Ejemplo n.º 1
 Parser <T> parens <T>(Parser <T> p) =>
 public Parser <T> parens <T>(Parser <T> p) =>
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static ScriptParser()
            // All characters that can be operators
            var opChars = ":!%&*+.<=>\\^|-~()[].";

            // Defines the components of the scripting language
            var definition = GenLanguageDef.Empty.With(
                CommentStart: "/*",
                CommentEnd: "*/",
                CommentLine: "//",
                NestedComments: true,
                OpStart: oneOf(opChars),
                OpLetter: oneOf(opChars),
                IdentStart: letter,
                IdentLetter: either(alphaNum, oneOf("-_")),
                ReservedNames: List("log", "fail", "Sum", "true", "false", "unit"),
                ReservedOpNames: List(";", "&&", "&", "-", "+", "/", "*", "==", "!=",
                                      "=", "<-", "<<", ">>", ">", "<", "<=", ">=",
                                      "=>", "||", "|", ",")

            // Takes the definition and builds a set of core parsers that
            // can be used to build more complex parsers.
            lexer = makeTokenParser(definition);

            // Take some local copies of the lexer parsers for ease of use later
            charlit = lexer.CharLiteral;
            ident   = either(
                from t in token(letter)
                from _ in notFollowedBy(letter)
                select t.ToString());
            reserved   = lexer.Reserved;
            reservedOp = lexer.ReservedOp;
            symbol     = lexer.Symbol;
            whiteSpace = lexer.WhiteSpace; // This incidentally will also strip comments
            integer    = lexer.Integer;
            floating   = lexer.Float;
            stringlit  = lexer.StringLiteral;

            // Helper method that takes an operator string and returns a Func
            // that makes it easy to build ScriptExprs that represent binary
            // operators
            Func <ScriptExpr, ScriptExpr, ScriptExpr> BinaryOp(string op) =>
            (ScriptExpr lhs, ScriptExpr rhs) =>
            op == "-" ? Binary(lhs, rhs, "-")
                    : op == "+" ? Binary(lhs, rhs, "+")
                    : op == "/" ? Binary(lhs, rhs, "/")
                    : op == "*" ? Binary(lhs, rhs, "*")
                    : op == "==" ? BooleanBinary(lhs, rhs, "==")
                    : op == "!=" ? BooleanBinary(lhs, rhs, "!=")
                    : op == "=" ? Binary(lhs, rhs, "=")
                    : op == "<-" ? Binary(lhs, rhs, "<-")
                    : op == ">" ? BooleanBinary(lhs, rhs, ">")
                    : op == "<" ? BooleanBinary(lhs, rhs, "<")
                    : op == ">=" ? BooleanBinary(lhs, rhs, ">=")
                    : op == "<=" ? BooleanBinary(lhs, rhs, "<=")
                    : op == "&&" ? BooleanBinary(lhs, rhs, "&&")
                    : op == "||" ? BooleanBinary(lhs, rhs, "||")
                    : op == "%" ? Binary(lhs, rhs, "%")
                    : op == "??" ? Binary(lhs, rhs, "??")
                    : op == ";" ? Binary(lhs, rhs, ";")
                    : op == "," ? Args(lhs, rhs)
                    : throw new NotSupportedException();

            // Helper method that takes an operator string and returns a Func
            // that makes it easy to build ScriptExprs that represent unary
            // prefix operators
            Func <ScriptExpr, ScriptExpr> PrefixOp(string op) =>
            (ScriptExpr rhs) =>
            op == "!" ? BooleanPrefix(rhs, "!")
                    : op == "-" ? Prefix(rhs, "-")
                    : op == "+" ? rhs
                    : throw new NotSupportedException();

            // Binary operator parser definition - this is used in the operators table
            // to define precendence and associativity.
            Operator <ScriptExpr> binary(string name, Assoc assoc) =>
                           from x in reservedOp(name)
                           select BinaryOp(name));

            // Unary prefix operator parser definition - this is used in the operators
            // table to define precendence and associativity.
            Operator <ScriptExpr> prefix(string name) =>
                from x in reservedOp(name)
                select PrefixOp(name));

            // Operator precedence and associativity table
            Operator <ScriptExpr>[][] operators =
                new [] { prefix("-"),  prefix("+"),  prefix("!")  },
                new [] { binary("*",   Assoc.Left),  binary("/", Assoc.Left), binary("%", Assoc.Left)},
                new [] { binary("+",   Assoc.Left),  binary("-", Assoc.Left)},
                new [] { binary("<<",  Assoc.Left),  binary(">>", Assoc.Left)},
                new [] { binary("<",   Assoc.Left),  binary(">", Assoc.Left), binary(">=", Assoc.Left), binary("<=", Assoc.Left)},
                new [] { binary("==",  Assoc.Left),  binary("!=", Assoc.Left)},
                new [] { binary("&",   Assoc.Left) },
                new [] { binary("|",   Assoc.Left) },
                new [] { binary("&&",  Assoc.Left) },
                new [] { binary("||",  Assoc.Left) },
                new [] { binary("??",  Assoc.Left) },
                new [] { binary(">>=", Assoc.Right) },
                new [] { binary("?",   Assoc.Left) },
                new [] { binary(":",   Assoc.Right) },
                new [] { binary("=",   Assoc.Right), binary("<-", Assoc.Right)},
                new [] { binary(".",   Assoc.Right) },
                new [] { binary(",",   Assoc.Right) },
                new [] { binary("=>",  Assoc.Right) },
                new [] { binary(";",   Assoc.Right) },

            Parser <ScriptExpr> expr     = null;
            Parser <ScriptExpr> lazyExpr = lazyp(() => expr);

            // Constant or interpolated string parser
            var interpStr = from str in attempt(stringlit).label("string literal")
                            from res2 in (str.Contains('{') && str.Contains('}'))
                                ? from istr in result(Interpolate.Parser(str.ToPString()))
                            from res in istr.IsFaulted
                                      ? failure <ScriptExpr>(istr.Reply.Error.Msg)
                                      : result(istr.Reply.Result)
                            select res
                                : result(ConstString(str))
                            select res2;

            // Constant parser
            var constant = choice(
                attempt(charlit.Map(ConstChar).label("char literal")),
                attempt(symbol("true").Map(_ => Const(true)).label("true")),
                symbol("false").Map(_ => Const(false)).label("false"));

            // Function invocation parser
            var invoke = from id in ident
                         from ar in either(
                attempt(symbol("()")).Map(_ => Seq <ScriptExpr>()),
                from op in symbol("(")
                from args in lazyExpr
                from cl in symbol(")")
                select FlattenTuple(args))
                         select Invoke(id, ar);

            // log function parser
            var log = from _ in symbol("log")
                      from o in symbol("(")
                      from m in lazyExpr
                      from c in symbol(")")
                      select Log(m);

            // fail function parser
            var fail = from _ in symbol("fail")
                       from o in symbol("(")
                       from m in lazyExpr
                       from c in symbol(")")
                       select Fail(m);

            // Term parser - this is the main building block for the expression parser
            //               all language terms must be definied here.
            var term =

            // This takes the operator precedence and associativity table and the term
            // parser and builds a full expression parser that deals with all of the
            // complex rules over precedence and associativity.  This is a wonderful
            // function that saves lives.
            expr = buildExpressionParser(operators.Reverse().ToArray(), term);

            // This is the final parser.  Because the tokens and the symbols all strip
            // the space *after* their content has been parsed, the final parser must
            // strip the space *before* the first token.  So, that's what this does,
            // removes the space, parses the expression, then it expects an end-of-file
            parser = from ws in whiteSpace
                     from ex in expr
                     from __ in eof
                     select ex;