Ejemplo n.º 1
    IEnumerator FileFetchAllVersions()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.FileFetchAllVersions("testfile.txt");

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);

        if (operation.success && operation.result != null)
            JCloudDocumentVersions versions = (JCloudDocumentVersions)operation.result;
            documentResultString = "cloud document test file versions :";
            int offset = 1;
            foreach (JCloudDocumentVersionMetadata metadata in versions.versionsMetadata)
                documentResultString += " " + offset + ". " + metadata.modificationDate + (metadata.isCurrent ? " (current)" : "");
            documentResultString += " (hash : " + versions.versionsHash + ")" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
            documentResultString = "cloud document test file versions : failure" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    IEnumerator DirectoryCreate()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.DirectoryCreate("Test");

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);
        documentResultString = "cloud document did create test directory with " + ((bool)operation.result ? "success" : "failure") + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    IEnumerator DirectoryExists()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.DirectoryExists("Test");

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);
        documentResultString = "cloud document test directory exists : " + ((bool)operation.result ? "exists" : "does not exist") + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    IEnumerator DirectoryModificationDate()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.DirectoryModificationDate("Test");

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);
        documentResultString = "cloud document test directory modification date : " + (operation.success ? ((System.DateTime)operation.result).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss") : "failure") + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 5
    IEnumerator FileDelete()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.FileDelete("testfile.txt");

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);
        if (operation.success && (bool)operation.result)
            documentResultString = "cloud document did delete" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
            documentResultString = "cloud document did not delete (may not exist?)" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 6
    IEnumerator DirectoryDelete()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.DirectoryDelete("Test");

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);
        if (operation.success)
            documentResultString = "cloud document test directory deleted : " + ((bool)operation.result ? "success" : "failure") + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
            documentResultString = "cloud document test directory deleted : failure" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 7
    IEnumerator DirectoryCopy()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.DirectoryCopy("Test", "Test Copy", true);

        while (!operation.finished)
            documentResultString = "cloud document test directory copy progress : " + operation.progress;
            yield return(null);
        if (operation.success)
            documentResultString = "cloud document test directory copy : " + ((bool)operation.result ? "success" : "failure") + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
            documentResultString = "cloud document test directory copy : failure" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 8
    IEnumerator FileWriteAllBytesConflict()
        System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoder   = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
        JCloudDocumentOperation  operation = JCloudDocument.FileWriteAllBytes("testfile.txt", encoder.GetBytes("this is a conflict test content"));

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);
        if (operation.success)
            documentResultString = "cloud document did write bytes with : " + ((bool)operation.result ? "success" : "failure") + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
            documentResultString = "cloud document write all bytes failure" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 9
    IEnumerator FileHasConflictVersions()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.FileHasConflictVersions("testfile.txt");

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);

        if (operation.success)
            documentResultString = "cloud document test file has conflict versions : " + ((bool)operation.result ? "yes" : "no") + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
            documentResultString = "cloud document test file has conflict versions : failure" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 10
    IEnumerator FileReadAllBytes()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.FileReadAllBytes("testfile.txt");

        while (!operation.finished)
            documentResultString = "cloud document read bytes progress : " + operation.progress;
            yield return(null);
        System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoder = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
        if (operation.success)
            documentResultString = "cloud document did read bytes ; read this : " + ((operation.result == null) ? "(null)" : encoder.GetString(operation.result as byte[])) + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
            documentResultString = "cloud document read bytes : failure" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 11
    IEnumerator LoadGame()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.FileReadAllBytes("Savegames/My saved game.sav");

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);

        // Look for error -- if any, handle & stop coroutine here
        if (operation.error.HasValue)
            yield break;

        // Success
        error = null;
        byte[] gameBytes = operation.result as byte[];

        // No bytes, no savegame
        if (gameBytes != null)
            System.IO.MemoryStream dataStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(gameBytes);
            System.IO.BinaryReader reader     = new System.IO.BinaryReader(dataStream);

            // Read player state
            DeserializeTransformFromReader(player.transform, reader);
            DeserializeRigidbodyFromReader(player.rigidbody, reader);

            // Read player camera state
            DeserializeTransformFromReader(playerCamera.transform, reader);

            // Read red, green & blue cubes state
            DeserializeTransformFromReader(redCube.transform, reader);
            DeserializeRigidbodyFromReader(redCube.rigidbody, reader);
            DeserializeTransformFromReader(greenCube.transform, reader);
            DeserializeRigidbodyFromReader(greenCube.rigidbody, reader);
            DeserializeTransformFromReader(blueCube.transform, reader);
            DeserializeRigidbodyFromReader(blueCube.rigidbody, reader);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    IEnumerator DirectoryGetDirectories()
        JCloudDocumentOperation operation = JCloudDocument.DirectoryGetDirectories("");

        while (!operation.finished)
            yield return(null);

        if (operation.success)
            documentResultString = "cloud directory directories list : " + (operation.result as string[]).Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < (operation.result as string[]).Length; i++)
                documentResultString += " ; " + (operation.result as string[])[i];
            documentResultString += (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
            documentResultString = "cloud directory directories list : failure" + (operation.error != null ? (" ; error : " + operation.error) : "");
Ejemplo n.º 13
	// Pick a specific file version, make it current and remove all other versions
	public static JCloudDocumentOperation FilePickVersion(string path, byte[] uniqueIdentifier, string versionsHash) {
		// Prepare a new operation, start doing stuff and return operation so user can yield
		JCloudDocumentOperation operation = new JCloudDocumentOperation();
		JCloudManager.GetSharedManager().StartCoroutine(FilePickVersionOperation(path, uniqueIdentifier, versionsHash, operation));
		return operation;
Ejemplo n.º 14
	// Reads bytes from file specific version at path
	protected static IEnumerator FileReadVersionBytesOperation(string path, byte[] uniqueIdentifier, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if ((path == null) || (path == "") || uniqueIdentifier == null || uniqueIdentifier.Length == 0) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;
		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(path, false);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// We can now open the cloud file
			if (JCloudExtern.OpenCloudItemWithVersionIdentifier(documentUID, uniqueIdentifier, uniqueIdentifier.Length)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status)) {
					JCloudManager.GetDocumentProgress(documentUID, out operation.progress);
					yield return null;
				// Attempt to read bytes if file was opened
				if (status.Value.success) {
					System.IntPtr bytesPtr;
					int length = JCloudExtern.ReadCloudItemContents(documentUID, out bytesPtr);
					if (length != -1) {
						// Success, read bytes from pointer
						operation.success = true;
						operation.result = new byte[length];
						Marshal.Copy(bytesPtr, operation.result as byte[], 0, length);
					} else
						operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.NativeError;
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Wether successfull or not, we don't need document anymore
		} else {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.CloudUnavailable;
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
	// Move a directory
	public static JCloudDocumentOperation DirectoryMove(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, bool overwrite) {
		// Prepare a new operation, start doing stuff and return operation so user can yield
		JCloudDocumentOperation operation = new JCloudDocumentOperation();
		JCloudManager.GetSharedManager().StartCoroutine(DirectoryMoveOperation(sourcePath, destinationPath, overwrite, operation));
		return operation;
Ejemplo n.º 16
	// Get a directory modification date at path
	public static JCloudDocumentOperation DirectoryModificationDate(string path) {
		// Prepare a new operation, start doing stuff and return operation so user can yield
		JCloudDocumentOperation operation = new JCloudDocumentOperation();
		JCloudManager.GetSharedManager().StartCoroutine(DirectoryModificationDateOperation(path, operation));
		return operation;
Ejemplo n.º 17
	// Deletes file at path
	protected static IEnumerator FileDeleteOperation(string path, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if ((path == null) || (path == "")) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;
		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(path, false);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// We can now attempt delete the cloud file regardless of its current state
			byte deleted = 0;
			if (JCloudExtern.DeleteCloudItem(documentUID, ref deleted)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status))
					yield return null;
				operation.success = status.Value.success;
				operation.result = (deleted != 0);
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Dismiss document handling
		} else {
			// C# fallback
			try {
				if (System.IO.File.Exists(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + path))
					System.IO.File.Delete(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + path);
				else {
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound;
					operation.finished = true;
					yield break;
			catch (System.Exception e) {
				if (e is ArgumentException || e is ArgumentNullException || e is NotSupportedException || e is PathTooLongException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
				else if (e is DirectoryNotFoundException || e is FileNotFoundException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound;
				else if (e is UnauthorizedAccessException || e is IOException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.NativeError;
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
				operation.finished = true;
				yield break;
			operation.success = true;
			operation.result = true;
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
	// Determines if a file exists at path
	protected static IEnumerator FileExistsOperation(string path, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if ((path == null) || (path == "")) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;

		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(path, false);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// Check for existence
			byte exists = 0;
			if (JCloudExtern.GetCloudItemExistence(documentUID, ref exists)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status))
					yield return null;
				operation.success = status.Value.success;
				operation.result = (exists != 0);
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Dismiss document handling
		} else {
			// C# fallback
			try {
				operation.result = System.IO.File.Exists(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + path);
			catch {
				// File.Exists doesn't raise any exception anyway but we have to give an error just in case
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
				operation.finished = true;
				yield break;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.success = true;
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
	// Reads bytes from file at path
	protected static IEnumerator FileReadAllBytesOperation(string path, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if ((path == null) || (path == "")) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;
		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(path, false);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// We can now open the cloud file
			if (JCloudExtern.OpenCloudItem(documentUID)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status)) {
					JCloudManager.GetDocumentProgress(documentUID, out operation.progress);
					yield return null;
				// Attempt to read bytes if file was opened
				if (status.Value.success) {
					System.IntPtr bytesPtr;
					int length = JCloudExtern.ReadCloudItemContents(documentUID, out bytesPtr);
					if (length != -1) {
						// Success, read bytes from pointer
						operation.success = true;
						operation.result = new byte[length];
						Marshal.Copy(bytesPtr, operation.result as byte[], 0, length);
					} else
						operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.NativeError;
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Wether successfull or not, we don't need document anymore
		} else {
			// C# fallback
			try {
				operation.result = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + path);
			catch (System.Exception e) {
				if (e is ArgumentException || e is ArgumentNullException || e is NotSupportedException || e is PathTooLongException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
				else if (e is DirectoryNotFoundException || e is FileNotFoundException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound;
				else if (e is UnauthorizedAccessException || e is IOException || e.GetType().FullName.Equals("System.Security.SecurityException"))
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.NativeError;
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
				operation.finished = true;
				yield break;
			operation.success = true;
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
	// Get a file modification date at path
	protected static IEnumerator FileModificationDateOperation(string path, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if ((path == null) || (path == "")) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;

		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(path, false);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// Get modification date
			long modificationDate = 0;
			if (JCloudExtern.GetCloudItemModificationDate(documentUID, ref modificationDate)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status))
					yield return null;
				// Check if we did get a correct date
				if (status.Value.success) {
					operation.success = true;
					operation.result = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(modificationDate).ToLocalTime();
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;

			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Wether successfull or not, we don't need document anymore
		} else {
			// C# fallback
			try {
				if (System.IO.File.Exists(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + path))
					operation.result = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + path);
				else {
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound;
					operation.finished = true;
					yield break;
			catch (System.Exception e) {
				if (e is ArgumentException || e is ArgumentNullException || e is NotSupportedException || e is PathTooLongException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
				else if (e is IOException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound;
				else if (e is UnauthorizedAccessException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.NativeError;
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
				operation.finished = true;
				yield break;
			operation.success = true;
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
	// Move a file
	protected static IEnumerator FileMoveOperation(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, bool overwrite, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if ((sourcePath == null) || (sourcePath == "") || (destinationPath == null) || (destinationPath == "")) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;

		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(sourcePath, false);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// Attempt to move to destination
			if (JCloudExtern.MoveCloudItem(documentUID, destinationPath, overwrite)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status)) {
					JCloudManager.GetDocumentProgress(documentUID, out operation.progress);
					yield return null;
				operation.success = status.Value.success;
				operation.result = operation.success;
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Wether successfull or not, we don't need document anymore
		} else {
			// C# fallback
			try {
				if (System.IO.File.Exists(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + destinationPath)) {
					if (overwrite)
						System.IO.File.Delete(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + destinationPath);
					else {
						operation.finished = true;
						yield break;
				System.IO.File.Move(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + sourcePath, JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + destinationPath);
			catch (System.Exception e) {
				if (e is ArgumentException || e is ArgumentNullException || e is NotSupportedException || e is PathTooLongException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
				else if (e is FileNotFoundException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound;
				else if (e is UnauthorizedAccessException || e is DirectoryNotFoundException|| e is IOException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.NativeError;
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
				operation.finished = true;
				yield break;
			operation.success = true;
			operation.result = true;
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
	// Gets a list of directories at path.
	protected static IEnumerator DirectoryGetDirectoriesOperation(string path, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if (path == null) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;
		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(path, true);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// We can now open the cloud file
			if (JCloudExtern.OpenCloudItem(documentUID)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status))
					yield return null;
				if (status.Value.success) {
					// Attempt to read contents
					System.IntPtr bytesPtr;
					int length = JCloudExtern.ReadCloudItemContents(documentUID, out bytesPtr);
					if (length != -1) {
						// Success, read bytes from pointer		
						operation.success = true;
						byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
						Marshal.Copy(bytesPtr, bytes, 0, length);
						// Post-process read data
						operation.result = JCloudManager.PathListFromBytes(bytes, true);
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Wether successfull or not, we don't need document anymore
		} else {
			// C# fallback
			try {
				operation.result = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + path);
			catch (System.Exception e) {
				if (e is ArgumentException || e is ArgumentNullException || e is NotSupportedException || e is PathTooLongException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
				else if (e is DirectoryNotFoundException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound;
				else if (e is UnauthorizedAccessException || e is IOException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.NativeError;
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
				operation.finished = true;
				yield break;
			// Trim path from directories
			System.Collections.Generic.List<string> trimmedDirectories = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
			string[] directories = operation.result as string[];
			for (int i = 0; i < directories.Length; i++)
				trimmedDirectories.Add(directories[i].Remove(0, (JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + path).Length));
			operation.success = true;
			operation.result = trimmedDirectories.ToArray();
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
	// Fetch conflict versions metadata + current live version metadata at path
	protected static IEnumerator FileFetchAllVersionsOperation(string path, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if ((path == null) || (path == "")) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;

		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(path, false);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// Check for existence
			JCloudExtern.JCloudDocumentVersionsInternal versionsInternal = new JCloudExtern.JCloudDocumentVersionsInternal();
			if (JCloudExtern.CloudItemFetchAllVersions(documentUID, ref versionsInternal)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status))
					yield return null;
				if (status.Value.success) {
					// Spawn data in public struct
					JCloudDocumentVersions versions = new JCloudDocumentVersions();
					versions.versionsHash = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(versionsInternal.versionsHash);
					versions.versionsMetadata = new JCloudDocumentVersionMetadata[versionsInternal.versionsCount];
					System.IntPtr[] uniqueIdentifiersPointers = new System.IntPtr[versionsInternal.versionsCount];
					int[] uniqueIdentifiersLengthes = new int[versionsInternal.versionsCount];
					long[] modificationDates = new long[versionsInternal.versionsCount];
					byte[] isCurrent = new byte[versionsInternal.versionsCount];
					Marshal.Copy(versionsInternal.versionsUniqueIdentifiers, uniqueIdentifiersPointers, 0, versionsInternal.versionsCount);
					Marshal.Copy(versionsInternal.versionsUniqueIdentifiersLengthes, uniqueIdentifiersLengthes, 0, versionsInternal.versionsCount);
					Marshal.Copy(versionsInternal.versionsModificationDates, modificationDates, 0, versionsInternal.versionsCount);
					Marshal.Copy(versionsInternal.versionsIsCurrent, isCurrent, 0, versionsInternal.versionsCount);
					for (int i = 0; i < versionsInternal.versionsCount; i++) {
						JCloudDocumentVersionMetadata metadata = new JCloudDocumentVersionMetadata();
						metadata.uniqueIdentifier = new byte[uniqueIdentifiersLengthes[i]];
						Marshal.Copy(uniqueIdentifiersPointers[i], metadata.uniqueIdentifier, 0, uniqueIdentifiersLengthes[i]);
						metadata.modificationDate = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(modificationDates[i]).ToLocalTime();
						metadata.isCurrent = (isCurrent[i] != 0);
						versions.versionsMetadata[i] = metadata;
					// Free memory
					for (int i = 0; i < versionsInternal.versionsCount; i++) {
					operation.success = true;
					operation.result = versions;
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Dismiss document handling
		} else {

			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.CloudUnavailable;
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
	// Determines if a file exists at path
	public static JCloudDocumentOperation FileExists(string path) {
		// Prepare a new operation, start doing stuff and return operation so user can yield
		JCloudDocumentOperation operation = new JCloudDocumentOperation();
		JCloudManager.GetSharedManager().StartCoroutine(FileExistsOperation(path, operation));
		return operation;
Ejemplo n.º 25
	// Pick a specific file version, make it current and remove all other versions
	protected static IEnumerator FilePickVersionOperation(string path, byte[] uniqueIdentifier, string versionsHash, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if ((path == null) || (path == "") || uniqueIdentifier == null || uniqueIdentifier.Length == 0 || versionsHash == null || versionsHash.Length == 0) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;

		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(path, false);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// Check for existence
			if (JCloudExtern.PickCloudItemWithVersionIdentifier(documentUID, uniqueIdentifier, uniqueIdentifier.Length, versionsHash)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status))
					yield return null;
				operation.success = status.Value.success;
				operation.result = status.Value.success;
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Dismiss document handling
		} else {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.CloudUnavailable;
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
    private IEnumerator SaveInCloud(System.Action <UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs> onResultSave = null)
        Debug.Log("Saving in the Cloud");
        UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs args = new UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs();
        bool isPossibleSaveInCloud = true;

        byte[] bytes = null;
        string errorReadingLocalData = string.Empty;

            bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_NAME_LOCAL));
            Debug.Log("[UserManagerCloud] Loaded local file user data: " + UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_NAME_LOCAL));
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] Error reading local user data file...");
            isPossibleSaveInCloud = false;
            errorReadingLocalData = ex.Message;

        if (isPossibleSaveInCloud == false)
            Debug.LogWarning("Exception reading local user before save it: " + errorReadingLocalData);
            args.Error   = errorReadingLocalData;
            args.Message = "There was an error saving to iCloud";
            args.Result  = false;
            args.SaveIn  = ResultSave.NotSaved;
            RaiseUserHasBeenUploaded(args, onResultSave);

            yield break;

        JCloudDocumentOperation op = JCloudDocument.FileWriteAllBytes(FILE_NAME_CLOUD, bytes);

        while (op.finished == false)
            Debug.Log("[SaveInCloud] Writting user data to cloud: " + op.progress);
            yield return(null);
        if (op.error.HasValue)
            string res = "";
            switch (op.error.Value)
            case JCloudDocumentError.PluginError:
            case JCloudDocumentError.NativeError:
            case JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments:                     // Look out for this one as it means you passed invalid path
                // Offer the user to retry
                res = "An error ocurred while saving text file. please retry.";
                Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] " + res);

            case JCloudDocumentError.DocumentNotFound:
                res = "There is no file present on this device. Create a new text file.";
                Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] " + res);

            case JCloudDocumentError.DownloadTimeout:
                // Offer the user to retry
                res = "Could not download user cloud file. Please retry.";
                Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] " + res);

            default:                     // We should never get there

            Debug.LogWarning("[SaveInCloud] " + op.error.Value);
            args.Error     = res;
            args.Message   = "There was an error saving to iCloud";
            args.Result    = false;
            args.ErrorType = op.error.Value;
            args.SaveIn    = ResultSave.NotSaved;
            RaiseUserHasBeenUploaded(args, onResultSave);
            // OK
            Debug.Log("[SaveInCloud] Saved user file in cloud " + bytes.Length + " bytes");
            args.Error   = string.Empty;
            args.Message = "Saved in iCloud";
            args.Result  = true;
            args.SaveIn  = ResultSave.Cloud;

            Debug.Log("[SaveInCloud] - SaveUser. Level: " + CurrentUser.LastFinishedLvl);

            RaiseUserHasBeenUploaded(args, onResultSave);

        yield break;

//		byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(UserCloud.GetPath(FILE_NAME_LOCAL));
//		JCloudDocument.FileWriteAllBytes(FILE_NAME_CLOUD, bytes);
////		UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs args = new UserCloudUploadedDelegateEventArgs();
////		if (onResultSave != null)
////			onResultSave(ResultSave.Cloud);
//		Debug.Log("Save File in Cloud " + bytes.Length);
//		yield break;
#elif UNITY_ANDROID && !disableGoogleCloud
        if (CanUseGoogleCloud())
            while (!PlayGameServices.isSignedIn() && googleCloudTryingToLogin)
                yield return(null);

            if (PlayGameServices.isSignedIn() && !googleCloudTryingToLogin)
                string strUserData = null;
                    strUserData = System.Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                    Debug.Log("[UserManagerCloud] Saving to Google Cloud services: " + bytes.Length + " bytes");
                catch (Exception)
                    Debug.LogWarning("[UserManagerCloud] Failed to encode user raw bytes to string. Size: " + bytes.Length + " bytes");

                if (strUserData != null)
                    PlayGameServices.setStateData(strUserData, 0);

        yield break;
Ejemplo n.º 27
	// Creates a directory at path
	protected static IEnumerator DirectoryCreateOperation(string path, JCloudDocumentOperation operation) {
		// Failsafe
		if ((path == null) || (path == "")) {
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
			operation.finished = true;
			yield break;
		// Make sure our platfom is compatible
		if (JCloudManager.PlatformIsCloudCompatible() && (AcceptJailbrokenDevices || JCloudExtern.IsJailbroken() == false)) {
			// Prepare a new cloud document
			int documentUID = JCloudDocument.NewCloudDocument(path, true);
			// Any current operation on that document? Just wait yield until they end
			int lockId = JCloudManager.GetDocumentLock(documentUID);
			while (!JCloudManager.CheckDocumentLock(documentUID, lockId))
				yield return null;
			// We can now create or open the cloud directory
			if (JCloudExtern.CreateCloudItem(documentUID)) {
				JCloudManager.DocumentStatus? status;
				while (!JCloudManager.GetDocumentStatus(documentUID, out status))
					yield return null;
				operation.success = status.Value.success;
				operation.result = operation.success;
				operation.error = status.Value.error;
			} else
				operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
			// We have a result, no need to let user yield any longer
			operation.finished = true;
			// Wether successfull or not, we don't need document anymore
		} else {
			// C# fallback
			try {
				System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(JCloudManager.JCloudDocumentFallbackPath + path);
			catch (System.Exception e) {
				if (e is ArgumentException || e is ArgumentNullException || e is NotSupportedException || e is PathTooLongException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidArguments;
				else if (e is UnauthorizedAccessException || e is IOException || e.GetType().FullName.Equals("System.Security.SecurityException") || e is DirectoryNotFoundException)
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.NativeError;
					operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.PluginError;
				operation.finished = true;
				yield break;
			operation.success = true;
			operation.result = true;
			operation.finished = true;
			operation.error = JCloudDocumentError.InvalidPlatform;
			operation.finished = true;