Ejemplo n.º 1
        static KsiSamples()
            // The end point URL of the Aggregation service, needed for signing, e.g. http://host.net:8080/gt-signingservice.
            string signingServiceUrl = Settings.Default.HttpSigningServiceUrl;

            // The end point URL of the Extender service, needed for extending signature, e.g. *http://host.net:8081/gt-extendingservice
            string extendingServiceUrl = Settings.Default.HttpExtendingServiceUrl;

            // The publications file URL, needed for signature verification, e.g. http://verify.guardtime.com/ksi-publications.bin
            string publicationsFileUrl = Settings.Default.HttpPublicationsFileUrl;

            // The credentials to access the KSI signing service
            ServiceCredentials signingServiceCredentials =
                new ServiceCredentials(Settings.Default.HttpSigningServiceUser, Settings.Default.HttpSigningServicePass);

            // The credentials to access the KSI extending service
            ServiceCredentials extendingServiceCredentials =
                new ServiceCredentials(Settings.Default.HttpExtendingServiceUser, Settings.Default.HttpExtendingServicePass);

            HttpKsiServiceProtocol ksiServiceProtocol = new HttpKsiServiceProtocol(signingServiceUrl,
                                                                                   extendingServiceUrl, publicationsFileUrl);

            // Certificate selector, used to filter which certificates are trusted when verifying the RSA signature.
            // We only trust certificates, that have issued to the particular e-mail address
            CertificateSubjectRdnSelector = new CertificateSubjectRdnSelector("[email protected]");

            // This is the KSI context which holds the references to the Aggregation service, Extender
            // service and other configuration data to perform the various operations.
            KsiService =
                new KsiService(
                    new PublicationsFileFactory(new PkiTrustStoreProvider(new X509Store(StoreName.Root), CertificateSubjectRdnSelector)));

            Ksi = new KSI.Ksi(GetKsiService());

            // Set crypto provider to be used. Currently MicrosoftCryptoProvider and BouncyCastleCryptoProvider are available.
            KsiProvider.SetCryptoProvider(new MicrosoftCryptoProvider());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void RunBeforeAnyTests()
     Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("et-EE");