Ejemplo n.º 1
 public MavlinkPayloadClient(IMavlinkClient client, byte networkId = 0)
     Client     = client;
     _networkId = networkId;
     client.Rtt.RawStatusText.Select(ConvertLog).Subscribe(_logMessage, _disposeCancel.Token);
     client.V2Extension.OnData.Where(CheckPacketTarget).Subscribe(OnData, _disposeCancel.Token);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected VehicleBase(IMavlinkClient mavlink, VehicleBaseConfig config)
     _mavlink = mavlink;
     _config  = config;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected VehicleArdupilot(IMavlinkClient mavlink, VehicleBaseConfig config) : base(mavlink, config)
     _mavlink = mavlink;
     _config  = config;
Ejemplo n.º 4
//        /// <summary>
//        /// Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position.
//        /// </summary>
//        /// <returns></returns>
//        public static Task<CommandAckPayload> DoReposition(this IMavlinkV2Protocol src, float groundSpeed, GeoPoint newPosition, CancellationToken cancel)
//        {
//            return src.DoReposition(groundSpeed, true, -1, (float)newPosition.Latitude, (float)newPosition.Longitude, (float)newPosition.Altitude.Value, cancel);
//        }
//        /// <summary>
//        /// Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. Altitude - relative from home altitude.
//        /// </summary>
//        /// <returns></returns>
//        public static Task<CommandAckPayload> DoRepositionRelative(this IMavlinkV2Protocol src, float groundSpeed, GeoPoint newRelativePosition, CancellationToken cancel)
//        {
//            return src.DoReposition(groundSpeed, true, -1, (float)newRelativePosition.Latitude, (float)newRelativePosition.Longitude, (float)newRelativePosition.Altitude.Value + (float)src.Rtt.Home.Value.Altitude, cancel);
//        }
//        public static async Task DoRepositionAndWait(this IVehicle vehicle, GeoPoint geoPoint, double velocity, double precisionMet, int checkTimeMs, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<double> progress)
//        {
//            progress = progress ?? new Progress<double>();
//            var startLocation = vehicle.Rtt.RelGps.Value;
//            var startDistance = GeoMath.Distance(geoPoint, startLocation);
//            Logger.Info("DoRepositionAndWait {0} with V={1:F1} m/sec and precision {2:F1} m. Distance to target {3:F1}", geoPoint, velocity, precisionMet, startDistance);
//            progress.Report(0);
//            if (startDistance <= precisionMet)
//            {
//                Logger.Debug("Already in target, nothing to do", startLocation);
//                progress.Report(1);
//                return;
//            }
//            var sw = new Stopwatch();
//            sw.Start();
//            Logger.Debug("Send command DoReposition to vehicle", startLocation);
//            await vehicle.DoReposition((float)velocity, geoPoint, cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);
//            double dist = 0;
//            while (!cancel.IsCancellationRequested)
//            {
//                var loc = vehicle.Rtt.RelGps.Value;
//                dist = Math.Abs(GeoMath.Distance(geoPoint, loc));
//                var prog = 1 - dist / startDistance;
//                Logger.Trace("Distance to target {0:F1}, location: {1}, progress {2:P2}", dist, loc, prog);
//                progress.Report(prog);
//                if (dist <= precisionMet) break;
//                await Task.Delay(checkTimeMs, cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);
//            }
//            sw.Stop();
//            Logger.Info($"Complete {sw.Elapsed:hh\\:mm\\:ss} location error {dist:F1} m");
//            progress.Report(1);
//        }

        /// <summary>
        /// Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Task <CommandAckPayload> DoReposition(this IMavlinkClient src, float groundSpeed, bool switchToGuided, float yaw, float lat, float lon, float alt, CancellationToken cancel)
            return(src.Commands.CommandLong(MavCmd.MavCmdDoReposition, groundSpeed, switchToGuided ? (float)MavDoRepositionFlags.MavDoRepositionFlagsChangeMode : 0, float.NaN, yaw, lat, lon, alt, 3, cancel));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public VehicleArdupilotPlane(IMavlinkClient mavlink, VehicleBaseConfig config, bool disposeClient) : base(mavlink, config, disposeClient)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public VehicleArdupilotCopter(IMavlinkClient mavlink, VehicleBaseConfig config, bool disposeClient = true) : base(mavlink, config, disposeClient)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected VehicleArdupilot(IMavlinkClient mavlink, VehicleBaseConfig config, bool disposeClient) : base(mavlink, config, disposeClient)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public VehicleArdupilotCopter(IMavlinkClient mavlink, VehicleBaseConfig config) : base(mavlink, config)