protected sealed override void DestroyWindowOverride(HWND hwnd)
            Debug.Assert(hwnd.DangerousGetHandle() == _hwndSource.Handle);

            _hwndSource = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected sealed override HWND BuildWindowOverride(HWND hwndParent)
            HwndSourceParameters hwndSourceParameters = new HwndSourceParameters
                WindowStyle  = (int)(WS.VISIBLE | WS.CHILD | WS.CLIPSIBLINGS | WS.CLIPCHILDREN),
                ParentWindow = hwndParent.DangerousGetHandle()

            _hwndSource = new HwndSource(hwndSourceParameters)
                SizeToContent = SizeToContent.Manual

            // Set the root visual of the HwndSource to an instance of
            // HwndSourceHostRoot.  Hook it up as a logical child if
            // we are on the same thread.
            HwndSourceHostRoot root = new HwndSourceHostRoot();

            _hwndSource.RootVisual = root;

            root.OnMeasure += OnRootMeasured;


            return(new HWND(_hwndSource.Handle));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected sealed override HWND BuildWindowCore(HWND hwndParent)
            HwndSourceParameters hwndSourceParameters = new HwndSourceParameters();

            hwndSourceParameters.WindowStyle = (int)(WS.VISIBLE | WS.CHILD | WS.CLIPSIBLINGS | WS.CLIPCHILDREN);
            //hwndSourceParameters.ExtendedWindowStyle = (int)(WS_EX.NOACTIVATE);
            hwndSourceParameters.ParentWindow = hwndParent.DangerousGetHandle();

            _hwndSource = new HwndSource(hwndSourceParameters);
            _hwndSource.SizeToContent = SizeToContent.Manual;

            // TODO: make this an option
            // On Vista, or when Win7 uses vista-blit, DX content is not
            // available via BitBlit or PrintWindow?  If WPF is using hardware
            // acceleration, anything it renders won't be available either.
            // One workaround is to force WPF to use software rendering.  Of
            // course, this is only a partial workaround since other content
            // like XNA or D2D won't work either.
            //_hwndSource.CompositionTarget.RenderMode = RenderMode.SoftwareOnly;

            // Set the root visual of the HwndSource to an instance of
            // HwndSourceHostRoot.  Hook it up as a logical child if
            // we are on the same thread.
            HwndSourceHostRoot root = new HwndSourceHostRoot();

            _hwndSource.RootVisual = root;

            root.OnMeasure += OnRootMeasured;


            return(new HWND(_hwndSource.Handle));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected virtual void OnCurrentHwndSourceChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

            // Unregister the old keyboard input site.
            IKeyboardInputSite keyboardInputSite = ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite;

            if (keyboardInputSite != null)
                ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite = null;

            // Register the new keyboard input site with the containing
            // HwndSource.
            IKeyboardInputSink sink = CurrentHwndSource;

            if (sink != null)
                ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite = sink.RegisterKeyboardInputSink(this);

            // Set the owner of the RedirectedWindow to our CurrentHwndSource.
            // This keeps the RedirectedWindow on top of the HwndSource.
            if (CurrentHwndSource != null)
                HWND hwndSource = new HWND(CurrentHwndSource.Handle);
                HWND hwndRoot   = hwndSource; // User32NativeMethods.GetAncestor(hwndSource, GA.ROOT); // need to get the top-level window?
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static StrongHWND CreateWindowEx(WS_EX dwExStyle, string lpClassName, string lpWindowName, WS dwStyle,
                                                int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, IntPtr hMenu, IntPtr hInstance, IntPtr lpParam)
            HWND hwnd = NativeMethods.CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, lpClassName, lpWindowName, dwStyle, x, y, nWidth,
                                                     nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam);

            return(new StrongHWND(hwnd.DangerousGetHandle()));
        private static IntPtr GetIEWindow(WebBrowser webBrowser)
            HWND hwndIeWindow = HWND.NULL;

            HWND hwndShellEmbeddingWindow = new HWND(webBrowser.Handle);

            if (hwndShellEmbeddingWindow != HWND.NULL)
                HWND hwndShellDocObjectView = NativeMethods.GetWindow(hwndShellEmbeddingWindow, GW.CHILD);
                if (hwndShellDocObjectView != HWND.NULL)
                    hwndIeWindow = NativeMethods.GetWindow(hwndShellDocObjectView, GW.CHILD);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private IntPtr SendData(Process sourceProcess, HWND destinationHandle, IEnumerable <string> data, char separator = '\t')
            var lpData    = data.Any() ? string.Join(separator, data) : string.Empty;
            var structure = new COPYDATASTRUCT
                dwData = IntPtr.Zero,
                cbData = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(lpData) + 1,
                lpData = lpData,

            var lParam = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(structure));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(structure, lParam, false);
            var msg = User32.WindowMessage.WM_COPYDATA;

            this.Logger.Debug($"ウィンドウメッセージを送信します。: hWnd=0x{destinationHandle.DangerousGetHandle():X}, msg={msg}, data=[{string.Join(", ", data)}]");

            return(User32.SendMessage(destinationHandle, (uint)msg, sourceProcess.Handle, lParam));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            Debug.Assert(hwnd == _hwnd.DangerousGetHandle());

            return(OnMessage((WM)message, wParam, lParam));