Ejemplo n.º 1
 public DoctorController(DrugstoreDbContext context,
                         UserManager <SystemUser> userManager,
                         GetPrescriptionsListUseCase getPrescriptions,
                         GetPrescriptionDetailsUseCase getPrescriptionDetails,
                         GetPrescriptionUseCase getPrescription,
                         GetMedicinesUseCase getMedicines,
                         GetPatientsUseCase getPatients,
                         DeletePrescriptionUseCase deletePrescription,
                         GetTreatmentHistoryUseCase getTreatmentHistory,
                         GetPrescriptionMedicinesUseCase getPrescriptionMedicines,
                         EditPrescriptionUseCase editPrescription,
                         AddPrescriptionUseCase addPrescription)
     this.context                  = context;
     this.userManager              = userManager;
     this.getPrescription          = getPrescription;
     this.getMedicines             = getMedicines;
     this.getPatients              = getPatients;
     this.deletePrescription       = deletePrescription;
     this.getTreatmentHistory      = getTreatmentHistory;
     this.getPrescriptionMedicines = getPrescriptionMedicines;
     this.editPrescription         = editPrescription;
     this.addPrescription          = addPrescription;
     getPrescriptionsList          = getPrescriptions;
     this.getPrescriptionDetails   = getPrescriptionDetails;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static Dictionary <int, int> CreateProductList(DrugstoreDbContext context)
            DateTime currentDay = DateTime.Today;

            var obj = context.ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicines.Include(d => d.StockMedicine);
            //This list contains todays order List
            var      orderList     = obj.Where(d => d.Date >= currentDay);
            DateTime lastSevenDays = DateTime.Today;

            //This list contains every medicines that have been sold at least 7 day ago
            lastSevenDays = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7);
            var historyList = obj.Where(d => d.Date >= lastSevenDays);
            var dictionary  = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (var product in orderList)
                var average  = 0;
                var sum      = 0;
                var quantity = 0;
                foreach (var historyProduct in historyList)
                    if (historyProduct.StockMedicine.ID == product.StockMedicine.ID)
                        sum += historyProduct.SoldQuantity;
                average = (sum / quantity) < product.SoldQuantity ? product.SoldQuantity : (sum / quantity);
                dictionary.Add(product.Id, average);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void SetUp()
            context = new DrugstoreDbContext(options);
            #region Data seed
            var stockMed = new MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = MedicineCategory.Special,
                PricePerOne      = 30,
                Quantity         = 50,
                Refundation      = 0.20,
                Name             = "Lek testowy"
            var doctor = new Doctor
                FirstName  = "Testowy",
                SecondName = "Lekarz"
            var patient = new Patient
                FirstName  = "Testowy",
                SecondName = "Pacjent"




Ejemplo n.º 4
 public AdminUseCase(
     UserManager <SystemUser> userManager,
     RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager,
     DrugstoreDbContext drugstoreDbContext)
     this.userManager = userManager;
     this.roleManager = roleManager;
     context          = drugstoreDbContext;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public NurseController(
     DrugstoreDbContext context,
     NurseUseCase nurseUseCase,
     UserManager <SystemUser> userManager)
     this.context      = context;
     this.nurseUseCase = nurseUseCase;
     this.userManager  = userManager;
     pdfCreator        = new PdfCreator();
 public PostXMLStoreOrderListUseCase(
     DrugstoreDbContext context,
     ILogger <PostXMLStoreOrderListUseCase> logger,
     ISerializer <MemoryStream, XmlMedicineSupplyModel> serializer,
     ICopy fileCopy)
     this.context    = context;
     this.logger     = logger;
     this.serializer = serializer;
     this.fileCopy   = fileCopy;
 public UploadSoldMedicinesListUseCase(
     DrugstoreDbContext context,
     ILogger <UploadSoldMedicinesListUseCase> logger,
     ISerializer <MemoryStream, XmlMedicineSupplyModel> serializer,
     ICopy fileCopy)
     this.context    = context;
     this.logger     = logger;
     this.serializer = serializer;
     this.fileCopy   = fileCopy;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public PatientController(
     UserManager <SystemUser> userManager,
     DrugstoreDbContext context,
     GetTreatmentOverviewDataUseCase getTreatmentOverviewDataUseCase,
     GetPrescriptionDetailsUseCase getPrescriptionDetailsUseCase)
     this.userManager = userManager;
     this.context     = context;
     this.getTreatmentOverviewDataUseCase = getTreatmentOverviewDataUseCase;
     this.getPrescriptionDetailsUseCase   = getPrescriptionDetailsUseCase;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public InternalPharmacistController(
     DrugstoreDbContext context,
     GetUnverifiedPrescriptionsUseCase getUnverifiedPrescriptions,
     GetPrescriptionUseCase getPrescription,
     AcceptPrescriptionUseCase acceptPrescription,
     RejectPrescriptionUseCase rejectPrescription)
     this.context = context;
     this.getUnverifiedPrescriptions = getUnverifiedPrescriptions;
     this.getPrescription            = getPrescription;
     this.acceptPrescription         = acceptPrescription;
     this.rejectPrescription         = rejectPrescription;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void SetUp()
            context = new DrugstoreDbContext(options);
            #region Data seed
            var stockMed = new MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = MedicineCategory.Special,
                PricePerOne      = 30,
                Quantity         = 50,
                Refundation      = 0.20,
                Name             = "Lek testowy"
            var doctor = new Doctor
                FirstName  = "Testowy",
                SecondName = "Lekarz"
            var patient = new Patient
                FirstName  = "Testowy",
                SecondName = "Pacjent"
            var prescription = new MedicalPrescription
                CreationTime      = DateTime.Now,
                Doctor            = doctor,
                Patient           = patient,
                VerificationState = VerificationState.NotVerified,
                Medicines         = new List <AssignedMedicine> {
                    new AssignedMedicine {
                        StockMedicine    = stockMed,
                        PricePerOne      = stockMed.PricePerOne * (1 - stockMed.Refundation),
                        AssignedQuantity = 10




Ejemplo n.º 11
        public AdminTests()
            options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DrugstoreDbContext>()
                      .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Drugstore_Admin").Options;

            var userStoreMock   = new Mock <IUserStore <SystemUser> >();
            var userManagerMock = new Mock <UserManager <SystemUser> >(userStoreMock.Object, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
            var roleManagerMock = new Mock <RoleManager <IdentityRole> >(
                new Mock <IRoleStore <IdentityRole> >().Object,
                new IRoleValidator <IdentityRole> [0],
                new Mock <ILookupNormalizer>().Object,
                new Mock <IdentityErrorDescriber>().Object,
                new Mock <ILogger <RoleManager <IdentityRole> > >().Object);
            var passwordHasherMock = new Mock <IPasswordHasher <SystemUser> >();

            passwordHasherMock.Setup(p => p.HashPassword(It.IsAny <SystemUser>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
            userManagerMock.Object.PasswordHasher = passwordHasherMock.Object;

            userManagerMock.Setup(u => u.CreateAsync(It.IsAny <SystemUser>()))
            .Returns(Task <IdentityResult> .FromResult(new IdentityResult()));

            userManagerMock.Setup(u => u.AddToRoleAsync(It.IsAny <SystemUser>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(Task <IdentityResult> .FromResult(new IdentityResult()));

            userManagerMock.Setup(u => u.FindByIdAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <SystemUser>(new SystemUser()));

            userManagerMock.Setup(u => u.GetRolesAsync(It.IsAny <SystemUser>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <IList <string> >(new string [] { "Admin" }));

            userManagerMock.Setup(u => u.DeleteAsync(It.IsAny <SystemUser>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <IdentityResult>(new IdentityResult()));

            context = new DrugstoreDbContext(options);

            useCase = new AdminUseCase(userManagerMock.Object, roleManagerMock.Object, context);
 public AcceptPrescriptionUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context, ILogger <AcceptPrescriptionUseCase> logger)
     this.context = context;
     this.logger  = logger;
 public GetTreatmentOverviewDataUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context)
     this.context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public GetPatientsUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context)
     this.context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public GetPrescriptionDetailsUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context)
     this.context = context;
 public GetPrescriptionsListUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context)
     this.context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void SetUp()
            context = new DrugstoreDbContext(options);
            #region Data seed
            var stockMedOne = new MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = MedicineCategory.Special,
                PricePerOne      = 30,
                Quantity         = 50,
                Refundation      = 0.20,
                Name             = "Lek testowy"
            var stockMedTwo = new MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = MedicineCategory.Normal,
                PricePerOne      = 20,
                Quantity         = 100,
                Refundation      = 0.60,
                Name             = "Voltaren"

            var doctor = new Doctor
                FirstName  = "Testowy",
                SecondName = "Lekarz"

            var patientOne = new Patient
                FirstName  = "Pacjentka",
                SecondName = "One"

            var patientTwo = new Patient
                FirstName  = "Pacjent",
                SecondName = "Two"
            var prescriptions = new MedicalPrescription []
                new MedicalPrescription {
                    CreationTime      = DateTime.Parse("2019/01/20"),
                    Doctor            = doctor,
                    Patient           = patientOne,
                    VerificationState = VerificationState.NotVerified,
                    Medicines         = new List <AssignedMedicine> {
                        new AssignedMedicine {
                            StockMedicine    = stockMedOne,
                            PricePerOne      = stockMedOne.PricePerOne * (1 - stockMedOne.Refundation),
                            AssignedQuantity = 10
                new MedicalPrescription
                    CreationTime      = DateTime.Parse("2019/01/22"),
                    Doctor            = doctor,
                    Patient           = patientOne,
                    VerificationState = VerificationState.NotVerified,
                    Medicines         = new List <AssignedMedicine> {
                        new AssignedMedicine {
                            StockMedicine    = stockMedTwo,
                            PricePerOne      = stockMedTwo.PricePerOne * (1 - stockMedTwo.Refundation),
                            AssignedQuantity = 10

                new MedicalPrescription
                    CreationTime      = DateTime.Parse("2019/01/28"),
                    Doctor            = doctor,
                    Patient           = patientTwo,
                    VerificationState = VerificationState.Accepted,
                    Medicines         = new List <AssignedMedicine> {
                        new AssignedMedicine {
                            StockMedicine    = stockMedOne,
                            PricePerOne      = stockMedOne.PricePerOne * (1 - stockMedOne.Refundation),
                            AssignedQuantity = 10
                new MedicalPrescription
                    CreationTime      = DateTime.Parse("2019/01/30"),
                    Doctor            = doctor,
                    Patient           = patientTwo,
                    VerificationState = VerificationState.Accepted,
                    Medicines         = new List <AssignedMedicine> {
                        new AssignedMedicine {
                            StockMedicine    = stockMedTwo,
                            PricePerOne      = stockMedTwo.PricePerOne * (1 - stockMedTwo.Refundation),
                            AssignedQuantity = 10





Ejemplo n.º 18
 public GetTreatmentHistoryUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context)
     this.context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public GetMedicinesUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context)
     this.context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public NurseUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context,
                     UserManager <SystemUser> userManager)
     this.context     = context;
     this.userManager = userManager;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public GetPrescriptionMedicinesUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context)
     this.context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public AdminController(AdminUseCase adminUseCase, DrugstoreDbContext drugstore, UserManager <SystemUser> userManager)
     this.adminUseCase = adminUseCase;
     this.drugstore    = drugstore;
     this.userManager  = userManager;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void SetUp()
            context = new DrugstoreDbContext(options);
            var med1 = new Core.MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = Core.MedicineCategory.Normal,
                Name             = "First Medicine",
                PricePerOne      = 25.66,
                Quantity         = 100,
                Refundation      = 0.2
            var med2 = new Core.MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = Core.MedicineCategory.Normal,
                Name             = "Second Medicine",
                PricePerOne      = 6.66,
                Quantity         = 100,
                Refundation      = 0.1
            var med3 = new Core.MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = Core.MedicineCategory.Normal,
                Name             = "Third Medicine",
                PricePerOne      = 22.66,
                Quantity         = 100,
                Refundation      = 0.25
            var med4 = new Core.MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = Core.MedicineCategory.Normal,
                Name             = "fourth Medicine",
                PricePerOne      = 25.66,
                Quantity         = 40,
                Refundation      = 0.2
            var med5 = new Core.MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = Core.MedicineCategory.Normal,
                Name             = "fifth Medicine",
                PricePerOne      = 26.66,
                Quantity         = 10,
                Refundation      = 0.1
            var med6 = new Core.MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = Core.MedicineCategory.Normal,
                Name             = "sixth Medicine",
                PricePerOne      = 24.66,
                Quantity         = 100,
                Refundation      = 0.25

            .AddRange(new Core.MedicineOnStock [] { med1, med2, med3, med4, med5, med6 });

            var exMed1 = new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine
                StockMedicine = med1,
                Name          = med1.Name,
                PricePerOne   = med1.PricePerOne,
                Quantity      = 50,
            var exMed2 = new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine
                StockMedicine = med2,
                Name          = med2.Name,
                PricePerOne   = med2.PricePerOne,
                Quantity      = 50,
            var exMed3 = new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine
                StockMedicine = med3,
                Name          = med3.Name,
                PricePerOne   = med3.PricePerOne,
                Quantity      = 50,
            var exMed4 = new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine
                StockMedicine = med4,
                Name          = med4.Name,
                PricePerOne   = med4.PricePerOne,
                Quantity      = 50,
            var exMed5 = new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine
                StockMedicine = med5,
                Name          = med5.Name,
                PricePerOne   = med5.PricePerOne,
                Quantity      = 50,
            var exMed6 = new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine
                StockMedicine = med6,
                Name          = med6.Name,
                PricePerOne   = med6.PricePerOne,
                Quantity      = 50,

            .AddRange(new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine [] { exMed1, exMed2, exMed3, exMed4, exMed5, exMed6 });
            //dodane dzisiaj
            var sold1 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med1,
                PricePerOne   = med1.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 5
            var sold2 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med2,
                PricePerOne   = med2.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 20
            var sold3 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med3,
                PricePerOne   = med3.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 1

            dateProvider = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1); //wczoraj
            var sold4 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med1,
                PricePerOne   = med1.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 2
            var sold5 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med2,
                PricePerOne   = med2.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 24
            var sold6 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med3,
                PricePerOne   = med3.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 36

            dateProvider = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-2); // te nizej beda sprzed 2 dni
            var sold7 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med1,
                PricePerOne   = med1.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 3
            var sold8 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med2,
                PricePerOne   = med2.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 11
            var sold9 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med3,
                PricePerOne   = med3.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 12

            dateProvider = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7); // te nizej beda sprzed 7 dni, powinny byc
            var sold17 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med1,
                PricePerOne   = med1.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 30
            var sold18 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med2,
                PricePerOne   = med2.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 5
            var sold19 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med3,
                PricePerOne   = med3.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 47

            dateProvider = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-8); //daaawno temu, nie powinno byc tego na liscie
            var sold10 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med1,
                PricePerOne   = med1.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 10
            var sold11 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med2,
                PricePerOne   = med2.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 10
            var sold12 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med3,
                PricePerOne   = med3.PricePerOne,
                Date          = dateProvider,
                SoldQuantity  = 10

            .AddRange(new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine [] { sold1, sold2, sold3, sold4, sold5, sold6, sold7, sold8, sold9, sold10, sold11, sold12, sold17, sold18, sold19 });
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public GetUnverifiedPrescriptionsUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context, int pageSize = 5)
     this.context  = context;
     this.pageSize = pageSize;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public GetPrescriptionDetailsUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context, ILogger <GetPrescriptionDetailsUseCase> logger)
     this.context = context;
     this.logger  = logger;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void SetUp()
            context = new DrugstoreDbContext(options);
            var med1 = new Core.MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = Core.MedicineCategory.Normal,
                Name             = "F;irst Medicine",
                PricePerOne      = 25.66,
                Quantity         = 100,
                Refundation      = 0.2
            var med2 = new Core.MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = Core.MedicineCategory.Normal,
                Name             = "Second Medicine",
                PricePerOne      = 6.66,
                Quantity         = 100,
                Refundation      = 0.1
            var med3 = new Core.MedicineOnStock
                MedicineCategory = Core.MedicineCategory.Normal,
                Name             = "Third Medicine",
                PricePerOne      = 22.66,
                Quantity         = 100,
                Refundation      = 0.25

            .AddRange(new Core.MedicineOnStock [] { med1, med2, med3 });

            var exMed1 = new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine
                StockMedicine = med1,
                Name          = med1.Name,
                PricePerOne   = med1.PricePerOne,
                Quantity      = initialQuantity,
            var exMed2 = new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine
                StockMedicine = med2,
                Name          = med2.Name,
                PricePerOne   = med2.PricePerOne,
                Quantity      = initialQuantity,
            var exMed3 = new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine
                StockMedicine = med3,
                Name          = med3.Name,
                PricePerOne   = med3.PricePerOne,
                Quantity      = initialQuantity,

            .AddRange(new Core.ExternalDrugstoreMedicine [] { exMed1, exMed2, exMed3 });

            var sold1 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med1,
                PricePerOne   = med1.PricePerOne,
                Date          = DateTime.Now,
                SoldQuantity  = 10
            var sold2 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med2,
                PricePerOne   = med2.PricePerOne,
                Date          = DateTime.Now,
                SoldQuantity  = 10
            var sold3 = new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine
                StockMedicine = med3,
                PricePerOne   = med3.PricePerOne,
                Date          = DateTime.Now,
                SoldQuantity  = 10

            .AddRange(new ExternalDrugstoreSoldMedicine [] { sold1, sold2, sold3 });

            supply = new XmlMedicineSupplyModel
                Medicines = new List <XmlMedicineModel>
                    new XmlMedicineModel
                        StockId  = med1.ID,
                        Quantity = 10,
                    new XmlMedicineModel
                        StockId  = med2.ID,
                        Quantity = 10,
                    new XmlMedicineModel
                        StockId  = med3.ID,
                        Quantity = 20,
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public DeletePrescriptionUseCase(DrugstoreDbContext context, ILogger <DeletePrescriptionUseCase> logger)
     this.context = context;
     this.logger  = logger;