Ejemplo n.º 1
    public static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        EnvironmentMsg poseMsg = (EnvironmentMsg)msg;

        if (poseMsg.id_.Contains("hoop"))
            char numID = poseMsg.id_[poseMsg.id_.Length - 1];
            //Debug.Log("Got a tf message: " + poseMsg.id_[poseMsg.id_.Length - 1]);

            GameObject currentHoop = null;

            if (!WorldProperties.hoopsDict.ContainsKey(numID))
                GameObject world = GameObject.FindWithTag("World");
                currentHoop = Object.Instantiate(world.GetComponent <WorldProperties>().torus);
                currentHoop.transform.parent     = world.transform;
                WorldProperties.hoopsDict[numID] = currentHoop;
                Debug.Log("Made hoop with id: " + numID);
                currentHoop = WorldProperties.hoopsDict[numID];

            currentHoop.transform.localPosition = WorldProperties.RosSpaceToWorldSpace(poseMsg.x_, poseMsg.y_, poseMsg.z_) +
            currentHoop.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(poseMsg.x_rot_ + 1, poseMsg.y_rot_, poseMsg.z_rot_, poseMsg.w_rot_);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        EnvironmentMsg poseMsg = (EnvironmentMsg)msg;

        if (poseMsg.id_.Contains("hoop"))
            char numID = poseMsg.id_[poseMsg.id_.Length - 1];
            //Debug.Log("Got a tf message: " + poseMsg.id_[poseMsg.id_.Length - 1]);

            GameObject currentHoop = null;

            if (!WorldProperties.hoopsDict.ContainsKey(numID))
                GameObject world = GameObject.FindWithTag("World");
                currentHoop = Object.Instantiate(world.GetComponent <WorldProperties>().torus);
                currentHoop.transform.parent     = world.transform;
                WorldProperties.hoopsDict[numID] = currentHoop;

                Debug.Log("Made hoop with id: " + numID);
                Debug.Log("im in the else");

                 * GameObject newCanvas = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("TextCanv"));
                 * Debug.Log("line1");
                 * //Getting TextMesh component
                 * TextMesh tempText = newCanvas.GetComponent<TextMesh>();
                 * Debug.Log("line2");
                 * Debug.Log("ADD TEXT PLS");
                 * //Setting the Name
                 * if (numID == 1)
                 * {
                 *  tempText.text = "Hoop A";
                 *  numberThing += 1;
                 * }
                 * else if (numID == 2)
                 * {
                 *  tempText.text = "Hoop B";
                 *  numberThing += 1;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  tempText.text = "Hoop C";
                 * }

                currentHoop = WorldProperties.hoopsDict[numID];
                // newCanvas.transform.parent = currentHoop.transform;

            currentHoop.transform.localPosition = WorldProperties.RosSpaceToWorldSpace(poseMsg.x_, poseMsg.y_, poseMsg.z_) +
            currentHoop.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(2.7f, 2.7f, 2.7f);
            currentHoop.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(poseMsg.x_rot_ + 1, poseMsg.y_rot_, poseMsg.z_rot_, poseMsg.w_rot_);