Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the action we give to the trim-scan tool, to run on accept
        /// </summary>
        public static void CropScanFromSelection(DMeshSO so, MeshFaceSelection selection, object tool)
            DMesh3 beforeMesh = new DMesh3(so.Mesh);
            DMesh3 mesh       = so.Mesh;

            // [RMS] if we are using the two-point tool, then we can use the user input points to
            // try to figure out an up axis, by assuming the first point is on the base of the scan. Steps are:
            //   1) guess a midpoint. Currently centroid of upper-half of geodesic selection.
            //   2) construct up axis as (midpoint-basepoint). this axis to Y-up.
            Vector3f upAxisS = Vector3f.AxisY;
            TwoPointFaceSelectionTool ptool = tool as TwoPointFaceSelectionTool;

            if (ptool != null)
                var        cache     = ptool.SelectionCache;
                Interval1d range     = new Interval1d(cache.CurrentScalarThreshold / 2, cache.CurrentScalarThreshold);
                List <int> triangles = new List <int>(selection.Count);
                cache.FindTrianglesInScalarInterval(range, triangles);
                Vector3d c        = MeshMeasurements.Centroid(triangles, mesh.GetTriCentroid);
                Vector3d cS       = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(so, c);
                Vector3d basePosS = ptool.SourcePositionS.Origin;
                upAxisS = (Vector3f)(cS - basePosS).Normalized;

            // crop scan and fill top hole
            List <int> borderTris = selection.FindBorderTris();
            MeshEditor editor     = new MeshEditor(mesh);

            editor.RemoveTriangles((tid) => { return(selection.IsSelected(tid) == false); }, true);
            if (OGActions.FillHoleInScan)
                SmoothedHoleFill fill = new SmoothedHoleFill(mesh)
                    TargetEdgeLength = 2.5f,
                    SmoothAlpha      = 0.5f,
                    BorderHintTris   = borderTris,
                    OffsetDirection  = SceneTransforms.SceneToObjectN(so, upAxisS),
                    OffsetDistance   = (ptool != null) ? 25.0 : 0.0

            DMesh3 afterMesh = new DMesh3(so.Mesh);

            so.GetScene().History.PushChange(new ReplaceEntireMeshChange(so, beforeMesh, afterMesh), true);
            mesh = so.Mesh;

            // Now we auto-align the scan so it points upwards, and then
            // recenter pivot and shift to above ground plane
            if (ptool != null)
                Vector3d    basePosS = ptool.SourcePositionS.Origin;
                Quaternionf alignUp  = Quaternionf.FromTo(upAxisS, Vector3f.AxisY);

                // rotate part so that axis points up
                Frame3f           curF          = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                Frame3f           newF          = curF.Rotated(alignUp);
                TransformSOChange alignUpChange = new TransformSOChange(so, curF, newF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                basePosS = newF.FromFrameP(curF.ToFrameP(basePosS));   // map to new frame
                so.GetScene().History.PushChange(alignUpChange, false);

                // recenter pivot at bbox center
                // [RMS] previously was using vertex centroid, but this is then affected by mesh density
                //   (maybe tri centroid? but bbox makes more sense...and below we assume box center)
                Vector3d centerL   = mesh.CachedBounds.Center;
                Vector3d centerO   = newF.FromFrameP(centerL);
                Frame3f  newPivotO = new Frame3f(centerO);
                so.GetScene().History.PushChange(new RepositionPivotChangeOp(newPivotO, so), false);

                // position above ground plane
                AxisAlignedBox3d bounds     = so.Mesh.CachedBounds;
                float            h          = (float)bounds.Height;
                Vector3f         o          = newPivotO.Origin;
                Vector3f         translateO = new Vector3f(-o.x, h * 0.5f - o.y + BaseHeightAboveGroundPlaneMM, -o.z);
                //Vector3f translateO = new Vector3f(0, h * 0.5f - o.y + BaseHeightAboveGroundPlaneMM, 0);
                so.GetScene().History.PushChange(new TransformSOChange(so, newPivotO, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords), false);

                // save base point in frame of scan
                basePosS += translateO;
                Vector3d basePosL = SceneTransforms.SceneToObjectP(so, basePosS);
                OG.Scan.UserBasePoint = basePosL;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        override public List <ISnapSegment> GenerateSegments(SceneObject so)
            List <ISnapSegment> v = new List <ISnapSegment>();

            if (so is BoxSO)
                BoxSO   box = so as BoxSO;
                Frame3f f   = box.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

                // corners
                float    ext0 = 0.5f * box.ScaledWidth, ext1 = 0.5f * box.ScaledHeight, ext2 = 0.5f * box.ScaledDepth;
                Vector3f extAxis0 = ext0 * f.X, extAxis1 = ext1 * f.Y, extAxis2 = ext2 * f.Z;

                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = f.Translated(-extAxis0 - extAxis1), extent = ext2
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = f.Translated(extAxis0 - extAxis1), extent = ext2
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = f.Translated(extAxis0 + extAxis1), extent = ext2
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = f.Translated(-extAxis0 + extAxis1), extent = ext2

                Frame3f fX = f.Rotated(90.0f, 1);
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = fX.Translated(-extAxis1 - extAxis2), extent = ext0
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = fX.Translated(extAxis1 - extAxis2), extent = ext0
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = fX.Translated(extAxis1 + extAxis2), extent = ext0
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = fX.Translated(-extAxis1 + extAxis2), extent = ext0

                Frame3f fY = f.Rotated(90.0f, 0);
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = fY.Translated(-extAxis0 - extAxis2), extent = ext1
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = fY.Translated(extAxis0 - extAxis2), extent = ext1
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = fY.Translated(extAxis0 + extAxis2), extent = ext1
                v.Add(new StandardSnapSegment(box)
                    center = fY.Translated(-extAxis0 + extAxis2), extent = ext1

            if (base.EnableGeometry)
                base.build_geometry(so, v);
