Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary<string, object> metadata)
            switch (file.Type)
                case DocumentType.Article:
                    var filePath = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File);
                    var swaggerContent = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
                    var swagger = SwaggerJsonParser.Parse(swaggerContent);
                    swagger.Metadata[DocumentTypeKey] = RestApiDocumentType;
                    swagger.Raw = swaggerContent;
                    var repoInfo = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);
                    if (repoInfo != null)
                        swagger.Metadata["source"] = new SourceDetail() { Remote = repoInfo };

                    swagger.Metadata = MergeMetadata(swagger.Metadata, metadata);
                    var vm = SwaggerModelConverter.FromSwaggerModel(swagger);
                    var displayLocalPath = PathUtility.MakeRelativePath(EnvironmentContext.BaseDirectory, file.FullPath);

                    return new FileModel(file, vm, serializer: Environment.Is64BitProcess ? null : new BinaryFormatter())
                        Uids = new[] { new UidDefinition(vm.Uid, displayLocalPath) }
                            .Concat(from item in vm.Children select new UidDefinition(item.Uid, displayLocalPath))
                            .Concat(from tag in vm.Tags select new UidDefinition(tag.Uid, displayLocalPath)).ToImmutableArray(),
                        LocalPathFromRepoRoot = repoInfo?.RelativePath ?? filePath.ToDisplayPath(),
                        LocalPathFromRoot = displayLocalPath
                case DocumentType.Overwrite:
                    // TODO: Refactor current behavior that overwrite file is read multiple times by multiple processors
                    return OverwriteDocumentReader.Read(file);
                    throw new NotSupportedException();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static OverwriteDocumentModel TransformModel(string filePath, YamlHtmlPart part)
            if (part == null)

            var    properties = part.YamlHeader;
            string checkPropertyMessage;
            var    checkPropertyStatus = CheckRequiredProperties(properties, RequiredProperties, out checkPropertyMessage);

            if (!checkPropertyStatus)
                throw new InvalidDataException(checkPropertyMessage);

            var overriden = RemoveRequiredProperties(properties, RequiredProperties);
            var repoInfo  = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);

            return(new OverwriteDocumentModel
                Uid = properties[Constants.PropertyName.Uid].ToString(),
                Metadata = overriden,
                Conceptual = part.Conceptual,
                Documentation = new SourceDetail
                    Remote = repoInfo,
                    StartLine = part.StartLine,
                    EndLine = part.EndLine,
                    Path = part.SourceFile
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata)
            var          filePath = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File);
            TocViewModel toc      = LoadSingleToc(filePath);

            var repoDetail = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);

            // todo : metadata.
            return(new FileModel(file, toc)
                Uids = new[] { file.File }.ToImmutableArray(),
                LocalPathFromRepoRoot = repoDetail?.RelativePath
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void MergeNewFileRepositoryToConfig(BuildJsonConfig config)
            GitDetail repoInfoFromBaseDirectory = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, config.BaseDirectory));

            if (repoInfoFromBaseDirectory?.LocalWorkingDirectory != null)
                config.GlobalMetadata["baseRepositoryDirectory"] = repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.LocalWorkingDirectory;

            if (repoInfoFromBaseDirectory != null && repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RelativePath != null)
                repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RelativePath = Path.Combine(repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RelativePath, DocAsCode.Constants.DefaultOverwriteFolderName);
            object newFileRepository;

            if (config.GlobalMetadata.TryGetValue("newFileRepository", out newFileRepository))
                GitDetail repoInfo = null;
                    repoInfo = JObject.FromObject(newFileRepository).ToObject <GitDetail>();
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new DocumentException($"Unable to convert newFileRepository to GitDetail in globalMetadata: {e.Message}", e);
                if (repoInfoFromBaseDirectory != null)
                    if (repoInfo.RelativePath == null)
                        repoInfo.RelativePath = repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RelativePath;
                    if (repoInfo.RemoteBranch == null)
                        repoInfo.RemoteBranch = repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RemoteBranch;
                    if (repoInfo.RemoteRepositoryUrl == null)
                        repoInfo.RemoteRepositoryUrl = repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RemoteRepositoryUrl;
                config.GlobalMetadata["newFileRepository"] = repoInfo;
                config.GlobalMetadata["newFileRepository"] = repoInfoFromBaseDirectory;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata)
            switch (file.Type)
            case DocumentType.Article:
                var page = YamlUtility.Deserialize <PageViewModel>(Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File));
                if (page.Items == null || page.Items.Count == 0)
                if (page.Metadata == null)
                    page.Metadata = metadata.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);
                    foreach (var item in metadata)
                        if (!page.Metadata.ContainsKey(item.Key))
                            page.Metadata[item.Key] = item.Value;
                var filePath = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File);
                var repoInfo = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);
                // Item's source is the path for the original code, should not be used here
                var displayLocalPath = repoInfo?.RelativePath ?? filePath.ToDisplayPath();
                return(new FileModel(file, page, serializer: new BinaryFormatter())
                    Uids = (from item in page.Items select new UidDefinition(item.Uid, displayLocalPath)).ToImmutableArray(),

                    Properties =
                        LinkToFiles = new HashSet <string>(),
                        LinkToUids  = new HashSet <string>(),
                    LocalPathFromRepoRoot = displayLocalPath,

            case DocumentType.Overwrite:
                // TODO: Refactor current behavior that overwrite file is read multiple times by multiple processors

                throw new NotSupportedException();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static Dictionary <string, object> ReadMarkdownAsConceptual(string baseDir, string file)
            var filePath = Path.Combine(baseDir, file);
            var repoInfo = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);

            return(new Dictionary <string, object>
                ["conceptual"] = File.ReadAllText(filePath),
                ["type"] = "Conceptual",
                ["source"] = new SourceDetail()
                    Remote = repoInfo
                ["path"] = file,
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static Dictionary <string, object> ReadMarkdownAsConceptual(string baseDir, string file)
            var filePath = Path.Combine(baseDir, file);
            var repoInfo = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);

            return(new Dictionary <string, object>
                [Constants.PropertyName.Conceptual] = File.ReadAllText(filePath),
                [Constants.PropertyName.Type] = "Conceptual",
                [Constants.PropertyName.Source] = new SourceDetail()
                    Remote = repoInfo
                [Constants.PropertyName.Path] = file,
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static IEnumerable <T> ReadMarkDownCore <T>(string file) where T : IOverrideDocumentViewModel
            var content     = File.ReadAllText(file);
            var repoInfo    = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(file);
            var lineIndex   = GetLineIndex(content).ToList();
            var yamlDetails = YamlHeaderParser.Select(content);

            if (yamlDetails == null)
                yield break;
            var sections = from detail in yamlDetails
                           let id = detail.Id
                                    from ms in detail.MatchedSections
                                    from location in ms.Value.Locations
                                    orderby location.StartLocation descending
                                    select new { Detail = detail, Id = id, Location = location };
            var currentEnd = Coordinate.GetCoordinate(content);

            foreach (var item in sections)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Id))
                    int start = lineIndex[item.Location.EndLocation.Line] + item.Location.EndLocation.Column + 1;
                    int end   = lineIndex[currentEnd.Line] + currentEnd.Column + 1;
                    using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                        YamlUtility.Serialize(sw, item.Detail.Properties);
                        using (var sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString()))
                            var vm = YamlUtility.Deserialize <T>(sr);
                            vm.Conceptual    = content.Substring(start, end - start + 1);
                            vm.Documentation = new SourceDetail {
                                Remote = repoInfo, StartLine = item.Location.EndLocation.Line, EndLine = currentEnd.Line
                            vm.Uid = item.Id;
                            yield return(vm);
                currentEnd = item.Location.StartLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata)
            var filePath     = file.FullPath;
            var tocViewModel = Utility.LoadSingleToc(filePath);
            var toc          = new TocItemViewModel
                Items = tocViewModel

            var repoDetail       = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);
            var displayLocalPath = repoDetail?.RelativePath ?? filePath;

            // todo : metadata.
            return(new FileModel(file, toc)
                Uids = new[] { new UidDefinition(file.File, displayLocalPath) }.ToImmutableArray(),
                LocalPathFromRepoRoot = displayLocalPath,
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ParseResult Run(MapFileItemViewModel item, IndexerContext context)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.MarkdownContent) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.MarkdownFilePath))
                throw new ArgumentException("Neither Markdown file content nor file path is specified!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.MarkdownContent))
                context.MarkdownContent = File.ReadAllText(context.MarkdownFilePath);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.MarkdownFilePath))
                item.Remote = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(context.MarkdownFilePath);

            return(new ParseResult(ResultLevel.Success));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static void MergeGitContributeToConfig(BuildJsonConfig config)
            GitDetail repoInfoFromBaseDirectory = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), config.BaseDirectory));

            if (repoInfoFromBaseDirectory?.RelativePath != null)
                repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RelativePath = Path.Combine(repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RelativePath, DocAsCode.Constants.DefaultOverwriteFolderName);
            object gitRespositoryOpenToPublicContributors;

            if (config.GlobalMetadata.TryGetValue("_gitContribute", out gitRespositoryOpenToPublicContributors))
                GitDetail repoInfo;
                    repoInfo = JObject.FromObject(gitRespositoryOpenToPublicContributors).ToObject <GitDetail>();
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new DocumentException($"Unable to convert _gitContribute to GitDetail in globalMetadata: {e.Message}", e);
                if (repoInfoFromBaseDirectory != null)
                    if (repoInfo.RelativePath == null)
                        repoInfo.RelativePath = repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RelativePath;
                    if (repoInfo.RemoteBranch == null)
                        repoInfo.RemoteBranch = repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RemoteBranch;
                    if (repoInfo.RemoteRepositoryUrl == null)
                        repoInfo.RemoteRepositoryUrl = repoInfoFromBaseDirectory.RemoteRepositoryUrl;
                config.GlobalMetadata["_gitContribute"] = repoInfo;
                config.GlobalMetadata["_gitContribute"] = repoInfoFromBaseDirectory;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static SourceDetail GetSourceDetail(ISymbol symbol)
            // For namespace, definition is meaningless
            if (symbol == null || symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace)

            var syntaxRef = symbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.LastOrDefault();

            if (symbol.IsExtern || syntaxRef == null)
                return(new SourceDetail
                    IsExternalPath = true,
                    Path = symbol.ContainingAssembly?.Name,

            var syntaxNode = syntaxRef.GetSyntax();

            Debug.Assert(syntaxNode != null);
            if (syntaxNode != null)
                var source = new SourceDetail
                    StartLine = syntaxNode.SyntaxTree.GetLineSpan(syntaxNode.Span).StartLinePosition.Line,
                    Path      = syntaxNode.SyntaxTree.FilePath,
                    Name      = symbol.Name

                source.Remote = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(source.Path);
                if (source.Remote != null)
                    source.Path = source.Path.FormatPath(UriKind.Relative, source.Remote.LocalWorkingDirectory);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata)
            string uid = null;
            Dictionary <string, object> content = null;
            var metafile = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File.TrimEnd('.') + ".meta");

            if (File.Exists(metafile))
                content = YamlUtility.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(metafile);
                if (content != null)
                    foreach (var item in metadata)
                        if (!content.ContainsKey(item.Key))
                            content[item.Key] = item.Value;
                        if (item.Key == Constants.PropertyName.Uid)
                            uid = item.Value as string;
            if (content == null)
                content = metadata.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

            var filePath         = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File);
            var repoDetail       = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);
            var displayLocalPath = PathUtility.MakeRelativePath(EnvironmentContext.BaseDirectory, file.FullPath);

            return(new FileModel(file, content)
                Uids = string.IsNullOrEmpty(uid) ? ImmutableArray <UidDefinition> .Empty : ImmutableArray <UidDefinition> .Empty.Add(new UidDefinition(uid, displayLocalPath)),
                LocalPathFromRepoRoot = repoDetail?.RelativePath ?? Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File).ToDisplayPath(),
                LocalPathFromRoot = displayLocalPath
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata)
            string uid = null;
            Dictionary <string, object> content = null;
            var metafile = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File.TrimEnd('.') + ".meta");

            if (File.Exists(metafile))
                content = YamlUtility.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(metafile);
                if (content != null)
                    foreach (var item in metadata)
                        if (!content.ContainsKey(item.Key))
                            content[item.Key] = item.Value;
                        if (item.Key == "uid")
                            uid = item.Value as string;
            if (content == null)
                content = metadata.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

            var filePath   = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File);
            var repoDetail = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);

            return(new FileModel(file, content)
                Uids = string.IsNullOrEmpty(uid) ? ImmutableArray <string> .Empty : ImmutableArray <string> .Empty.Add(uid),
                LocalPathFromRepoRoot = repoDetail?.RelativePath
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static IEnumerable <OverwriteDocumentModel> ReadMarkDownCore(string file)
            var content     = File.ReadAllText(file);
            var repoInfo    = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(file);
            var lineIndex   = GetLineIndex(content).ToList();
            var yamlDetails = YamlHeaderParser.Select(content);
            var sections    = from detail in yamlDetails
                              let id = detail.Id
                                       from location in detail.MatchedSection.Locations
                                       orderby location.StartLocation descending
                                       select new { Detail = detail, Id = id, Location = location };
            var currentEnd = Coordinate.GetCoordinate(content);

            foreach (var item in sections)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Id))
                    int start = lineIndex[item.Location.EndLocation.Line] + item.Location.EndLocation.Column + 1;
                    int end   = lineIndex[currentEnd.Line] + currentEnd.Column + 1;
                    yield return(new OverwriteDocumentModel
                        Uid = item.Id,
                        Metadata = item.Detail.Properties,
                        Conceptual = content.Substring(start, end - start),
                        Documentation = new SourceDetail
                            Remote = repoInfo,
                            StartLine = item.Location.EndLocation.Line,
                            EndLine = currentEnd.Line,
                            Path = Path.GetFullPath(file).ToDisplayPath()
                currentEnd = item.Location.StartLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Not doing duplication check here, do it outside
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="markdownFilePath"></param>
        /// <param name="resolvedContent"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="yamlHandler"></param>
        /// <param name="markdown"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ParseResult TryParseCustomizedMarkdown(string markdownFilePath, string resolvedContent, string referenceFolder, Func <MetadataItem, ParseResult> yamlHandler, out List <MarkdownIndex> markdown)
            var gitDetail = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(markdownFilePath);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolvedContent))
                resolvedContent = File.ReadAllText(markdownFilePath);
            string          markdownFile = resolvedContent;
            int             length       = markdownFile.Length;
            var             yamlRegex    = new Regex(@"\-\-\-((?!\n)\s)*\n((?!\n)\s)*(?<content>.*)((?!\n)\s)*\n\-\-\-((?!\n)\s)*\n", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
            MatchCollection matches      = yamlRegex.Matches(markdownFile);

            if (matches.Count == 0)
                markdown = new List <MarkdownIndex>();
                return(new ParseResult(ResultLevel.Warn, "no valid yaml header is found in {0}", markdownFilePath));

            int                  startIndex  = 0;
            MarkdownIndex        lastSection = null;
            List <MarkdownIndex> sections    = new List <MarkdownIndex>();

            StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
                var    match   = matches[i];
                string content = match.Groups["content"].Value;

                MetadataItem viewModel;
                // Content to yaml
                    using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(content))
                        viewModel = YamlUtility.Deserialize <MetadataItem>(reader);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.Name))
                            throw new ArgumentException("Name for yaml header is required");

                        // TODO: override metadata, merge viewmodel?

                        if (yamlHandler != null)
                            ParseResult result = yamlHandler(viewModel);
                            if (result.ResultLevel != ResultLevel.Success)
                                throw new ArgumentException(result.Message);
                catch (Exception e)
                    error.AppendFormat("{0} in {1} line {2} is not in a valid yaml format {3}", match.Value, markdownFilePath, markdownFile.Substring(0, startIndex).Split('\n').Length + 2, e.Message);

                startIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
                if (lastSection != null)
                    lastSection.ContentEndIndex = match.Index - 1;

                    if (lastSection.ContentEndIndex > lastSection.ContentStartIndex)
                        lastSection.MarkdownContent = markdownFile.Substring(lastSection.ContentStartIndex, lastSection.ContentEndIndex - lastSection.ContentStartIndex + 1);
                        lastSection.Path            = lastSection.Path.FormatPath(UriKind.Relative, lastSection.Remote.LocalWorkingDirectory);
                        ExtractReferenceFromMdSection(ref lastSection, referenceFolder);

                lastSection = new MarkdownIndex {
                    ApiName = viewModel.Name, ContentStartIndex = startIndex, ContentEndIndex = length - 1, Remote = gitDetail, Path = markdownFilePath
                };                                                                                                                                                                       // endIndex should be set from next match if there is next match
                if (lastSection.ContentEndIndex > lastSection.ContentStartIndex)
                    lastSection.MarkdownContent = markdownFile.Substring(lastSection.ContentStartIndex);

            if (lastSection != null)
                if (lastSection.Remote != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastSection.Remote.LocalWorkingDirectory))
                    lastSection.Path = lastSection.Path.FormatPath(UriKind.Relative, lastSection.Remote.LocalWorkingDirectory);
                ExtractReferenceFromMdSection(ref lastSection, referenceFolder);

            markdown = sections;
            if (error.Length > 0)
                return(new ParseResult(ResultLevel.Warn, error.ToString()));

            return(new ParseResult(ResultLevel.Success));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata)
            switch (file.Type)
            case DocumentType.Article:
                var filePath       = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File);
                var swaggerContent = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
                var swagger        = GetModelWithoutRef <SwaggerModel>(swaggerContent);
                swagger.Metadata[DocumentTypeKey] = RestApiDocumentType;
                swagger.Raw = swaggerContent;
                var repoInfo = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);
                if (repoInfo != null)
                    swagger.Metadata["source"] = new SourceDetail()
                        Remote = repoInfo

                swagger.Metadata = MergeMetadata(swagger.Metadata, metadata);
                var vm = RestApiItemViewModel.FromSwaggerModel(swagger);
                var displayLocalPath = repoInfo?.RelativePath ?? Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File).ToDisplayPath();
                return(new FileModel(file, vm, serializer: new BinaryFormatter())
                    Uids = new UidDefinition[] { new UidDefinition(vm.Uid, displayLocalPath) }.Concat(from item in vm.Children select new UidDefinition(item.Uid, displayLocalPath)).ToImmutableArray(),
                    LocalPathFromRepoRoot = displayLocalPath,
                    Properties =
                        LinkToFiles = new HashSet <string>(),
                        LinkToUids  = new HashSet <string>(),

            case DocumentType.Override:
                var overrides = MarkdownReader.ReadMarkdownAsOverride <RestApiItemViewModel>(file.BaseDir, file.File);
                if (overrides == null || overrides.Count == 0)

                displayLocalPath = overrides[0].Documentation?.Remote?.RelativePath ?? Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File).ToDisplayPath();
                return(new FileModel(file, overrides, serializer: new BinaryFormatter())
                    Uids = (from item in overrides
                            select new UidDefinition(
                                item.Documentation.StartLine + 1
                    Properties =
                        LinkToFiles = new HashSet <string>(),
                        LinkToUids  = new HashSet <string>(),
                    LocalPathFromRepoRoot = displayLocalPath,

                throw new NotSupportedException();
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void TestGitUtility()
            var output = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(Environment.CurrentDirectory);

            Assert.AreEqual("https://capservice.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/CAPS/_git/DocAsCode", output.RemoteRepositoryUrl);