// Token: 0x06000007 RID: 7 RVA: 0x00002564 File Offset: 0x00000764 private static string GetFormatNodeName(FileFormat format) { string result; switch (format) { case FileFormat.Unitechnik52: result = "Unitechnik52"; break; case FileFormat.Unitechnik60: result = "Unitechnik60"; break; case FileFormat.PXML13: result = "PXML"; break; default: ItDebug.assert(false, "New CAM-Formats must define in which config node their Project Data will be found."); result = null; break; } return(result); }
// Token: 0x060001E7 RID: 487 RVA: 0x0000D70C File Offset: 0x0000B90C protected override void SetReinforcementTypeForWall(int layerIndexInZDir) { bool flag = base.IsLowerReinfInWall(); if (flag) { base.CNCReinfType = SteelGroupElement.CNCReinforcementType.Other; } else { bool flag2 = base.IsUpperReinfInWall(); if (flag2) { base.CNCReinfType = SteelGroupElement.CNCReinforcementType.UpperOther; } else { bool flag3 = base.Data.LayerPosition == PosReinfLayer.Center; if (flag3) { ItDebug.assert(false, "Reinforcement in center position. Autodesk must make a decision how this should be handled. For now, geometrically added to lower or upper reinforcement."); base.SetReinforcementTypeFromZ(); } else { base.SetReinforcementTypeFromZ(); } } } }
// Token: 0x0600011A RID: 282 RVA: 0x00009C94 File Offset: 0x00007E94 public static void WriteThicknesses(int totalThickness, int productionThickness) { ItDebug.assert(totalThickness.Ge(0), "total thickness can not be negative"); ItDebug.assert(productionThickness.Ge(0), "production thickness can not be negative"); ItDebug.assert(productionThickness.Ge(totalThickness), "production thickness can not be smaller than total thickness"); ItUniWrapperImpl.setThicknesses(totalThickness, productionThickness); }
// Token: 0x0600056C RID: 1388 RVA: 0x000156F8 File Offset: 0x000138F8 public DbwElementData(ItGeMatrix3d matWcsToPalette, RevitElement <Part> firstShell, RevitElement <Part> secondShell) { ItDebug.assert(matWcsToPalette != null && firstShell != null && secondShell != null, "Failure in: "); this.MatWcsToPalette = matWcsToPalette; this.FirstShell = new ItMachineDataWallDB.DbwElementData.Shell(ItMachineDataWallDB.DoubleWallMode.FirstShell, firstShell); this.SecondShell = new ItMachineDataWallDB.DbwElementData.Shell(ItMachineDataWallDB.DoubleWallMode.SecondShell, secondShell); }
// Token: 0x060001A4 RID: 420 RVA: 0x0000B97C File Offset: 0x00009B7C private void SetReinforcementTypeFromWall() { bool flag = base.IsLowerReinfInWall(); if (flag) { this.SetReinforcementTypeFromPosition(PosReinfLayer.Bottom, SteelGroupElement.CNCReinforcementType.FirstRebarLayer, SteelGroupElement.CNCReinforcementType.SecondRebarLayer); } else { bool flag2 = base.IsUpperReinfInWall(); if (flag2) { this.SetReinforcementTypeFromPosition(PosReinfLayer.Top, SteelGroupElement.CNCReinforcementType.UpperFirstRebarLayer, SteelGroupElement.CNCReinforcementType.UpperSecondRebarLayer); } else { bool flag3 = base.Data.LayerPosition == PosReinfLayer.Center; if (flag3) { ItDebug.assert(false, "Reinforcement in center position. Autodesk must make a decision how this should be handled. For now, geometrically added to lower or upper reinforcement."); this.SetReinforcementTypeFromZ(); } else { this.SetReinforcementTypeFromZ(); } } } }
// Token: 0x06000219 RID: 537 RVA: 0x0000EB58 File Offset: 0x0000CD58 private void GetAdditionalSegment(ItBar xmlBar, ItSegment prevSegment, out ItSegment additionalSegment, ItGeVector3d startDirection, ref bool flipFutureYs) { additionalSegment = null; bool flag = startDirection.isCodirectionalTo(prevSegment.XVector, null); if (!flag) { double num; double num2; this.GetRotationsInDegree(xmlBar.CurrentNormal, prevSegment, startDirection, ref flipFutureYs, out num, out num2); this.SetCurrentNormal(xmlBar, num, 0.0, prevSegment); ItGeVector3d itGeVector3d; ItGeVector3d yAxis; ItGeVector3d zAxis; this.GetNewDirections(num, num2, prevSegment, out itGeVector3d, out yAxis, out zAxis); ItDebug.assert(itGeVector3d.isCodirectionalTo(startDirection, null), "Failure in: "); double l = 0.0; double r = 0.0; num = Math.Round(num, 10); num2 = Math.Round(num2, 10); ItGeMatrix3d kIdentity = ItGeMatrix3d.kIdentity; kIdentity.setCoordSystem(ItGePoint3d.kOrigin, startDirection, yAxis, zAxis); additionalSegment = new ItSegment(l, r, num, num2, kIdentity, "normal"); } }
// Token: 0x06000114 RID: 276 RVA: 0x00009B98 File Offset: 0x00007D98 internal static void AddCutout(ItUniWrapperImpl.CutoutData data, IEnumerable <ItUniWrapperImpl.Point2D> points) { ItDebug.assert(points.any <ItUniWrapperImpl.Point2D>(), "Can not handle empty List of Points"); ItUniWrapperImpl.Point2D[] array = points.ToArray <ItUniWrapperImpl.Point2D>(); data.countOfPoints = (ushort)array.Length; ItUniWrapperImpl.addCutout(data, array); }
// Token: 0x06000113 RID: 275 RVA: 0x00009B5C File Offset: 0x00007D5C internal static void AddFreeFormRodstock(ItUniWrapperImpl.RodstockData data, IEnumerable <ItUniWrapperImpl.FreeFormSegment> segments) { ItDebug.assert(segments.any <ItUniWrapperImpl.FreeFormSegment>(), "Can not handle empty List of FreeFormSegments"); ItUniWrapperImpl.FreeFormSegment[] array = segments.ToArray <ItUniWrapperImpl.FreeFormSegment>(); data.numberOfFreeFormSegments = (ushort)array.Length; ItUniWrapperImpl.addFreeFormRodstock(data, array); }
// Token: 0x06000115 RID: 277 RVA: 0x00009BD4 File Offset: 0x00007DD4 internal static void AddContour(List <ItUniWrapperImpl.Point2D> points) { ItDebug.assert(points.any <ItUniWrapperImpl.Point2D>(), "Can not handle empty List of Points"); ItUniWrapperImpl.Point2D[] array = points.ToArray(); int countOfPoints = array.Length; ItUniWrapperImpl.addContour(countOfPoints, array); }
// Token: 0x0600010D RID: 269 RVA: 0x00009714 File Offset: 0x00007914 internal static int EndDocument(string strFilename) { ItDebug.assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strFilename), "Failure in: "); bool flag = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strFilename); if (flag) { throw new ArgumentException(); } return(ItUniWrapperImpl.endDocument(strFilename)); }
// Token: 0x0600020A RID: 522 RVA: 0x0000E160 File Offset: 0x0000C360 private ItSegment GetFirstSegFromCircArc(ItBar xmlBar, ItGeCircArc3d firstCirc, ItGeVector3d xzPlaneNormal, ref bool flipFutureYs, out ItSegment additionalSegment) { ItGeLine3d itGeLine3d; firstCirc.tangent(firstCirc.startPoint(), out itGeLine3d, null); ItGeVector3d itGeVector3d = itGeLine3d.direction().negate(); ItSegment startSegment = this.GetStartSegment(xmlBar); double num; double num2; this.GetRotationsInDegree(xzPlaneNormal, startSegment, itGeVector3d, ref flipFutureYs, out num, out num2); ItGeVector3d itGeVector3d2; ItGeVector3d yAxis; ItGeVector3d zAxis; this.GetNewDirections(num, num2, startSegment, out itGeVector3d2, out yAxis, out zAxis); this.SetCurrentNormal(xmlBar, num, num2, startSegment); ItDebug.assert(itGeVector3d2.isCodirectionalTo(itGeVector3d, null), "Failure in: "); double l = 0.0; double r = 0.0; double rotX = Math.Round(num, 10); double bendY = Math.Round(num2, 10); ItGeMatrix3d kIdentity = ItGeMatrix3d.kIdentity; kIdentity.setCoordSystem(ItGePoint3d.kOrigin, itGeVector3d, yAxis, zAxis); additionalSegment = new ItSegment(l, r, rotX, bendY, kIdentity, "normal"); double circleSign = this.GetCircleSign(xmlBar, firstCirc); double num3; double num4; this.GetRotationsInDegree(xzPlaneNormal, additionalSegment, itGeVector3d, ref flipFutureYs, out num3, out num4); ItGeVector3d itGeVector3d3; ItGeVector3d itGeVector3d4; ItGeVector3d itGeVector3d5; this.GetNewDirections(num3, 0.0, startSegment, out itGeVector3d3, out itGeVector3d4, out itGeVector3d5); this.SetCurrentNormal(xmlBar, num3, 0.0, additionalSegment); double num5 = this.GetCentralAngleWithSign(firstCirc, circleSign); num5 = ItAngle.toDegree(num5); ItGeLine3d itGeLine3d2; firstCirc.tangent(firstCirc.startPoint(), out itGeLine3d2, null); ItGeVector3d itGeVector3d6 = itGeLine3d2.direction(); ItGeVector3d zAxis2 = itGeVector3d6.crossProduct(xzPlaneNormal); double l2 = 0.0; double r2 = firstCirc.radius(); double rotX2 = Math.Round(num3, 10); double bendY2 = Math.Round(num5, 10); kIdentity = ItGeMatrix3d.kIdentity; kIdentity.setCoordSystem(ItGePoint3d.kOrigin, itGeVector3d6, xzPlaneNormal, zAxis2); return(new ItSegment(l2, r2, rotX2, bendY2, kIdentity, "normal")); }
// Token: 0x06000112 RID: 274 RVA: 0x00009B24 File Offset: 0x00007D24 internal static int AddStandardFabricSheet(int type, int count, double weightKg, string sheetName) { ItDebug.assert(sheetName != null, "cant handle null as sheetname"); bool flag = sheetName == null; if (flag) { throw new ArgumentException(); } return(ItUniWrapperImpl.addStandardFabricSheet(type, count, weightKg, sheetName)); }
// Token: 0x06000270 RID: 624 RVA: 0x0000FE94 File Offset: 0x0000E094 public void sendToUniwrapper() { ItDebug.assert(this.status == WireItem.Status.RelativeToSteelmat, "Can't write wire items before their coordinates are transformed to be relative to steelmats origin"); int diameter = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(this.WireDiameter); int length = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(this.Length); int[] startpoint = CNCDataBase.toPointArray(this.StartPoint); int pitch = CNCDataBase.convertToMM((double)this.Pitch); int spacerStartpoint = CNCDataBase.convertToMM((double)this.SpacerStartPoint); int spacerPitch = CNCDataBase.convertToMM((double)this.SpacerPitch); ItUniWrapperImpl.AddCFSRodstock(this.ReinforcementType, this.SteelQuality, this.NumberOfIrons, diameter, length, startpoint, pitch, this.Angle, this.ArticleNumber, this.AutomaticProduction, this.SpacerType, spacerStartpoint, spacerPitch, this.AdditionalStore); }
// Token: 0x06000074 RID: 116 RVA: 0x00005500 File Offset: 0x00003700 private static void DetermineCombinedBoundingBox(ItMachineDataWallDB.DbwElementData data) { ItDebug.assert(data != null, "Failure in: "); data.FirstShell.BoxOnPalette = data.FirstShell.Part.getWorldExtents(false).GetTransformed(data.MatWcsToPalette); data.SecondShell.BoxOnPalette = data.SecondShell.Part.getWorldExtents(false).GetTransformed(data.MatWcsToPalette); ItGeBoundBlock3d boxOnPalette = data.FirstShell.BoxOnPalette; ItDebug.assert(boxOnPalette != null && data.SecondShell.BoxOnPalette != null, "Failure in: "); boxOnPalette.extend(data.SecondShell.BoxOnPalette.minPoint); boxOnPalette.extend(data.SecondShell.BoxOnPalette.maxPoint); data.BoxOnPalette = boxOnPalette; }
// Token: 0x060001D8 RID: 472 RVA: 0x0000CA88 File Offset: 0x0000AC88 private void UnitechnikWriteRebarAsFreeForm() { ItDebug.assert(base.IronSetsSchematic.any <List <ItGeCurve3d> >() && base.IronSetsSchematic[0].Count > 1, "Do not call this method for anything but bending forms."); ItUniWrapperImpl.RodstockData data = default(ItUniWrapperImpl.RodstockData); List <ItGeCurve3d> list = base.IronSetsSchematic[0]; ItGeVector3d normal; short unitechnikAngleOfFreeForm = base.GetUnitechnikAngleOfFreeForm(list[0], out normal); int num; double dValue; this.GetSpacingAndCountForUnitechnik(unitechnikAngleOfFreeForm, out num, out dValue); int freeFormLength = SteelGroupElementRebar.GetFreeFormLength(list); ItGePoint3d startPoint = base.GetStartPoint(base.IronSetsSchematic); data.length = (uint)freeFormLength; data.startAngle = unitechnikAngleOfFreeForm; data.artNr = string.Empty; data.autoProd = 0; data.diameter = (ushort)CNCDataBase.convertToMM(base.RebarBarType.BarDiameter); data.flexFormNumber = 0; data.formType = 2; data.hasSpacers = 0; data.hasWielding = 0; data.installationHeight = (uint)CNCDataBase.convertToMM(startPoint.z); data.number = (ushort)num; data.pitch = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(dValue); data.pitchSpacer = 0u; data.startingPointSpacer = 0u; data.reinfType = (byte)base.CNCReinfTypeValue; data.steelQuality = SteelGroupElementRebarBase.GetSteelQuality(base.RebarBarType); data.xcoord = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(startPoint.x); data.ycoord = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(startPoint.y); List <ItUniWrapperImpl.FreeFormSegment> list2 = new List <ItUniWrapperImpl.FreeFormSegment>(); int num2; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i = num2 + 1) { ItGeCurve3d itGeCurve3d = list[i]; ItGeCurve3d nextCurve = list.ElementAtOrDefault(i + 1); short unitechnikAngleOfNextSegment = this.GetUnitechnikAngleOfNextSegment(itGeCurve3d, nextCurve, normal); list2.Add(new ItUniWrapperImpl.FreeFormSegment { length = (uint)CNCDataBase.convertToMM(itGeCurve3d.len), angle = unitechnikAngleOfNextSegment }); num2 = i; } ItUniWrapperImpl.AddFreeFormRodstock(data, list2); }
// Token: 0x06000110 RID: 272 RVA: 0x00009848 File Offset: 0x00007A48 internal static int AddSteelmat(string matName, int maxLen, int maxWidth, int toTurn, int stopOnTurn, int matType, int[] pos) { ItDebug.assert(matName != null, "cant handle null as steelmat name"); ItDebug.assert(maxLen > 0 && maxWidth > 0, "cant have negative length or width"); ItDebug.assert(toTurn == 0 || toTurn == 1, "toTurn must be 0 or 1"); ItDebug.assert(stopOnTurn == 0 || stopOnTurn == 1, "stopOnTurn must be 0 or 1"); ItDebug.assert((matType >= 0 && matType <= 4) || matType == 8, "invalid mattype"); ItDebug.assert(pos.Length == 3, "position must be a 3d-point"); bool flag = matName == null; if (flag) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag2 = maxLen <= 0 || maxWidth <= 0; if (flag2) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag3 = toTurn != 0 && toTurn != 1; if (flag3) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag4 = stopOnTurn != 0 && stopOnTurn != 1; if (flag4) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag5 = (matType < 0 || matType > 4) && matType != 8; if (flag5) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag6 = pos.Length != 3; if (flag6) { throw new ArgumentException(); } matName = ((matName.Length > 20) ? matName.Substring(0, 20) : matName); return(ItUniWrapperImpl.addSteelmat(matName, maxLen, maxWidth, toTurn, stopOnTurn, matType, pos)); }
// Token: 0x06000002 RID: 2 RVA: 0x00002158 File Offset: 0x00000358 private static CamIntExportStatus DetermineStatus(CmdResult cmdResult, bool bCancelCommand, bool eventCanceled) { CamIntExportStatus result; if (eventCanceled) { result = CamIntExportStatus.EventCanceled; } else if (bCancelCommand) { result = CamIntExportStatus.UserCanceled; } else { bool flag = cmdResult == CmdResult.Cancelled; if (flag) { result = CamIntExportStatus.UserCanceled; } else { bool flag2 = cmdResult == CmdResult.Succeeded; if (flag2) { result = CamIntExportStatus.Success; } else { bool flag3 = cmdResult == CmdResult.Failed; if (flag3) { result = CamIntExportStatus.Failed; } else { ItDebug.assert(false, "Unexpected result of cam export!"); result = CamIntExportStatus.None; } } } } return(result); }
// Token: 0x0600010C RID: 268 RVA: 0x00009668 File Offset: 0x00007868 internal static int StartDocument(int iProduct, int iElementId, ProjectCoordinates projectCoordinates, short iVersion, string strElemName, double dTotalArea, bool clearDocument) { ItDebug.assert(iProduct >= 0 && iProduct < 100, "product type must be between 0 and 99"); ItDebug.assert(iElementId >= 0 || iElementId < 999, "elementId must be between 0 and 999"); bool flag = iProduct < 0 || iProduct >= 100; if (flag) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } bool flag2 = iElementId < 0 && iElementId >= 999; if (flag2) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } strElemName = ((strElemName.Length > 30) ? strElemName.Substring(0, 30) : strElemName); double[] array = projectCoordinates.getArray(); return(ItUniWrapperImpl.startOrder(iProduct, iElementId, array, iVersion, strElemName, dTotalArea, clearDocument)); }
// Token: 0x0600010F RID: 271 RVA: 0x000097CC File Offset: 0x000079CC internal static int AddGirder(string girderName, int[] iParameter) { ItDebug.assert(girderName != null, "cant handle null as mountPartName"); ItDebug.assert(iParameter.Length % 4 == 2, "parameter array for mount parts must be array of pairs of 4 elements, plus two (the first two)"); bool flag = girderName == null; if (flag) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag2 = iParameter.Length % 4 != 2; if (flag2) { throw new ArgumentException(); } girderName = ((girderName.Length > 10) ? girderName.Substring(0, 10) : girderName); int iCount = iParameter.Length; return(ItUniWrapperImpl.addSet(5, girderName, iCount, iParameter)); }
// Token: 0x06000044 RID: 68 RVA: 0x00003DE8 File Offset: 0x00001FE8 public void setParametersForUnitechnik(int[] iParameters, int count, double offset, double x, double y) { bool flag = iParameters.isNull() || iParameters.Length != 10; if (flag) { ItDebug.assert(false, "Input parameter "); } else { ItBracedGirderData.DataInFeet cncdata = this.GetCNCData(count, offset); iParameters[0] = cncdata.Count; iParameters[1] = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(cncdata.Length); iParameters[2] = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(x); iParameters[3] = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(y); iParameters[4] = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(cncdata.Offset); iParameters[5] = (int)ItAngle.toDegree(cncdata.Angle); iParameters[6] = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(cncdata.Height); iParameters[7] = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(cncdata.Diameter); iParameters[8] = (int)(cncdata.Weight * 1000.0); iParameters[9] = CNCDataBase.convertToMM(cncdata.InstallationHeight); } }
// Token: 0x0600023B RID: 571 RVA: 0x0000F8A8 File Offset: 0x0000DAA8 private static IEnumerable <SteelGroupElementMeshSFS> AccumulateSheets(Dictionary <ElementId, List <SteelGroupElementMeshSFS> > dict) { Func <SteelGroupElementMeshSFS, SteelGroupElementMeshSFS, SteelGroupElementMeshSFS> sumSheets = delegate(SteelGroupElementMeshSFS total, SteelGroupElementMeshSFS next) { total.Count += next.Count; total.Weight += next.Weight; total.WireItemsMajor.AddRange(next.WireItemsMajor); total.WireItemsMinor.AddRange(next.WireItemsMinor); return(total); }; Func <List <SteelGroupElementMeshSFS>, SteelGroupElementMeshSFS> selector = delegate(List <SteelGroupElementMeshSFS> list) { SteelGroupElementMeshSFS steelGroupElementMeshSFS = list.FirstOrDefault <SteelGroupElementMeshSFS>(); ItDebug.assert(steelGroupElementMeshSFS != null, "if a list is added to the dict, at least one sheet must be added to the list!"); SteelGroupElementMeshSFS instance = SteelGroupElementMeshSFS.GetInstance(steelGroupElementMeshSFS.FabricSheet, steelGroupElementMeshSFS.CNCElementData, steelGroupElementMeshSFS.MatWcsToPalette); instance.Weight = 0.0; instance.Count = 0; instance.WireItemsMajor.Clear(); instance.WireItemsMinor.Clear(); return(list.Aggregate(instance, sumSheets)); }; return(dict.Values.Select(selector)); }
// Token: 0x06000271 RID: 625 RVA: 0x0000FF44 File Offset: 0x0000E144 public void writeToUnitechnik(TextWriter writer, int ironNumber) { ItDebug.assert(this.status == WireItem.Status.RelativeToSteelmat, "Can't write wire items before their coordinates are transformed to be relative to steelmats origin"); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.paddedInt3(ironNumber) + " "); writer.Write("000 "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.paddedInt(this.ReinforcementType, 1, false) + " "); writer.Write(this.SteelQuality + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.paddedInt(this.NumberOfIrons, 5, false) + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.toMMString3(this.WireDiameter) + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.toMMString5(this.Length, false) + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.toSignedMMString5(this.StartPoint.x) + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.toSignedMMString5(this.StartPoint.y) + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.toSignedMMString5((double)this.Pitch) + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.toMMString((double)this.Angle, 3, true) + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.padString(this.ArticleNumber, 10) + " "); writer.Write(this.AutomaticProduction + writer.NewLine); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.paddedInt3(this.SpacerType) + " "); writer.Write("000 "); writer.Write("000 "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.toMMString5((double)this.SpacerStartPoint, false) + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.toMMString5((double)this.SpacerPitch, false) + " "); writer.Write(CNCDataBase.toMMString5(this.StartPoint.z, false) + " "); writer.Write(this.AdditionalStore + writer.NewLine); }
// Token: 0x06000111 RID: 273 RVA: 0x00009990 File Offset: 0x00007B90 internal static int AddCFSRodstock(int reinfType, string steelQuality, int numberOfIrons, int diameter, int length, int[] startpoint, int pitch, int angle, string articleNumber, int automaticProduction, int spacerType, int spacerStartpoint, int spacerPitch, int additionalStore) { ItDebug.assert(reinfType >= 0 && reinfType < 9, "invalid reinfType"); ItDebug.assert(steelQuality != null, "cant handle null as steel quality"); ItDebug.assert(numberOfIrons > 0, "cant handle 0 or negative iron number"); ItDebug.assert(diameter > 0, "cant handle 0 or negative diameter"); ItDebug.assert(length > 0, "cant handle 0 or negative iron length"); ItDebug.assert(startpoint.Length == 3, "Startpoint must be a 3d point"); ItDebug.assert(articleNumber != null, "cant handle null as article number"); ItDebug.assert(automaticProduction == 0 || automaticProduction == 1, "automaticProduction must be 0 or 1"); ItDebug.assert(additionalStore >= 0 && additionalStore <= 112, "additional store contains invalid flags"); bool flag = reinfType < 0 || reinfType >= 9; if (flag) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag2 = steelQuality == null; if (flag2) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag3 = numberOfIrons <= 0; if (flag3) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag4 = diameter <= 0; if (flag4) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag5 = length <= 0; if (flag5) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag6 = startpoint.Length != 3; if (flag6) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag7 = articleNumber == null; if (flag7) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag8 = automaticProduction != 0 && automaticProduction != 1; if (flag8) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool flag9 = additionalStore < 0 || additionalStore > 112; if (flag9) { throw new ArgumentException(); } return(ItUniWrapperImpl.addCFSRodstock(reinfType, steelQuality, numberOfIrons, diameter, length, startpoint, pitch, angle, articleNumber, automaticProduction, spacerType, spacerStartpoint, spacerPitch, additionalStore)); }
// Token: 0x06000118 RID: 280 RVA: 0x00009C4D File Offset: 0x00007E4D internal static void SetProjectData(CNCProjectData data) { ItDebug.assert(data.CheckNoNullFields(), "no fields must be null in the CNCProjectData, use string.Empty instead"); ItUniWrapperImpl.setProjectData(data); }
// Token: 0x060000DC RID: 220 RVA: 0x00009034 File Offset: 0x00007234 protected override double getAssemblyThickness(ItGeBoundBlock3d bb) { ItDebug.assert(bb.isNotNull(), "input parameter is null"); return(bb.maxPoint.z - bb.minPoint.z); }
// Token: 0x060000EE RID: 238 RVA: 0x0000942C File Offset: 0x0000762C public override double getThickness(ItGeBoundBlock3d bb) { ItDebug.assert(bb.isNotNull(), "input parameter is null"); return(bb.maxPoint.y - bb.minPoint.y); }
// Token: 0x06000119 RID: 281 RVA: 0x00009C68 File Offset: 0x00007E68 public static void AddLayer(int layerType, double dThickness, double dUnitWeight, double dVolume, string sConcreteQuality) { ItDebug.assert(sConcreteQuality != null, "No strings should be null when being sent to UniWrapper"); sConcreteQuality = (sConcreteQuality ?? string.Empty); ItUniWrapperImpl.addLayer(layerType, dThickness, dUnitWeight, dVolume, sConcreteQuality); }
// Token: 0x06000042 RID: 66 RVA: 0x00003AB0 File Offset: 0x00001CB0 public ItBracedGirderData(RevitElement <FamilyInstance> famInst, ItGeMatrix3d matWcsToPalette, double minZOfPartOnPalette) { bool flag = famInst.IsInvalid() || famInst.Element.Symbol.isNull() || matWcsToPalette.isNull(); if (flag) { ItDebug.assert(false, "Constructor"); } else { this.famInst = famInst; LocationCurve locationCurve = famInst.isNotNull() ? (famInst.Element.Location as LocationCurve) : null; bool flag2 = locationCurve.isNull() || locationCurve.Curve.isNull() || !locationCurve.Curve.IsBound || locationCurve.Curve.Length.Eq(0.0, -1.0); if (flag2) { ItDebug.assert(false, "Location of the girder is not a Curve Type or other geometric inconsistency"); } else { ItGeMatrix3d mat = matWcsToPalette * famInst.Element.ecs(); ItGeBoundBlock3d localExtents = famInst.Element.getLocalExtents(); ItGeBoundBlock3d itGeBoundBlock3d = localExtents.transformBy(mat); localExtents.transformBy(mat); this.installationHeight = itGeBoundBlock3d.minPoint.z - minZOfPartOnPalette; this.height = itGeBoundBlock3d.maxPoint.z - itGeBoundBlock3d.minPoint.z; XYZ point = locationCurve.Curve.Evaluate(0.0, true); XYZ point2 = locationCurve.Curve.Evaluate(1.0, true); this.midline = new ItGeLineSeg3d(point.asPoint(), point2.asPoint()); this.midline.transformBy(matWcsToPalette); bool flag3 = this.midline.startPoint.x.Eq(this.midline.endPoint.x, -1.0); if (flag3) { bool flag4 = this.midline.startPoint.y > this.midline.endPoint.y; if (flag4) { this.midline.reverseParam(); } } else { bool flag5 = this.midline.startPoint.y.Eq(this.midline.endPoint.y, -1.0); if (flag5) { bool flag6 = this.midline.startPoint.x > this.midline.endPoint.x; if (flag6) { this.midline.reverseParam(); } } } Parameter parameter = famInst.Element.Symbol.getParameter(ItBracedGirderData._lclParamHeight, true); Parameter parameter2 = famInst.Element.Symbol.getParameter(ItBracedGirderData._lclParamLinealWeight, true); Parameter parameter3 = famInst.Element.Symbol.getParameter(ItBracedGirderData._lclParamUpperChordDiam, true); bool flag7 = parameter.isNotNull(); if (flag7) { this.height = parameter.AsDouble(); } bool flag8 = parameter2.isNotNull(); if (flag8) { this.linealWeight = parameter2.AsDouble(); } bool flag9 = parameter3.isNotNull(); if (flag9) { this.upperChordDiameter = parameter3.AsDouble(); } } } }