public void AsyncSignWithInvalidPassTest(KsiService service)
            byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is my document");

            IDataHasher dataHasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher();

            DataHash dataHash = dataHasher.GetHash();

            ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            Exception        ex         = null;
            IKsiSignature    signature  = null;

            service.BeginSign(dataHash, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
                    signature = service.EndSign(ar);
                catch (Exception e)
                    ex = e;
            }, null);

            Assert.IsTrue(waitHandle.WaitOne(10000), "Wait handle timed out.");

            Assert.IsNull(signature, "Signature should be null.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(ex, "Exception should not be null.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Server responded with error message. Status: 258; Message: The request could not be authenticated.", ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingPublicationsFile()
            KSI.Ksi ksi = GetKsi();

            // Read the existing signature, assume it is extended
            IKsiSignature signature = LoadExtendedSignature();

            DataHash documentHash = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(signature.InputHash.Algorithm)

            // Do the verification and check the result
            VerificationPolicy  policy  = new PublicationBasedVerificationPolicy();
            VerificationContext context = new VerificationContext(signature)
                DocumentHash     = documentHash,
                PublicationsFile = ksi.GetPublicationsFile(),
            VerificationResult verificationResult = policy.Verify(context);

            if (verificationResult.ResultCode == VerificationResultCode.Ok)
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingPublicationsFile > signature valid");
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingPublicationsFile > verification failed with error > " + verificationResult.VerificationError);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void BlockSignerGetUniSignaturesOfManyRandomHashesTest(Ksi ksi)
            int              k        = 7;
            Random           random   = new Random();
            IdentityMetadata metadata = new IdentityMetadata("test client id", "test machine id");
            List <DataHash>  hashes   = new List <DataHash>();

            byte[] buffer = new byte[10];

            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                IDataHasher hasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher();

            BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService());

            foreach (DataHash hash in hashes)
                blockSigner.Add(hash, metadata);

            IEnumerable <IKsiSignature> uniSignatures = blockSigner.Sign();
            int n = 0;

            foreach (IKsiSignature signature in uniSignatures)
                Verify(ksi, signature, hashes[n++]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingDefaultPolicy()
            // Create simple wrapper.
            KSI.Ksi ksi = GetKsi();

            // Read the existing signature, assume it is extended
            IKsiSignature signature = LoadExtendedSignature();

            DataHash documentHash = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(signature.InputHash.Algorithm)

            // Do the verification and check the result.
            // The signature is verified against given document hash and publications file (publications file is automatically downloaded by simple wrapper).
            VerificationResult verificationResult = ksi.Verify(signature, documentHash);

            if (verificationResult.ResultCode == VerificationResultCode.Ok)
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingDefaultPolicy > signature valid");
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingDefaultPolicy > verification failed with error > " + verificationResult.VerificationError);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void SignHashDirectly()
            KSI.Ksi ksi = GetKsi();

            // Compute the hash first, use the input stream to provide the data to save memory for
            // hashing very large documents
            // In this example we simply use an input stream from an array of bytes but in practice it
            // could be file input stream from a very large file (several GB)
            IDataHasher dataHasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher();

            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Imagine this is a large file");
                stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Provide the signing method with the computed hash instead of document itself
            IKsiSignature signature = ksi.Sign(dataHasher.GetHash());

            // Persist signature to file
            //using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("sample-file-for-signing.txt.ksig"))
            //    signature.WriteTo(stream);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void VerifyCalendarBasedUnextended()
            IKsiSignature signature = LoadUnextendedSignature();

            DataHash documentHash = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(signature.InputHash.Algorithm)

            VerificationPolicy  policy  = new CalendarBasedVerificationPolicy();
            VerificationContext context = new VerificationContext(signature)
                DocumentHash = documentHash,
                KsiService   = GetKsiService(),

            VerificationResult verificationResult = policy.Verify(context);

            if (verificationResult.ResultCode == VerificationResultCode.Ok)
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyCalendarBasedUnextended > signature valid");
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyCalendarBasedUnextended > signature verification failed with error > " + verificationResult.VerificationError);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void VerifyUnextendedSignatureUsingDefaultPolicy()
            // Create simple wrapper.
            KSI.Ksi ksi = GetKsi();

            // Read signature, assume to be not extended
            IKsiSignature signature = LoadUnextendedSignature();

            // We need to compute the hash from the original data, to make sure it
            // matches the one in the signature and has not been changed
            // Use the same algorithm as the input hash in the signature
            DataHash documentHash = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(signature.InputHash.Algorithm)

            // Do the verification and check the result.
            // At first KSI signature is verified against given document hash.
            // Then the signature is extended. If extending succeeds then the signature is verified
            // against publications file (publications file is automatically downloaded by simple wrapper).
            // If extending is not yet possible then key based verification is done.
            VerificationResult verificationResult = ksi.Verify(signature, documentHash);

            if (verificationResult.ResultCode == VerificationResultCode.Ok)
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyUnextendedSignatureUsingDefaultPolicy > signature valid");
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyUnextendedSignatureUsingDefaultPolicy > verification failed with error > " + verificationResult.VerificationError);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void VerifyKeyBased()
            KSI.Ksi ksi = GetKsi();

            // Read signature, assume to be not extended
            IKsiSignature signature = LoadUnextendedSignature();

            DataHash documentHash = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(signature.InputHash.Algorithm)

            VerificationPolicy  policy  = new KeyBasedVerificationPolicy(new X509Store(StoreName.Root), GetCertificateSubjectRdnSelector());
            VerificationContext context = new VerificationContext(signature)
                DocumentHash     = documentHash,
                PublicationsFile = ksi.GetPublicationsFile(),

            VerificationResult verificationResult = policy.Verify(context);

            if (verificationResult.ResultCode == VerificationResultCode.Ok)
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyKeyBased > signature valid");
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyKeyBased > signature verification failed with error > " + verificationResult.VerificationError);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingPublicationsCodeAutoExtend()
            // Read signature, assume to be not extended
            IKsiSignature signature = LoadUnextendedSignature();

            DataHash documentHash = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(signature.InputHash.Algorithm)

            PublicationData publicationData = new PublicationData("AAAAAA-CWYEKQ-AAIYPA-UJ4GRT-HXMFBE-OTB4AB-XH3PT3-KNIKGV-PYCJXU-HL2TN4-RG6SCC-3ZGSBM");

            // Do the verification and check the result
            VerificationPolicy policy = new PublicationBasedVerificationPolicy();

            VerificationContext context = new VerificationContext(signature)
                DocumentHash       = documentHash,
                UserPublication    = publicationData,
                IsExtendingAllowed = true,
                KsiService         = GetKsiService(),

            VerificationResult verificationResult = policy.Verify(context);

            if (verificationResult.ResultCode == VerificationResultCode.Ok)
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingPublicationsCodeAutoExtend > signature valid");
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingPublicationsCodeAutoExtend > signature verification failed with error > " + verificationResult.VerificationError);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingPublicationsCode()
            // Read the existing signature, assume it is extended
            IKsiSignature signature = LoadExtendedSignature();

            DataHash documentHash = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(signature.InputHash.Algorithm)

            // The trust anchor in this example is the publication code in Financial Times or on Twitter
            PublicationData publicationData = new PublicationData("AAAAAA-CWYEKQ-AAIYPA-UJ4GRT-HXMFBE-OTB4AB-XH3PT3-KNIKGV-PYCJXU-HL2TN4-RG6SCC-3ZGSBM");

            // Do the verification and check the result
            VerificationPolicy policy = new PublicationBasedVerificationPolicy();

            VerificationContext context = new VerificationContext(signature)
                DocumentHash    = documentHash,
                UserPublication = publicationData
            VerificationResult verificationResult = policy.Verify(context);

            if (verificationResult.ResultCode == VerificationResultCode.Ok)
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingPublicationsCode > signature valid");
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyExtendedSignatureUsingPublicationsCode > signature verification failed with error > " + verificationResult.VerificationError);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void LinkUserIdToSignature()
            BlockSigner ksiBlockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetKsiService());
            IDataHasher dh             = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(HashAlgorithm.Sha2256);

            // This is the data we are signing
            string data = "data";


            // Suppose that this is the user that initiated the signing
            // and it has been verified using a 3rd party authentication provider (e.g. LDAP)
            string userId = "john.smith";

            // Add both, the data and the user to the block signer
            ksiBlockSigner.Add(dh.GetHash(), new IdentityMetadata(userId));
            IKsiSignature[] signatures = ksiBlockSigner.Sign().ToArray();

            // We should get only one signature as we only had one item that we signed
            Assert.AreEqual(1, signatures.Length);

            // Print the last part of the identity to show john.smith is there
            IIdentity[] identity = signatures[0].GetIdentity().ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("User: " + identity[identity.Length - 1].ClientId);
            // Store the signature as needed
            // ...
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void SignStaticByteArrayEmptyTest()
            Ksi ksi = GetStaticKsi(Resources.KsiService_AggregationResponsePdu_SignedZeroBytes, 6607061513599596791);

            byte[]        documentBytes = new byte[] { };
            IKsiSignature signature     = ksi.Sign(documentBytes);

            Verify(signature, KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(HashAlgorithm.Default).AddData(documentBytes).GetHash());
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Hash two hashes together.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hashA">first hash</param>
        /// <param name="hashB">second hash</param>
        /// <param name="level">hash chain level</param>
        /// <returns>resulting hash</returns>
        private DataHash GetStepHash(byte[] hashA, byte[] hashB, ulong level)
            IDataHasher hasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(_aggrAlgorithm);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        ///     Hash two hashes together with algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">hash algorithm</param>
        /// <param name="hashA">hash a</param>
        /// <param name="hashB">hash b</param>
        /// <returns>result hash</returns>
        private static DataHash GetStepHash(HashAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] hashA, byte[] hashB)
            IDataHasher hasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(algorithm);

            hasher.AddData(new byte[] { 0xFF });
        public void AsyncSignHashTest(KsiService service)
            byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is my document");

            IDataHasher dataHasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher();

            DataHash dataHash = dataHasher.GetHash();

            ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            IKsiSignature    signature  = null;

            object testObject          = new object();
            bool   isAsyncStateCorrect = false;

            service.BeginSign(dataHash, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
                    isAsyncStateCorrect = ar.AsyncState == testObject;
                    signature           = service.EndSign(ar);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Assert.Fail("Unexpected exception: " + ex);
            }, testObject);

            Assert.IsTrue(waitHandle.WaitOne(10000), "Wait handle timed out.");

            Assert.IsNotNull(signature, "Signature should not be null.");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, isAsyncStateCorrect, "Unexpected async state.");

            VerificationContext verificationContext = new VerificationContext(signature)
                DocumentHash = dataHash

            InternalVerificationPolicy policy             = new InternalVerificationPolicy();
            VerificationResult         verificationResult = policy.Verify(verificationContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(VerificationResultCode.Ok, verificationResult.ResultCode, "Signature should verify with internal policy");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get output hash for RFC 3161 from document hash
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>aggregation input hash</returns>
        public DataHash GetOutputHash()
            IDataHasher hasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(_tstInfoAlgorithm);


            DataHash inputHash = hasher.GetHash();

            hasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(_signedAttributesAlgorithm);

        /// <see cref="VerificationRule.Verify" />
        public override VerificationResult Verify(IVerificationContext context)
            IKsiSignature signature = GetSignature(context);

            if (!signature.IsRfc3161Signature)
                return(new VerificationResult(GetRuleName(), VerificationResultCode.Ok));

            DataHash aggregationHashChainInputHash = GetAggregationHashChains(signature, false)[0].InputHash;

            DataHash inputHash = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(aggregationHashChainInputHash.Algorithm)

            return(inputHash != aggregationHashChainInputHash
                ? new VerificationResult(GetRuleName(), VerificationResultCode.Fail, VerificationError.Int01)
                : new VerificationResult(GetRuleName(), VerificationResultCode.Ok));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void SignMultipleItemsWithLocalAggregation()
            BlockSigner ksiBlockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetKsiService());
            int         itemCount      = 50;

            // Add the items that need to be signed to the block signer
            IDataHasher dh = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(HashAlgorithm.Sha2256);

            for (int i = 1; i <= itemCount; i++)

            // Submit the signing request
            IEnumerable <IKsiSignature> signatures = ksiBlockSigner.Sign();

            // Just to illustrate that there are as many signatures as items
            Assert.AreEqual(itemCount, signatures.Count());
            // Store the signatures as needed
            // ...
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void BlockSignerGetUniSignaturesParallelTest(Ksi ksi)
            ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            int[]  treeSizes    = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            int    doneCount    = 0;
            int    runCount     = treeSizes.Length;
            string errorMessage = null;

            Random random = new Random();

            IdentityMetadata metadata = new IdentityMetadata("test client id");

            foreach (int j in treeSizes)
                int k = j;

                Task.Run(() =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Document count: " + k);

                    BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService());
                    List <DataHash> hashes  = new List <DataHash>();

                    byte[] buffer = new byte[10];

                    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                        IDataHasher hasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher();

                    foreach (DataHash hash in hashes)
                        blockSigner.Add(hash, metadata);

                        int i = 0;

                        foreach (IKsiSignature ksiSignature in blockSigner.Sign())
                            Verify(ksi, ksiSignature, hashes[i++]);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " Error " + k + ". " + ex);
                        if (errorMessage == null)
                            errorMessage = ex.ToString();

                        Console.WriteLine("Done " + k);

                        if (doneCount == runCount)

            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " Waiting ...");

            Assert.IsTrue(waitHandle.WaitOne(20000), "Wait handle timed out.");

            if (errorMessage != null)
                Assert.Fail("ERROR: " + errorMessage);

            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " All done.");