public ActivityEditor(List<IActivityComponent> sources, IActivityComponent outboundActivity)
     : this(outboundActivity)
     foreach (IActivityComponent source in sources)
         //We first add an reference to collection belonging to this class
        public void AddOutboundActivity(IActivityComponent item)
            #region Validation 

            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException
                    ("Null is not permitted.");

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="main">The object that we want to scan its siblings for menu</param>
        private ActivityEditor RetrieveSiblingsEditorMenu(IActivityComponent main)
            if (main is ForLoopComponent)
                return null; //Not supported for now

                    foreach (ActivityConnection conn in main.InputConn)
                        if (conn._editorMenu != null)
                            return conn._editorMenu;

            return null;
        public void RemoveSourceActivity(IActivityComponent item)
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source cannot be null.");
            else if ((item as UIElement) == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("You can only remove an UIElement object.");

            if (myDictionary.ContainsKey(item))
                (item as UIElement).Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
                myDictionary[item].DestroyOutputLine(); //destroy its output line (if any exist)
        public void ValidateActivities
            (List<IActivityComponent> outboundComp, IActivityComponent inboundComp)
            ActivityModel inboundModel = (inboundComp.DataContext as ActivityModel);

            foreach (ParamInputModel input in inboundModel.InputParam)
                if (input.IsMandatory)
                    if (input.ValueStr == null)
                        throw new NullValueForMandatoryParam
                                    ("The parameter " + input.Name + " from activity "
                                        + input.ParentName + " is mandatory but no data value " +
                                        "was found.");
                    //  if (input.ValueStr == null)
                    //    throw new ArgumentNullException
                    //          ("input is mandatory!");

                        if (input.ValueStr.Length < 1)
                            throw new NullValueForMandatoryParam("The length of string value for paramter " + input.Name + " was less than 1.");

                        else if (input.ValueStr.Contains(":\\"))
                            throw new ArgumentException
                                ("Parameter " + input.Name + " of activity " + input.ParentName +
                                " has invalid data input. File reading from local machine is not supported for this application, " +
                                    "try parsing the entire file using the file content reader.");
                        else if ((input.DataType.ToLower() == "system.boolean")
                               && (input.ValueStr.ToLower() != "true" || input.ValueStr.ToLower() != "false"))
                            throw new ArgumentException("The Parameter " + input.Name + " for activity " + input.ParentName +
                                "is boolean type and thus it only can accept either true or false as its data value.");
 public ActivityConnection(IActivityComponent input, Point startPtr)
     : base(startPtr)
     Source = input;
     Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Line_Loaded);
 private void UpdateParamEditorMenu(IActivityComponent deleter)
     //Basically if a menu already exist, obviously something has to do something about it.
     if (_editorMenu != null)
        public void DeleteLine(IActivityComponent deleter)
            //First thing to do is update the parameter menu to reflect this change.

            OnConnRemove(new ConnectionEventArgs(InputSource.Name, OutputSource.Name, false));

            //In the line's perspective point of view the input source would be the output component.
            if (deleter.Equals(InputSource)) //if this line is an outgoing line for the deleter

                #region Then remove all inputs related to this source on its target source

                ActivityModel model = OutputSource.DataContext as ActivityModel;

                if (model != null)
                    foreach (ParamInputModel input in model.InputParam)
                        if (input.Value != null) //remove all the bindings
                            input.Value = null;
                            input.ValueStr = null;
                            (OutputSource as ActivityComponent).InputGate.GateStatus
                                                = IOGateComponent.Status.NeedsConfiguration;

 public ActivityEditor(IActivityComponent source, IActivityComponent outboundActivity)
     : this(outboundActivity)
 public ActivityEditor(IActivityComponent outboundActivity)
     : this()
     Outbound = outboundActivity;
 public void AddSource(IActivityComponent source)
        public bool RemoveSource(IActivityComponent source)
            if (_sources.Contains(source))
                return true;

            return false;
 public ActivityEditor(List<IActivityComponent> sources, IActivityComponent outboundActivity, IActivityComponent[] nestedComps)
     : this(sources, outboundActivity)
     foreach (IActivityComponent component in nestedComps)
         //We first add an reference to collection belonging to this class
 private void AddReferenceToDictionary(IActivityComponent activity, ParamOutboundComp paramModel)
     this.myDictionary.Add(activity, paramModel);
        private ParamOutboundComp CreateParamComponent
                                   (IActivityComponent activity)
            ParamOutboundComp component = new ParamOutboundComp(this)
                Name = activity.Name,
                DataContext = activity.DataContext

            component.ParamValueChanged += new ParamOutboundComp.OnParamValueChangedEventHandler(component_ParamValueChanged);
            AddReferenceToDictionary(activity, component);

            return component;
        private ParamInboundComp CreateOutboundParamComp
                           (IActivityComponent activity)

            ParamInboundComp component = new ParamInboundComp(this)
                Name = activity.Name,
                DataContext = activity.DataContext
            component.ParamValueChanged += new ParamInboundComp.OnParamValueChangedEventHandler(component_ParamValueChanged);

            return component;
            /*return new ParamInboundComp(this)
                Name = activity.Name,
                DataContext = activity.DataContext