Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void LandingScreenFadeIn()

        _landingScreenAudio.volume += _landingScreenFadeSpeed * Time.deltaTime; // Increase volume by fade speed
        _landingScreenFadeValue    += _landingScreenFadeSpeed * Time.deltaTime; // Increase fade value by the fade speed

        // To make sure we get the precise value of 1
        if (_landingScreenFadeValue > 1)                                        // If fade value is greater than 1
            _landingScreenFadeValue = 1;                                        // Then set fade value to one

        if (_landingScreenFadeValue == 1)                                                          // If fade value equals one
            _landingScreenController = LandingScreen.LandingScreenController.LandingScreenFadeOut; // Set splash screen controller to equal landing screen fade out
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // Only usable with a gamepad
        Cursor.visible   = false;                               // Set cursor visible state to false
        Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;               // Lock the cursor

        // Landing Screen Music
        _landingScreenAudio = GetComponent <AudioSource>();                                   // Landing Screen audio equals the audio source

        _landingScreenAudio.volume = 0;                                                       // Audio volume equals zero on startup
        _landingScreenAudio.clip   = _landingScreenMusic;                                     // Audio clip equals the splash screen music
        _landingScreenAudio.loop   = true;                                                    // Set audio to loop
        _landingScreenAudio.Play();                                                           // Play audio

        _landingScreenController = LandingScreen.LandingScreenController.LandingScreenFadeIn; // Fade in on startup

        StartCoroutine("LandingScreenManager");                                               // Start LandingScreenManager function