Ejemplo n.º 1
 static int DrawBackgroundForCarNumberAndDriverName(GraphicRect graphics, int left, int top)
     left += positionColumnWidth;
     graphics.InRectangle(left, top, leaderboardWidth - positionColumnWidth, rowHeight)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static int DrawCarNumber(GraphicRect graphics, Driver d, int left, int top)
            graphics.InRectangle(left, top, carNumberColumnWidth, rowHeight)
            .DrawWhiteText(d.CarNumber, StringAlignment.Center);

            return(left + carNumberColumnWidth);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static void DrawLeaderboardRow(GraphicRect graphics, int top, Driver d, int left)
     DrawPositionNumber(graphics, d, left, top);
     left = DrawBackgroundForCarNumberAndDriverName(graphics, left, top);
     left = DrawCarNumber(graphics, d, left, top);
     DrawDriverName(graphics, d, left, top);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static GraphicRect DrawGrayBackground(this GraphicRect rr)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static int DrawDividerLine(GraphicRect graphics, int left, int top)
            graphics.InRectangle(left, top, leaderboardWidth, 4)
            .DrawLine(leaderboardLeft, top, leaderboardLeft + leaderboardWidth, top);

            return(top + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static GraphicRect DrawWhiteText(this GraphicRect rr, string text, StringAlignment alignment)

Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static GraphicRect DrawWhiteGradiantBox(this GraphicRect rr)
            .WithLinearGradientBrush(Color.DarkGray, Color.White, LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static GraphicRect DrawRedGradiantBox(this GraphicRect rr)
            .WithHeight(rr.Rectangle.Height + 3)
            .WithLinearGradientBrush(Styles.RedBannerDark, Styles.RedBannerLight, LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private int DrawLapCounterRow(GraphicRect graphics)
            var counter = GetLapCounterDescription();

            graphics.InRectangle(leaderboardLeft, leaderboardTop, leaderboardWidth, rowHeight)
            .DrawWhiteText(counter, StringAlignment.Center);

            return(leaderboardTop + rowHeight + counterGap);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public DebugOuput()
     font         = EngineCore.content.Load <SpriteFont>("DebugFont");
     choose       = new GraphicRect();
     choose.size  = Vector2.Zero;
     vline        = new GraphicRect();
     vline.pos.Y  = -10;
     vline.size.X = EngineCore.LengthToHundred(1);
     hline        = new GraphicRect();
     hline.size.Y = EngineCore.LengthToHundred(1);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        void DrawFlashCardOutro(GraphicRect r, int page)
            var rsession = EventData.Race;
            var results  = EventData.Results;

            var offset = 5;

            Graphics.InRectangle(FlashCardLeft, r.Rectangle.Top, FlashCardWidth, 10)
            .DrawLine(FlashCardLeft + 8, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, FlashCardLeft + FlashCardWidth - 16, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);

            var LeaderTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(results[0].Time);

            foreach (var racerResult in results.Skip(DriversPerPage * page).Take(DriversPerPage))
                var driver = EventData.GetCompetingDriverByIndex(racerResult.CarIdx);

                var Gap = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(racerResult.Time) - LeaderTime; // Gap calculation
                if (Gap == TimeSpan.Zero)                                      //For the leader we want to display the race duration
                    Gap = LeaderTime;

                r.WithBrush(PreferredDriverNames.Any(d => d.UserName == driver.UserName) ? Styles.RedBrush : Styles.BlackBrush);

                r.Center(cg => cg
                         .WithFont(Settings.FontName, 16, FontStyle.Bold)
                .ToRight(width: 190, left: 30)
                .ToRight(width: 80, left: 20)
                .ToRight(width: 350)

                r = r.ToBelow();

                Graphics.InRectangle(FlashCardLeft, r.Rectangle.Top, FlashCardWidth, 10)
                .DrawLine(FlashCardLeft + 8, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, FlashCardLeft + FlashCardWidth - 16, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);
        void DrawFlashCardOutro(GraphicRect r, int page)
            var rsession = EventData.Race;
            var results = EventData.Results;

            var offset = 5;
            Graphics.InRectangle(FlashCardLeft, r.Rectangle.Top, FlashCardWidth, 10)
                .DrawLine(FlashCardLeft + 8, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, FlashCardLeft + FlashCardWidth - 16, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);

            var LeaderTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(results[0].Time);

            foreach (var racerResult in results.Skip(DriversPerPage * page).Take(DriversPerPage))
                var driver = EventData.GetCompetingDriverByIndex(racerResult.CarIdx);

                var Gap = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(racerResult.Time) - LeaderTime; // Gap calculation
                if (Gap == TimeSpan.Zero) //For the leader we want to display the race duration
                    Gap = LeaderTime;

                r.WithBrush(PreferredDriverNames.Any(d => d.UserName == driver.UserName) ? Styles.RedBrush : Styles.BlackBrush);

                r.Center(cg => cg
                            .WithFont(Settings.FontName, 16, FontStyle.Bold)
                    .ToRight(width: 190, left: 30)
                    .ToRight(width: 80, left: 20)
                    .ToRight(width: 350)

                r = r.ToBelow();

                Graphics.InRectangle(FlashCardLeft, r.Rectangle.Top, FlashCardWidth, 10)
                    .DrawLine(FlashCardLeft + 8, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, FlashCardLeft + FlashCardWidth - 16, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        void DrawFlashCardIntro(GraphicRect r, int page)
            var totalWidth = FlashCardWidth;
            var left       = FlashCardLeft;

            var thisPageOfQualifyingResults = EventData.QualifyingResults.Skip(page * DriversPerPage).Take(DriversPerPage);

            var offset = 5;

            Graphics.InRectangle(left, r.Rectangle.Top, totalWidth, 10)
            .DrawLine(left + 8, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, left + totalWidth - 16, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);

            foreach (var qualifier in thisPageOfQualifyingResults)
                var driver = EventData.GetCompetingDriverByIndex(qualifier.CarIdx);

                r.Center(cg => cg
                         .WithFont(Settings.FontName, 16, FontStyle.Bold)
                .ToRight(width: 120, left: 30)
                .ToRight(width: 60)
                .ToRight(width: 300)

                r = r.ToBelow();

                Graphics.InRectangle(left, r.Rectangle.Top, totalWidth, 10)
                .DrawLine(left + 8, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, left + totalWidth - 16, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);
        void DrawFlashCardIntro(GraphicRect r, int page)
            var totalWidth = FlashCardWidth;
            var left = FlashCardLeft;

            var thisPageOfQualifyingResults = EventData.QualifyingResults.Skip(page * DriversPerPage).Take(DriversPerPage);

            var offset = 5;
            Graphics.InRectangle(left, r.Rectangle.Top, totalWidth, 10)
                .DrawLine(left + 8, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, left + totalWidth - 16, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);

            foreach (var qualifier in thisPageOfQualifyingResults)
                var driver = EventData.GetCompetingDriverByIndex(qualifier.CarIdx);

                r.Center(cg => cg
                            .WithFont(Settings.FontName, 16, FontStyle.Bold)
                    .ToRight(width: 120, left: 30)
                    .ToRight(width: 60)
                    .ToRight(width: 300)

                r = r.ToBelow();

                Graphics.InRectangle(left, r.Rectangle.Top, totalWidth, 10)
                    .DrawLine(left + 8, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, left + totalWidth - 16, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 static void DrawDriverName(GraphicRect graphics, Driver d, int left, int top)
     graphics.InRectangle(left, top, nameColumnWidth, rowHeight)
     .DrawWhiteText(d.ShortName.FormattedForLeaderboard(), StringAlignment.Near);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static GraphicRect WithFontSizeOf(this GraphicRect rr, int fontSize)
            .WithFont(Settings.FontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Regular));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 static void DrawPositionNumber(GraphicRect graphics, Driver d, int left, int top)
     graphics.InRectangle(left, top, positionColumnWidth, rowHeight)
     .DrawWhiteText(d.Position.ToString(), StringAlignment.Center);