Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        rectX = gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width;
        rectY = gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height;
        startx =  rectX - 334;
        starty = rectY - 680;
        int slotAmount = 0;
        itemOptions = options.GetComponent<ItemOptions>();
        database = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ItemDatabase").GetComponent<ItemDatabase>();
        for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
            for (int p = 1; p < 5; p++)
                GameObject slot = Instantiate(slots) as GameObject;
                slot.GetComponent<SlotScript>().slotNumber = slotAmount;
                Items.Add(new Item());
                slot.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
                slot.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localPosition = new Vector3(startx, starty, 0);
                slot.name = "slot" + i + "." + p;
                startx = startx + 60;
                if (p == 4)
                    startx = -90;
                    starty = starty - 60;


Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void BrainNEAT_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                if (_experiment == null || _ea == null)
                    //NOTE: Just doing this for laziness.  I don't want to write a bunch of logic to train a phenome up front
                    MessageBox.Show("Need to have a running experiment", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                // Get a genome
                NeatGenome genome = _ea.CurrentChampGenome;

                // Create a phenome
                IBlackBox phenome = ExperimentNEATBase.GetBlackBox(genome, _experimentArgs.Activation, _hyperneatArgs);

                // Instantiate a BrainNEAT
                EditorOptions options     = new EditorOptions();
                ItemOptions   itemOptions = new ItemOptions();

                Container energy = new Container()
                    QuantityMax     = 1000,
                    QuantityCurrent = 1000,

                BrainNEATDNA dnaBrain = new BrainNEATDNA()
                    PartType = BrainNEAT.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(0, 0, 0), Orientation = Quaternion.Identity, Scale = new Vector3D(1, 1, 1)

                BrainNEAT brain = new BrainNEAT(options, itemOptions, dnaBrain, energy);

                brain.SetPhenome(phenome, genome, _experimentArgs.Activation, _hyperneatArgs);

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 100; cntr++)
                    foreach (INeuron neuron in brain.Neruons_Writeonly)
                        neuron.SetValue(StaticRandom.NextDouble(-2.5, 2.5));


                #region save/load test2

                // let BrainNEAT do the save/load

                BrainNEATDNA dna2     = (BrainNEATDNA)brain.GetNewDNA();
                string       dna2Text = XamlServices.Save(dna2).Replace('"', '\'');
                BrainNEAT    brain2   = new BrainNEAT(options, itemOptions, dna2, energy);

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 100; cntr++)
                    foreach (INeuron neuron in brain2.Neruons_Writeonly)
                        neuron.SetValue(StaticRandom.NextDouble(-2.5, 2.5));


                BrainNEATDNA dna3   = (BrainNEATDNA)brain2.GetNewDNA();
                BrainNEAT    brain3 = new BrainNEAT(options, itemOptions, dna3, energy);

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 100; cntr++)
                    foreach (INeuron neuron in brain3.Neruons_Writeonly)
                        neuron.SetValue(StaticRandom.NextDouble(-2.5, 2.5));


                #region save/load test1

                // initial test, building minimum necessary dna

                BrainNEATDNA brainDNA = new BrainNEATDNA()
                    Activation           = _experimentArgs.Activation,
                    Hyper                = _hyperneatArgs,
                    NEATPositions_Input  = brain.Neruons_Readonly.Select(o => o.Position).ToArray(),
                    NEATPositions_Output = brain.Neruons_Writeonly.Select(o => o.Position).ToArray(),
                    Genome               = ExperimentNEATBase.SavePopulation(new[] { genome }),

                // Make sure this can be serialized/deserialized
                string testString = XamlServices.Save(brainDNA);
                brainDNA = UtilityCore.Clone(brainDNA);

                List <NeatGenome> genomeList = null;
                if (_hyperneatArgs == null)
                    genomeList = ExperimentNEATBase.LoadPopulation(brainDNA.Genome, brainDNA.Activation, brainDNA.NEATPositions_Input.Length, brainDNA.NEATPositions_Output.Length);
                    genomeList = ExperimentNEATBase.LoadPopulation(brainDNA.Genome, brainDNA.Activation, _hyperneatArgs);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void Awake()
     S = this;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            radius = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / (3d * 2d);		// they should be identical anyway
            radius *= SwarmBayDesign.SCALE;		// scale it

            volume = 4d / 3d * Math.PI * radius * radius * radius;
            mass = volume * itemOptions.SwarmBay_Density;

            actualScale = new Vector3D(radius * 2d, radius * 2d, radius * 2d);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static Neuron_Fade[] CreateBrainChemicals(ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            const double K_UP = 50d;
            const double K_DOWN = 750d;
            const double VALUECUTOFF = .75d;

            // Figure out how many to make
            double radius, volume;
            GetNeuronVolume(out radius, out volume, dna, itemOptions);

            int count = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(itemOptions.Brain_ChemicalDensity * volume));
            if (count == 0)
                return new Neuron_Fade[0];

            // The brain chemicals are stored in dna.AltNeurons
            Point3D[] brainChemPositions = null;
            if (dna.AltNeurons != null && dna.AltNeurons.Length > 0)
                if (dna.AltNeurons.Length != 1)
                    throw new ApplicationException("dna.AltNeurons.Length should be exactly 1 (" + dna.AltNeurons.Length.ToString() + ")");

                brainChemPositions = dna.AltNeurons[0];

            // Figure out the positions
            //NOTE: Only let them go to half radius.  Cluster% then needs to be doubled (doubling it again so that the brain chemicals don't get
            //too close together)
            Vector3D[] positions = GetNeuronPositions_Cluster(brainChemPositions, count, radius * .5d, itemOptions.Brain_NeuronMinClusterDistPercent * 4d);

            // Exit Function
            return positions.Select(o => new Neuron_Fade(o.ToPoint(), K_UP, K_DOWN, VALUECUTOFF)).ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// NOTE: It's assumed that energyTanks and ammoBoxes are actually container groups holding the actual tanks, but it
        /// could be the tanks passed in directly
        /// </summary>
        public ConverterMatterToAmmo(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna, IContainer ammoBoxes)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.MatterConverter_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.MatterConverter_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.MatterConverter_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;
            _ammoBoxes = ammoBoxes;

            this.Design = new ConverterMatterToAmmoDesign(options, true);

            double volume;
            ConverterMatterToFuel.GetMass(out _dryMass, out volume, out _scaleActual, _itemOptions, dna);

            this.MaxVolume = volume;

            if (_ammoBoxes != null)
                double scaleVolume = _scaleActual.X * _scaleActual.Y * _scaleActual.Z;      // can't use volume from above, because that is the amount of matter that can be held.  This is to get conversion ratios
                _converter = new Converter(this, _ammoBoxes, _itemOptions.MatterToAmmo_ConversionRate, _itemOptions.MatterToAmmo_AmountToDraw * scaleVolume);

            this.Destroyed += ConverterMatterToAmmo_Destroyed;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// inputs are located at +Z, outputs are -Z
        /// </summary>
        private static (Neuron_Direct[] input, Neuron_Direct[] output) CreateNeurons(ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            const double MAXANGLE = 83;

            GetNeuronVolume(out double radius, out double volume, dna, itemOptions);

            int inputCount  = Math.Max(1, (volume * itemOptions.BrainNEAT_NeuronDensity_Input).ToInt_Round());
            int outputCount = Math.Max(1, (volume * itemOptions.BrainNEAT_NeuronDensity_Output).ToInt_Round());

            Point3D[] inputs  = null;
            Point3D[] outputs = null;
            if (dna.Neurons != null)
                inputs = dna.Neurons.
                         Where(o => o.Z >= 0).  // there's a band around the equator that has no neurons, so even minor mutations shouldn't cross over

                outputs = dna.Neurons.
                          Where(o => o.Z < 0).

            //NOTE: This will repair positions to keep neurons evenly spaced.  Other parts are more allowing of mutation, but this is a wrapper to a trained
            //neural net, so mutation would just unnecessarily blur the signals - but even with the position repair, there could be drift over many generations,
            //especially if scale causes neuron counts to change
            inputs  = GetNeuronPositions(inputs, inputCount, radius, new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), MAXANGLE);
            outputs = GetNeuronPositions(outputs, outputCount, radius, new Vector3D(0, 0, -1), MAXANGLE);

                Select(o => new Neuron_Direct(o, false)).

                Select(o => new Neuron_Direct(o, false)).
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public Boolean Remove(int ItemId)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            volume  = dna.Scale.X * dna.Scale.Y * dna.Scale.Z;          // get volume of the cube
            volume *= SensorGravityDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE;           // scale it

            radius  = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / (3d * 2d);
            radius *= SensorGravityDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE;

            mass = volume * itemOptions.Sensor_Density;

            actualScale = new Vector3D(dna.Scale.X * SensorGravityDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE, dna.Scale.Y * SensorGravityDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE, dna.Scale.Z * SensorGravityDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    // 190208 LifeBalance
    // Activate Item by UseItem method
    private void ActivateItem(ItemOptions itemOptionInfo)
        //Debug.Log("Activate " + itemOptionIndex);
        //ItemType itemtype = itemOption[itemOptionNum].itemTypeEnum;

        if (itemOptionInfo.useSound != null)
            SoundManager.Instance.ShortSpeaker(SoundManager.Speaker.Center, itemOptionInfo.useSound);

        // 아이템 유지시간 아이콘 코드
        if (itemOptionInfo.active == false)
            if (itemOptionInfo.usingItemCreate == true)
                if (itemOptionInfo.usingItem == null)
                    itemOptionInfo.usingItem = Instantiate(itemUseCheckBlockBox, itemUseCheckBlock.transform);
                    itemOptionInfo.usingItem.SetItem(itemOptionInfo.duration, itemOptionInfo.sprite);
        if (itemOptionInfo.active == true && (itemOptionInfo.typeEnum != ItemType.GetCredit))
            if (itemOptionInfo.usingItemCreate == true)
                if (itemOptionInfo.usingItem == null)
                    itemOptionInfo.usingItem = Instantiate(itemUseCheckBlockBox, itemUseCheckBlock.transform);
                    itemOptionInfo.usingItem.SetItem(itemOptionInfo.duration, itemOptionInfo.sprite);

        switch (itemOptionInfo.typeEnum)
        case ItemType.GetCredit:
            // 크레딧 UI 를 따로 제작할 것

        case ItemType.ScoreBooster:
            itemOptionInfo.active      = true;
            itemOptionInfo.activeTimer = 0;
            igsScoreMultifly           = (int)itemOptionInfo.magnification;
            //Debug.Log(itemOptionInfo.typeEnum + " : " + itemOptionInfo.active);

        case ItemType.BigShield:
            itemOptionInfo.active      = true;
            itemOptionInfo.activeTimer = 0;
            playerScript.OP_BigShield(itemOptionInfo.magnification * playerScript.op_shieldOriginalSize);
            //Debug.Log(itemOptionInfo.typeEnum + " : " + itemOptionInfo.active);

        case ItemType.ShieldFullCharge:
            itemOptionInfo.active      = true;
            itemOptionInfo.activeTimer = 0;
            playerScript.OP_BigShield(itemOptionInfo.magnification * playerScript.op_shieldOriginalSize);
            //Debug.Log(itemOptionInfo.typeEnum + " : " + itemOptionInfo.active);

        case ItemType.ShieldRecovery:
            itemOptionInfo.active      = true;
            itemOptionInfo.activeTimer = 0;
            //Debug.Log(itemOptionInfo.typeEnum + " : " + itemOptionInfo.active);

        case ItemType.Bomb:
            //Debug.Log("YOU ACTIVATE BOMB ! ! !");

        case ItemType.PowerBooster:
            itemOptionInfo.active      = true;
            itemOptionInfo.activeTimer = 0;
            //Debug.Log(itemOptionInfo.typeEnum + " : " + itemOptionInfo.active);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a "ConnectToken" that provides an "AccessToken" for client-side communication.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An object containing an accessToken</returns>
        public async Task <ConnectTokenResponse> CreateConnectToken(Guid?itemId = null, ItemOptions options = null)
                var body = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "itemId", itemId?.ToString() },
                    { "options", options }
                return(await httpService.PostAsync <ConnectTokenResponse>(URL_CONNECT_TOKEN, body));
            catch (ApiException e)
                if (e.ApiError != null && e.ApiError.Errors != null)
                    throw new ValidationException(e.StatusCode, e.ApiError);

                throw e;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    // 190121 LifeBalance
    // DropItem according to probability (gasha)

    public void DropItem(Vector2 position, bool isBoss = false)
        if (isBoss == false)
            // 190227 LifeBalance
            // Debug State
            if (isDebug == true)
                for (int i = 0; i < itemOption.Length; i++)
                    if (itemOption[i].typeEnum == debugAlwaysCreateThisItem)
                        item.spriteRenderer.sprite = itemOption[i].sprite;
                        Item forScript = Instantiate(item, position, Quaternion.Euler(Vector2.zero));
                        //forScript.spriteRenderer.sprite = itemOption[i].sprite;
                        //Debug.Log(" : : : " + forScript.spriteRenderer.sprite.name);
                        forScript.name = (i - 1).ToString();

                        if (itemOption[i].typeEnum == ItemType.GetCredit)


            // 190128 LifeBalance
            // Change Item droptable algorhythm

            //int itemValue = Random.Range(0, itemOption[itemOption.Length - 1].itemDropChance);
            int itemValue = Random.Range(0, itemAllChanceValue);
            int currValue = 0;

            // Normal state
            for (int i = 0; i < itemOption.Length; i++)
                currValue += itemOption[i].dropChance;
                if (i == 0)
                    if (itemValue < currValue)
                // 'i' is bigger than 0 && 'i' is smaller than items.Length - 1
                    // If itemValue is between current and next
                    if (itemValue > itemOption[i - 1].dropChance && itemValue <= currValue)
                        item.spriteRenderer.sprite = itemOption[i].sprite;
                        Item forScript = Instantiate(item, position, Quaternion.Euler(Vector2.zero));
                        //forScript.spriteRenderer.sprite = itemOption[i].sprite;
                        //Debug.Log(" : : : " + forScript.spriteRenderer.sprite.name);
                        forScript.name = (i - 1).ToString();

                        if (itemOption[i].typeEnum == ItemType.GetCredit)

                        //Debug.Log("Create : " + item.name + "//// itemValue : " + itemValue + "//// currValue : " + currValue);
        else // isBoss == true
            // Change Item droptable algorhythm
            int         itemEaExceptCredit     = itemDropBossModeEa - 3;
            ItemOptions itemGetCreditInfo      = new ItemOptions();
            int         itemGetCreditInfoIndex = 0;
            // Find GetCredit Info and Set It to itemGetCreditInfo;
            foreach (ItemOptions info in itemOption)
                if (info.typeEnum == ItemType.GetCredit)
                    itemGetCreditInfo = info;

            for (int itemDropNumber = 0; itemDropNumber < (itemDropBossModeEa + level); itemDropNumber++)
                Vector2 addForce = new Vector2(Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f), Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f));

                // Normal state
                // If itemValue is between current and next
                // 보스 아이템 드랍갯수 - 3 만큼 까지는 돈을 드랍한다
                if (itemDropNumber < itemEaExceptCredit)
                    Item forScript;
                    item.spriteRenderer.sprite = itemGetCreditInfo.sprite;
                    forScript = Instantiate(item, position, Quaternion.Euler(Vector2.zero));
                    //forScript.spriteRenderer.sprite = itemOption[i].sprite;
                    //Debug.Log(" : : : " + forScript.spriteRenderer.sprite.name);
                    forScript.name = (itemGetCreditInfoIndex - 1).ToString();

                    if (itemGetCreditInfo.typeEnum == ItemType.GetCredit)
                    int itemIndex = Random.Range(1, itemOption.Length);

                    if (itemOption[itemIndex].typeEnum == ItemType.GetCredit)
                        while (true)
                            itemIndex = Random.Range(1, itemOption.Length);
                            if (itemOption[itemIndex].typeEnum != ItemType.GetCredit)
                    Item forScript;
                    item.spriteRenderer.sprite = itemOption[itemIndex].sprite;
                    forScript = Instantiate(item, position, Quaternion.Euler(Vector2.zero));
                    //forScript.spriteRenderer.sprite = itemOption[i].sprite;
                    //Debug.Log(" : : : " + forScript.spriteRenderer.sprite.name);
                    forScript.name = (itemIndex - 1).ToString();

                    if (itemOption[itemIndex].typeEnum == ItemType.GetCredit)
                    //Debug.Log("Create : " + item.name + "//// itemValue : " + itemValue + "//// currValue : " + currValue);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 static void AssertItem(Item item, ItemOptions options)
     AssertObject(item, options);
     Assert.AreEqual(item.RefId, options.RefId);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 static void SetItemOptions(ItemOptions options)
     options.Title = "3";
     options.RefId = "4";
        /// <summary>
        /// NOTE: It's assumed that energyTanks and fuelTanks are actually container groups holding the actual tanks, but it
        /// could be the tanks passed in directly
        /// </summary>
        public ConverterEnergyToFuel(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna, IContainer energyTanks, IContainer fuelTanks)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.EnergyConverter_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.EnergyConverter_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.EnergyConverter_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;

            this.Design = new ConverterEnergyToFuelDesign(options, true);

            double volume = GetVolume(out _scaleActual, dna);

            if (energyTanks != null && fuelTanks != null)
                _converter = new Converter(energyTanks, fuelTanks, itemOptions.EnergyToFuel_ConversionRate, itemOptions.EnergyToFuel_AmountToDraw * volume);

            _mass = volume * itemOptions.EnergyToFuel_Density;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                _itemOptions = new ItemOptions();

                #region Init World

                _boundryMin = new Point3D(-BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF);

                _world           = new World();
                _world.Updating += new EventHandler <WorldUpdatingArgs>(World_Updating);

                _world.SetCollisionBoundry(_boundryMin, _boundryMax);

                #region Materials

                _materialManager = new MaterialManager(_world);

                // Wall
                Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity = .1d;
                _material_Wall      = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Ball
                material       = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                _material_Ball = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                #region Trackball

                // Trackball
                _trackball                       = new TrackBallRoam(_camera);
                _trackball.KeyPanScale           = 15d;
                _trackball.EventSource           = grdViewPort; //NOTE:  If this control doesn't have a background color set, the trackball won't see events (I think transparent is ok, just not null)
                _trackball.AllowZoomOnMouseWheel = true;
                _trackball.ShouldHitTestOnOrbit = true;
                //_trackball.UserMovedCamera += new EventHandler<UserMovedCameraArgs>(Trackball_UserMovedCamera);
                //_trackball.GetOrbitRadius += new EventHandler<GetOrbitRadiusArgs>(Trackball_GetOrbitRadius);


                #region Chased Ball

                _chasedBall = new ChasedBall();

                _chasedBall.MotionType_Position    = MotionType_Position.Stop;
                _chasedBall.MotionType_Orientation = MotionType_Orientation.Stop;

                _chasedBall.BoundrySizeChanged += new EventHandler(ChasedBall_BoundrySizeChanged);

                // Ball visual
                _chasedBallVisual           = GetChaseBallVisual_Position();
                _chasedBallTransform        = new TranslateTransform3D();
                _chasedBallVisual.Transform = _chasedBallTransform;

                // Direction Visual
                var directionVisual = GetChaseBallVisual_Orientation();
                _chasedDirectionModel  = directionVisual.Item1;
                _chasedDirectionVisual = directionVisual.Item2;

                // Panels (the act of instantiating them will update the ball's properties)
                pnlChasePosition.Content = new ChasedPosition(_chasedBall)
                    Foreground = Brushes.White,

                pnlChaseOrientation.Content = new ChasedOrientation(_chasedBall)
                    Foreground = Brushes.White,

                #region Debug Visuals

                // Put these on the viewport before the ball so that it is propertly semitransparent

                //TODO: Draw the bounding box.  Use XYZ colors.  This will help the user stay oriented

                #region Body Ball

                _bodyBall = new BodyBall(_world);

                //_bodyBall.PhysicsBody.AngularDamping = new Vector3D(.0001, .0001, .0001);
                //_bodyBall.PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = new Vector3D(0, 0, 4 * Math.PI);




            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void RemoveAll()
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private static void GetMass(out double dryMass, out double volume, out double radius, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            // The cargo bay is 1:1 with scale (a lot of the other parts are smaller than scale, but cargo bay is full sized)

            double surfaceArea = (2d * dna.Scale.X * dna.Scale.Y) + (2d * dna.Scale.X * dna.Scale.Z) + (2d * dna.Scale.Y * dna.Scale.Z);

            dryMass = surfaceArea * itemOptions.CargoBay_WallDensity;

            volume = dna.Scale.X * dna.Scale.Y * dna.Scale.Z;

            radius = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / 3d;       // this is just approximate, and is used by INeuronContainer
Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            // Just assume it's a sphere
            double radX = dna.Scale.X * .5;
            double radY = dna.Scale.Y * .5;
            double radZ = dna.Scale.Z * .5;

            radius = (radX + radY + radZ) / 3d;

            actualScale = new Vector3D(radX * 2d, radY * 2d, radZ * 2d);

            volume = (4d / 3d) * Math.PI * radX * radY * radZ;

            mass = volume * itemOptions.Shield_Density;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        internal static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            // Just assume it's a sphere
            double radX = dna.Scale.X * .5;
            double radY = dna.Scale.Y * .5;
            double radZ = dna.Scale.Z * .5;

            radius = (radX + radY + radZ) / 3d;

            actualScale = new Vector3D(radX * 2d, radY * 2d, radZ * 2d);

            volume = (4d / 3d) * Math.PI * radX * radY * radZ;

            mass = volume * itemOptions.Shield_Density;
        internal static void GetMass(out double dryMass, out double volume, out Vector3D scale, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            scale = dna.Scale * ConverterMatterToFuelDesign.SCALE;

            double surfaceArea = (2d * scale.X * scale.Y) + (2d * scale.X * scale.Z) + (2d * scale.Y * scale.Z);
            dryMass = surfaceArea * itemOptions.MatterConverter_WallDensity;

            volume = scale.X * scale.Y * scale.Z;
            volume *= itemOptions.MatterConverter_InternalVolume;        // this property should be between 0 and 1
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public async Task Run()
            var options = _container.GetInstance <WvsGameOptions>();
            var info    = options.GameInfo;

            ChannelInformation = new ChannelInformation
                ID           = info.ID,
                WorldID      = info.WorldID,
                Name         = info.Name,
                UserNo       = 0,
                AdultChannel = info.AdultChannel

            CommandRegistry = _container.GetInstance <CommandRegistry>();

            ItemNames  = _container.GetInstance <ItemNameManager>();
            FieldNames = _container.GetInstance <FieldNameManager>();

            Logger.Info("Loading template names..");
            await Task.WhenAll(

            Logger.Info("Finished loading template names");

            ItemOptions = _container.GetInstance <EagerTemplateManager <ItemOptionTemplate> >();
            SetItemInfo = _container.GetInstance <EagerTemplateManager <SetItemInfoTemplate> >();
            await Task.WhenAll(
                Task.Run(async() =>
                Logger.Info("Loading item options..");
                await ItemOptions.LoadAll();
                Logger.Info("Finished loading item options");
                Task.Run(async() =>
                Logger.Info("Loading set item info..");
                await SetItemInfo.LoadAll();
                Logger.Info("Finished loading set item info");

            SkillTemplates = _container.GetInstance <LazyTemplateManager <SkillTemplate> >();
            ItemTemplates  = _container.GetInstance <LazyTemplateManager <ItemTemplate> >();
            FieldTemplates = _container.GetInstance <LazyTemplateManager <FieldTemplate> >();
            NpcTemplates   = _container.GetInstance <LazyTemplateManager <NPCTemplate> >();
            MobTemplates   = _container.GetInstance <LazyTemplateManager <MobTemplate> >();
            FieldFactory   = new FieldFactory(FieldTemplates, NpcTemplates, MobTemplates);

            using (var db = _container.GetInstance <DataContext>())
                Logger.Info("Loading npc shops..");
                NPCShops = db.NPCShops
                           .Include(s => s.Items)
                           .ToDictionary(s => s.TemplateID, s => new NPCShopDlg(s));
                Logger.Info("Finished loading npc shops");

            UserData.RegisterType <FieldUserSpeaker>();
            UserData.RegisterType <FieldNPCSpeaker>();
            NPCConversationManager = _container.GetInstance <ConversationManager <FieldUser, FieldNPC> >();

            InteropClient = new Client <CenterServerSocket>(
                _container.GetInstance <CenterServerSocketFactory>()

            GameServer = new Server <GameClientSocket>(
                _container.GetInstance <GameClientSocketFactory>()

            await InteropClient.Run();

            Logger.Info($"Connected to interoperability server on {InteropClient.Channel.RemoteAddress}");

            await GameServer.Run();

            Logger.Info($"Bounded {ChannelInformation.Name} on {GameServer.Channel.LocalAddress}");

            while (InteropClient.Socket == null)

            using (var p = new OutPacket(InteropRecvOperations.ServerRegister))
                p.Encode <byte>((byte)ServerType.Game);

                await InteropClient.Socket.SendPacket(p);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private readonly double _volume;		// this is used to calculate energy draw


        #region Constructor

        public Brain(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna, IContainer energyTanks)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.Brain_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.Brain_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.Brain_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;
            _energyTanks = energyTanks;

            this.Design = new BrainDesign(options, true);

            // Build the neurons (not doing the links yet - or maybe do the internal links?)
            _brainChemicals = CreateBrainChemicals(dna, itemOptions);
            _neurons = CreateNeurons(dna, itemOptions, _brainChemicals.Select(o => o.Position).ToArray());
            //_design.NeuronLocations = _neurons.Select(o => o.Position).ToArray();

            double radius;
            GetMass(out _mass, out _volume, out radius, dna, itemOptions);

            this.Radius = radius;
            _scaleActual = new Vector3D(radius * 2d, radius * 2d, radius * 2d);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public PlasmaTank(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.PlasmaTank_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.PlasmaTank_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.PlasmaTank_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;

            this.Design = new PlasmaTankDesign(options, true);

            double surfaceArea, radius;
            _container = FuelTank.GetContainer(out surfaceArea, out _scaleActual, out radius, itemOptions, dna);

            _mass = _container.QuantityMax * itemOptions.PlasmaTank_Density;     // max quantity is the volume
            this.Radius = radius;

            _neuron = new Neuron_SensorPosition(new Point3D(0, 0, 0), false);

            this.Destroyed += PlasmaTank_Destroyed;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private static void GetNeuronVolume(out double radius, out double volume, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
     //NOTE: This radius isn't taking SCALE into account.  The other neural parts do this as well, so the neural density properties can be more consistent
     radius = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / (3d * 2d);		// xyz should all be the same anyway
     volume = Math.Pow(radius, itemOptions.Brain_NeuronGrowthExponent);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public PanelBeanProps(FlyingBeanOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions)

            _options     = options;
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;

            //PropertyInfo[] propsOptions = typeof(FlyingBeanOptions).GetProperties();
            PropertyInfo[] propsItems = typeof(ItemOptions).GetProperties();

            // Consumption
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkThrustForce, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "ThrusterStrengthRatio").First(), _itemOptions, 5, 100));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkFuelDraw, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "FuelToThrustRatio").First(), _itemOptions, .001d, 5));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkGravitySensorEnergyDraw, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "GravitySensorAmountToDraw").First(), _itemOptions, .1, 10));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkSpinSensorEnergyDraw, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "SpinSensorAmountToDraw").First(), _itemOptions, .1, 10));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkBrainEnergyDraw, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "BrainAmountToDraw").First(), _itemOptions, .1, 10));

            // Neural
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkGravSensorNeuronDensity, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "GravitySensorNeuronDensity").First(), _itemOptions, 4, 60));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkBrainNeuronDensity, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "BrainNeuronDensity").First(), _itemOptions, 4, 60));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkBrainChemicalDensity, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "BrainChemicalDensity").First(), _itemOptions, 0, 10));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkBrainInternalLinks, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "BrainLinksPerNeuron_Internal").First(), _itemOptions, .5, 8));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkBrainExternalLinkSensor, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "BrainLinksPerNeuron_External_FromSensor").First(), _itemOptions, .1, 5));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkBrainExternalLinkBrain, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "BrainLinksPerNeuron_External_FromBrain").First(), _itemOptions, .1, 5));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkThrusterExternalLinkSensor, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "ThrusterLinksPerNeuron_Sensor").First(), _itemOptions, .1, 5));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkThrusterExternalLinkBrain, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "ThrusterLinksPerNeuron_Brain").First(), _itemOptions, .1, 5));

            // Density
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkBrainDensity, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "BrainDensity").First(), _itemOptions, 1, 5000));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkGravSensorDensity, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "SensorDensity").First(), _itemOptions, 1, 5000));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkEnergyTankDensity, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "EnergyTankDensity").First(), _itemOptions, 1, 5000));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkFuelTankDensity, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "FuelTankWallDensity").First(), _itemOptions, 1, 5000));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkFuelDensity, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "FuelDensity").First(), _itemOptions, 1, 5000));
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkThrusterDensity, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "ThrusterDensity").First(), _itemOptions, 1, 5000));

            // TODO: this one should have a log scale
            //trkMomentOfInertia.Normalize_SliderToValue += //convert a linear to nonlinear
            //trkMomentOfInertia.Normalize_ValueToSlider += //convert a nonlinear to linear
            _propLinks.Add(new SliderShowValues.PropSync(trkMomentOfInertia, propsItems.Where(o => o.Name == "MomentOfInertiaMultiplier").First(), _itemOptions, .01, 10));

            //TODO: When I start saving the options to file, also need to set the min/max from options (in case the user changed the range)
            //TODO: This is a lot of hard coding.  Store the linkage between slider and property in a list, and just have one event listener for all sliders

            //trkThrustForce.Value = _itemOptions.ThrusterStrengthRatio;
            //trkFuelDraw.Minimum = .000000001;
            //trkFuelDraw.Maximum = .000005;
            //trkFuelDraw.Value = _itemOptions.FuelToThrustRatio;

            //trkSensorEnergyDraw.Value = _itemOptions.GravitySensorAmountToDraw;
            //trkBrainEnergyDraw.Value = _itemOptions.BrainAmountToDraw;

            //trkLifespan.Value = _options.MaxAgeSeconds;
            //trkAngularVelocity.Value = _options.AngularVelocityDeath;
            //trkGroundCollisions.Value = _options.MaxGroundCollisions;

            //trkGravSensorNeuronDensity.Value = _itemOptions.GravitySensorNeuronDensity;
            //trkBrainNeuronDensity.Value = _itemOptions.BrainNeuronDensity;
            //trkBrainChemicalDensity.Value = _itemOptions.BrainChemicalDensity;
            //trkBrainInternalLinks.Value = _itemOptions.BrainLinksPerNeuron_Internal;
            //trkBrainExternalLinkSensor.Value = _itemOptions.BrainLinksPerNeuron_External_FromSensor;
            //trkBrainExternalLinkBrain.Value = _itemOptions.BrainLinksPerNeuron_External_FromBrain;
            //trkThrusterExternalLinkSensor.Value = _itemOptions.ThrusterLinksPerNeuron_Sensor;
            //trkThrusterExternalLinkBrain.Value = _itemOptions.ThrusterLinksPerNeuron_Brain;

            //trkBrainDensity.Value = _itemOptions.BrainDensity;
            //trkGravSensorDensity.Value = _itemOptions.SensorDensity;
            //trkEnergyTankDensity.Value = _itemOptions.EnergyTankDensity;
            //trkFuelTankDensity.Value = _itemOptions.FuelTankWallDensity;
            //trkFuelDensity.Value = _itemOptions.FuelDensity;
            //trkThrusterDensity.Value = _itemOptions.ThrusterDensity;
            //trkMomentOfInertia.Value = _itemOptions.MomentOfInertiaMultiplier;

            _isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private static Neuron_SensorPosition[] CreateNeurons(ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions, LifeEventToVector lifeEvents)
            //TODO: Instead of just having a single output neuron for each life event type, report the type at location?
            //For example: the camera's input is a square, so have a grid of blocks.  The output grid doesn't need to be very high
            //resolution, maybe 3x3 up to 5x5.  Each block would be a line of neurons perpendicular to the square

            double radius = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / (3d * 2d);		// xyz should all be the same anyway

            Vector3D[] positions = Brain.GetNeuronPositions_Line2D(null, lifeEvents.Types.Length, radius);

            return positions.
                Select(o => new Neuron_SensorPosition(o.ToPoint(), true)).
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public SensorVelocity(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna, IContainer energyTanks)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.Sensor_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.Sensor_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.Sensor_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;
            _energyTanks = energyTanks;

            this.Design = new SensorVelocityDesign(options, true);

            double radius;
            SensorGravity.GetMass(out _mass, out _volume, out radius, out _scaleActual, dna, itemOptions);

            this.Radius = radius;

            _neurons = SensorGravity.CreateNeurons(dna, itemOptions, itemOptions.VelocitySensor_NeuronDensity);
            _neuronMaxRadius = _neurons.Max(o => o.PositionLength);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public EnergyTank(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.EnergyTank_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.EnergyTank_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.EnergyTank_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;

            this.Design = new EnergyTankDesign(options, true);

            double radius;
            _container = GetContainer(out _scaleActual, out radius, itemOptions, dna);

            this.Radius = radius;

            _mass = _container.QuantityMax * itemOptions.EnergyTank_Density;

            _neuron = new Neuron_SensorPosition(new Point3D(0, 0, 0), false);

            this.Destroyed += EnergyTank_Destroyed;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public FuelTank(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.FuelTank_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.FuelTank_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.FuelTank_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;

            this.Design = new FuelTankDesign(options, true);

            double surfaceArea, radius;
            _container = GetContainer(out surfaceArea, out _scaleActual, out radius, itemOptions, dna);

            _dryMass = surfaceArea * itemOptions.FuelTank_WallDensity;
            this.Radius = radius;

            _neuron = new Neuron_SensorPosition(new Point3D(0, 0, 0), false);

            this.Destroyed += FuelTank_Destroyed;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        private static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            // Just assume it's a cylinder
            double radX = dna.Scale.X * .5 * TractorBeamDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double radY = dna.Scale.Y * .5 * TractorBeamDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double height = dna.Scale.Z * TractorBeamDesign.HEIGHTPERCENTOFSCALE;

            radius = (radX + radY + (height * .5d)) / 3d;		// this is just an approximation for the neural container

            actualScale = new Vector3D(radX * 2d, radY * 2d, height);

            volume = Math.PI * radX * radY * height;

            mass = volume * itemOptions.TractorBeam_Density;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        /// <remarks>
        /// Got ellipse circumference equation here:
        /// http://paulbourke.net/geometry/ellipsecirc/
        /// </remarks>
        internal static Container GetContainer(out double surfaceArea, out Vector3D actualScale, out double radius, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            Container retVal = new Container();

            retVal.OnlyRemoveMultiples = false;

            // The fuel tank is a cylinder with two half spheres on each end (height along z.  x and y are supposed to be the same)
            // But when it gets squeezed/stretched along z, the caps don't keep their aspect ratio.  Their height always makes up half of the total height

            #region XYZ H

            double radX = dna.Scale.X * FuelTankDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double radY = dna.Scale.Y * FuelTankDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double radZ = dna.Scale.Z * FuelTankDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double height = dna.Scale.Z - (radZ * 2);
            if (height < 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("height should never be zero.  ScaleZ={0}, RAD%SCALE={1}, heigth={2}", dna.Scale.Z.ToString(), FuelTankDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE.ToString(), height.ToString()));


            #region Volume

            double sphereVolume = 4d / 3d * Math.PI * radX * radY * radZ;

            double cylinderVolume = Math.PI * radX * radY * height;

            retVal.QuantityMax = sphereVolume + cylinderVolume;


            #region Surface Area

            // While I have the various radius, calculate the dry mass

            double cylinderSA = 0d;

            if (height > 0d)
                // Ellipse circumference = pi (a + b) [ 1 + 3 h / (10 + (4 - 3 h)1/2 ) ]
                // (a=xrad, b=yrad, h = (a - b)^2 / (a + b)^2)  (Ramanujan, second approximation)
                double h = Math.Pow((radX - radY), 2d) / Math.Pow((radX + radY), 2d);
                double circumference = Math.PI * (radX + radY) * (1d + (3d * h) / Math.Pow(10d + (4d - (3d * h)), .5d));

                // Cylinder side surface area = ellipse circ * height
                cylinderSA = circumference * height;

            // Sphere surface area = 4 pi ((a^p * b^p) + (a^p * c^p) + (b^p * c^p) / 3) ^ (1/p)
            // p=1.6075
            double p = 1.6075d;
            double a = Math.Pow(radX, p);
            double b = Math.Pow(radY, p);
            double c = Math.Pow(radZ, p);
            double sphereSA = 4 * Math.PI * Math.Pow(((a * b) + (a * c) + (b * c) / 3d), (1d / p));

            // Combine them
            surfaceArea = cylinderSA + sphereSA;


            actualScale = new Vector3D(radX * 2d, radY * 2d, dna.Scale.Z);

            // Exit Function
            radius = (radX + radY + height) / 3d;       // this is just approximate, and is used by INeuronContainer
            return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 33
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                _itemOptions = new ItemOptions();

                #region Init World

                _boundryMin = new Point3D(-BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF, -BOUNDRYSIZEHALF);

                _world           = new World();
                _world.Updating += new EventHandler <WorldUpdatingArgs>(World_Updating);

                _world.SetCollisionBoundry(_boundryMin, _boundryMax);

                //TODO: Only draw the boundry lines if options say to

                #region Materials

                _materialManager = new MaterialManager(_world);

                // Wall
                Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity = .1d;
                _material_Wall      = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Bot
                material      = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                _material_Bot = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Exploding Bot
                material = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.IsCollidable  = false;
                _material_ExplodingBot = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Food
                material            = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity = .1d;
                _material_Food      = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Egg
                material            = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                material.Elasticity = .5d;
                _material_Egg       = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Projectile
                material             = new Game.Newt.v2.NewtonDynamics.Material();
                _material_Projectile = _materialManager.AddMaterial(material);

                // Collisions
                _materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_Bot, _material_Bot, Collision_BotBot);
                _materialManager.RegisterCollisionEvent(_material_Bot, _material_Food, Collision_BotFood);
                //TODO: May want to listen to projectile collisions

                #region Trackball

                // Trackball
                _trackball                       = new TrackBallRoam(_camera);
                _trackball.KeyPanScale           = 15d;
                _trackball.EventSource           = grdViewPort; //NOTE:  If this control doesn't have a background color set, the trackball won't see events (I think transparent is ok, just not null)
                _trackball.AllowZoomOnMouseWheel = true;
                _trackball.ShouldHitTestOnOrbit = true;
                //_trackball.UserMovedCamera += new EventHandler<UserMovedCameraArgs>(Trackball_UserMovedCamera);
                //_trackball.GetOrbitRadius += new EventHandler<GetOrbitRadiusArgs>(Trackball_GetOrbitRadius);

                #region Camera Pool

                //TODO: Make the number of threads more configurable, look at how many processors there are
                //_cameraPool = new CameraPool(2, Colors.Black);
                _cameraPool = new CameraPool(1, Colors.Black);

                #region Map

                _map = new Map(_viewport, _cameraPool, _world)
                    SnapshotFequency_Milliseconds = 250,        // 125
                    SnapshotMaxItemsPerNode       = 10,
                    ShouldBuildSnapshots          = true,
                    ShouldShowSnapshotLines       = false,
                    ShouldSnapshotCentersDrift    = true,

                _updateManager = new UpdateManager(
                    new Type[] { typeof(Swimbot) },
                    new Type[] { typeof(Swimbot) },

                #region Fields

                _radiation = new RadiationField()
                    AmbientRadiation = 0d,

                //_gravity = new GravityFieldUniform()
                //    Gravity = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0),

                //TODO: Support a uniform fluid

                #region ItemSelectDragLogic

                _selectionLogic = new ItemSelectDragLogic(_map, _camera, _viewport, grdViewPort)
                    ShouldMoveItemWithSpring = true,
                    ShouldSpringCauseTorque  = false,
                    SpringColor      = null,  // Colors.Chartreuse
                    ShowDebugVisuals = false, // true

                _selectionLogic.SelectableTypes.Add(typeof(Egg <ShipDNA>));

                _selectionLogic.ItemSelected += new EventHandler <ItemSelectedArgs>(SelectionLogic_ItemSelected);


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 34
        private static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            radius  = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / (3d * 2d); // they should be identical anyway
            radius *= SwarmBayDesign.SCALE;                                  // scale it

            volume = 4d / 3d * Math.PI * radius * radius * radius;
            mass   = volume * itemOptions.SwarmBay_Density;

            actualScale = new Vector3D(radius * 2d, radius * 2d, radius * 2d);
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public Item Add(Item item)
Ejemplo n.º 36
        internal static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            double radiusLocal     = ((dna.Scale.X * MotionController2Design.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_XY) + (dna.Scale.Y * MotionController2Design.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_XY)) / (2d * 2d); // scale is diameter, so divide an extra two to get radius
            double heightLocal     = dna.Scale.Z * MotionController2Design.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_Z;
            double halfHeightLocal = heightLocal / 2d;

            volume = Math.PI * radiusLocal * radiusLocal * heightLocal;         // get volume of the cylinder

            // This isn't the radius of the cylinder, it is the radius of the bounding sphere
            radius = Math.Sqrt((radiusLocal * radiusLocal) + (halfHeightLocal * halfHeightLocal));

            mass = volume * itemOptions.Sensor_Density;

            actualScale = new Vector3D(dna.Scale.X * MotionController2Design.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_XY, dna.Scale.Y * MotionController2Design.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_XY, dna.Scale.Z * MotionController2Design.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_Z);
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public Boolean Update(Item item)
Ejemplo n.º 38
        private readonly double _volume;		// this is used to calculate energy draw


        #region Constructor

        public CameraColorRGB(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna, IContainer energyTanks, CameraPool cameraPool)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.CameraColorRGB_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.CameraColorRGB_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.CameraColorRGB_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;
            _energyTanks = energyTanks;
            _cameraPool = cameraPool;

            this.Design = new CameraColorRGBDesign(options, true);

            double radius;
            GetMass(out _mass, out _volume, out radius, dna, itemOptions);

            this.Radius = radius;
            _scaleActual = new Vector3D(radius * 2d, radius * 2d, radius * 2d);

            //TODO: Rework this method to take in the number of cone types (plates of neurons), instead of hardcoding to 3 and having all these out params
            CreateNeurons(out _neuronsR, out _neuronsG, out _neuronsB, out _overlayR, out _overlayG, out _overlayB, out _pixelWidthHeight, dna, itemOptions, itemOptions.CameraColorRGB_NeuronDensity);

            if (_cameraPool != null)
Ejemplo n.º 39
        private static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            // Just assume it's a cylinder
            double radX   = dna.Scale.X * .5 * TractorBeamDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double radY   = dna.Scale.Y * .5 * TractorBeamDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double height = dna.Scale.Z * TractorBeamDesign.HEIGHTPERCENTOFSCALE;

            radius = (radX + radY + (height * .5d)) / 3d;               // this is just an approximation for the neural container

            actualScale = new Vector3D(radX * 2d, radY * 2d, height);

            volume = Math.PI * radX * radY * height;

            mass = volume * itemOptions.TractorBeam_Density;
Ejemplo n.º 40
        internal static void CreateNeurons(out Neuron_SensorPosition[] neuronsR, out Neuron_SensorPosition[] neuronsG, out Neuron_SensorPosition[] neuronsB, out OverlayResult[][] overlayR, out OverlayResult[][] overlayG, out OverlayResult[][] overlayB, out int pixelWidthHeight, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions, double neuronDensity)
            const int MINPIXELWIDTH = 16;

            #region Calculate counts

            // Figure out how many neurons to make
            //NOTE: This radius isn't taking SCALE into account.  The other neural parts do this as well, so the neural density properties can be more consistent
            double radius = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / (3d * 2d);		// xyz should all be the same anyway
            double area = Math.Pow(radius, itemOptions.Sensor_NeuronGrowthExponent);

            int neuronCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(neuronDensity * area));
            if (neuronCount == 0)
                neuronCount = 1;

            // Figure out how many pixels to make
            pixelWidthHeight = neuronCount / 9;     // dividing by 3 to get the number of neurons in a single plate.  divide that by 3, because that's a good ratio of neuron cells to pixels
            if (pixelWidthHeight < MINPIXELWIDTH)
                pixelWidthHeight = MINPIXELWIDTH;


            #region Neurons

            // Place them evenly in a sphere
            //NOTE: An interesting side effect of calling this for each generation is that the parent may not have been perfectly evenly spaced, but calling this
            //again will slightly refine the positions
            Vector3D[][] positions = GetNeuronPositions(dna.Neurons, neuronCount, 3, radius);

            // Create neurons
            neuronsR = positions[0].Select(o => new Neuron_SensorPosition(o.ToPoint(), true)).ToArray();
            neuronsG = positions[1].Select(o => new Neuron_SensorPosition(o.ToPoint(), true)).ToArray();
            neuronsB = positions[2].Select(o => new Neuron_SensorPosition(o.ToPoint(), true)).ToArray();


            #region Polygons around neurons

            // Figure out which pixels each neuron intersects with
            VoronoiResult2D[] voronoi = new VoronoiResult2D[3];
            voronoi[0] = Math2D.CapVoronoiCircle(Math2D.GetVoronoi(positions[0].Select(o => new Point(o.X, o.Y)).ToArray(), true));
            voronoi[1] = Math2D.CapVoronoiCircle(Math2D.GetVoronoi(positions[1].Select(o => new Point(o.X, o.Y)).ToArray(), true));
            voronoi[2] = Math2D.CapVoronoiCircle(Math2D.GetVoronoi(positions[2].Select(o => new Point(o.X, o.Y)).ToArray(), true));

            #region Figure out the extremes

            Point[] allEdgePoints = voronoi.SelectMany(o => o.EdgePoints).ToArray();

            Point min = new Point(allEdgePoints.Min(o => o.X), allEdgePoints.Min(o => o.Y));
            Point max = new Point(allEdgePoints.Max(o => o.X), allEdgePoints.Max(o => o.Y));

            double width = max.X - min.X;
            double height = max.Y - min.Y;

            // Enlarge a bit
            min.X -= width * .05d;
            min.Y -= height * .05d;
            max.X += width * .05d;
            max.Y += height * .05d;

            width = max.X - min.X;
            height = max.Y - min.Y;

            Vector offset = new Vector(-min.X, -min.Y);


            //  Figure out which pixels each polygon overlaps
            overlayR = GetIntersections(new Size(width, height), pixelWidthHeight, pixelWidthHeight, GetPolygons(voronoi[0], offset));
            overlayG = GetIntersections(new Size(width, height), pixelWidthHeight, pixelWidthHeight, GetPolygons(voronoi[1], offset));
            overlayB = GetIntersections(new Size(width, height), pixelWidthHeight, pixelWidthHeight, GetPolygons(voronoi[2], offset));

Ejemplo n.º 41
 private static void GetNeuronVolume(out double radius, out double volume, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
     //NOTE: This radius isn't taking SCALE into account.  The other neural parts do this as well, so the neural density properties can be more consistent
     radius = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / (3d * 2d);             // xyz should all be the same anyway
     volume = Math.Pow(radius, itemOptions.Brain_NeuronGrowthExponent);
Ejemplo n.º 42
        private void FinishLoad(FlyingBeanSession session, FlyingBeanOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipDNA[] winningBeans, string saveFolder, bool startEmpty)
            // Manually instantiate some of the properties that didn't get serialized
            options.DefaultBeanList = _defaultBeanList;

            if (options.NewBeanList == null)            // if this was called by new, it will still be null
                options.NewBeanList = new SortedList <string, ShipDNA>();

                if (!startEmpty)
                    string[] beanKeys = options.DefaultBeanList.Keys.ToArray();

                    foreach (int keyIndex in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, beanKeys.Length, Math.Min(3, beanKeys.Length)))         // only do 3 of the defaults
                        string key = beanKeys[keyIndex];
                        options.NewBeanList.Add(key, options.DefaultBeanList[key]);

            options.MutateArgs = PanelMutation.BuildMutateArgs(options);

            options.GravityField = new GravityFieldUniform();
            options.Gravity      = options.Gravity;     // the property set modifies the gravity field

            options.WinnersLive = new WinnerList(true, options.TrackingMaxLineagesLive, options.TrackingMaxPerLineageLive);

            if (options.WinnersFinal == null)           // if a previous save had winning ships, this will already be loaded with them
                options.WinnersFinal = new WinnerList(false, options.TrackingMaxLineagesFinal, options.TrackingMaxPerLineageFinal);

            options.WinnerCandidates = new CandidateWinners();
            // These are already in the final list, there's no point in putting them in the candidate list as well
            //if (winningBeans != null)
            //    foreach (ShipDNA dna in winningBeans)
            //    {
            //        options.WinnerCandidates.Add(dna);
            //    }

            // Make sure the session folder is up to date
            if (saveFolder == null)
                this.SessionFolder = null;
                string dirChar = Regex.Escape(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString());

                string pattern = dirChar + Regex.Escape(FlyingBeansWindow.SESSIONFOLDERPREFIX) + "[^" + dirChar + "]+(?<upto>" + dirChar + ")" + Regex.Escape(FlyingBeansWindow.SAVEFOLDERPREFIX);
                Match  match   = Regex.Match(saveFolder, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (match.Success)
                    this.SessionFolder = saveFolder.Substring(0, match.Groups["upto"].Index);           // the session folder is everything before the save subfolder
                    // They may have chosen a folder that they unziped onto their desktop, or wherever.  Leaving this null so that if they hit save, it will be saved
                    // in the appropriate location
                    this.SessionFolder = null;

            // Swap out the settings
            this.Session     = session;
            this.Options     = options;
            this.ItemOptions = itemOptions;

            // Inform the world
            if (this.SessionChanged != null)
                this.SessionChanged(this, new EventArgs());
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public LoginController(IAccountService accountService, IConfiguration configuration, ItemOptions itemOptions) : base(accountService, configuration, itemOptions)
Ejemplo n.º 44
        public PanelFile(string sessionFolder, FlyingBeanSession session, FlyingBeanOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, SortedList <string, ShipDNA> defaultBeanList)

            _defaultBeanList = defaultBeanList;

            this.SessionFolder = sessionFolder;
            this.Session       = session;
            this.Options       = options;
            this.ItemOptions   = itemOptions;

            _isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 45
        public Bot(BotConstruction_Result construction)
            _options     = construction.ArgsExtra.Options;
            _itemOptions = construction.ArgsExtra.ItemOptions;

            _radiation  = construction.ArgsExtra.Radiation;
            _gravity    = construction.ArgsExtra.Gravity;
            _cameraPool = construction.ArgsExtra.CameraPool;

            _parts                     = construction.PartConstruction;
            _thrusters                 = construction.PartConstruction.GetStandardParts <Thruster>(Thruster.PARTTYPE).ToArray();
            _impulseEngines            = construction.PartConstruction.GetStandardParts <ImpulseEngine>(ImpulseEngine.PARTTYPE).ToArray();
            _projectileGuns            = construction.PartConstruction.GetStandardParts <ProjectileGun>(ProjectileGun.PARTTYPE).ToArray();
            _updatableParts_MainThread = construction.UpdatableParts_MainThread;
            _updatableParts_AnyThread  = construction.UpdatableParts_AnyThread;
            _dna      = construction.DNA;
            _dnaParts = construction.DNAParts;

            this.Model     = construction.Model;
            _visualEffects = construction.VisualEffects;

            _isPhysicsStatic = construction.ArgsExtra.IsPhysicsStatic;
            this.PhysicsBody = construction.PhysicsBody;

            this.Radius = construction.Radius;

            _partTransformToModel = _parts.AllPartsArray.
                                    Select(o =>
                Transform3DGroup transform = new Transform3DGroup();
                transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform3D(-o.Position.ToVector()));
                transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform3D(new QuaternionRotation3D(o.Orientation.ToReverse())));

            // Hook up events
            if (!_isPhysicsStatic)
                this.PhysicsBody.ApplyForceAndTorque += new EventHandler <BodyApplyForceAndTorqueArgs>(PhysicsBody_ApplyForceAndTorque);

            foreach (var part in _parts.AllPartsArray)
                part.RequestWorldLocation += new EventHandler <PartRequestWorldLocationArgs>(Part_RequestWorldLocation);
                part.RequestWorldSpeed    += new EventHandler <PartRequestWorldSpeedArgs>(Part_RequestWorldSpeed);
                part.RequestParent        += new EventHandler <PartRequestParentArgs>(Part_RequestParent);

                part.Resurrected += Part_Resurrected;
                part.Destroyed   += Part_Destroyed;

            // See if there are parts that can gradually change the ship's mass
            if ((_parts.Containers.Fuels.Count > 0 && _parts.StandardParts.ContainsKey(Thruster.PARTTYPE)) ||
                (_parts.Containers.CargoBays.Count > 0 && (_parts.StandardParts.ContainsKey(ConverterMatterToEnergy.PARTTYPE) || _parts.StandardParts.ContainsKey(ConverterMatterToFuel.PARTTYPE))) ||
                (_parts.Containers.Energies.Count > 0 && _parts.Containers.Fuels.Count > 0 && (_parts.StandardParts.ContainsKey(ConverterEnergyToFuel.PARTTYPE) || _parts.StandardParts.ContainsKey(ConverterFuelToEnergy.PARTTYPE)))
                _hasMassChangingUpdatables_Small = true;
                _hasMassChangingUpdatables_Small = false;

            if (_parts.Containers.Ammos.Count > 0 && _parts.StandardParts.ContainsKey(ProjectileGun.PARTTYPE))
                _hasMassChangingUpdatables_Medium = true;
                _hasMassChangingUpdatables_Medium = false;

            // Set up a neural processor on its own thread/task
            _neuronLinks = construction.Links;
            if (_neuronLinks != null)
                var result = AddToNeuralPool(_neuronLinks, construction.ArgsExtra.NeuralPoolManual);
                _linkBucket           = result.bucket;
                _neuralPoolAddTask    = result.addTask;
                _neuralPoolManualTick = result.manualPool;

            _lifeEvents = construction.PartConstruction.LifeEventWatcher;

            this.ShouldRecalcMass_Large = false;
            this.ShouldRecalcMass_Small = false;

            this.CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
        public ConverterRadiationToEnergy(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ConverterRadiationToEnergyDNA dna, IContainer energyTanks, RadiationField radiationField)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.SolarPanel_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.SolarPanel_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.SolarPanel_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;
            _energyTanks = energyTanks;
            _radiationField = radiationField;

            this.Design = new ConverterRadiationToEnergyDesign(options, true, dna.Shape);

            this.ClarityPercent_Front = 1d;
            this.ClarityPercent_Back = 1d;

            Point3D center;
            Vector3D normal;
            GetStats(out _mass, out center, out normal, out _scaleActual);

            // Store the center and normals
            Transform3DGroup transform = new Transform3DGroup();
            transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform3D(new QuaternionRotation3D(dna.Orientation)));
            transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform3D(dna.Position.ToVector()));

            _centerPoint = transform.Transform(center);
            _normalFront = transform.Transform(normal);
            _normalBack = transform.Transform(normal * -1d);
Ejemplo n.º 47
        private static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            radius = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / (3d * 2d);		// they should be identical anyway
            radius *= BrainDesign.SCALE;		// scale it

            volume = 4d / 3d * Math.PI * radius * radius * radius;
            mass = volume * itemOptions.Brain_Density;
Ejemplo n.º 48
        internal static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D scaleActual, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            radius  = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / (3d * 2d); // they should be identical anyway
            radius *= BrainDesign.SCALE;                                     // scale it

            volume = 4d / 3d * Math.PI * radius * radius * radius;
            mass   = volume * itemOptions.Brain_Density;

            scaleActual = new Vector3D(radius * 2d, radius * 2d, radius * 2d);
Ejemplo n.º 49
        private static Neuron_NegPos[] CreateNeurons(ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions, Point3D[] brainChemicalPositions)
            // Figure out how many to make
            double radius, volume;
            GetNeuronVolume(out radius, out volume, dna, itemOptions);

            int count = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(itemOptions.Brain_NeuronDensity * volume));
            if (count == 0)
                count = 1;

            // Figure out the positions
            Vector3D[] positions = GetNeuronPositions_Cluster(dna.Neurons, brainChemicalPositions, 3d, count, radius, itemOptions.Brain_NeuronMinClusterDistPercent);

            // Exit Function
            return positions.Select(o => new Neuron_NegPos(o.ToPoint())).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 50
        private static List <Stat> GetRandomOptions(ItemOptions list, int rolls)
            Random random = new Random();

            return(list.Stats.OrderBy(x => random.Next()).Take(rolls).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 51
        public SwarmBay(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna, Map map, World world, int material_SwarmBot, IContainer plasma, SwarmObjectiveStrokes strokes)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.SwarmBay_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.SwarmBay_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.SwarmBay_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;
            _map = map;
            _world = world;
            _material_SwarmBot = material_SwarmBot;
            _plasma = plasma;
            _strokes = strokes;

            this.Design = new SwarmBayDesign(options, true);

            double volume, radius;
            GetMass(out _mass, out volume, out radius, out _scaleActual, dna, itemOptions);
            //this.Radius = radius;

            _timeBetweenBots = StaticRandom.NextPercent(itemOptions.SwarmBay_BirthRate, .1);

            int maxCount = (itemOptions.SwarmBay_MaxCount * Math1D.Avg(dna.Scale.X, dna.Scale.Y, dna.Scale.Z)).ToInt_Round();
            if (maxCount < 0)
                maxCount = 1;
            _maxBots = maxCount;

            _plasmaTankThreshold = itemOptions.SwarmBay_Birth_TankThresholdPercent;

            _birthCost = itemOptions.SwarmBay_BirthCost;
            _birthRadius = itemOptions.SwarmBay_BirthSize / 2d;

            if (_map != null)
                _map.ItemRemoved += Map_ItemRemoved;

            this.Destroyed += SwarmBay_Destroyed;
Ejemplo n.º 52
        protected override List <ItemStatsMetadata> Parse()
            List <ItemStatsMetadata> items = new List <ItemStatsMetadata>();

            foreach (PackFileEntry entry in Resources.XmlFiles)
                if (!entry.Name.StartsWith("itemoption/constant") && !entry.Name.StartsWith("itemoption/option/random") && !entry.Name.StartsWith("itemoption/option/static"))
                if (entry.Name.Contains("petequipment.xml") || entry.Name.Contains("weaponmanual.xml") || entry.Name.Contains("armormanual.xml") || entry.Name.Contains("accmanual.xml") || entry.Name.Contains("etc.xml") || entry.Name.Contains("gemstone.xml") || entry.Name.Contains("mergematerial.xml") || entry.Name.Contains("skin.xml"))

                XmlDocument innerDocument = Resources.XmlMemFile.GetDocument(entry.FileHeader);
                XmlNodeList nodeList      = innerDocument.SelectNodes("/ms2/option");
                string      filename      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry.Name);

                foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
                    ItemStatsMetadata metadata        = new ItemStatsMetadata();
                    ItemOptions       optionsMetadata = new ItemOptions();
                    List <Stat>       statMetadata    = new List <Stat>();
                    int itemId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["code"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["code"].Value);
                    metadata.ItemId = itemId;

                    byte grade = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["grade"]?.Value) ? 0 : byte.Parse(node.Attributes["grade"].Value);
                    optionsMetadata.Rarity = grade;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["optionNumPick"]?.Value))
                        List <string> list = new List <string>(node.Attributes["optionNumPick"].Value.Split(","));
                        optionsMetadata.Slots = byte.Parse(list[0]);
                    if ((entry.Name.Contains("random") || entry.Name.Contains("static")) && optionsMetadata.Slots == 0)

                    float abp = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["abp_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["abp_rate_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.PerfectGuard, abp));

                    int asp = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["asp_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["asp_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.AttackSpeed, asp));

                    int atp = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["atp_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["atp_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.Accuracy, atp));

                    int bappet = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["bap_pet_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["bap_pet_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.PetBonusAtk, bappet));

                    int bap = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["bap_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["bap_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.BonusAtk, bap));

                    int cad = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["cad_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["cad_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.CriticalDamage, cad));

                    int cap = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["cap_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["cap_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.CriticalRate, cap));

                    int car = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["car_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["car_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.CriticalEvasion, car));

                    // float conditionreduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["conditionreduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["conditionreduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float darkdamage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["darkdamage_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["darkdamage_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float darkdamagereduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["darkdamagereduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["darkdamagereduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    int dex = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["dex_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["dex_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.Dexterity, dex));

                    int evp = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["evp_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["evp_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.Evasion, evp));

                    // float finaladditionaldamage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["finaladditionaldamage_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["finaladditionaldamage_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float firedamage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["firedamage_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["firedamage_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float firedamagereduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["firedamagereduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["firedamagereduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float heal = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["heal_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["heal_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // int hiddennddadd = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["hiddennddadd_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["hiddennddadd_value_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // int hiddenwapadd = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["hiddenwapadd_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["hiddenwapadd_value_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    int hprgp = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["hp_rgp_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["hp_rgp_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.HpRegen, hprgp));

                    int hp = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["hp_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["hp_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.Health, hp));

                    // float icedamage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["icedamage_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["icedamage_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float icedamagereduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["icedamagereduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["icedamagereduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    int int_ = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["int_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["int_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.Intelligence, int_));

                    int killhprestore = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["killhprestore_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["killhprestore_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.HpRegen, killhprestore));

                    // int knockbackreduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["knockbackreduce_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["knockbackreduce_value_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float lddincrease = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["lddincrease_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["lddincrease_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float longdistancedamagereduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["longdistancedamagereduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["longdistancedamagereduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float lightdamage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["lightdamage_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["lightdamage_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float lightdamagereduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["lightdamagereduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["lightdamagereduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    int luk = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["luk_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["luk_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.Luck, luk));

                    int map = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["map_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["map_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.MagicalAtk, map));

                    int mar = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["mar_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["mar_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.MagicalRes, mar));

                    // float marpen = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["marpen_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["marpen_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    int msp = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["msp_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["msp_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.MovementSpeed, msp));

                    float multiplyfactor = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["multiply_factor"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["multiply_factor"].Value);
                    optionsMetadata.MultiplyFactor = multiplyfactor;

                    int ndd = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["ndd_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["ndd_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.Defense, ndd));

                    // float nddcalibrationfactor = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["nddcalibrationfactor_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["nddcalibrationfactor_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float nddincrease = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["nddincrease_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["nddincrease_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float neardistancedamagereduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["neardistancedamagereduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["neardistancedamagereduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    int pap = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["pap_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["pap_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.PhysicalAtk, pap));

                    int par = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["par_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["par_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.PhysicalRes, par));

                    // float parpen = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["parpen_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["parpen_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    float pen = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["pen_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["pen_rate_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.Piercing, pen));

                    // float poisondamage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["poisondamage_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["poisondamage_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float poisondamagereduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["poisondamagereduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["poisondamagereduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float receivedhealincrease = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["receivedhealincrease_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["receivedhealincrease_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // int reducedarkstreamrecivedamage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["reduce_darkstream_recive_damage_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["reduce_darkstream_recive_damage_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float sgi = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["sgi_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["sgi_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // int sgitarget = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["sgi_target"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["sgi_target"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float skillcooldown = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["skillcooldown_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["skillcooldown_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float smd = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["smd_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["smd_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float sss = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["sss_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["sss_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    int str = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["str_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["str_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.Strength, str));

                    // float stunreduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["stunreduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["stunreduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float thunderdamage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["thunderdamage_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["thunderdamage_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float thunderdamagereduce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["thunderdamagereduce_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["thunderdamagereduce_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    // float wapcalibrationfactor = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["wapcalibrationfactor_rate_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : float.Parse(node.Attributes["wapcalibrationfactor_rate_base"].Value);
                    // statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.?, ?));

                    int wapmax = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["wapmax_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["wapmax_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.MaxWeaponAtk, wapmax));

                    int wapmin = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["wapmin_value_base"]?.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(node.Attributes["wapmin_value_base"].Value);
                    statMetadata.Add(new Stat(ItemAttribute.MinWeaponAtk, wapmin));

                    foreach (Stat x in statMetadata)
                        if (x.Value != 0 || x.Percentage != 0)

                    int index = 0;
                    if (items.Exists(x => itemId == x.ItemId))
                        index = items.FindIndex(x => itemId == x.ItemId);
                        index = items.Count - 1;

                    if (filename.Contains("constant"))
                    else if (filename.Contains("static"))
                    else if (filename.Contains("random"))
Ejemplo n.º 53
        private static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            // Technically, this is a trapazoid cone, but the collision hull and mass breakdown are cylinders, so just treat it like a cylinder

            // If that changes, take the mass of the full cone minus the top cone.  Would need to calculate the height of the full cone based
            // on the slope of wide radius to small radius:
            //  slope=((wide/2 - narrow/2) / height)
            //  fullheight = (-wide/2) / slope   ----   y=mx+b

            double rad = Math1D.Avg(BrainRGBRecognizerDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE_WIDE, BrainRGBRecognizerDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE_NARROW) * Math1D.Avg(dna.Scale.X, dna.Scale.Y);
            double height = BrainRGBRecognizerDesign.HEIGHT * dna.Scale.Z;

            volume = Math.PI * rad * rad * height;

            mass = volume * itemOptions.Brain_Density;

            radius = Math1D.Avg(rad, height);       // this is just approximate, and is used by INeuronContainer
            actualScale = new Vector3D(rad * 2d, rad * 2d, height);     // I think this is just used to get a bounding box
Ejemplo n.º 54
        public Cargo_ShipPart(ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions options, EditorOptions editorOptions)
            : base(CargoType.ShipPart)
            PartDesignBase part = BotConstructor.GetPartDesign(dna, editorOptions, true);

            //TODO: This is really ineficient, let design calculate it for real
            //TODO: Volume and Mass should be calculated by the design class (add to PartBase interface)
            var aabb = Math3D.GetAABB(UtilityWPF.GetPointsFromMesh(part.Model));
            this.Volume = (aabb.Item2.X - aabb.Item1.X) * (aabb.Item2.Y - aabb.Item1.Y) * (aabb.Item2.Y - aabb.Item1.Y);

            //TODO: Let the design class return this (expose a property called DryDensity)
            this.Density = Math1D.Avg(options.Thruster_Density, options.Sensor_Density);

            this.PartDNA = dna;
Ejemplo n.º 55
        public BrainRGBRecognizer(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, BrainRGBRecognizerDNA dna, IContainer energyTanks)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.Brain_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.Brain_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.Brain_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;
            _energyTanks = energyTanks;

            this.Design = new BrainRGBRecognizerDesign(options, true);

            _dnaExtra = dna.Extra ?? BrainRGBRecognizerDNAExtra.GetDefaultDNA();

            _isColor = _dnaExtra.IsColor;
            _finalResolution = _dnaExtra.FinalResolution;
            if (_dnaExtra.UseEdgeDetect)
                _convolution = Convolutions.GetEdgeSet_Sobel();
                _convolution = null;

            _somDiscardDupes = _dnaExtra.ShouldSOMDiscardDupes;
            _somIsColor = _isColor;

            _shortTermMemory = new ShortTermMemory<double[]>(itemOptions.ShortTermMemory_MillisecondsBetween, itemOptions.ShortTermMemory_Size);
            //TODO: Get params from itemOptions
            _nonLifeEventSnapshots = new NonLifeEventSnapshots<double[]>();
            //_nonLifeEventSnapshots = new NonLifeEventSnapshots<double[]>(.25, .6, 2);     // faster times for debugging

            GetMass(out _mass, out _volume, out _radius, out _scaleActual, dna, itemOptions);
Ejemplo n.º 56
        public CargoBay(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.CargoBay_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.CargoBay_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.CargoBay_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;

            this.Design = new CargoBayDesign(options, true);

            double volume, radius;
            GetMass(out _dryMass, out volume, out radius, _itemOptions, dna);

            _scaleActual = new Vector3D(dna.Scale.X, dna.Scale.Y, dna.Scale.Z);

            this.MaxVolume = volume;
            this.Radius = radius;

            _neuron = new Neuron_SensorPosition(new Point3D(0, 0, 0), false);

            this.Destroyed += CargoBay_Destroyed;
Ejemplo n.º 57
        public ShieldKinetic(EditorOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna, IContainer plasma)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.Shield_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.Shield_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.Shield_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;
            _plasma = plasma;

            this.Design = new ShieldKineticDesign(options, true);

            double volume, radius;
            ShieldEnergy.GetMass(out _mass, out volume, out radius, out _scaleActual, dna, itemOptions);

            //this.Radius = radius;

Ejemplo n.º 58
        private static void GetMass(out double dryMass, out double volume, out double radius, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            // The cargo bay is 1:1 with scale (a lot of the other parts are smaller than scale, but cargo bay is full sized)

            double surfaceArea = (2d * dna.Scale.X * dna.Scale.Y) + (2d * dna.Scale.X * dna.Scale.Z) + (2d * dna.Scale.Y * dna.Scale.Z);
            dryMass = surfaceArea * itemOptions.CargoBay_WallDensity;

            volume = dna.Scale.X * dna.Scale.Y * dna.Scale.Z;

            radius = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y + dna.Scale.Z) / 3d;       // this is just approximate, and is used by INeuronContainer
Ejemplo n.º 59
        private static Container GetContainer(out Vector3D actualScale, out double radius, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            Container retVal = new Container();

            retVal.OnlyRemoveMultiples = false;

            // Even though it has slightly rounded endcaps, I'll assume it's just a cylinder

            double radX = dna.Scale.X * EnergyTankDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double radY = dna.Scale.Y * EnergyTankDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double height = dna.Scale.Z;

            double cylinderVolume = Math.PI * radX * radY * height;

            retVal.QuantityMax = cylinderVolume;

            actualScale = new Vector3D(radX * 2d, radY * 2d, height);

            // Exit Function
            radius = (radX + radY + height) / 3d;       // this is just approximate, and is used by INeuronContainer
            return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 60
        private static Container GetContainer(out Vector3D actualScale, out double radius, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna)
            Container retVal = new Container();

            retVal.OnlyRemoveMultiples = false;

            // Even though it has slightly rounded endcaps, I'll assume it's just a cylinder

            double radX   = dna.Scale.X * EnergyTankDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double radY   = dna.Scale.Y * EnergyTankDesign.RADIUSPERCENTOFSCALE;
            double height = dna.Scale.Z;

            double cylinderVolume = Math.PI * radX * radY * height;

            retVal.QuantityMax = cylinderVolume;

            actualScale = new Vector3D(radX * 2d, radY * 2d, height);

            // Exit Function
            radius = (radX + radY + height) / 3d;       // this is just approximate, and is used by INeuronContainer