Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the trail as a dotted line, fading away with age.
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw(IAnnotationService annotation)
            int index = _currentIndex;

            for (int j = 0; j < _vertices.Length; j++)
                // index of the next vertex (mod around ring buffer)
                int next = (index + 1) % _vertices.Length;

                // "tick mark": every second, draw a segment in a different color
                bool  tick  = ((_flags[index] & 2) != 0 || (_flags[next] & 2) != 0);
                Color color = tick ? _tickColor : _trailColor;

                // draw every other segment
                if ((_flags[index] & 1) != 0)
                    if (j == 0)
                        // draw segment from current position to first trail point
                        annotation.Line(_currentPosition, _vertices[index], color.ToVector3().FromXna());
                        // draw trail segments with opacity decreasing with age
                        const float MIN_O    = 0.05f;                      // minimum opacity
                        float       fraction = (float)j / _vertices.Length;
                        float       opacity  = (fraction * (1 - MIN_O)) + MIN_O;
                        annotation.Line(_vertices[index], _vertices[next], color.ToVector3().FromXna(), opacity);
                index = next;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public SoccerPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
			_teamA = new List<Player>();
			_teamB = new List<Player>();
			_allPlayers = new List<Player>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Constructor: initializes state
        protected SteerLibrary(IAnnotationService annotationService = null)
            annotation = annotationService ?? new NullAnnotationService();

            // set inital state
Ejemplo n.º 4
		// constructor
	    protected PlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
	        Annotations = annotations;

			// save this new instance in the registry
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public SoccerPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
     : base(annotations)
     _teamA      = new List <Player>();
     _teamB      = new List <Player>();
     _allPlayers = new List <Player>();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // constructor
        protected PlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
            Annotations = annotations;

            // save this new instance in the registry
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Service(IEmailService emailService,
                IIdentityService identityService,
                IRabbitMQService rabbitMQService,
                IAzureBlobService azureBlobService,
                IAnnotationService annotationService,
                IAnswerService answerService,
                IEssayExerciseService essayExerciseService,
                ILogService logService,
                IMultipleChoicesExerciseService multipleChoicesExerciseService,
                IStudentService studentService,
                ITestService testService,
                IMultipleChoicesAnswerService multipleChoicesAnswerService,
                IEssayAnswerService essayAnswerService)
     EmailService                   = emailService;
     IdentityService                = identityService;
     RabbitMQService                = rabbitMQService;
     AzureBlobService               = azureBlobService;
     AnnotationService              = annotationService;
     AnswerService                  = answerService;
     EssayExerciseService           = essayExerciseService;
     LogService                     = logService;
     MultipleChoicesExerciseService = multipleChoicesExerciseService;
     StudentService                 = studentService;
     TestService                    = testService;
     EssayAnswerService             = essayAnswerService;
     MultipleChoicesAnswerService   = multipleChoicesAnswerService;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // constructor
        protected CtfBase(CtfPlugIn plugin, IAnnotationService annotations = null, float baseRadius = 1.5f)
            : base(annotations)
            Plugin      = plugin;
            _baseRadius = baseRadius;

Ejemplo n.º 9
		// constructor
	    protected CtfBase(CtfPlugIn plugin, IAnnotationService annotations = null, float baseRadius = 1.5f)
	        Plugin = plugin;
	        _baseRadius = baseRadius;

        public AnnotationController(IAnnotationService annotationSvc)
            _resourceManager = new EmbeddedResourceManager();
            _annotationSvc = annotationSvc;

            //Here you should apply proper GroupDocs.Annotation license (in case you want to
            //use this sample without trial limits)
            //new License().SetLicense("C:/annotation.net/resources/licenses/GroupDocs.Annotation_26_06_2015.lic");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public AnnotationController(IAnnotationService annotationSvc)
            _resourceManager = new EmbeddedResourceManager();
            _annotationSvc   = annotationSvc;

            //Here you should apply proper GroupDocs.Annotation license (in case you want to
            //use this sample without trial limits)
            new License().SetLicense("E:/GroupDocs.Total.lic");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        // constructor
        public SimpleVehicle(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
            : base(annotations)
            // set inital state

            // maintain unique serial numbers
            SerialNumber = _serialNumberCounter++;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public CtfPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations, int enemyCount = 6, bool arrive = false, float baseRadius = 1.5f, int obstacles = 50)
            : base(annotations)
            _arrive    = arrive;
            BaseRadius = baseRadius;
            _obstacles = obstacles;
            CtfEnemies = new CtfEnemy[enemyCount];

            _all = new List <CtfBase>();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        // constructor
        public Pedestrian(IProximityDatabase <IVehicle> pd, IAnnotationService annotations = null)
            : base(annotations)
            // allocate a token for this boid in the proximity database
            _proximityToken = null;

            // reset Pedestrian state
Ejemplo n.º 15
		public CtfPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations, int enemyCount = 6, bool arrive = false, float baseRadius = 1.5f, int obstacles = 50)
		    _arrive = arrive;
		    BaseRadius = baseRadius;
		    _obstacles = obstacles;
		    CtfEnemies = new CtfEnemy[enemyCount];

			_all = new List<CtfBase>();
Ejemplo n.º 16
		// constructor
        public Player(List<Player> others, List<Player> allplayers, Ball ball, bool isTeamA, int id, IAnnotationService annotations = null)
            _allPlayers = allplayers;
			_ball = ball;
			_imTeamA = isTeamA;
			_myID = id;

 public QuestionsController(
     ISearchDataService dataService,
     ISharedService sharedService,
     IAnnotationService annotationService,
     IHistoryService historyService)
     _dataService       = dataService;
     _sharedService     = sharedService;
     _historyService    = historyService;
     _annotationService = annotationService;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public Missile(IProximityDatabase <IVehicle> proximity, IVehicle target, IAnnotationService annotation)
     : base(annotation)
     _trail = new Trail(1, 10)
         TrailColor = Color.Red,
         TickColor  = Color.DarkRed
     _proximityToken = proximity.AllocateToken(this);
     Target          = target;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public Missile(IProximityDatabase<IVehicle> proximity, IVehicle target, IAnnotationService annotation)
     _trail = new Trail(1, 10)
         TrailColor = Color.Red,
         TickColor = Color.DarkRed
     _proximityToken = proximity.AllocateToken(this);
     Target = target;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public Fighter(IProximityDatabase<IVehicle> proximity, IAnnotationService annotation, Action<Fighter, Fighter> fireMissile)
            _trail = new Trail(5, 50)
                TrailColor = Color.WhiteSmoke,
                TickColor = Color.LightGray
            _proximityToken = proximity.AllocateToken(this);

            _fireMissile = fireMissile;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        // constructor
        public Boid(IProximityDatabase <IVehicle> pd, IAnnotationService annotations = null)
            : base(annotations)
            // allocate a token for this boid in the proximity database
            _proximityToken = null;

            _trail = new Trail(2f, 60);

            // reset all boid state
Ejemplo n.º 22
		// constructor
		public Boid(IProximityDatabase<IVehicle> pd, IAnnotationService annotations = null)
			// allocate a token for this boid in the proximity database
			_proximityToken = null;

		    _trail = new Trail(2f, 60);

			// reset all boid state
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public Fighter(IProximityDatabase <IVehicle> proximity, IAnnotationService annotation, Action <Fighter, Fighter> fireMissile)
            : base(annotation)
            _trail = new Trail(5, 50)
                TrailColor = Color.WhiteSmoke,
                TickColor  = Color.LightGray
            _proximityToken = proximity.AllocateToken(this);

            _fireMissile = fireMissile;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void HandleEvent(string path, IAnnotationService svc)
            var un = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserName"] != null ? HttpContext.Current.Session["UserName"].ToString() : "";

            //var svc = UnityConfig.GetConfiguredContainer().Resolve<IAnnotationService>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(un))
                // add user to the document collaborator list
                svc.AddCollaborator(path, un, null, null, null);
                svc.AddCollaborator(path, "*****@*****.**", "Anonym", "A.", null); // allow anonymous users to annotate on a document
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void CheckingRepositoriesAndServices()
            _incidentXrmRepository = _repositoryNinjectFactory.IncidentXrmRepository();
            if (_incidentXrmRepository == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("IncidentXrmRepository is null");

            _sqlService = _internalServiceFactory.SqlService();
            if (_sqlService == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("SqlService is null");

            _incidentService = _internalServiceFactory.IncidentService();
            if (_incidentService == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("IncidentService is null");

            _systemUserService = _internalServiceFactory.SystemUserService();
            if (_systemUserService == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("SystemUserService is null");

            _phoneCallService = _internalServiceFactory.PhoneCallService();
            if (_phoneCallService == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("PhoneCallService is null");

            _emailService = _internalServiceFactory.EmailService();
            if (_emailService == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("EmailService is null");

            _annotationService = _internalServiceFactory.AnnotationService();
            if (_annotationService == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("AnnotationService is null");
Ejemplo n.º 26
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                // Register and initialize once only, all other methods will use and share same objects/configs.

                // initializing AnnotationImageHandler object.
                annotator = UnityConfig.GetConfiguredContainer().Resolve <AnnotationImageHandler>();

                // initializing EmbeddedResourceManager object.
                _resourceManager = new EmbeddedResourceManager();

                //AnnotationHub.userGUID = "52ced024-26e0-4b59-a510-ca8f5368e315";
                // initializing AnnotationService object.
                _annotationSvc = UnityConfig.GetConfiguredContainer().Resolve <IAnnotationService>();

                //Here you should apply proper GroupDocs.Annotation license (in case you want to
                //use this sample without trial limits)
                License lic = new License();
Ejemplo n.º 27
		// constructor
        public MapDriver(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
			Map = MakeMap();
			Path = MakePath();


			// to compute mean time between collisions
			SumOfCollisionFreeTimes = 0;
			CountOfCollisionFreeTimes = 0;

			// keep track for reliability statistics
			_collisionLastTime = false;
			TimeOfLastCollision = Demo.Clock.TotalSimulationTime;

			// keep track of average speed
			TotalDistance = 0;
			TotalTime = 0;

			// innitialize counters for various performance data
			StuckCount = 0;
			StuckCycleCount = 0;
			StuckOffPathCount = 0;
			LapsStarted = 0;
			LapsFinished = 0;
			HintGivenCount = 0;
			HintTakenCount = 0;

			// follow the path "upstream or downstream" (+1/-1)
			PathFollowDirection = -1;

			// use curved prediction and incremental steering:
			CurvedSteering = true;
			IncrementalSteering = true;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 // constructor
 public CtfEnemy(CtfPlugIn plugin, IAnnotationService annotations = null)
     : base(plugin, annotations)
Ejemplo n.º 29
		public MapDrivePlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
			_vehicles = new List<MapDriver>();
Ejemplo n.º 30
 // constructor
 public MpWanderer(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
     : base(annotations)
Ejemplo n.º 31
		// constructor
		public MpPursuer(MpWanderer w, IAnnotationService annotations = null)
			_wanderer = w;
Ejemplo n.º 32
		// constructor
        public Pedestrian(IProximityDatabase<IVehicle> pd, IAnnotationService annotations = null)
			// allocate a token for this boid in the proximity database
			_proximityToken = null;

			// reset Pedestrian state
Ejemplo n.º 33
		public BoidsPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
			_flock = new List<Boid>();
 public AnnotationWidget(IAuthenticationService authSvc, IAnnotationService annotationSvc)
     _authSvc       = authSvc;
     _annotationSvc = annotationSvc;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// tries to maintain a given speed, returns a maxForce-clipped steering
        /// force along the forward/backward axis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehicle"></param>
        /// <param name="targetSpeed"></param>
        /// <param name="maxForce"></param>
        /// <param name="annotation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector3 SteerForTargetSpeed(this IVehicle vehicle, float targetSpeed, float maxForce, IAnnotationService annotation = null)
            float mf         = maxForce;
            float speedError = targetSpeed - vehicle.Speed;

            return(vehicle.Forward * MathHelper.Clamp(speedError, -mf, +mf));
Ejemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Unaligned collision avoidance behavior: avoid colliding with other
        /// nearby vehicles moving in unconstrained directions.  Determine which
        /// (if any) other other this we would collide with first, then steers
        /// to avoid the site of that potential collision.  Returns a steering
        /// force vector, which is zero length if there is no impending collision.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehicle"></param>
        /// <param name="minTimeToCollision"></param>
        /// <param name="others"></param>
        /// <param name="annotation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector3 SteerToAvoidNeighbors(this IVehicle vehicle, float minTimeToCollision, IEnumerable <IVehicle> others, IAnnotationService annotation = null)
            // first priority is to prevent immediate interpenetration
            Vector3 separation = SteerToAvoidCloseNeighbors(vehicle, 0, others, annotation);

            if (separation != Vector3.Zero)

            // otherwise, go on to consider potential future collisions
            float    steer  = 0;
            IVehicle threat = null;

            // Time (in seconds) until the most immediate collision threat found
            // so far.  Initial value is a threshold: don't look more than this
            // many frames into the future.
            float minTime = minTimeToCollision;

            // xxx solely for annotation
            Vector3 xxxThreatPositionAtNearestApproach = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 xxxOurPositionAtNearestApproach    = Vector3.Zero;

            // for each of the other vehicles, determine which (if any)
            // pose the most immediate threat of collision.
            foreach (IVehicle other in others)
                if (other != vehicle)
                    // avoid when future positions are this close (or less)
                    float collisionDangerThreshold = vehicle.Radius * 2;

                    // predicted time until nearest approach of "this" and "other"
                    float time = PredictNearestApproachTime(vehicle, other);

                    // If the time is in the future, sooner than any other
                    // threatened collision...
                    if ((time >= 0) && (time < minTime))
                        // if the two will be close enough to collide,
                        // make a note of it
                        if (ComputeNearestApproachPositions(vehicle, other, time) < collisionDangerThreshold)
                            minTime = time;
                            threat  = other;

            // if a potential collision was found, compute steering to avoid
            if (threat != null)
                // parallel: +1, perpendicular: 0, anti-parallel: -1
                float       parallelness = Vector3.Dot(vehicle.Forward, threat.Forward);
                const float ANGLE        = 0.707f;

                if (parallelness < -ANGLE)
                    // anti-parallel "head on" paths:
                    // steer away from future threat position
                    Vector3 offset  = xxxThreatPositionAtNearestApproach - vehicle.Position;
                    float   sideDot = Vector3.Dot(offset, vehicle.Side);
                    steer = (sideDot > 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                    if (parallelness > ANGLE)
                        // parallel paths: steer away from threat
                        Vector3 offset  = threat.Position - vehicle.Position;
                        float   sideDot = Vector3.Dot(offset, vehicle.Side);
                        steer = (sideDot > 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                        // perpendicular paths: steer behind threat
                        // (only the slower of the two does this)
                        if (threat.Speed <= vehicle.Speed)
                            float sideDot = Vector3.Dot(vehicle.Side, threat.Velocity);
                            steer = (sideDot > 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;

                if (annotation != null)
                    annotation.AvoidNeighbor(threat, steer, xxxOurPositionAtNearestApproach, xxxThreatPositionAtNearestApproach);

            return(vehicle.Side * steer);
Ejemplo n.º 37
		// constructor
		public OneTurning(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public static Vector3 SteerForEvasion(this IVehicle vehicle, IVehicle menace, float maxPredictionTime, float maxSpeed, IAnnotationService annotation = null)
            // offset from this to menace, that distance, unit vector toward menace
            Vector3 offset   = menace.Position - vehicle.Position;
            float   distance = offset.Length();

            float roughTime      = distance / menace.Speed;
            float predictionTime = ((roughTime > maxPredictionTime) ? maxPredictionTime : roughTime);

            Vector3 target = menace.PredictFuturePosition(predictionTime);

            return(SteerForFlee(vehicle, target, maxSpeed, annotation));
Ejemplo n.º 39
		/// <summary>
		/// Draws the trail as a dotted line, fading away with age.
		/// </summary>
		public void Draw(IAnnotationService annotation)
			int index = _currentIndex;
			for (int j = 0; j < _vertices.Length; j++)
				// index of the next vertex (mod around ring buffer)
				int next = (index + 1) % _vertices.Length;

				// "tick mark": every second, draw a segment in a different color
				bool tick = ((_flags[index] & 2) != 0 || (_flags[next] & 2) != 0);
				Color color = tick ? _tickColor : _trailColor;

				// draw every other segment
				if ((_flags[index] & 1) != 0)
					if (j == 0)
						// draw segment from current position to first trail point
                        annotation.Line(_currentPosition, _vertices[index], color.ToVector3().FromXna());
						// draw trail segments with opacity decreasing with age
						const float MIN_O = 0.05f; // minimum opacity
						float fraction = (float)j / _vertices.Length;
						float opacity = (fraction * (1 - MIN_O)) + MIN_O;
                        annotation.Line(_vertices[index], _vertices[next], color.ToVector3().FromXna(), opacity);
				index = next;
Ejemplo n.º 40
		public SimpleVehicle(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
            : base(annotations)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 public PathWalker(IPathway path, IAnnotationService annotation, List<PathWalker> vehicles)
     Path = path;
     _vehicles = vehicles;
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public ArrivalPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
     :base(annotations, 0, true, 0.5f, 100)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public FlowFieldPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations) : base(annotations)
     PredictionTime = 1;
     Database = new LocalityQueryProximityDatabase<IVehicle>(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(250, 250, 250), new Vector3(10));
Ejemplo n.º 44
		// constructor
	    protected MpBase(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
Ejemplo n.º 45
        public static Vector3 SteerToStayOnPath(this IVehicle vehicle, float predictionTime, IPathway path, float maxSpeed, IAnnotationService annotation = null)
            // predict our future position
            Vector3 futurePosition = vehicle.PredictFuturePosition(predictionTime);

            // find the point on the path nearest the predicted future position
            Vector3 tangent;
            float   outside;
            Vector3 onPath = path.MapPointToPath(futurePosition, out tangent, out outside);

            if (outside < 0)
                return(Vector3.Zero);    // our predicted future position was in the path, return zero steering.
            // our predicted future position was outside the path, need to
            // steer towards it.  Use onPath projection of futurePosition
            // as seek target
            if (annotation != null)
                annotation.PathFollowing(futurePosition, onPath, onPath, outside);

            return(vehicle.SteerForSeek(onPath, maxSpeed));
        private string _storagePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("DataDirectory") + "/"; // App_Data folder path

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public AnnotationWidget(IAuthenticationService authSvc, IAnnotationService annotationSvc)
            _authSvc = authSvc;
            _annotationSvc = annotationSvc;
Ejemplo n.º 47
        public static Vector3 SteerToFollowPath(this IVehicle vehicle, bool direction, float predictionTime, IPathway path, float maxSpeed, IAnnotationService annotation = null)
            float pathDistance;

            return(SteerToFollowPath(vehicle, direction, predictionTime, path, maxSpeed, out pathDistance, annotation));
Ejemplo n.º 48
		public OneTurningPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
			_theVehicle = new List<OneTurning>();
Ejemplo n.º 49
        public static Vector3 SteerToFollowPath(this IVehicle vehicle, bool direction, float predictionTime, IPathway path, float maxSpeed, out float currentPathDistance, IAnnotationService annotation = null)
            // our goal will be offset from our path distance by this amount
            float pathDistanceOffset = (direction ? 1 : -1) * predictionTime * vehicle.Speed;

            // predict our future position
            Vector3 futurePosition = vehicle.PredictFuturePosition(predictionTime);

            // measure distance along path of our current and predicted positions
            currentPathDistance = path.MapPointToPathDistance(vehicle.Position);
            float futurePathDistance = path.MapPointToPathDistance(futurePosition);

            // are we facing in the correction direction?
            bool rightway = ((pathDistanceOffset > 0) ?
                             (currentPathDistance < futurePathDistance) :
                             (currentPathDistance > futurePathDistance));

            // find the point on the path nearest the predicted future position
            Vector3 tangent;
            float   outside;
            Vector3 onPath = path.MapPointToPath(futurePosition, out tangent, out outside);

            // no steering is required if (a) our future position is inside
            // the path tube and (b) we are facing in the correct direction
            if ((outside <= 0) && rightway)
                //We're going at max speed, in the right direction. don't need to do anything
                if (vehicle.Speed >= maxSpeed)

                //Predict vehicle position and sample multiple times, incresingly far along the path
                var seek = path.MapPointToPath(vehicle.PredictFuturePosition(predictionTime / 3), out tangent, out outside);
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    var s = path.MapPointToPath(seek + tangent * vehicle.Speed / (i + 1), out tangent, out outside);

                    //terminate search if we wander outside the path
                    if (outside > 0)
                    seek = s;

                    if (annotation != null)
                        annotation.Circle3D(0.3f, seek, Vector3.Up, Color.Green, 6);

                //Steer towards future path point
                return(vehicle.SteerForSeek(seek, maxSpeed, annotation));

            // otherwise we need to steer towards a target point obtained
            // by adding pathDistanceOffset to our current path position
            float   targetPathDistance = currentPathDistance + pathDistanceOffset;
            Vector3 target             = path.MapPathDistanceToPoint(targetPathDistance);

            if (annotation != null)
                annotation.PathFollowing(futurePosition, onPath, target, outside);

            // return steering to seek target on path
            return(SteerForSeek(vehicle, target, maxSpeed));
 public GatewayPathFollowingPlugin(IAnnotationService annotations)
Ejemplo n.º 51
 public LowSpeedTurnPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
     : base(annotations)
     _all = new List <LowSpeedTurn>();
Ejemplo n.º 52
 // constructor
 public LowSpeedTurn(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
     : base(annotations)
Ejemplo n.º 53
		public PedestrianPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
			_crowd = new List<Pedestrian>();
Ejemplo n.º 54
		public MpPlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
			_allMp = new List<MpBase>();
Ejemplo n.º 55
		// constructor
        public LowSpeedTurn(IAnnotationService annotations = null)
Ejemplo n.º 56
 public MapDrivePlugIn(IAnnotationService annotations)
     : base(annotations)
     _vehicles = new List <MapDriver>();
Ejemplo n.º 57
		// constructor
		public CtfEnemy(CtfPlugIn plugin, IAnnotationService annotations = null)
            : base(plugin, annotations)
Ejemplo n.º 58
        public static Vector3 SteerToFollowFlowField(this IVehicle vehicle, IFlowField flowField, float maxSpeed, float predictionDistance, IAnnotationService annotation = null)
            var futurePosition = vehicle.PredictFuturePosition(predictionDistance);
            var flow           = flowField.Sample(futurePosition);

            return(vehicle.Velocity - flow.TruncateLength(maxSpeed));
Ejemplo n.º 59
        public Ball(AABBox bbox, IAnnotationService annotations = null)
			_mBbox = bbox;