Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Constructor. Map and source are necessarily passed. The influence function can be made to
        // have a default value.
        public InfluenceSourceMap(Map currentMap, Coords source, InfluenceSpreadFunction f)
            this._currentMap = currentMap;
            this._source     = source;
            this._f          = f;

            // zero our the floats
            this._influenceMap = new float[_currentMap.BoundX, _currentMap.BoundY];
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the influence map.
        /// Uses a silly recursive algorithm.
        /// Stopping conditions: Let's use two, to avoid stupid infinite loops.
        /// One is a distance threshold check.
        /// Second is a min influence threshold check.
        /// </summary>
        public float[,] GenerateInfluenceMap(UInt16 sizex, UInt16 sizey, Coords source, InfluenceSpreadFunction f)
            float[,] influenceMap = new float[sizex, sizey];

            // boolean array to keep note of which tiles have been processed
            BitArray[] takenCareOf = new BitArray[sizex];
            for (int i = 0; i < sizex; ++i)
                takenCareOf[i] = new BitArray(sizey);
            takenCareOf[source.X][source.Y] = true;

            // sets up two queues - one for the current pass, one for the next one
            // distance increments by one at each pass
            // if too slow, the process should be broken up so it does a number of passes each tick
            Queue <Coords> currentQueue = new Queue <Coords>();
            Queue <Coords> nextQueue    = new Queue <Coords>();


            UInt32 currentDistance = 0;

            // main loop
            // Stopping conditions: the two queues are exhausted, OR InfluenceMapMaxDistance is reached
                ((currentQueue.Count > 0) & (nextQueue.Count > 0))
                (currentDistance < Constants.InfluenceMapMaxDistance)
                // Checks if it's time to start the next pass
                if (currentQueue.Count == 0)
                    currentQueue = nextQueue;
                    nextQueue    = new Queue <Coords>();

                Coords currentCoords = currentQueue.Peek();

                // Analyzes the neighbors of the current Tile for possible additions to nextQueue
                for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    Direction currentDir = (Direction)i;
                    Coords    toCheck    = StaticMathFunctions.CoordsNeighboringInDirection(currentCoords, currentDir);
                    if (toCheck.X >= 0 && toCheck.X < sizex && toCheck.Y >= 0 && toCheck.Y < sizey)
                        if (!takenCareOf[toCheck.X][toCheck.Y])
                            takenCareOf[toCheck.X][toCheck.Y] = true;

                float newVal = f(currentDistance);

                // Check to avert infnite / excessively deep loop
                if (newVal > Constants.InfluenceMapMinThreshold)
                    influenceMap[currentCoords.X, currentCoords.Y] = newVal;


        // Constructor. Map and source are necessarily passed. The influence function can be made to  
        // have a default value.
        public InfluenceSourceMap(Map currentMap, Coords source, InfluenceSpreadFunction f)
            this._currentMap = currentMap;
            this._source = source;
            this._f = f;

            // zero our the floats
            this._influenceMap = new float[_currentMap.BoundX, _currentMap.BoundY];
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public InfluenceSourceMap(Map currentMap, Coords source, InfluenceSpreadFunction f, float minTreshold, float maxRange)
     : this(currentMap, source, f)
     _lowTreshold = minTreshold;
     _maxTreshold = maxRange;