public void plotBox(int colorIndex)
            GraphPane myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;

            int index = 0;

            foreach (SummaryData summary in m_data.SummaryData)
                //Plot the items, first the median values
                CurveItem meadian = myPane.AddCurve("", masterList[index][0], Color.Black, SymbolType.HDash);
                LineItem  myLine  = (LineItem)meadian;
                myLine.Line.IsVisible   = false;
                myLine.Symbol.Size      = 25;
                myLine.Symbol.Fill.Type = FillType.Solid;

                HiLowBarItem myCurve = myPane.AddHiLowBar(summary.SeriesName, masterList[index][1], GetNextColor());
                myCurve.Bar.Fill.Type = FillType.Solid;

                ErrorBarItem myerror = myPane.AddErrorBar("", masterList[index][2], Color.Black);
                CurveItem upper = myPane.AddCurve("", masterList[index][3], Color.Black, SymbolType.Circle);
                LineItem  bLine = (LineItem)upper;
                bLine.Symbol.Size    = 3;
                bLine.Line.IsVisible = false;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public HiLowBarDemo() : base("A demo demonstrating HiLow Bars.\n" +
                                     "These are bars in which the top and the bottom of the bar is defined with user data",
                                     "Hi-Low Bar", DemoType.Bar)
            GraphPane myPane = base.GraphPane;

            // Set the title and axis labels
            myPane.Title.Text       = "Hi-Low Bar Graph Demo";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Event";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Range of Values";

            // Make up some data points based on the Sine function
            PointPairList list = new PointPairList();

            for (int i = 1; i < 45; i++)
                double y     = Math.Sin((double)i * Math.PI / 15.0);
                double yBase = y - 0.4;
                list.Add((double)i, y, yBase);

            // Generate a red bar with "Curve 1" in the legend
            HiLowBarItem myCurve = myPane.AddHiLowBar("Curve 1", list, Color.Red);

            // Fill the bar with a red-white-red gradient for a 3d look
            myCurve.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Red, Color.White, Color.Red, 0);
            // Make the bar width based on the available space, rather than a size in points
//			myCurve.Bar.IsAutoSize = true;

            // Fill the axis background with a color gradient
            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White,
                                         Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 166), 45.0F);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// a hacked mess to show box-wisker plot for outlier manipulation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iv">double array of independent variable values</param>
        /// <param name="tags">string array of what should be date/time tags</param>
        /// <returns>a graph pane to display in the master</returns>
        private GraphPane addPlotBW(double[] iv, string[] tags)
            //and hacked by mog 4/1/11

            //For each set of data for the boxplot calculate the median and the inter quartile (IQR) range
            //which is just the value of the 75th percentile minus the 25th percentile. The median is where
            //the horizontal bar goes. Using the 25th and 75th percentile a HiLowBarIten can be set which is
            //just a bar where the top and base are specified.

            //An error bar that has upper and lower values of the 25th percentile minus 1.5 times the IQR and
            //the 75th percentile plus 1.5 times the IQR is set to give the whiskers. As with the HiLowItem
            //barList is a PointPairList with the high and low values.

            //All that is left to do is add any points that are above or below the end of the whiskers.
            SortedList <string, double> datevalue = getlist(tags, iv);

            GraphPane gp = new GraphPane();

            //    "Median designated within box.\n" +
            //    "Whiskers are +- 1.5 * IQR (IQR = 75th percentile - 25th percentile)\n" +
            //    "Points above/below whiskers are designated as outliers.";

            //median of each array
            PointPairList medians = new PointPairList();
            //75th and 25th percentile, defines the box
            PointPairList hiLowList = new PointPairList();
            //+/- 1.5*Interquartile range, extentent of wiskers
            PointPairList barList = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList outs = new PointPairList();

            //Add the values
            DescriptiveStats ds = new DescriptiveStats();

            double median = ds.Median;

            medians.Add(0, median);
            double hivalue = percentile(iv, 75);
            double lovalue = percentile(iv, 25);

            hiLowList.Add(0, hivalue, lovalue);
            double iqr        = 1.5 * (hivalue - lovalue);
            double upperLimit = hivalue + iqr;
            double lowerLimit = lovalue - iqr;
            //The wiskers must end on an actual data point
            double wiskerlo = ValueNearestButGreater(iv, lowerLimit);
            double wiskerhi = ValueNearestButLess(iv, upperLimit);

            barList.Add(0, wiskerlo, wiskerhi);

            var upperouts = (from kv in datevalue
                             where kv.Value > upperLimit
                             select kv);

            foreach (var v in upperouts)
                outs.Add(0, v.Value, v.Key);

            var lowerouts = (from kv in datevalue
                             where kv.Value < lowerLimit
                             select kv);

            foreach (var v in lowerouts)
                outs.Add(0, v.Value, v.Key);

            //Plot the items, first the median values
            CurveItem meadian = gp.AddCurve("", medians, Color.Black, SymbolType.HDash);
            LineItem  myLine  = (LineItem)meadian;

            myLine.Line.IsVisible   = false;
            myLine.Symbol.Fill.Type = FillType.Solid;

            HiLowBarItem myCurve = gp.AddHiLowBar("", hiLowList, Color.Black);

            myCurve.Bar.Fill.Type = FillType.None;

            ErrorBarItem myerror = gp.AddErrorBar("", barList, Color.Black);

            CurveItem upper = gp.AddCurve(_dt.Columns[intSelectedcol].ColumnName + " outliers", outs, Color.Green, SymbolType.Circle);
            LineItem  bLine = (LineItem)upper;

            bLine.Line.IsVisible = false;

            gp.YAxis.Title.Text = _dt.Columns[intSelectedcol].ColumnName;
            gp.BarSettings.Type = BarType.Overlay;
            gp.XAxis.IsVisible  = false;
            gp.Legend.IsVisible = true;

            gp.Tag        = "BWPlot";
            gp.Title.Text = "BoxWhisker Plot";

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a sequence statistic chart for the FastqComponent_Details handle within this class
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawSequenceStatistics()
            Console.WriteLine("Drawing new sequence length distribution!");
            FqPerBaseSatistics[] perBaseStatistics = componentDetails.perBaseStatistics;
            double[]             x = new double[perBaseStatistics.Length];

            PointPairList boxList      = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList lowerWhisker = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList upperWhisker = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList medians      = new PointPairList();

            int count = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                x[i] = count;
                boxList.Add((double)x[i], (double)perBaseStatistics[i].ThirdQuartile, (double)perBaseStatistics[i].FirstQuartile);
                medians.Add((double)x[i], (double)perBaseStatistics[i].Median);
                upperWhisker.Add((double)x[i], (double)perBaseStatistics[i].UpperThreshold);
                lowerWhisker.Add((double)x[i], (double)perBaseStatistics[i].LowerThreshold);

            Size      size = graphControl.ClientSize;
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

            rect.Size = size;

            graphControl.GraphPane = new GraphPane();
            graphControl.GraphPane.Rect = rect;

            GraphPane myPane = graphControl.GraphPane;

            myPane.Title.Text = "Per Base Statistics " + componentDetails.getGraphName();

            // set X and Y axis titles
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Base Position";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Qualities";

            CurveItem median = myPane.AddCurve("Median", medians, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
            LineItem  myLine = (LineItem)median;

            myLine.Line.IsVisible   = true;
            myLine.Line.IsAntiAlias = true;
            myLine.Symbol.Fill.Type = FillType.Solid;
            myLine.Symbol.Size      = 1;

            HiLowBarItem myCurve = myPane.AddHiLowBar("Quartiles", boxList, Color.Black);

            myCurve.Bar.Fill.Type    = FillType.Solid;
            myCurve.Bar.Fill.Color   = Color.Yellow;
            myCurve.Bar.Border.Color = Color.Yellow;

            CurveItem lthresholds = myPane.AddCurve("Lower Threshold", lowerWhisker, Color.Red, SymbolType.HDash);
            LineItem  lthreshline = (LineItem)lthresholds;

            lthreshline.Line.IsVisible    = false;
            lthreshline.Symbol.Fill.Type  = FillType.Solid;
            lthreshline.Symbol.Size       = 1;
            lthreshline.Symbol.Fill.Color = Color.Red;

            CurveItem uppthesh    = myPane.AddCurve("Upper Threshold", upperWhisker, Color.Red, SymbolType.HDash);
            LineItem  uthreshline = (LineItem)uppthesh;

            uthreshline.Line.IsVisible    = false;
            uthreshline.Symbol.Fill.Type  = FillType.Solid;
            uthreshline.Symbol.Size       = 1;
            uthreshline.Symbol.Fill.Color = Color.Red;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        //IN PROGRESS
        #region ANNOTATION GRAPH
        private void CreateDiaryGraph(GraphPane gp, string filepath, string dirpath_colors,
                                      string title, int yoffset, string type)
            gp.BarSettings.Base = BarBase.Y;
            gp.BarSettings.ClusterScaleWidth = 200.0;
            gp.BarSettings.Type = BarType.Overlay;

            PointPairList labelList = new PointPairList();

            if (filepath.Contains(".csv"))
                string[] values = FileReadWrite.ReadLinesFromFile(filepath);

                for (int i = 1; i < values.Length; i++)
                        string[] split = values[i].Split(',');

                        DateTime dtStart = DateTime.MinValue;
                        DateTime dtEnd   = DateTime.MaxValue;

                        double startx = 0;
                        double endx   = 0;

                        if (split.Length > 0 && split[0].Length > 0)
                            dtStart = DateTimeParse(split[0]);
                            startx  = (double)new XDate(dtStart);
                        if (split.Length > 1 && split[1].Length > 0)
                            dtEnd = DateTimeParse(split[1]);
                            endx  = (double)new XDate(dtEnd);

                        Color  color   = Color.White;
                        bool   isSolid = false;
                        string clabel  = "";
                        if (startx >= startX && endx >= endX)
                            if (split.Length > 2 && split[2].Length > 0)
                                clabel = split[2];
                                if (!DataViewForm.annotationColorMap.ContainsKey(clabel))
                                    DataViewForm.annotationColorMap.Add(clabel, DataViewForm._annotationColorPalette[DataViewForm.annotationColorMap.Count]);
                                color     = DataViewForm.annotationColorMap[clabel];
                                isSolid   = true;
                                labelList = new PointPairList();
                                labelList.Add(endx, yoffset, startx, String.Format("{3}: {0} - {1}\n {2}", dtStart.ToLongTimeString(), dtEnd.ToLongTimeString(), clabel, title));
                                HiLowBarItem myBar = gp.AddHiLowBar(title, labelList, color);
                                myBar.Bar.Border.IsVisible = false;
                                if (isSolid)
                                    myBar.Bar.Fill.Type = FillType.Solid;
                                    myBar.Bar.Fill.Type = FillType.None;
                    catch { }
            else if (filepath.Contains(".xml"))
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNodeList nodes = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ANNOTATION");

                foreach (XmlNode xn in nodes)
                        DateTime dtStart = DateTimeParse(xn["START_DT"].InnerText);
                        DateTime dtEnd   = DateTimeParse(xn["STOP_DT"].InnerText);

                        double startx = (double)new XDate(dtStart);
                        double endx   = (double)new XDate(dtEnd);

                        Color  color   = Color.White;
                        bool   isSolid = false;
                        string clabel  = xn["LABEL"].InnerText;
                        if (startx >= (double)startX && endx >= (double)endX)
                            if (!DataViewForm.annotationColorMap.ContainsKey(clabel))
                                DataViewForm.annotationColorMap.Add(clabel, DataViewForm._annotationColorPalette[DataViewForm.annotationColorMap.Count]);
                            color     = DataViewForm.annotationColorMap[clabel];
                            isSolid   = true;
                            labelList = new PointPairList();
                            labelList.Add(endx, yoffset, startx, String.Format("{3}: {0} - {1}\n {2}", dtStart.ToLongTimeString(), dtEnd.ToLongTimeString(), clabel, title));
                            HiLowBarItem myBar = gp.AddHiLowBar(title, labelList, color);
                            myBar.Bar.Border.IsVisible = false;
                            if (isSolid)
                                myBar.Bar.Fill.Type = FillType.Solid;
                                myBar.Bar.Fill.Type = FillType.None;
                    catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void DrawCurveGraph()
            GraphPane myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;


            m_dBaseAlt = System.Convert.ToDouble(textBoxBaseAlt.Text);

            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;

            PointPairList listHLAbove = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList listAbove   = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList listHLBelow = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList listBelow   = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList listEqual   = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList listBase    = new PointPairList();

            ArrayList arryHLAbove = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList arryHLBelow = new ArrayList();

            ArrayList arryAbove = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList arryBelow = new ArrayList();

            int    nPointCount = m_pnt3ds.Count;
            double dOneSegLen  = m_dXTotalLength / (nPointCount - 1);

            int nSegmentType = -1; //0=m_dBaseAlt,1=above,2=below

            for (int i = 0; i < m_pnt3ds.Count; i++)
                double x = i * dOneSegLen;
                double y = (int)(Math.Round(m_pnt3ds[i].Z * 100)) / 100.0; // 精确到厘米就行了

                if (y > m_dBaseAlt)
                    // 如果当前段是基准线下面的段
                    if (nSegmentType == 2)
                        listHLBelow = new PointPairList();
                        listBelow   = new PointPairList();
                    nSegmentType = 1;
                    listAbove.Add(x, y);
                    listHLAbove.Add(x, y, m_dBaseAlt);
                else if (y < m_dBaseAlt)
                    if (nSegmentType == 1)
                        listHLAbove = new PointPairList();
                        listAbove   = new PointPairList();
                    nSegmentType = 2;
                    listBelow.Add(x, y);
                    listHLBelow.Add(x, m_dBaseAlt, y);
                    if (nSegmentType == 2)
                        listHLBelow = new PointPairList();
                        listBelow   = new PointPairList();
                    else if (nSegmentType == 1)
                        listHLAbove = new PointPairList();
                        listAbove   = new PointPairList();
                    nSegmentType = 0;
                    listEqual.Add(x, y, m_dBaseAlt);

            if (nSegmentType == 2)
            else if (nSegmentType == 1)

            listBase.Add(0, m_dBaseAlt);
            listBase.Add(m_dXTotalLength, m_dBaseAlt);

            LineItem myCurveBase = myPane.AddCurve("基线剖面", listBase, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);

            myCurveBase.Line.IsAntiAlias = true;
            myCurveBase.Line.Width       = 2;

            int k = 0;

            for (k = 0; k < arryHLAbove.Count; k++)
                LineItem myCurveAbove = myPane.AddCurve("高于基线剖面", (PointPairList)arryAbove[k], Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
                myCurveAbove.Line.IsAntiAlias = true;
                myCurveAbove.Line.Width       = 2;
                myCurveAbove.Line.IsSmooth    = true;

                HiLowBarItem hlAboveItem = myPane.AddHiLowBar("高于基线", (PointPairList)arryHLAbove[k], Color.Red);
                hlAboveItem.Bar.Border.Color = Color.Red;
            for (k = 0; k < arryHLBelow.Count; k++)
                LineItem myCurveBelow = myPane.AddCurve("低于基线剖面", (PointPairList)arryBelow[k], Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
                myCurveBelow.Line.IsAntiAlias = true;
                myCurveBelow.Line.Width       = 2;
                myCurveBelow.Line.IsSmooth    = true;

                HiLowBarItem hlBolowItem = myPane.AddHiLowBar("低于基线", (PointPairList)arryHLBelow[k], Color.Green);
                hlBolowItem.Bar.Border.Color = Color.Green;

             * LineItem myCurveAbove = myPane.AddCurve("高于基线剖面", listAbove, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
             * //myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.White);
             * myCurveAbove.Line.IsAntiAlias = true;
             * myCurveAbove.Line.Width = 2;
             * myCurveAbove.Line.IsSmooth = true;
             * // myCurveAbove.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.Yellow, Color.LightGray, 45.0f);
             * LineItem myCurveBelow = myPane.AddCurve("低于基线剖面", listBelow, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
             * //myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.White);
             * myCurveBelow.Line.IsAntiAlias = true;
             * myCurveBelow.Line.Width = 2;
             * myCurveBelow.Line.IsSmooth = true;
             * //myCurveBelow.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.Yellow, Color.LightGray, 45.0f);
             * LineItem myCurveEqual = myPane.AddCurve("等于基线剖面", listEqual, Color.DarkOrange, SymbolType.None);
             * //myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.White);
             * myCurveEqual.Line.IsAntiAlias = true;
             * myCurveEqual.Line.Width = 2;
             * //myCurveEqual.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.Yellow, Color.LightGray, 45.0f);
             * // LineItem myCurveBase = myPane.AddCurve("基线剖面", listBase, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
             * //myCurveBase.Line.IsAntiAlias = true;
             * //myCurveBase.Line.Width = 2;
             * */

            // Show the x axis grid
            myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible  = true;
            myPane.XAxis.IsAxisSegmentVisible = true;

            if (m_bSetMinX)
                myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = 0;

            if (m_bSetMinY)
                myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = m_pntMin.Z;

            //myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = 0;

            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            // Don't display the Y zero line
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsZeroLine = false;
            // Align the Y axis labels so they are flush to the axis
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Align = AlignP.Inside;
            // Manually set the axis range
            //myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = -1000;
            // myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 1000;

            // Fill the axis background with a gradient
            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.LightGray, 45.0f);

            // Enable scrollbars if needed
            //zedGraphControl1.IsShowHScrollBar = true;
            //zedGraphControl1.IsShowVScrollBar = true;
            zedGraphControl1.IsAutoScrollRange = true;

            // OPTIONAL: Show tooltips when the mouse hovers over a point
            zedGraphControl1.IsShowPointValues = true;
            zedGraphControl1.PointValueEvent  += new ZedGraphControl.PointValueHandler(MyPointValueHandler);

            // OPTIONAL: Handle the Zoom Event
            zedGraphControl1.ZoomEvent += new ZedGraphControl.ZoomEventHandler(MyZoomEvent);


            if (m_bXYSameScale)
            // Make sure the Graph gets redrawn
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a hi-low bar type curve (<see cref="CurveItem"/> object) to the plot with
        /// the given data points (<see cref="IPointList"/>) and properties.
        /// This is simplified way to add curves without knowledge of the
        /// <see cref="CurveList"/> class.  An alternative is to use
        /// the <see cref="ZeeGraph.CurveList" /> Add() method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="label">The text label (string) for the curve that will be
        /// used as a <see cref="Legend"/> entry.</param>
        /// <param name="points">A <see cref="IPointList"/> of double precision value Trio's that define
        /// the X, Y, and lower dependent values for this curve</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color to used to fill the bars</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="HiLowBarItem"/> class for the newly created bar curve.
        /// This can then be used to access all of the curve properties that
        /// are not defined as arguments to the
        /// <see cref="AddHiLowBar(string,IPointList,Color)"/> method.</returns>
        public HiLowBarItem AddHiLowBar( string label, IPointList points, Color color )
            HiLowBarItem curve = new HiLowBarItem( label, points, color );
            _curveList.Add( curve );

            return curve;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a "High-Low" bar type curve (<see cref="HiLowBarItem"/> object) to the plot with
        /// the given data points (double arrays) and properties.
        /// This is simplified way to add curves without knowledge of the
        /// <see cref="CurveList"/> class.  An alternative is to use
        /// the <see cref="ZeeGraph.CurveList" /> Add() method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="label">The text label (string) for the curve that will be
        /// used as a <see cref="Legend"/> entry.</param>
        /// <param name="x">An array of double precision X values (the
        /// independent values) that define the curve.</param>
        /// <param name="y">An array of double precision Y values (the
        /// dependent values) that define the curve.</param>
        /// <param name="baseVal">An array of double precision values that define the
        /// base value (the bottom) of the bars for this curve.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="color">The color to used for the bars</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="HiLowBarItem"/> class for the newly created bar curve.
        /// This can then be used to access all of the curve properties that
        /// are not defined as arguments to the
        /// <see cref="AddHiLowBar(string,double[],double[],double[],Color)"/> method.</returns>
        public HiLowBarItem AddHiLowBar( string label, double[] x, double[] y,
			double[] baseVal, Color color )
            HiLowBarItem curve = new HiLowBarItem( label, x, y, baseVal, color );
            _curveList.Add( curve );

            return curve;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy the properties of this <see cref="ZedGraphWebHiLowBarItem"/> to the specified
 /// <see cref="ZedGraph.HiLowBarItem"/> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The destination <see cref="ZedGraph.HiLowBarItem"/> object</param>
 internal void CopyTo( HiLowBarItem item )
     base.CopyTo( item );