Ejemplo n.º 1
        }        //end CaptureMouse

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles all mouse move messages sent to the Spy Window
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleMouseMovements()
            // if we're not capturing, then bail out
            if (!_capturing)

                // capture the window under the cursor's position
                _hCurrentWindow = User32.WindowFromPoint(Cursor.Position);

                // if the window we're over, is not the same as the one before, and we had one before, refresh it
                if (_hPreviousWindow != IntPtr.Zero && _hPreviousWindow != _hCurrentWindow)

                // if we didn't find a window.. that's pretty hard to imagine. lol
                if (_hCurrentWindow == IntPtr.Zero)
                    m_txtHandle.Text  = "";
                    m_txtClass.Text   = "";
                    m_txtCaption.Text = "";
                    m_txtStyle.Text   = "";
                    m_txtRect.Text    = "";
                }                //end if
                    // save the window we're over
                    _hPreviousWindow = _hCurrentWindow;

                    m_txtProcess.Text = GetProcessPath(_hCurrentWindow);

                    m_txtHandle.Text = string.Format("{0}", _hCurrentWindow.ToInt32().ToString());

                    m_txtClass.Text = this.GetClassName(_hCurrentWindow);

                    m_txtCaption.Text = User32.GetWindowText(_hCurrentWindow);

                    if (m_txtClass.Text == "Edit" || m_txtCaption.Text == "")
                        m_txtCaption.Text = User32.GetText(_hCurrentWindow);
                    }                    //end if

                    User32.GetWindowRect(_hCurrentWindow, out User32.RECT rc);
                    User32EnumChildWindows.EnumChildWindows(_hCurrentWindow, m_txtCaption.Text);

                    // rect
                    m_txtRect.Text = string.Format(
                        "[{0} x {1}], ({2})",
                        rc.Right - rc.Left, rc.Bottom - rc.Top, rc.ToString());

                    // highlight the window
                }        //end else
            }            //end try
            catch (Exception err)
                Debug.WriteLine("HandleMouseMovements: " + err);
                FormClipboard.TraceLn(false, "FormSpyWindow", "HandleMouseMovements",
                                      "Error: {0}", err.Message);
            }    //end catch
        }        //end HandleMouseMovements