Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// SupportMapping. Finds the point in the shape furthest away from the given direction.
        /// Imagine a plane with a normal in the search direction. Now move the plane along the normal
        /// until the plane does not intersect the shape. The last intersection point is the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="direction">The direction.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        public override void SupportMapping(ref FPVector direction, out FPVector result)
            result = direction;

            FPVector.Multiply(ref result, radius, out result);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// SupportMapping. Finds the point in the shape furthest away from the given direction.
        /// Imagine a plane with a normal in the search direction. Now move the plane along the normal
        /// until the plane does not intersect the shape. The last intersection point is the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="direction">The direction.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        public override void SupportMapping(ref FPVector direction, out FPVector result)
            FPVector expandVector;

            FPVector.Normalize(ref direction, out expandVector);
            FPVector.Multiply(ref expandVector, sphericalExpansion, out expandVector);

            int minIndex = 0;
            FP  min      = FPVector.Dot(ref points[0], ref direction);
            FP  dot      = FPVector.Dot(ref points[1], ref direction);

            if (dot > min)
                min      = dot;
                minIndex = 1;
            dot = FPVector.Dot(ref points[2], ref direction);
            if (dot > min)
                min      = dot;
                minIndex = 2;

            FPVector.Add(ref points[minIndex], ref expandVector, out result);
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public void SupportMapping(ref FPVector direction, out FPVector result)
                FP min = FPVector.Dot(ref owner.points[indices.I0].position, ref direction);
                FP dot = FPVector.Dot(ref owner.points[indices.I1].position, ref direction);

                FPVector minVertex = owner.points[indices.I0].position;

                if (dot > min)
                    min       = dot;
                    minVertex = owner.points[indices.I1].position;
                dot = FPVector.Dot(ref owner.points[indices.I2].position, ref direction);
                if (dot > min)
                    min       = dot;
                    minVertex = owner.points[indices.I2].position;

                FPVector exp;

                FPVector.Normalize(ref direction, out exp);
                exp   *= owner.triangleExpansion;
                result = minVertex + exp;
        /// <summary>
        /// SupportMapping. Finds the point in the shape furthest away from the given direction.
        /// Imagine a plane with a normal in the search direction. Now move the plane along the normal
        /// until the plane does not intersect the shape. The last intersection point is the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="direction">The direction.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        public override void SupportMapping(ref FPVector direction, out FPVector result)
            FPVector exp;

            FPVector.Normalize(ref direction, out exp);
            exp *= sphericalExpansion;

            FP  min      = FPVector.Dot(ref vecs[0], ref direction);
            int minIndex = 0;
            FP  dot      = FPVector.Dot(ref vecs[1], ref direction);

            if (dot > min)
                min      = dot;
                minIndex = 1;
            dot = FPVector.Dot(ref vecs[2], ref direction);
            if (dot > min)
                min      = dot;
                minIndex = 2;

            result = vecs[minIndex] + exp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a contact.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body1">The first body.</param>
        /// <param name="body2">The second body.</param>
        /// <param name="point1">The collision point in worldspace</param>
        /// <param name="point2">The collision point in worldspace</param>
        /// <param name="n">The normal pointing to body2.</param>
        /// <param name="penetration">The estimated penetration depth.</param>
        public void Initialize(RigidBody body1, RigidBody body2, ref FPVector point1, ref FPVector point2, ref FPVector n,
                               FP penetration, bool newContact, ContactSettings settings)
            this.body1  = body1;  this.body2 = body2;
            this.normal = n; normal.Normalize();
            this.p1     = point1; this.p2 = point2;

            this.newContact = newContact;

            FPVector.Subtract(ref p1, ref body1.position, out relativePos1);
            FPVector.Subtract(ref p2, ref body2.position, out relativePos2);
            FPVector.Transform(ref relativePos1, ref body1.invOrientation, out realRelPos1);
            FPVector.Transform(ref relativePos2, ref body2.invOrientation, out realRelPos2);

            this.initialPen  = penetration;
            this.penetration = penetration;

            body1IsMassPoint = body1.isParticle;
            body2IsMassPoint = body2.isParticle;

            // Material Properties
            if (newContact)
                treatBody1AsStatic = body1.isStatic;
                treatBody2AsStatic = body2.isStatic;

                accumulatedNormalImpulse  = FP.Zero;
                accumulatedTangentImpulse = FP.Zero;

                lostSpeculativeBounce = FP.Zero;

                switch (settings.MaterialCoefficientMixing)
                case ContactSettings.MaterialCoefficientMixingType.TakeMaximum:
                    staticFriction  = FPMath.Max(body1.staticFriction, body2.staticFriction);
                    dynamicFriction = FPMath.Max(body1.staticFriction, body2.staticFriction);
                    restitution     = FPMath.Max(body1.restitution, body2.restitution);

                case ContactSettings.MaterialCoefficientMixingType.TakeMinimum:
                    staticFriction  = FPMath.Min(body1.staticFriction, body2.staticFriction);
                    dynamicFriction = FPMath.Min(body1.staticFriction, body2.staticFriction);
                    restitution     = FPMath.Min(body1.restitution, body2.restitution);

                case ContactSettings.MaterialCoefficientMixingType.UseAverage:
                    staticFriction  = (body1.staticFriction + body2.staticFriction) * FP.Half;
                    dynamicFriction = (body1.staticFriction + body2.staticFriction) * FP.Half;
                    restitution     = (body1.restitution + body2.restitution) * FP.Half;

            this.settings = settings;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called once before iteration starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The simulation timestep</param>
        public override void PrepareForIteration(FP timestep)
            FPVector.Transform(ref localAnchor1, ref body1.orientation, out r1);
            FPVector.Transform(ref localAnchor2, ref body2.orientation, out r2);

            FPVector p1, p2, dp;

            FPVector.Add(ref body1.position, ref r1, out p1);
            FPVector.Add(ref body2.position, ref r2, out p2);

            FPVector.Subtract(ref p2, ref p1, out dp);

            FPVector l = FPVector.Transform(lineNormal, body1.orientation);


            FPVector t = (p1 - p2) % l;

            if (t.sqrMagnitude != FP.Zero)
            t = t % l;

            jacobian[0] = t;                      // linearVel Body1
            jacobian[1] = (r1 + p2 - p1) % t;     // angularVel Body1
            jacobian[2] = -FP.One * t;            // linearVel Body2
            jacobian[3] = -FP.One * r2 % t;       // angularVel Body2

            effectiveMass = body1.inverseMass + body2.inverseMass
                            + FPVector.Transform(jacobian[1], body1.invInertiaWorld) * jacobian[1]
                            + FPVector.Transform(jacobian[3], body2.invInertiaWorld) * jacobian[3];

            softnessOverDt = softness / timestep;
            effectiveMass += softnessOverDt;

            if (effectiveMass != 0)
                effectiveMass = FP.One / effectiveMass;

            bias = -(l % (p2 - p1)).magnitude * biasFactor * (FP.One / timestep);

            if (!body1.isStatic)
                body1.linearVelocity  += body1.inverseMass * accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[0];
                body1.angularVelocity += FPVector.Transform(accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[1], body1.invInertiaWorld);

            if (!body2.isStatic)
                body2.linearVelocity  += body2.inverseMass * accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[2];
                body2.angularVelocity += FPVector.Transform(accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[3], body2.invInertiaWorld);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constraints a point on a body to be fixed on a line
        /// which is fixed on another body.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body1"></param>
        /// <param name="body2"></param>
        /// <param name="lineStartPointBody1"></param>
        /// <param name="lineDirection"></param>
        /// <param name="pointBody2"></param>
        public PointOnLine(RigidBody body1, RigidBody body2,
                           FPVector lineStartPointBody1, FPVector pointBody2) : base(body1, body2)
            FPVector.Subtract(ref lineStartPointBody1, ref body1.position, out localAnchor1);
            FPVector.Subtract(ref pointBody2, ref body2.position, out localAnchor2);

            FPVector.Transform(ref localAnchor1, ref body1.invOrientation, out localAnchor1);
            FPVector.Transform(ref localAnchor2, ref body2.invOrientation, out localAnchor2);

            lineNormal = FPVector.Normalize(lineStartPointBody1 - pointBody2);
Ejemplo n.º 8
            /// <summary>
            /// Called once before iteration starts.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="timestep">The 5simulation timestep</param>
            public override void PrepareForIteration(FP timestep)
                FPVector dp;

                FPVector.Subtract(ref body2.position, ref body1.position, out dp);

                FP deltaLength = dp.magnitude - distance;

                if (behavior == DistanceBehavior.LimitMaximumDistance && deltaLength <= FP.Zero)
                    skipConstraint = true;
                else if (behavior == DistanceBehavior.LimitMinimumDistance && deltaLength >= FP.Zero)
                    skipConstraint = true;
                    skipConstraint = false;

                    FPVector n = dp;
                    if (n.sqrMagnitude != FP.Zero)

                    jacobian[0] = -FP.One * n;
                    //jacobian[1] = -FP.One * (r1 % n);
                    jacobian[1] = FP.One * n;
                    //jacobian[3] = (r2 % n);

                    effectiveMass = body1.inverseMass + body2.inverseMass;

                    softnessOverDt = softness / timestep;
                    effectiveMass += softnessOverDt;

                    effectiveMass = FP.One / effectiveMass;

                    bias = deltaLength * biasFactor * (FP.One / timestep);

                    if (!body1.isStatic)
                        body1.linearVelocity += body1.inverseMass * accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[0];

                    if (!body2.isStatic)
                        body2.linearVelocity += body2.inverseMass * accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[1];
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rayOrigin"></param>
        /// <param name="rayDelta"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int Prepare(ref FPVector rayOrigin, ref FPVector rayDelta)

            #region Expand Spherical
            FPVector expDelta;
            FPVector.Normalize(ref rayDelta, out expDelta);
            expDelta = rayDelta + expDelta * sphericalExpansion;

            octree.GetTrianglesIntersectingRay(potentialTriangles, rayOrigin, expDelta);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Called once before iteration starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The 5simulation timestep</param>
        public override void PrepareForIteration(FP timestep)
            FPVector.Transform(ref localAnchor1, ref body1.orientation, out r1);
            FPVector.Transform(ref localAnchor2, ref body2.orientation, out r2);

            FPVector p1, p2, dp;

            FPVector.Add(ref body1.position, ref r1, out p1);
            FPVector.Add(ref body2.position, ref r2, out p2);

            FPVector.Subtract(ref p2, ref p1, out dp);

            FP deltaLength = dp.magnitude;

            FPVector n = p2 - p1;

            if (n.sqrMagnitude != FP.Zero)

            jacobian[0] = -FP.One * n;
            jacobian[1] = -FP.One * (r1 % n);
            jacobian[2] = FP.One * n;
            jacobian[3] = (r2 % n);

            effectiveMass = body1.inverseMass + body2.inverseMass
                            + FPVector.Transform(jacobian[1], body1.invInertiaWorld) * jacobian[1]
                            + FPVector.Transform(jacobian[3], body2.invInertiaWorld) * jacobian[3];

            softnessOverDt = softness / timestep;
            effectiveMass += softnessOverDt;

            effectiveMass = FP.One / effectiveMass;

            bias = deltaLength * biasFactor * (FP.One / timestep);

            if (!body1.isStatic)
                body1.linearVelocity  += body1.inverseMass * accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[0];
                body1.angularVelocity += FPVector.Transform(accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[1], body1.invInertiaWorld);

            if (!body2.isStatic)
                body2.linearVelocity  += body2.inverseMass * accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[2];
                body2.angularVelocity += FPVector.Transform(accumulatedImpulse * jacobian[3], body2.invInertiaWorld);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rayOrigin"></param>
        /// <param name="rayDelta"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int Prepare(ref FPVector rayOrigin, ref FPVector rayDelta)
            TSBBox box = TSBBox.SmallBox;

            #region RayEnd + Expand Spherical
            FPVector rayEnd;
            FPVector.Normalize(ref rayDelta, out rayEnd);
            rayEnd = rayOrigin + rayDelta + rayEnd * sphericalExpansion;

            box.AddPoint(ref rayOrigin);
            box.AddPoint(ref rayEnd);

            return(this.Prepare(ref box));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void LookAt(FPVector forward, FPVector upwards, out FPMatrix result)
            FPVector zaxis = forward; zaxis.Normalize();
            FPVector xaxis = FPVector.Cross(upwards, zaxis); xaxis.Normalize();
            FPVector yaxis = FPVector.Cross(zaxis, xaxis);

            result.M11 = xaxis.x;
            result.M21 = yaxis.x;
            result.M31 = zaxis.x;
            result.M12 = xaxis.y;
            result.M22 = yaxis.y;
            result.M32 = zaxis.y;
            result.M13 = xaxis.z;
            result.M23 = yaxis.z;
            result.M33 = zaxis.z;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// SupportMapping. Finds the point in the shape furthest away from the given direction.
        /// Imagine a plane with a normal in the search direction. Now move the plane along the normal
        /// until the plane does not intersect the shape. The last intersection point is the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="direction">The direction.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        public override void SupportMapping(ref FPVector direction, out FPVector result)
            FP r = FP.Sqrt(direction.x * direction.x + direction.z * direction.z);

            if (FP.Abs(direction.y) > FP.Zero)
                FPVector dir; FPVector.Normalize(ref direction, out dir);
                FPVector.Multiply(ref dir, radius, out result);
                result.y += FP.Sign(direction.y) * FP.Half * length;
            else if (r > FP.Zero)
                result.x = direction.x / r * radius;
                result.y = FP.Zero;
                result.z = direction.z / r * radius;
                result.x = FP.Zero;
                result.y = FP.Zero;
                result.z = FP.Zero;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks two shapes for collisions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="support1">The SupportMappable implementation of the first shape to test.</param>
        /// <param name="support2">The SupportMappable implementation of the seconds shape to test.</param>
        /// <param name="orientation1">The orientation of the first shape.</param>
        /// <param name="orientation2">The orientation of the second shape.</param>
        /// <param name="position1">The position of the first shape.</param>
        /// <param name="position2">The position of the second shape</param>
        /// <param name="point">The pointin world coordinates, where collision occur.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">The normal pointing from body2 to body1.</param>
        /// <param name="penetration">Estimated penetration depth of the collision.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if there is a collision, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool Detect(ISupportMappable support1, ISupportMappable support2, ref FPMatrix orientation1,
                                  ref FPMatrix orientation2, ref FPVector position1, ref FPVector position2,
                                  out FPVector point, out FPVector normal, out FP penetration)
            // Used variables
            FPVector temp1, temp2;
            FPVector v01, v02, v0;
            FPVector v11, v12, v1;
            FPVector v21, v22, v2;
            FPVector v31, v32, v3;
            FPVector v41 = FPVector.zero, v42 = FPVector.zero, v4 = FPVector.zero;
            FPVector mn;

            // Initialization of the output
            point       = normal = FPVector.zero;
            penetration = FP.Zero;

            //JVector right = JVector.Right;

            // Get the center of shape1 in world coordinates -> v01
            support1.SupportCenter(out v01);
            FPVector.Transform(ref v01, ref orientation1, out v01);
            FPVector.Add(ref position1, ref v01, out v01);

            // Get the center of shape2 in world coordinates -> v02
            support2.SupportCenter(out v02);
            FPVector.Transform(ref v02, ref orientation2, out v02);
            FPVector.Add(ref position2, ref v02, out v02);

            // v0 is the center of the minkowski difference
            FPVector.Subtract(ref v02, ref v01, out v0);

            // Avoid case where centers overlap -- any direction is fine in this case
            if (v0.IsNearlyZero())
                v0 = new FPVector(FP.EN4, 0, 0);

            // v1 = support in direction of origin
            mn = v0;
            FPVector.Negate(ref v0, out normal);
            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("normal: " + normal);

            SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref mn, out v11);
            SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref normal, out v12);
            FPVector.Subtract(ref v12, ref v11, out v1);

            if (FPVector.Dot(ref v1, ref normal) <= FP.Zero)

            // v2 = support perpendicular to v1,v0
            FPVector.Cross(ref v1, ref v0, out normal);

            if (normal.IsNearlyZero())
                FPVector.Subtract(ref v1, ref v0, out normal);
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("normal: " + normal);


                point = v11;
                FPVector.Add(ref point, ref v12, out point);
                FPVector.Multiply(ref point, FP.Half, out point);

                FPVector.Subtract(ref v12, ref v11, out temp1);
                penetration = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref normal);

                //point = v11;
                //point2 = v12;

            FPVector.Negate(ref normal, out mn);
            SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref mn, out v21);
            SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref normal, out v22);
            FPVector.Subtract(ref v22, ref v21, out v2);

            if (FPVector.Dot(ref v2, ref normal) <= FP.Zero)

            // Determine whether origin is on + or - side of plane (v1,v0,v2)
            FPVector.Subtract(ref v1, ref v0, out temp1);
            FPVector.Subtract(ref v2, ref v0, out temp2);
            FPVector.Cross(ref temp1, ref temp2, out normal);

            FP dist = FPVector.Dot(ref normal, ref v0);

            // If the origin is on the - side of the plane, reverse the direction of the plane
            if (dist > FP.Zero)
                FPVector.Swap(ref v1, ref v2);
                FPVector.Swap(ref v11, ref v21);
                FPVector.Swap(ref v12, ref v22);
                FPVector.Negate(ref normal, out normal);
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("normal: " + normal);

            int  phase2 = 0;
            int  phase1 = 0;
            bool hit    = false;

            // Phase One: Identify a portal
            while (true)
                if (phase1 > MaximumIterations)


                // Obtain the support point in a direction perpendicular to the existing plane
                // Note: This point is guaranteed to lie off the plane
                FPVector.Negate(ref normal, out mn);
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("mn: " + mn);
                SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref mn, out v31);
                SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref normal, out v32);
                FPVector.Subtract(ref v32, ref v31, out v3);

                if (FPVector.Dot(ref v3, ref normal) <= FP.Zero)

                // If origin is outside (v1,v0,v3), then eliminate v2 and loop
                FPVector.Cross(ref v1, ref v3, out temp1);
                if (FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v0) < FP.Zero)
                    v2  = v3;
                    v21 = v31;
                    v22 = v32;
                    FPVector.Subtract(ref v1, ref v0, out temp1);
                    FPVector.Subtract(ref v3, ref v0, out temp2);
                    FPVector.Cross(ref temp1, ref temp2, out normal);
                    //	UnityEngine.Debug.Log("normal: " + normal);

                // If origin is outside (v3,v0,v2), then eliminate v1 and loop
                FPVector.Cross(ref v3, ref v2, out temp1);
                if (FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v0) < FP.Zero)
                    v1  = v3;
                    v11 = v31;
                    v12 = v32;
                    FPVector.Subtract(ref v3, ref v0, out temp1);
                    FPVector.Subtract(ref v2, ref v0, out temp2);
                    FPVector.Cross(ref temp1, ref temp2, out normal);
                    //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("normal: " + normal);

                // Phase Two: Refine the portal
                // We are now inside of a wedge...
                while (true)

                     * UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(" ::Start STATE");
                     * UnityEngine.Debug.Log(temp1 + " " +  temp2);
                     * UnityEngine.Debug.Log( v01 + " " + v02 + " "+ v0);
                     * UnityEngine.Debug.Log( v11+" "+ v12 +" "+ v1);
                     * UnityEngine.Debug.Log( v21 +" "+ v22 +" "+ v2);
                     * UnityEngine.Debug.Log( v31 +" "+ v32 +" "+ v3);
                     * UnityEngine.Debug.Log( v41 +" "+ v42 +" "+ v4);
                     * UnityEngine.Debug.Log( mn);
                     * UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(" ::END STATE");
                    // Compute normal of the wedge face
                    FPVector.Subtract(ref v2, ref v1, out temp1);
                    FPVector.Subtract(ref v3, ref v1, out temp2);
                    FPVector.Cross(ref temp1, ref temp2, out normal);
                    // Beginer
                    //	UnityEngine.Debug.Log("normal: " + normal);

                    // Can this happen???  Can it be handled more cleanly?
                    if (normal.IsNearlyZero())

                    //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("normal: " + normal);
                    // Compute distance from origin to wedge face
                    FP d = FPVector.Dot(ref normal, ref v1);

                    // If the origin is inside the wedge, we have a hit
                    if (d >= 0 && !hit)
                        // HIT!!!
                        hit = true;

                    // Find the support point in the direction of the wedge face
                    FPVector.Negate(ref normal, out mn);
                    SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref mn, out v41);
                    SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref normal, out v42);
                    FPVector.Subtract(ref v42, ref v41, out v4);

                    FPVector.Subtract(ref v4, ref v3, out temp1);
                    FP delta = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref normal);
                    penetration = FPVector.Dot(ref v4, ref normal);

                    // If the boundary is thin enough or the origin is outside the support plane for the newly discovered vertex, then we can terminate
                    if (delta <= CollideEpsilon || penetration <= FP.Zero || phase2 > MaximumIterations)
                        if (hit)
                            FPVector.Cross(ref v1, ref v2, out temp1);
                            FP b0 = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v3);
                            FPVector.Cross(ref v3, ref v2, out temp1);
                            FP b1 = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v0);
                            FPVector.Cross(ref v0, ref v1, out temp1);
                            FP b2 = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v3);
                            FPVector.Cross(ref v2, ref v1, out temp1);
                            FP b3 = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v0);

                            FP sum = b0 + b1 + b2 + b3;

                            if (sum <= 0)
                                b0 = 0;
                                FPVector.Cross(ref v2, ref v3, out temp1);
                                b1 = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref normal);
                                FPVector.Cross(ref v3, ref v1, out temp1);
                                b2 = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref normal);
                                FPVector.Cross(ref v1, ref v2, out temp1);
                                b3 = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref normal);

                                sum = b1 + b2 + b3;

                            FP inv = FP.One / sum;

                            FPVector.Multiply(ref v01, b0, out point);
                            FPVector.Multiply(ref v11, b1, out temp1);
                            FPVector.Add(ref point, ref temp1, out point);
                            FPVector.Multiply(ref v21, b2, out temp1);
                            FPVector.Add(ref point, ref temp1, out point);
                            FPVector.Multiply(ref v31, b3, out temp1);
                            FPVector.Add(ref point, ref temp1, out point);

                            FPVector.Multiply(ref v02, b0, out temp2);
                            FPVector.Add(ref temp2, ref point, out point);
                            FPVector.Multiply(ref v12, b1, out temp1);
                            FPVector.Add(ref point, ref temp1, out point);
                            FPVector.Multiply(ref v22, b2, out temp1);
                            FPVector.Add(ref point, ref temp1, out point);
                            FPVector.Multiply(ref v32, b3, out temp1);
                            FPVector.Add(ref point, ref temp1, out point);

                            FPVector.Multiply(ref point, inv * FP.Half, out point);

                        // Compute the barycentric coordinates of the origin

                    //// Compute the tetrahedron dividing face (v4,v0,v1)
                    //JVector.Cross(ref v4, ref v1, out temp1);
                    //FP d1 = JVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v0);

                    //// Compute the tetrahedron dividing face (v4,v0,v2)
                    //JVector.Cross(ref v4, ref v2, out temp1);
                    //FP d2 = JVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v0);

                    // Compute the tetrahedron dividing face (v4,v0,v3)
                    //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("v4:" +  v4 + " v0:" + v0);
                    FPVector.Cross(ref v4, ref v0, out temp1);
                    //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("temp1:"+ temp1);

                    //	UnityEngine.Debug.Log("normal: " + normal);
                    FP dot = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v1);

                    if (dot >= FP.Zero)
                        //	UnityEngine.Debug.Log("dot >= 0 temp1:" + temp1 + "  v2:" + v2 );
                        dot = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v2);

                        if (dot >= FP.Zero)
                            //		UnityEngine.Debug.Log("dot >= 0 v1->v4");

                            // Inside d1 & inside d2 ==> eliminate v1
                            v1  = v4;
                            v11 = v41;
                            v12 = v42;
                            //		UnityEngine.Debug.Log("dot < v3->v4");

                            // Inside d1 & outside d2 ==> eliminate v3
                            v3  = v4;
                            v31 = v41;
                            v32 = v42;
                        //	UnityEngine.Debug.Log("dot < 0 temp1:" + temp1 + "  v3:" + v3 );
                        dot = FPVector.Dot(ref temp1, ref v3);

                        if (dot >= FP.Zero)
                            //	UnityEngine.Debug.Log("dot >= 0 v2 => v4");
                            // Outside d1 & inside d3 ==> eliminate v2
                            v2  = v4;
                            v21 = v41;
                            v22 = v42;
                            //		UnityEngine.Debug.Log("dot < 0 v1 => v4");
                            // Outside d1 & outside d3 ==> eliminate v1
                            v1  = v4;
                            v11 = v41;
                            v12 = v42;
        /// <summary>
        /// Hull making.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Based/Completely from http://www.xbdev.net/physics/MinkowskiDifference/index.php
        /// I don't (100%) see why this should always work.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="triangleList"></param>
        /// <param name="generationThreshold"></param>
        public virtual void MakeHull(ref List <FPVector> triangleList, int generationThreshold)
            FP distanceThreshold = FP.Zero;

            if (generationThreshold < 0)
                generationThreshold = 4;

            Stack <ClipTriangle> activeTriList = new Stack <ClipTriangle>();

            FPVector[] v = new FPVector[] // 6 Array
                new FPVector(-1, 0, 0),
                new FPVector(1, 0, 0),

                new FPVector(0, -1, 0),
                new FPVector(0, 1, 0),

                new FPVector(0, 0, -1),
                new FPVector(0, 0, 1),

            int[,] kTriangleVerts = new int[8, 3] // 8 x 3 Array
                { 5, 1, 3 },
                { 4, 3, 1 },
                { 3, 4, 0 },
                { 0, 5, 3 },

                { 5, 2, 1 },
                { 4, 1, 2 },
                { 2, 0, 4 },
                { 0, 2, 5 }

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                ClipTriangle tri = new ClipTriangle();
                tri.n1         = v[kTriangleVerts[i, 0]];
                tri.n2         = v[kTriangleVerts[i, 1]];
                tri.n3         = v[kTriangleVerts[i, 2]];
                tri.generation = 0;

            // surfaceTriList
            while (activeTriList.Count > 0)
                ClipTriangle tri = activeTriList.Pop();

                FPVector p1; SupportMapping(ref tri.n1, out p1);
                FPVector p2; SupportMapping(ref tri.n2, out p2);
                FPVector p3; SupportMapping(ref tri.n3, out p3);

                FP d1 = (p2 - p1).sqrMagnitude;
                FP d2 = (p3 - p2).sqrMagnitude;
                FP d3 = (p1 - p3).sqrMagnitude;

                if (FPMath.Max(FPMath.Max(d1, d2), d3) > distanceThreshold && tri.generation < generationThreshold)
                    ClipTriangle tri1 = new ClipTriangle();
                    ClipTriangle tri2 = new ClipTriangle();
                    ClipTriangle tri3 = new ClipTriangle();
                    ClipTriangle tri4 = new ClipTriangle();

                    tri1.generation = tri.generation + 1;
                    tri2.generation = tri.generation + 1;
                    tri3.generation = tri.generation + 1;
                    tri4.generation = tri.generation + 1;

                    tri1.n1 = tri.n1;
                    tri2.n2 = tri.n2;
                    tri3.n3 = tri.n3;

                    FPVector n = FP.Half * (tri.n1 + tri.n2);

                    tri1.n2 = n;
                    tri2.n1 = n;
                    tri4.n3 = n;

                    n = FP.Half * (tri.n2 + tri.n3);

                    tri2.n3 = n;
                    tri3.n2 = n;
                    tri4.n1 = n;

                    n = FP.Half * (tri.n3 + tri.n1);

                    tri1.n3 = n;
                    tri3.n1 = n;
                    tri4.n2 = n;

                    if (((p3 - p1) % (p2 - p1)).sqrMagnitude > FPMath.Epsilon)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        //    public static bool TimeOfImpact(ISupportMappable support1, ISupportMappable support2, ref JMatrix orientation1,
        //ref JMatrix orientation2, ref JVector position1, ref JVector position2, ref JVector sweptA, ref JVector sweptB,
        //out JVector p1, out JVector p2, out JVector normal)
        //    {

        //        VoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver = simplexSolverPool.GetNew();
        //        simplexSolver.Reset();

        //        FP lambda = FP.Zero;

        //        p1 = p2 = JVector.Zero;

        //        JVector x1 = position1;
        //        JVector x2 = position2;

        //        JVector r = sweptA - sweptB;
        //        JVector w, v;

        //        JVector supVertexA;
        //        JVector rn = JVector.Negate(r);
        //        SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref x1, ref rn, out supVertexA);

        //        JVector supVertexB;
        //        SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref x2, ref r, out supVertexB);

        //        v = supVertexA - supVertexB;

        //        bool hasResult = false;

        //        normal = JVector.Zero;

        //        FP lastLambda = lambda;

        //        int maxIter = MaxIterations;

        //        FP distSq = v.LengthSquared();
        //        FP epsilon = FP.EN5;

        //        FP VdotR;

        //        while ((distSq > epsilon) && (maxIter-- != 0))
        //        {

        //            JVector vn = JVector.Negate(v);
        //            SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref x1, ref vn, out supVertexA);
        //            SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref x2, ref v, out supVertexB);
        //            w = supVertexA - supVertexB;

        //            FP VdotW = JVector.Dot(ref v, ref w);

        //            if (VdotW > FP.Zero)
        //            {
        //                VdotR = JVector.Dot(ref v, ref r);

        //                if (VdotR >= -JMath.Epsilon)
        //                {
        //                    simplexSolverPool.GiveBack(simplexSolver);
        //                    return false;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    lambda = lambda - VdotW / VdotR;

        //                    x1 = position1 + lambda * sweptA;
        //                    x2 = position2 + lambda * sweptB;

        //                    w = supVertexA - supVertexB;

        //                    normal = v;
        //                    hasResult = true;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            if (!simplexSolver.InSimplex(w)) simplexSolver.AddVertex(w, supVertexA, supVertexB);
        //            if (simplexSolver.Closest(out v))
        //            {
        //                distSq = v.LengthSquared();
        //                normal = v;
        //                hasResult = true;
        //            }
        //            else distSq = FP.Zero;
        //        }

        //        simplexSolver.ComputePoints(out p1, out p2);

        //        if (normal.LengthSquared() > JMath.Epsilon * JMath.Epsilon)
        //            normal.Normalize();

        //        p1 = p1 - lambda * sweptA;
        //        p2 = p2 - lambda * sweptB;

        //        simplexSolverPool.GiveBack(simplexSolver);

        //        return true;

        //    }

        // see: btSubSimplexConvexCast.cpp

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a ray definied through it's origin and direction collides
        /// with a shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="support">The supportmap implementation representing the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="orientation">The orientation of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="invOrientation">The inverse orientation of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="origin">The origin of the ray.</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The direction of the ray.</param>
        /// <param name="fraction">The fraction which gives information where at the
        /// ray the collision occured. The hitPoint is calculated by: origin+friction*direction.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">The normal from the ray collision.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the ray hit the shape, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool Raycast(ISupportMappable support, ref FPMatrix orientation, ref FPMatrix invOrientation,
                                   ref FPVector position, ref FPVector origin, ref FPVector direction, out FP fraction, out FPVector normal)
            VoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver = simplexSolverPool.GetNew();


            normal   = FPVector.zero;
            fraction = FP.MaxValue;

            FP lambda = FP.Zero;

            FPVector r = direction;
            FPVector x = origin;
            FPVector w, p, v;

            FPVector arbitraryPoint;

            SupportMapTransformed(support, ref orientation, ref position, ref r, out arbitraryPoint);
            FPVector.Subtract(ref x, ref arbitraryPoint, out v);

            int maxIter = MaxIterations;

            FP distSq  = v.sqrMagnitude;
            FP epsilon = FP.EN6;

            FP VdotR;

            while ((distSq > epsilon) && (maxIter-- != 0))
                SupportMapTransformed(support, ref orientation, ref position, ref v, out p);
                FPVector.Subtract(ref x, ref p, out w);

                FP VdotW = FPVector.Dot(ref v, ref w);

                if (VdotW > FP.Zero)
                    VdotR = FPVector.Dot(ref v, ref r);

                    if (VdotR >= -FPMath.Epsilon)
                        lambda = lambda - VdotW / VdotR;
                        FPVector.Multiply(ref r, lambda, out x);
                        FPVector.Add(ref origin, ref x, out x);
                        FPVector.Subtract(ref x, ref p, out w);
                        normal = v;
                if (!simplexSolver.InSimplex(w))
                    simplexSolver.AddVertex(w, x, p);
                if (simplexSolver.Closest(out v))
                    distSq = v.sqrMagnitude;
                    distSq = FP.Zero;

            #region Retrieving hitPoint

            // Giving back the fraction like this *should* work
            // but is inaccurate against large objects:
            // fraction = lambda;

            FPVector p1, p2;
            simplexSolver.ComputePoints(out p1, out p2);

            p2       = p2 - origin;
            fraction = p2.magnitude / direction.magnitude;


            if (normal.sqrMagnitude > FPMath.Epsilon * FPMath.Epsilon)


Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static bool ClosestPoints(ISupportMappable support1, ISupportMappable support2, ref FPMatrix orientation1,
                                         ref FPMatrix orientation2, ref FPVector position1, ref FPVector position2,
                                         out FPVector p1, out FPVector p2, out FPVector normal)
            VoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver = simplexSolverPool.GetNew();


            p1 = p2 = FPVector.zero;

            FPVector r = position1 - position2;
            FPVector w, v;

            FPVector supVertexA;
            FPVector rn, vn;

            rn = FPVector.Negate(r);

            SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref rn, out supVertexA);

            FPVector supVertexB;

            SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref r, out supVertexB);

            v = supVertexA - supVertexB;

            normal = FPVector.zero;

            int maxIter = MaxIterations;

            FP distSq  = v.sqrMagnitude;
            FP epsilon = CollideEpsilon;

            while ((distSq > epsilon) && (maxIter-- != 0))
                vn = FPVector.Negate(v);
                SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref vn, out supVertexA);
                SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref v, out supVertexB);
                w = supVertexA - supVertexB;

                if (!simplexSolver.InSimplex(w))
                    simplexSolver.AddVertex(w, supVertexA, supVertexB);
                if (simplexSolver.Closest(out v))
                    distSq = v.sqrMagnitude;
                    normal = v;
                    distSq = FP.Zero;

            simplexSolver.ComputePoints(out p1, out p2);

            if (normal.sqrMagnitude > FPMath.Epsilon * FPMath.Epsilon)

