile = null;
					} else if (GetCellType (newx + 1, newy).GetType () == doorTile.GetType ()) { // west
						validTile = null;
						//Debug.Log ("Found a west door");
                    // if we can, jump out of the loop and continue with the rest
					if (validTile.HasValue) {
						//Debug.Log ("WORKS HERE TOO-----------");

            if (validTile.HasValue)
               // Debug.Log("has value");
                // choose what to build now at our newly found place, and at what direction
                int feature = this.GetRand(0, 100);
                if (feature <= ChanceRoom)
                { // a new room
                   // Debug.Log("new room!");
                    if (this.MakeRoom(newx + xmod, newy + ymod, 8, 6, validTile.Value))
                        currentFeatures++; // add to our quota

                        // then we mark the wall opening with a door
                        //this.SetCell(newx, newy, doorTile);

                        // clean up infront of the door so we can reach it
                        this.SetCell(newx + xmod, newy + ymod, floorTile);
                else if (feature >= ChanceRoom)
                { // new corridor
                    if (this.MakeCorridor(newx + xmod, newy + ymod, 6, validTile.Value))
                        // same thing here, add to the quota and a door

                        //this.SetCell(newx, newy, doorTile);

        All done with the building, let's finish this one off

        // all done with the map generation, tell the user about it and finish
        // Console.WriteLine(MsgNumObjects + currentFeatures);

        return true;