Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void EnqueueTakenImage(PylonGrabResult_t grabResult)
            PylonBuffer <Byte> buffer;  /* Reference to the buffer attached to the grab result. */

            /* Get the buffer from the dictionary. */
            if (!m_buffers.TryGetValue(grabResult.hBuffer, out buffer))
                /* Oops. No buffer available? We should never have reached this point. Since all buffers are
                 * in the dictionary. */
                throw new Exception("Failed to find the buffer associated with the handle returned in grab result.");

            /* Create a new grab result to enqueue to the grabbed buffers list. */
            GrabResult newGrabResultInternal = new GrabResult();

            newGrabResultInternal.Handle = grabResult.hBuffer; /* Add the handle to requeue the buffer in the stream grabber queue. */

            bool isBayer8 = PylonHelper.IsBayer8(grabResult.PixelType);

            if (isBayer8 && m_bayer8Conversion == Bayer8Conversion.Raw)
                newGrabResultInternal.ImageData = new Image(grabResult.SizeX, grabResult.SizeY, buffer.Array, grabResult.PixelType == EPylonPixelType.PixelType_RGBA8packed);
            else if (grabResult.PixelType == EPylonPixelType.PixelType_Mono8 || grabResult.PixelType == EPylonPixelType.PixelType_RGBA8packed)
                newGrabResultInternal.ImageData = new Image(grabResult.SizeX, grabResult.SizeY, buffer.Array, grabResult.PixelType == EPylonPixelType.PixelType_RGBA8packed);
            else /* Conversion is required. */
                /* Create a new format converter if needed. */
                if (!m_hConverter.IsValid)
                    m_convertedBuffers = new Dictionary <PYLON_STREAMBUFFER_HANDLE, PylonBuffer <byte> >(); /* Create a new dictionary for the converted buffers. */
                    m_hConverter       = Pylon.ImageFormatConverterCreate();                                /* Create the converter. */

                    // We force all non 8-bit Bayer formats to color.
                    // For Bayer 8, user may choose Raw, Mono or Color.
                    bool isBayer    = Pylon.IsBayer(grabResult.PixelType);
                    bool bayerColor = (isBayer && !isBayer8) || (isBayer8 && m_bayer8Conversion == Bayer8Conversion.Color);
                    m_converterOutputFormatIsColor = !Pylon.IsMono(grabResult.PixelType) || bayerColor;
                /* Reference to the buffer attached to the grab result handle. */
                PylonBuffer <Byte> convertedBuffer = null;
                /* Look up if a buffer is already attached to the handle. */
                bool bufferListed = m_convertedBuffers.TryGetValue(grabResult.hBuffer, out convertedBuffer);
                /* Perform the conversion. If the buffer is null a new one is automatically created. */
                Pylon.ImageFormatConverterSetOutputPixelFormat(m_hConverter, m_converterOutputFormatIsColor ? EPylonPixelType.PixelType_BGRA8packed : EPylonPixelType.PixelType_Mono8);
                Pylon.ImageFormatConverterConvert(m_hConverter, ref convertedBuffer, buffer, grabResult.PixelType, (uint)grabResult.SizeX, (uint)grabResult.SizeY, (uint)grabResult.PaddingX, EPylonImageOrientation.ImageOrientation_TopDown);
                if (!bufferListed) /* A new buffer has been created. Add it to the dictionary. */
                    m_convertedBuffers.Add(grabResult.hBuffer, convertedBuffer);
                /* Add the image data. */
                newGrabResultInternal.ImageData = new Image(grabResult.SizeX, grabResult.SizeY, convertedBuffer.Array, m_converterOutputFormatIsColor);
            lock (m_lockObject)                              /* Lock the grab result queue to avoid that two threads modify the same data. */
                m_grabbedBuffers.Add(newGrabResultInternal); /* Add the new grab result to the queue. */
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /* Constructor with creation of basic objects. */
 public ImageProvider()
     /* Create a thread for image grabbing. */
     m_grabThread = new Thread(Grab);
     /* Create objects used for buffer handling. */
     m_lockObject     = new Object();
     m_buffers        = new Dictionary <PYLON_STREAMBUFFER_HANDLE, PylonBuffer <Byte> >();
     m_grabbedBuffers = new List <GrabResult>();
     /* Create handles. */
     m_hGrabber         = new PYLON_STREAMGRABBER_HANDLE();
     m_hDevice          = new PYLON_DEVICE_HANDLE();
     m_hRemovalCallback = new PYLON_DEVICECALLBACK_HANDLE();
     m_hConverter       = new PYLON_IMAGE_FORMAT_CONVERTER_HANDLE();
     /* Create callback handler and attach the method. */
     m_callbackHandler = new DeviceCallbackHandler();
     m_callbackHandler.CallbackEvent += new DeviceCallbackHandler.DeviceCallback(RemovalCallbackHandler);