Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ApplyTearing()
            ObiDistanceConstraintBatch distanceBatch = DistanceConstraints.GetBatches()[0] as ObiDistanceConstraintBatch;

            float[] forces = new float[distanceBatch.ConstraintCount];
            Oni.GetBatchConstraintForces(distanceBatch.OniBatch, forces, distanceBatch.ConstraintCount, 0);

            List <int> tearedEdges = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < forces.Length; i++)
                float p1Resistance = tearResistance[distanceBatch.springIndices[i * 2]];
                float p2Resistance = tearResistance[distanceBatch.springIndices[i * 2 + 1]];

                // average particle resistances:
                float resistance = (p1Resistance + p2Resistance) * 0.5f * tearResistanceMultiplier;

                if (-forces[i] * 1000 > resistance)          // units are kilonewtons.

            if (tearedEdges.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < tearedEdges.Count; i++)

                // update active bending constraints:

                // update solver deformable triangle indices:

                // upload active particle list to solver:
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * Tears a cloth distance constraint, affecting both the physical representation of the cloth and its mesh.
        public void Tear(int constraintIndex)
            if (topology == null)

            // don't allow splitting if there are no free particles left in the pool.
            if (usedParticles >= sharedMesh.vertexCount + pooledVertices)

            // get involved constraint batches:
            ObiDistanceConstraintBatch distanceBatch = (ObiDistanceConstraintBatch)DistanceConstraints.GetBatches()[0];
            ObiBendConstraintBatch     bendingBatch  = (ObiBendConstraintBatch)BendingConstraints.GetBatches()[0];

            // get particle indices at both ends of the constraint:
            int splitIndex  = distanceBatch.springIndices[constraintIndex * 2];
            int intactIndex = distanceBatch.springIndices[constraintIndex * 2 + 1];

            // we will split the particle with higher mass, so swap them if needed.
            if (invMasses[splitIndex] > invMasses[intactIndex])
                int aux = splitIndex;
                splitIndex  = intactIndex;
                intactIndex = aux;

            // Calculate the splitting plane in local space:
            Vector3 v1     = transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(solver.renderablePositions[particleIndices[splitIndex]]);
            Vector3 v2     = transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(solver.renderablePositions[particleIndices[intactIndex]]);
            Vector3 normal = (v2 - v1).normalized;

            int numUpdatedHalfEdges = maxVertexValency;

            int[] updatedHalfEdges = new int[numUpdatedHalfEdges];

            // Try to split the vertex at that particle.
            // If we cannot not split the higher mass particle, try the other one. If that fails too, we cannot tear this edge.
            if (invMasses[splitIndex] == 0 ||
                !Oni.TearDeformableMeshAtVertex(deformableMesh, splitIndex, ref v1, ref normal, updatedHalfEdges, ref numUpdatedHalfEdges))
                // Try to split the other particle:
                int aux = splitIndex;
                splitIndex  = intactIndex;
                intactIndex = aux;

                v1     = transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(solver.renderablePositions[particleIndices[splitIndex]]);
                v2     = transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(solver.renderablePositions[particleIndices[intactIndex]]);
                normal = (v2 - v1).normalized;

                if (invMasses[splitIndex] == 0 ||
                    !Oni.TearDeformableMeshAtVertex(deformableMesh, splitIndex, ref v1, ref normal, updatedHalfEdges, ref numUpdatedHalfEdges))

            // identify weak points around the cut:
            int   weakPt1            = -1;
            int   weakPt2            = -1;
            float weakestValue       = float.MaxValue;
            float secondWeakestValue = float.MaxValue;

            foreach (Oni.Vertex v in topology.GetNeighbourVerticesEnumerator(topology.heVertices[splitIndex]))
                Vector3 neighbour = transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(solver.renderablePositions[particleIndices[v.index]]);
                float   weakness  = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(normal, (neighbour - v1).normalized));

                if (weakness < weakestValue)
                    secondWeakestValue = weakestValue;
                    weakestValue       = weakness;
                    weakPt2            = weakPt1;
                    weakPt1            = v.index;
                else if (weakness < secondWeakestValue)
                    secondWeakestValue = weakness;
                    weakPt2            = v.index;

            // reduce tear resistance at the weak spots of the cut, to encourage coherent tear formation.
            if (weakPt1 >= 0)
                tearResistance[weakPt1] *= 1 - tearDebilitation;
            if (weakPt2 >= 0)
                tearResistance[weakPt2] *= 1 - tearDebilitation;


            // halve the mass and radius of the original particle:
            invMasses[splitIndex]  *= 2;
            solidRadii[splitIndex] *= 0.5f;

            // copy the new particle data in the actor and solver arrays:
            positions[usedParticles]        = positions[splitIndex];
            velocities[usedParticles]       = velocities[splitIndex];
            active[usedParticles]           = active[splitIndex];
            invMasses[usedParticles]        = invMasses[splitIndex];
            solidRadii[usedParticles]       = solidRadii[splitIndex];
            phases[usedParticles]           = phases[splitIndex];
            areaContribution[usedParticles] = areaContribution[splitIndex];
            tearResistance[usedParticles]   = tearResistance[splitIndex];
            restPositions[usedParticles]    = positions[splitIndex];
            restPositions[usedParticles][3] = 0;     // activate rest position.


            // update solver particle data:
            Vector4[] velocity = { Vector4.zero };
            Oni.GetParticleVelocities(solver.OniSolver, velocity, 1, particleIndices[splitIndex]);
            Oni.SetParticleVelocities(solver.OniSolver, velocity, 1, particleIndices[usedParticles]);

            Vector4[] position = { Vector4.zero };
            Oni.GetParticlePositions(solver.OniSolver, position, 1, particleIndices[splitIndex]);
            Oni.SetParticlePositions(solver.OniSolver, position, 1, particleIndices[usedParticles]);

            Oni.SetParticleInverseMasses(solver.OniSolver, new float[] { invMasses[splitIndex] }, 1, particleIndices[usedParticles]);
            Oni.SetParticleSolidRadii(solver.OniSolver, new float[] { solidRadii[splitIndex] }, 1, particleIndices[usedParticles]);
            Oni.SetParticlePhases(solver.OniSolver, new int[] { phases[splitIndex] }, 1, particleIndices[usedParticles]);


            // update distance constraints:
            for (int i = 0; i < numUpdatedHalfEdges; ++i)
                int          halfEdgeIndex = updatedHalfEdges[i];
                Oni.HalfEdge e             = topology.heHalfEdges[halfEdgeIndex];

                // find start and end vertex indices for this edge:
                int startVertex = topology.GetHalfEdgeStartVertex(topology.heHalfEdges[halfEdgeIndex]);
                int endVertex   = topology.heHalfEdges[halfEdgeIndex].endVertex;

                if (distanceConstraintMap[halfEdgeIndex] > -1)          // update existing edge

                    distanceBatch.springIndices[distanceConstraintMap[halfEdgeIndex] * 2]     = startVertex;
                    distanceBatch.springIndices[distanceConstraintMap[halfEdgeIndex] * 2 + 1] = endVertex;
                else if (topology.IsSplit(halfEdgeIndex))           // new edge

                    int pairConstraintIndex = distanceConstraintMap[topology.heHalfEdges[halfEdgeIndex].pair];

                    // update constraint-edge map:
                    distanceConstraintMap[halfEdgeIndex] = distanceBatch.restLengths.Count;

                    // add the new constraint:

                // update deformable triangles:
                if (e.indexInFace > -1)
                    deformableTriangles[e.face * 3 + e.indexInFace] = e.endVertex;

            if (splitIndex < bendConstraintOffsets.Length - 1)
                // deactivate bend constraints that contain the split vertex...

                // ...at the center:
                for (int i = bendConstraintOffsets[splitIndex]; i < bendConstraintOffsets[splitIndex + 1]; ++i)

                // ...at one end:
                foreach (Oni.Vertex v in topology.GetNeighbourVerticesEnumerator(topology.heVertices[splitIndex]))
                    if (v.index < bendConstraintOffsets.Length - 1)
                        for (int i = bendConstraintOffsets[v.index]; i < bendConstraintOffsets[v.index + 1]; ++i)
                            if (bendingBatch.bendingIndices[i * 3] == splitIndex || bendingBatch.bendingIndices[i * 3 + 1] == splitIndex)

            // Create new aerodynamic constraint:

             *                                                                                Vector3.up,
             *                                                                                aerodynamicConstraints.windVector,
             *                                                                                areaContribution[newParticle[0]],
             *                                            aerodynamicConstraints.dragCoefficient,
             *                                            aerodynamicConstraints.liftCoefficient);*/