Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a blachole object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Spawn position of object.</param>
        public Blackhole(Vector2 position) : base(ECS.GetNextId())
            // Register components
            Components = new IComponent[]
                new AnimationComponent()
                    Sprite = "Objects/Blackhole"
                new PositionComponent()
                    Position        = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y),
                    Momentum        = new Vector2(),
                    Direction       = 0,
                    AngularMomentum = 0,
                    CollisionMask   = new CollisionMaskCircle(
                        new Vector2(position.X, position.Y), 400
                new WorldComponent()
                    Entity = this

            // Link components
            Position      = ((PositionComponent)Components[1]).Position;
            CollisionMask = ((PositionComponent)Components[1]).CollisionMask;
            ((WorldComponent)Components[2]).PositionComponent =
            ((WorldComponent)Components[2]).Entity = this;

            // Register components
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a debri entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spawn">Spawn location.</param>
        public Debri(Vector2 spawn) : base(ECS.GetNextId())
            Random random = new Random();

            // Components
            Components = new IComponent[]
                new PositionComponent()
                    Position        = spawn,
                    Momentum        = Blackhole.GetInitialMomentum(spawn),
                    AngularMomentum = random.Next(-40, 40),
                    Direction       = random.Next(0, 360),
                    CollisionMask   = new CollisionMaskCircle(
                        spawn, 32
                new AnimationComponent()
                    Sprite = "Objects/Resources/Debri"
                new AffectedByBlackholeComponent()
                    Entity = this
                new WorldComponent()
                    Entity = this
                new CombatComponent()
                    Health    = 1,
                    MaxHealth = 1,
                    Armour    = 0,
                    MaxArmour = 0,
                    Entity    = this
                new ResourceComponent()
                    Value = 50

            // Link as required
            ((AffectedByBlackholeComponent)Components[2]).Position = Position;
            ((WorldComponent)Components[3]).PositionComponent      = Position;

            // Register components
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a projectile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">Initial x position.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Initial y position.</param>
        /// <param name="direction">Initial direction.</param>
        /// <param name="team">Team who owns projectile.</param>
        /// <param name="owner">Player who owns projectile.</param>
        public Projectile(float x, float y, float direction, Team team = null,
                          Entity owner = null)
            : base(ECS.GetNextId())
            // Todo(Chris): Get rid of magic numbers.
            Components = new IComponent[]
                new PositionComponent()
                    Position  = new Vector2(x, y),
                    Direction = direction,
                    Momentum  = new Vector2(
                        ) * 1000,
                    AngularMomentum = 0,
                    CollisionMask   = new CollisionMaskLine(
                        new Vector2(x, y), 20, direction
                new AnimationComponent()
                    Sprite = "Objects/Weapons/line_projectile"
                new WorldComponent(),
                new LifetimeComponent()
                    LifetimeRemaining = 1000
                new ProjectileComponent()
                    Team = team

            // Link components:
            World.Entity                 = this;
            World.PositionComponent      = Position;
            Lifetime.Entity              = this;
            ProjectileComponent.Entity   = this;
            ProjectileComponent.Position = Position;
            ProjectileComponent.World    = World;
            Owner = owner;

            // Register components
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Mothership entity.
        /// </summary>
        public Mothership(int x, int y, Team team) : base(ECS.GetNextId())
            // Register components.
            Components = new IComponent[]
                new PositionComponent()
                    Position = new Vector2(x, y),
                    Momentum = Blackhole.GetInitialMomentum(
                        new Vector2(x, y)
                    Direction       = 0,
                    AngularMomentum = 0,
                    CollisionMask   = new CollisionMaskCircle(
                        new Vector2(x, y), 128
                new WorldComponent(),
                new AnimationComponent()
                    Sprite = "Objects/Ships/Mothership"
                new AffectedByBlackholeComponent()
                    Entity = this
                new TeamComponent()
                    Team = team
                new ResourceComponent()
                    Value = 0

            // Link components
            World.Entity            = this;
            World.PositionComponent = Position;
            ((AffectedByBlackholeComponent)Components[3]).Position = Position;
            Team.Team.Mothership = this;

            // Register components
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new player, but copies game data from old object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldPlayer">Previous iterate of same player.</param>
 public PlayerEntity(PlayerEntity oldPlayer) : base(ECS.GetNextId())
     throw (new NotImplementedException());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new player entity.
        /// </summary>
        public PlayerEntity(Team team) : base(ECS.GetNextId())
            // Create components
            Components = new IComponent[]
                new NetworkingClientComponent(this),
                new PositionComponent()
                    Position        = new Vector2(),
                    Momentum        = new Vector2(),
                    AngularMomentum = 0,
                    Direction       = 0,
                    CollisionMask   = new CollisionMaskCircle(new Vector2(), 128),
                new WorldComponent(),
                new AnimationComponent()
                    Sprite = "Objects/Ships/GreenBeacon"
                new EngineComponent()
                    InputForce = new Vector2()
                new ShipLimiterComponent()
                    HandlingRank = 0,
                    SpeedRank    = 0
                new TeamComponent()
                    Team = team
                new CombatComponent()
                    Health    = 100,
                    MaxHealth = 100,
                    Armour    = 100,
                    MaxArmour = 100,
                    Entity    = this
                new WeaponComponent()
                    Cooldown        = 200,
                    CurrentCooldown = 0,
                    Direction       = 0f,
                    Trigger         = false,
                    Parent          = this
                new ResourceComponent()
                    Value = 0

            // Link components as required
            Client.Entity           = this;
            World.PositionComponent = Position;
            World.Entity            = this;
            Engine.Position         = Position;
            ShipLimiter.Position    = Position;
            ShipLimiter.Engine      = Engine;
            Weapon.Position         = Position;
            Weapon.Team             = Team;

            // Register to team

            // Spawn according to team respawn
            Position.Position = Team.Team.Mothership.Position.Position
                                + new Vector2(100, 0);
            Position.Momentum =
            Position.Direction       = (new Random()).Next(0, 180);
            Position.AngularMomentum = (new Random()).Next(-20, 20);

            // Register components
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new team.
 /// </summary>
 public Team()
     Members     = new PlayerEntity[Settings.MaxTeamSize];
     Id          = ECS.GetNextId();
     MemberCount = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new server manager, which will listen for clients
        /// on a given port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="port">Port to listen on.</param>
        /// <param name="teamSize">Team Size as specified by login.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">User tokens for connection.</param>
        public ServerManager(int port, int teamSize, int[] tokens)
            GameMaster.State = GameMaster.GameState.Loading;

            // Initialise teams
            Trace.WriteLine("Initialising Teams.");

            Settings.MaxTeamSize = teamSize;

            Team teamA = new Team();
            Team teamB = new Team();

            Trace.WriteLine("Teams initialised.");

            // Register ECS systems
            Trace.WriteLine("Registering ECS Systems.");

            // Networking
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new NetworkingSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new NetworkingClientSystem());

            // World partioning
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new WorldSystem());

            // Game systems (Alphabetical order).
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new AnimationSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new BlachholeSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new CombatSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new EngineSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new PositionSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new ResourceSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new ShipLimiterSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new TeamSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new WeaponSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new LifetimeSystem());
            ECS.RegisterSystem(new ProjectileSystem());

            // Create networking component without an entity
            NetworkState = new NetworkingComponent(port, tokens, teamA, teamB);
                ComponentSystemId.NetworkingSystem, ECS.GetNextId(),

            Trace.WriteLine("ECS Registered.");

            // Load map data
            Trace.WriteLine("Loading map data.");

            MapData.SpawnWorld(teamA, teamB);

            Trace.WriteLine("Map loaded.");

            // Register to State event handlers
            GameMaster.OnStartCountdown += HandleOnCountdown;
            GameMaster.OnStartGame      += HandleOnGameStart;
            GameMaster.OnEndGame        += HandleOnGameEnd;

            // Start timers
            Timer = new Stopwatch();
            FrameTimer = new Stopwatch();

            GameMaster.State = GameMaster.GameState.WaitingForPlayers;