void NetworkSyncMove(Vector3 pos, bool placement, Vector2 strt)
        //Translate start and current positions back to HexCoords
        HexCoord strtHex = hexController.GetNearestHex(strt);
        HexCoord currHex = hexController.GetNearestHex(pos);

        Debug.Log("Is Mine?: " + this.GetComponent <PhotonView>().isMine);
        if (this.GetComponent <PhotonView>().isMine)
            //Take normal actions, piece has already been moved on this client

            this.transform.position = pos;  //Move to new position

        //If moving from the dugout
        if (placement)
            specificBehavior.NewPiecePlacement();    //Register piece properly as it's first placement
        //If moving on the board
            boardManager.MovePiece(strtHex, currHex, specificBehavior.color, specificBehavior.type, this.gameObject);    //Make the move official in the board manager

        hexController.ShowLastMove(strtHex, currHex);