// Go to last snapshot
    void ShowLastSnapshot()
        snapshotIndex = gridSnapshotActions.Count - 1;
        GridSnapshotAction gridSnapshotAction = gridSnapshotActions[snapshotIndex];

        control.snapshotStatus.text = "Press ENTER to move to next algorithm\nSnapshot index: " + (snapshotIndex + 1) + "/" + gridSnapshotActions.Count;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void ShowNextSnapshot()
     if (gridSnapshotActionList.Count > 0)
         GridSnapshotAction gridSnapshotAction = gridSnapshotActionList[0];
    // Get a snapshot of the final path
    public void FinalPathSnapshot(NodeGrid <Node> grid, List <Node> path)
        GridSnapshotAction gridSnapshotAction = new GridSnapshotAction();


        for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetWidth(); x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetHeight(); y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < grid.GetDepth(); z++)
                    Node node = grid.GetGridObject(x, y, z);

                    int g = node.g;
                    int h = node.h;
                    int f = node.f;

                    Vector3 gridPos = new Vector3(node.x, node.y, node.z) *
                                      grid.GetNodeSize() +
                                      Vector3.one *
                                      grid.GetNodeSize() *

                    bool isInPath = path.Contains(node);

                    int tmpX = x;
                    int tmpY = y;
                    int tmpZ = z;

                    gridSnapshotAction.AddAction(() =>
                        Transform visualNode = visualNodeArray[tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ];
                        SetupVisualNode(visualNode, g, h, f);

                        Material material;

                        if (isInPath)
                            material = nodeSearching;
                            material = nodeDefault;

                        visualNode.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = material;

    public void TakeSnapshot(Grid <PathNode> grid, PathNode current, List <PathNode> openList, List <PathNode> closedList)
        GridSnapshotAction gridSnapshotAction = new GridSnapshotAction();


        for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetWidth(); x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetHeight(); y++)
                PathNode pathNode = grid.GetGridObject(x, y);

                int     gCost           = pathNode.gCost;
                int     hCost           = pathNode.hCost;
                int     fCost           = pathNode.fCost;
                Vector3 gridPosition    = new Vector3(pathNode.x, pathNode.y) * grid.GetCellSize() + Vector3.one * grid.GetCellSize() * .5f;
                bool    isCurrent       = pathNode == current;
                bool    isInOpenList    = openList.Contains(pathNode);
                bool    isInClosedList  = closedList.Contains(pathNode);
                bool    hasBeenWalkedOn = pathNode.hasBeenWalkedOn;
                int     tmpX            = x;
                int     tmpY            = y;

                gridSnapshotAction.AddAction(() => {
                    Transform visualNode = visualNodeArray[tmpX, tmpY];
                    SetupVisualNode(visualNode, gCost, hCost, fCost);

                    Color backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("636363");

                    if (hasBeenWalkedOn)
                        backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("ffffff");
                    if (isInClosedList)
                        backgroundColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);
                    if (isInOpenList)
                        backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("009AFF");
                    if (isCurrent)
                        backgroundColor = new Color(0, 1, 0);

                    visualNode.Find("sprite").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = backgroundColor;

    public void TakeSnapshot(GridBase <PathNode> grid, PathNode current, List <PathNode> openList, List <PathNode> closedList)
        GridSnapshotAction gridSnapshotAction = new GridSnapshotAction();


        for (int x = 0; x < grid.Width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.Height; y++)
                PathNode pathNode = grid.GetCell(x, y);

                int     gCost          = pathNode.gCost;
                int     hCost          = pathNode.hCost;
                int     fCost          = pathNode.fCost;
                Vector3 gridPosition   = new Vector3(pathNode.Position.x, pathNode.Position.y) * grid.CellSize + Vector3.one * grid.CellSize * .5f;
                bool    isCurrent      = pathNode == current;
                bool    isInOpenList   = openList.Contains(pathNode);
                bool    isInClosedList = closedList.Contains(pathNode);
                int     tmpX           = x;
                int     tmpY           = y;

                gridSnapshotAction.AddAction(() => {
                    Transform visualNode = visualNodeArray[tmpX, tmpY];
                    SetupVisualNode(visualNode, gCost, hCost, fCost);

                    Color backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("636363");

                    if (isInClosedList)
                        backgroundColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);
                    if (isInOpenList)
                        backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("009AFF");
                    if (isCurrent)
                        backgroundColor = new Color(0, 1, 0);

                    var sprite = visualNode.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>();

                    if (sprite != null)
                        sprite.color = backgroundColor;

    public void TakeSnapshotFinalPath(Grid <PathNode> grid, List <PathNode> path)
        GridSnapshotAction gridSnapshotAction = new GridSnapshotAction();


        for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetWidth(); x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetHeight(); y++)
                PathNode pathNode = grid.GetGridObject(x, y);

                int     gCost           = pathNode.gCost;
                int     hCost           = pathNode.hCost;
                int     fCost           = pathNode.fCost;
                Vector3 gridPosition    = new Vector3(pathNode.x, pathNode.y) * grid.GetCellSize() + Vector3.one * grid.GetCellSize() * .5f;
                bool    isInPath        = path.Contains(pathNode);
                bool    hasBeenWalkedOn = pathNode.hasBeenWalkedOn;
                int     tmpX            = x;
                int     tmpY            = y;

                gridSnapshotAction.AddAction(() => {
                    Transform visualNode = visualNodeArray[tmpX, tmpY];
                    SetupVisualNode(visualNode, gCost, hCost, fCost);

                    Color backgroundColor;

                    if (isInPath)
                        backgroundColor = new Color(0, 1, 0);
                    else if (hasBeenWalkedOn)
                        backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("ffffff");
                        backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("636363");

                    visualNode.Find("sprite").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = backgroundColor;

                    // Globals of Interface;
                    Globals.isRunning = false;

Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void TakeSnapshot(Grilla <Nodo> grid, Nodo current, List <Nodo> openList, List <Nodo> closedList)
        GridSnapshotAction gridSnapshotAction = new GridSnapshotAction();


        for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetWidth(); x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetHeight(); y++)
                Nodo Nodo = grid.GetGridObject(x, y);

                int     CostoG         = Nodo.CostoG;
                int     CostoH         = Nodo.CostoH;
                int     CostoF         = Nodo.CostoF;
                Vector3 gridPosition   = new Vector3(Nodo.x, Nodo.y) * grid.GetCellSize() + Vector3.one * grid.GetCellSize() * .5f;
                bool    isCurrent      = Nodo == current;
                bool    isInOpenList   = openList.Contains(Nodo);
                bool    isInClosedList = closedList.Contains(Nodo);
                int     tmpX           = x;
                int     tmpY           = y;

                gridSnapshotAction.AddAction(() => {
                    Transform visualNode = visualNodeArray[tmpX, tmpY];
                    SetupVisualNode(visualNode, CostoG, CostoH, CostoF);

                    Color backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("636363");

                    if (isInClosedList)
                        backgroundColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);
                    if (isInOpenList)
                        backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("009AFF");
                    if (isCurrent)
                        backgroundColor = new Color(0, 1, 0);

                    visualNode.Find("sprite").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = backgroundColor;

    public void TakeSnapshotFinalPath(Grid <PathNode> grid, List <PathNode> path)
        GridSnapshotAction gridSnapshotAction = new GridSnapshotAction();


        for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetWidth(); x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetHeight(); y++)
                PathNode pathNode = grid.GetGridObject(x, y);

                int     gCost        = pathNode.gCost;
                int     hCost        = pathNode.hCost;
                int     fCost        = pathNode.fCost;
                Vector3 gridPosition = new Vector3(pathNode.x, pathNode.y) * grid.GetCellSize() + Vector3.one * grid.GetCellSize() * .5f;
                bool    isInPath     = path.Contains(pathNode);
                int     tmpX         = x;
                int     tmpY         = y;

                gridSnapshotAction.AddAction(() =>
                    Transform visualNode = visualNodeArray[tmpX, tmpY];
                    SetupVisualNode(visualNode, gCost, hCost, fCost);

                    Color backgroundColor;

                    if (isInPath)
                        backgroundColor = new Color(0, 1, 0);
                        backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("636363");

                    visualNode.Find("sprite").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = backgroundColor;

Ejemplo n.º 9
    public void TakeSnapshotFinalPath(Grilla <CasillaNodo> grid, List <CasillaNodo> path)
        GridSnapshotAction gridSnapshotAction = new GridSnapshotAction();


        for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetWidth(); x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetHeight(); y++)
                CasillaNodo CasillaNodo = grid.GetGridObject(x, y);

                Vector3 gridPosition = new Vector3(CasillaNodo.x, CasillaNodo.y) * grid.GetCellSize() + Vector3.one * grid.GetCellSize() * .5f;
                bool    isInPath     = path.Contains(CasillaNodo);
                int     tmpX         = x;
                int     tmpY         = y;

                gridSnapshotAction.AddAction(() => {
                    Transform visualNode = visualNodeArray[tmpX, tmpY];

                    Color backgroundColor;

                    if (isInPath)
                        backgroundColor = new Color(0, 1, 0);
                        backgroundColor = UtilsClass.GetColorFromString("636363");

                    visualNode.Find("sprite").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = backgroundColor;
