Ejemplo n.º 1
        // SxS note: AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule() below may be using name which is not SxS safe.
        // This file is written only for internal tracing/debugging purposes. In retail builds persistAsm
        // will be always false and the file should never be written. As a result it's fine just to supress
        // the the SxS warning.
        public XmlILModule(bool useLRE, bool emitSymbols)
            AssemblyName    asmName;
            AssemblyBuilder asmBldr;
            ModuleBuilder   modBldr;

            Debug.Assert(!(useLRE && emitSymbols));

            _useLRE      = useLRE;
            _emitSymbols = emitSymbols;
            _persistAsm  = false;

            // Index all methods added to this module by unique name
            _methods = new Hashtable();

            if (!useLRE)
                // 1. If assembly needs to support debugging, then it must be saved and re-loaded (rule of CLR)
                // 2. Get path of temp directory, where assembly will be saved
                // 3. Never allow assembly to Assert permissions
                asmName = CreateAssemblyName();

                if (XmlILTrace.IsEnabled)
                    this.modFile    = "System.Xml.Xsl.CompiledQuery";
                    this.persistAsm = true;

                asmBldr = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly(
                    asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);

                // Add custom attribute to assembly marking it as security transparent so that Assert will not be allowed
                // and link demands will be converted to full demands.
                asmBldr.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(XmlILConstructors.Transparent, new object[] { }));

                if (emitSymbols)
                    // Create mapping from source document to symbol writer
                    _urlToSymWriter = new Hashtable();

                    // Add DebuggableAttribute to assembly so that debugging is a better experience
                    DebuggingModes debuggingModes = DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations;
                    asmBldr.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(XmlILConstructors.Debuggable, new object[] { debuggingModes }));

                // Create ModuleBuilder
                if (_persistAsm)
                    modBldr = asmBldr.DefineDynamicModule("System.Xml.Xsl.CompiledQuery");
                    modBldr = asmBldr.DefineDynamicModule("System.Xml.Xsl.CompiledQuery"); //, this.modFile + ".dll", emitSymbols); //BinCompat TODO
                _typeBldr = modBldr.DefineType("System.Xml.Xsl.CompiledQuery.Query", TypeAttributes.Public);
Ejemplo n.º 2
		// Public Instance Constructors
		public DebuggableAttribute(bool isJITTrackingEnabled, bool isJITOptimizerDisabled)
			JITTrackingEnabledFlag = isJITTrackingEnabled;
			JITOptimizerDisabledFlag = isJITOptimizerDisabled;

			if (isJITTrackingEnabled) 
				debuggingModes |= DebuggingModes.Default;
			if (isJITOptimizerDisabled) 
                               debuggingModes |= DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public DebuggableAttribute(bool isJITTrackingEnabled, bool isJITOptimizerDisabled)
     this.m_debuggingModes = DebuggingModes.None;
     if (isJITTrackingEnabled)
         this.m_debuggingModes |= DebuggingModes.Default;
     if (isJITOptimizerDisabled)
         this.m_debuggingModes |= DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public DebuggableAttribute(bool isJITTrackingEnabled, bool isJITOptimizerDisabled)
     this.m_debuggingModes = DebuggingModes.None;
     if (isJITTrackingEnabled)
         this.m_debuggingModes |= DebuggingModes.Default;
     if (isJITOptimizerDisabled)
         this.m_debuggingModes |= DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public DebuggableAttribute(bool enableJITTracking,
                            bool disableJITOptimizer)
     debuggingFlags = DebuggingModes.None;
     if (enableJITTracking)
         debuggingFlags |= DebuggingModes.Default;
     if (disableJITOptimizer)
         debuggingFlags |= DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations;
	public DebuggableAttribute(bool enableJITTracking,
							   bool disableJITOptimizer)
				debuggingFlags = DebuggingModes.None;
					debuggingFlags |= DebuggingModes.Default;
					debuggingFlags |= DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations;
        // Public Instance Constructors
        public DebuggableAttribute(bool isJITTrackingEnabled, bool isJITOptimizerDisabled)
            JITTrackingEnabledFlag   = isJITTrackingEnabled;
            JITOptimizerDisabledFlag = isJITOptimizerDisabled;

            if (isJITTrackingEnabled)
                debuggingModes |= DebuggingModes.Default;

            if (isJITOptimizerDisabled)
                debuggingModes |= DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // SxS note: AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule() below may be using name which is not SxS safe.
        // This file is written only for internal tracing/debugging purposes. In retail builds persistAsm
        // will be always false and the file should never be written. As a result it's fine just to suppress
        // the SxS warning.
        public XmlILModule(bool useLRE, bool emitSymbols)
            AssemblyName    asmName;
            AssemblyBuilder asmBldr;
            ModuleBuilder   modBldr;

            Debug.Assert(!(useLRE && emitSymbols));

            _useLRE      = useLRE;
            _emitSymbols = emitSymbols;

            // Index all methods added to this module by unique name
            _methods = new Hashtable();

            if (!useLRE)
                // 1. If assembly needs to support debugging, then it must be saved and re-loaded (rule of CLR)
                // 2. Get path of temp directory, where assembly will be saved
                // 3. Never allow assembly to Assert permissions
                asmName = CreateAssemblyName();

                asmBldr = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly(
                    asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);

                // Add custom attribute to assembly marking it as security transparent so that Assert will not be allowed
                // and link demands will be converted to full demands.
                asmBldr.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(XmlILConstructors.Transparent, Array.Empty <object>()));

                if (emitSymbols)
                    // Add DebuggableAttribute to assembly so that debugging is a better experience
                    DebuggingModes debuggingModes = DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations;
                    asmBldr.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(XmlILConstructors.Debuggable, new object[] { debuggingModes }));

                // Create ModuleBuilder
                modBldr = asmBldr.DefineDynamicModule("System.Xml.Xsl.CompiledQuery");

                _typeBldr = modBldr.DefineType("System.Xml.Xsl.CompiledQuery.Query", TypeAttributes.Public);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes)
     debuggingModes           = modes;
     JITTrackingEnabledFlag   = (debuggingModes & DebuggingModes.Default) != 0;
     JITOptimizerDisabledFlag = (debuggingModes & DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations) != 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 // Constructors.
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes)
     debuggingFlags = modes;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes mode)
     this.mode = mode;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes)
Ejemplo n.º 15
		public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes) {
			debuggingModes = modes;
			JITTrackingEnabledFlag = (debuggingModes & DebuggingModes.Default) != 0;
			JITOptimizerDisabledFlag = (debuggingModes & DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations) != 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes an assembly to read its attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyFile">Path to the assembly.</param>
        /// <returns>Attributes from the assembly.</returns>
        public static AssemblyAttributes ReadAssembly(string assemblyFile)
            AssemblyAttributes attribs = new AssemblyAttributes();

            attribs.FileName = new FileInfo(assemblyFile).Name;

            Assembly reflectedAssembly;

                reflectedAssembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(assemblyFile);
            catch (BadImageFormatException)
                // Not a valid asssembly
                attribs.IsManagedAssembly = false;
            catch (FileLoadException)
                // Not a .Net managed assembly
                attribs.IsManagedAssembly = false;

            attribs.IsManagedAssembly = true;

            // If the 'DebuggableAttribute' is not found then it is definitely an OPTIMIZED build
            attribs.BuildType   = "Release";
            attribs.DebugOutput = "Full";

            attribs.Version = reflectedAssembly.GetName().Version;

            IList <CustomAttributeData> list = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(reflectedAssembly);

            foreach (CustomAttributeData data in list)
                if (data.AttributeType == typeof(DebuggableAttribute))
                    attribs.HasDebuggableAttribute = true;

                    // Just because the 'DebuggableAttribute' is found doesn't necessarily mean
                    // it's a DEBUG build; we have to check the JIT Optimization flag
                    // i.e. it could have the "generate PDB" checked but have JIT Optimization enabled
                    DebuggingModes modes = (DebuggingModes)data.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
                    attribs.IsJitOptimized = (modes & DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations) != DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations;
                    attribs.BuildType      = attribs.IsJitOptimized ? "Release" : "Debug";

                    // check for Debug Output "full" or "pdb-only"
                    attribs.DebugOutput = (modes & DebuggingModes.Default) != DebuggingModes.None ? "Full" : "pdb-only";

                else if (data.AttributeType == typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute))
                    Version ver;
                    if (Version.TryParse((string)data.ConstructorArguments[0].Value, out ver))
                        attribs.FileVersion = ver;
                else if (data.AttributeType == typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute))
                    attribs.Company = (string)data.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
                else if (data.AttributeType == typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute))
                    attribs.Copyright = (string)data.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;

            ////object[] customAttribs = reflectedAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DebuggableAttribute), false);

            ////// If the 'DebuggableAttribute' is not found then it is definitely an OPTIMIZED build
            ////if (customAttribs.Length > 0)
            ////    // Just because the 'DebuggableAttribute' is found doesn't necessarily mean
            ////    // it's a DEBUG build; we have to check the JIT Optimization flag
            ////    // i.e. it could have the "generate PDB" checked but have JIT Optimization enabled
            ////    DebuggableAttribute debuggableAttribute = customAttribs[0] as DebuggableAttribute;
            ////    if (debuggableAttribute != null)
            ////    {
            ////        attribs.HasDebuggableAttribute = true;
            ////        attribs.IsJitOptimized = !debuggableAttribute.IsJITOptimizerDisabled;
            ////        attribs.BuildType = attribs.IsJitOptimized ? "Release" : "Debug";

            ////        // check for Debug Output "full" or "pdb-only"
            ////        attribs.DebugOutput = (debuggableAttribute.DebuggingFlags & DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default) != DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.None ? "Full" : "pdb-only";
            ////    }
            ////    attribs.BuildType = "Release";
            ////    attribs.DebugOutput = "Full";

            ////customAttribs = reflectedAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), false);
            ////if (customAttribs.Length > 0)
            ////    attribs.FileVersion = Version.Parse((customAttribs[0] as AssemblyFileVersionAttribute).Version);

            ////attribs.Version = reflectedAssembly.GetName().Version;

            ////customAttribs = reflectedAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute), false);
            ////if (customAttribs.Length > 0)
            ////    attribs.Company = (customAttribs[0] as AssemblyCompanyAttribute).Company;

            ////customAttribs = reflectedAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false);
            ////if (customAttribs.Length > 0)
            ////    attribs.Copyright = (customAttribs[0] as AssemblyCopyrightAttribute).Copyright;

Ejemplo n.º 17
 public extern DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes)
     this.m_debuggingModes = modes;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes mode)
     this.mode = mode;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes) => this.m_debuggingModes = modes;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes)
     m_debuggingModes = modes;
	// Constructors.
	public DebuggableAttribute(DebuggingModes modes)
				debuggingFlags = modes;